Fake Millionaires Are Taking Over YouTube!

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then I ran to my mom and screamed we are rich we are rich I was so excited I couldn't control myself and started dancing for no reason my mom thought I was joking and told me to calm down and to bring out the trash okay we have a lot to unpack here but first we have to talk a bit about the history of animation on YouTube the YouTube algorithm has always been a complete mystery to all of us as someone who makes animation myself I've seen it change throughout the years from promoting animated videos for their high production entertainment value to completely burying them under piles of vlogs and pranks and let's just say easily churned out content it was a time in 2014 when animators were wondering whether they even had a future on the platform at all because of this it's kind of too hard to work on now for animators you'll be seeing less like you know crazy an animated number of factors one is frequency of upload the other is length of the frequent uploads for an independent animation channel are incredibly unreasonable because YouTube has very recently changed their payment format from a per view monetization this system into a watch tie monetization system and then something happened around 2016 when all of a sudden animation started being pushed a lot more nobody knows why how or what happened but with a proverbial push of the button the algorithm started favoring animation once again and of all the animated subgenres story time animation in particular benefited the most I've never owned a pet until last year when I got you know I never really understood trigger words until I got roommates no this is all charming and wonderful except as is the case with everything there was a flip side to this coin you see whenever something thrives copycats wannabes and ridiculously low production clones pollute the medium and I'm not even talking about fox goodman here who is a notorious tracer I'm talking about entire channels that upload made-up story time videos with ridiculous plots like share my story with almost 2 million subscribers my story animated with 2.3 million actually happened which is in all caps by the way so it must have actually happened right this one has 3.7 million subscribers and these channels are getting hundreds of millions of views every month the upload frequency is insane a regular animator takes about a month to finish a video this channel uploads an animated video literally every single day it's over the machines have already won there's an entire sub-genre of videos all titled I became a millionaire at age blank it's always a very young age like 17 or 15 and it always follows the exact same pattern like this one for example the thumbnail alone is straight out of a fever dream let's take a look I grew up in an average family me mom dad and two of my siblings were remarkable in any way but we were still happy and got along with each other that is until my father died okay what not even 10 seconds in so wait he got shot and then his arms fell off the mother doesn't give a [ __ ] apparently she just washes the dishes with a smile on her face while one of her kids turns into spider-man I can only imagine how horrified my mother was three kids no work experience no degree and no one to help her out all my grandparents died long ago she didn't gave up though okay so she applies for a job and the boss who we know is the boss because of this huge sign behind him that says boss takes her resume in his gigantic hand hugs it and then throws it in the garbage you know as every employer does when you apply for a job some assistant walks in excuse me mr. boss you have an important conference call on line two he's like can't you see I'm busy here I've got all these resumes to throw in the garbage the people from the utilities services caught the hating to our apartment the weather was frigid but the winter had barely begun so this guy is coming to their house to cut the heating with a giant pair of scissors and what's even more frustrating is that he doesn't even use it he just puts his hand on the installation and his utility Manpower's he stops the heating what are you holding scissors at all I skipped school since helping my mother was more important after standing behind a counter in bitter cold I got pneumonia thankfully wasn't too bad the important thing was discovering a head and neck for trade I'm sorry what she got pneumonia or as she calls it pneumonia but apparently it was worth it because she discovered she's good at selling things this story is so fake I can't when you have pneumonia you don't just coffee few times in between selling jugs of gasoline or whatever she's selling here you get fever sweating and shaking chills stabbing chest pain nausea and vomiting especially in small children which this person supposedly is look I'm gonna spare you the rest of the video the story goes she makes some money from selling all of this crap she opens a gym becomes very successful and then she and her family you live happily ever after today I am 19 I owned the best fitness center in our town and several sports nutrition stores my dream has come true my mom is an amateur florist we sold our old flat and used the money I made to buy a small house with a huge backyard my brother's studying a good school and soon they will apply for prestigious colleges you would think that with all that money she would probably buy her twin brothers separate books to read from but I guess them right I got pneumonia trying to buy us a house okay the least you can do is spy your own goddamn books and finally the video ends with an inspirational message that you two can chase your dreams and get your very own sign that says boss on it still not big as the other guy though just saying now you might be thinking under day come on what if it's a real story aren't you being a bit harsh and if that's the case I'm guessing the following video is real as well today I'm 19 years old and I now own the best fitness center in town and to nutrition stores I bought a big house for my family and me to live in there's a large yard in the back and my mother is a gardener it's the same story it's the same goddamn story I can't and then there's this obnoxious kid with another totally real millionaire story I was always told I was pretty smart I guess it must be because I got into programming at a really young age but I don't like bragging I don't like bragging don't want groggy it's like they're not even trying why would you make your main character so unlikable why aside from the terrible animation that's probably outsourced from websites like Fiverr all of these stories follow the exact same beats there is a kid coming from a poor family in some nondescript country that are mysteriously smarter than everyone else they start a business they become wildly successful really fast because apparently being a teenager and starting a business cancels out all the grown-up competition out there who you know is supposed to have more experience and resources whatever somehow the kid beats all the competition they make a million dollars exactly on the dot like they actually get a check for 1 million dollars otherwise the title of the video wouldn't make sense you know and then finally they give the money back to the parents who supported their dreams all along because we need a wholesome moral of the story to make the video more shareable now you may be wondering how come channels like these are allowed to just put up these clearly made up or exaggerated stories and churn them out every single day it's a repetitive content its inauthentic it barely abides by YouTube's policies it's right at the cusp it's one millimeter outside of what would technically break the repetitious content policy and the way they get away with this is by pretending to crowdsource these stories all of these channels claim to take stories from their audience do you have any exciting real-life stories that you would like to share send your short story to our email address and we will do our best to animate it our viewers will be able to see your story on their smartphone screen tablets and PCs they will share it with their relatives and friends first of all that sounds like a bunch of aliens got together and brainstormed how to write that one paragraph and second of all how many millionaires do you have in your audience how many millionaires take time out of their business to send in their life stories to these random-ass channels you know what we should do wilfer we should start our own story time channel and start churning out these made-up stories ourselves let's see I became a millionaire at age 5 no scratch that 3 try to top that parentheses o M gee upload I was born a homeless boy my parents could not afford me so they put me in a basket and let me go on a river a family of geese discovered me and took care of me I became one of them but I was smarter than them I don't mean to brag I taught the geese how to do mathematics in return they gave me feathers for the math lessons a farm nearby discovered my big brain and they wanted to buy all my feathers they gave me check for 1 million dollars it was amazing I used half of it to buy a giant boss sign and the second half I gave to my goose parents for supporting my dream but unfortunately they ate all the dollar bills because they don't have the concept of money the end millions of views here we come now to switch topics a little bit I wanted to give you guys a little update as you may have noticed I've been missing for a while and the main thing that happened in the meantime is this channel has won a Streamy award for best animated content in 2019 and the street he goes to tur baya andre bay thank you I'm grateful to everyone who voted for me to get nominated over the last summer but while all of this is exciting and great I feel like now more than ever it's time to get back to work and focus on making the content that I'm proud of and that you guys have gotten to appreciate 2019 was a great year for this channel we still have a lot of work ahead of us in 2020 and with your support I'm gonna continue on this amazing journey thank you for being part of it as always thank you for watching and we'll see you again very soon [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 7,581,848
Rating: 4.9530015 out of 5
Keywords: @andreiterbea, andrei terbea, andrei terbea animation, animated, millionaire, i became a millionaire, millionaire at 15, millionaire at 17, how to become a millionaire, actually happened, story time animated, my story, share my story, animated channels, andrei and wilfur, wilfur, cringe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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