How Priya Hall's Nan First Met Her Girlfriend | Comedy Central Live

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oh you're Indian what do your Indian family think about you being queer and that's a weird question for me because I have to answer it and be like well the reality is they're fine with it because they don't know my name is kriya I'll tell you a little bit about myself um I'm half Welsh and I'm half Indian that's what this is apparently if you mix a Welsh person or an Indian person you end up with the ghost of a Victorian child why does she dress this way who's to know I like I like being Welsh and Indian though I grew up with so many different languages and cultures I want to tell you something about my granddad on my Indian side my Grandad is a polyglot he speaks five languages he my granddad speaks Punjabi Hindi Urdu Swahili and English English is its fifth language and you'd never know it from speaking to him because he's so fluent um and the way that he learns to be so fluent in these languages is when he's learning he won't do it in an academic way what he'll do is find cultural reference points to focus on and pick up lots of colloquialisms and stuff so he sounds more fluent than he is and in the 90s my Grandad got obsessed with the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air in a big way he calls it the prince of fresher I love it and what that means is that now my little eight-year-old Indian Granddad will sometimes sort of walk into a room he'll go to drink his cup of tea he'll realize it's gone cold and he'll say something really fun he'll say something like that's whack it is right Grandad you're right cool I think it's a really weird time to be old I'll say it I've got sympathy for old people I think it's a weird time to be old lots of things are changing they've got a lot to contend with um for example I've had a lot of Life Changes recently uh and one of those Life Changes is that um I started seeing a tiny little lesbian now when I say seeing I mean dating not like hallucinating she is real I have checked she's not a ghost but if I did have to describe her as a ghost I'd describe her as a reverse Poltergeist because everywhere I go I might fall out she's doing DIY she's got her own toolbox and that's not euphemism it's great it's great but when I started going out with her what I found myself to I've known for a really long time that I'm bisexual but I'm also very lazy so I never bothered telling anyone I was like I'll just wear dark mountains every day and they'll get the hint but they didn't and what I've now found myself doing is like drive by coming out just to explain who this person is because I can't just walk everywhere with the tiny little lesbian behind me but like don't look at her look at her she doesn't like it so recently I had to come out to my nan now my nan is great she's 87 years old she's very liberal as well she's got like a new hip and a criminal record she's cool but I was still nervous about coming out to her I was like she's still an 87 year old woman from The Valleys I don't know how she's going to react um and it was fine I came out to her and it was all fine and the only thing she said was that she was a bit worried that without a man in the picture I would have no one to look after me if you were ever looking for someone to look after you would it be a man No One's Gonna provide for you better than a lesbian with toxic masculinity it's all fine now though because my Nan's met my girlfriend and what happened was it was a really lovely sunny day it was in the middle of summer and my name was looking out at a garden and it was so sunny and she was like oh I need my lawn mode but none of my lovely grandsons are here to do it for me and my girlfriend's eyes lit up and she poked up out of nowhere oh I can mow your lawn for you Sheila I might not looked at her as though she had three heads my nan was so confused and what that means is I got the privilege of watching my 87 year old man watching a tiny little lesbian mow her lawn and it was the best thing I've ever seen before in my life it was like you know those videos where orangutans see close-up magic for the first time I didn't know they could do that they can they can a long story short she's in the market of one of her own if anyone's interested when people find out I'm queer I get a bit of a weird reaction sometimes they'll often go oh you're Indian what do your Indian family think about you being queer and that's a weird question for me because I have to answer it and be like well the reality is they're fine with it because they don't know I can't reject you if you never give them the chance but Bria you're literally on stage talking about it I said it was closeted I didn't say I was good at it okay if that joke is no longer relevant actually because I came out to my Indian grandparents recently ooh spicy what happened was I did a Diwali geek uh give me a trip if you know what Diwali is I'm very proud of you I did a Diwali gig and I it was to all Indian people and I made a joke on stage being like if any of you are in a WhatsApp group with my Grandad shut up it turns out one of them was in a WhatsApp group with my grandad and I was like I need to get ahead of the situation so I called him to come out and I said Granddad I'm queer I'm in a relationship with a woman and he said that's dope I've been pretty cool you've been lovely tonight
Channel: Comedy Central UK
Views: 23,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comedy central, comedy central uk, comedy central stand up, comedy, comedy stars, comedy gold, comedy clips, comedy jokes, comedy show, comedy series, comedy video 2022, Comedy central live 2023, british comedy, comedy central live, stand up comedy, stand up, priya hall, lqbtq, lgbt, pride, coming out, coming out stories, queer, queer comedy, priya hall comedian, priya hall writer, priya hall comedy show, pria hall, priya hall coming out
Id: iym4rS5WT8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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