How OP Is Deku? Every One For All Quirk Explained | My Hero Academia Season 5

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How overpowered is Deku? You mean even more powers  are coming? That's right you just found out Deku   has more juicy quirks to unlock so let's dive  into what they are plus the past One for All users.   Along with the dark secret for Deku so go  ahead and Detroit smash that like and subscribe!   New anime videos every Friday and let's dive into  this going down the hero to Christmas tree of quirk   presents in the order that Deku got these bad  boys. Starting out with the fun one in the anime   the black whip. You got Deku generating black  energy for grappling and sticking onto stuff.   The black whip quirk originally belonged to the  fifth user Daigoro Banjo. He's quite the buff dude   with strapped on ammo. In the past he actually  used his quirk to swung around on buildings.   He's also known for having resisted having his  quirks stolen by All for One. Appearance wise you can   tell it screams out being an obvious reference  to freaking Hell-boy. They even share some of the   same personality traits. Later on Daigoro is seen  materialized next to Deku actually looking at   what's going on outside the body so could this  guy be classified as a sidekick now? Recently in   the anime you saw Deku lose control of the black  whip but isn't that always what happens at first.   Later on in battle Deku has been able to use a  black whip to actually capture a few cars mid   air. That is some really sticky stuff. Even better  Deku has demonstrated quite the reveal with it too.   You had Deku unleashing something big and black  out of his mouth. I bet the ladies loved that move.  Even more impressive was Deku using this big black  and sticky stuff to bind multiple heroes midair.   Can't let them fall down so good luck trying to  explain that away Deku. Deku has even turned it   into a hero move. So let me say what we're all  thinking he's using it like freaking Spider-man.   Deku actually uses to launch himself forward. Can  you imagine how Deku is going to use this next?   The potential seems limitless for Deku's  imagination. Next quirk Float which simply   allows the user to keep himself in the air. Sorry  kiddo and not exactly soaring in the sky although   really it's not like Deku is crying over this  minor detail. You actually know the user well   it's from the seventh user the lovely Nana. At this  point he got him pretty acquainted with Nana over   all the flashbacks. I always found it interesting  how Nana seems to resemble Deku's mom a little.   Given Nana's past Deku at this point should be  quite knowledgeable about her history including   her near flight ability. Just think about it Gran  Torino and his power makes a lot more sense now. If   you're a sidekick you gotta be fast to keep up with  her. For the actual float ability one part I just   loved is how Deku went looking for help. I mean who  better to ask? That's right you got Ochako helping   Deku train. Oh yes an excuse for some green  tea moments. In the current story Deku has used   this float ability to propel himself using a super  jump. Move aside Mario but seriously the biggest   feat for Deku's majestic floating is actually  something you just saw. While Deku was lassoing   some heroes he was doing that in combination  with using Float to keep them suspended in the air.   hmm wonder what the weight limit is. Quirk number  three Danger Sense oh yes Deku has his own special   tingle. This handy dandy quirk allows Deku to  detect incoming danger around him. The only   drawback is Deku feeling a bit of pain in his head  and body. Perhaps it's just his body reacting. So   far there has been no distance limitation given  for how far Deku could sense incoming danger.   You know they're gonna have to establish this  eventually which has already likely been amplified.   There is also the question of what exactly  triggers something as a threat or a non-issue. I   mean just imagine someone sneezing or coughing and  then this goes off. This quirk originally belonged   to the fourth user Hikage Shinomori. Look at this  guy's scratch the face it almost looks like a mask.   Besides All Might this guy is actually the oldest  confirmed One for All user at age 40. 40 being when   he expired. For the actual quirk naturally Deku  has used it to get away. Deku has actually used   it to barely evade getting smashed by the world's  top Sniper waifu and let me just put it out   there this is almost obviously inspired from  Spider-man spidy-sense. Let's just hope it's   not that overpowered although think about it if  it wasn't overpowered before this Danger Sense   quirk should be enhanced for Deku's usage now. Next quirk number four Smoke Screen. Did Deku   just turn into a freaking Pokemon? With the  smoke screen Deku releases some serious gas.   The past user has mentioned releasing too much is  a risky move. The smoke screen also doesn't really   spread in the rain so watch out for that rain  dance Deku. Naturally Deku has used it for the most   obvious thing which is really to just buy himself  some time. This quirk belonged to the six user and   clothing style this guy may remind you of Jeanist. Don't be surprised if he was some distant family   or who knows there could possibly just be some  hero inspiration. Notably Deku has used this as his   counter-attack when falling whether was to break  the fall, plan the next attack or both. Next quirk   number five Fa Jin. This quirk is meant to build  up energy and then allow the user to release it.   Deku has been shown moving around quickly and  then stockpiling and saving energy. This quirk   belonged to the third user this bandana dude. Come  on physically this guide freaking screams Renji.   So far in story Deku has used this in combination  with Gran Torino's cape which is to blast himself   actually into the air and capture this thick lady  but wait there's more. Deku has taken advantage of   this energy buildup to temporarily reach prime  All Might state. Deku has cleverly made use of this   energy quirk to mimic All Might. For example  like letting off a bootleg 100 Manchester Smash   or how about this generic 100 dash forward. Just  know the energy buildup has allowed Deku to   avoid a kickback. Don't worry your body's fine  for now. Who said you needed a loli backpack?   Next work one that people tend to overlook. Perhaps  this should be called quirk zero. It's actually from   the very first user recall Yoichi Shiganaki.  The original quirk being transferring his own   quirk to another person which really allowed  this whole transfer power to even take place.  Next up not a one for all quirk but a user All  Might the eighth user. So far this guy has been the   longest holder for 40 years. You may recall that  he quickly adapted to his new power and of course   eventually became known as the number one most  powerful hero. Thankfully All Might started quirkless. If   only All Might was still at his prime. I mean for  this guy forget about needing seven other quirks   he was practically superman at his prime. All Might so  far has been the only One for All user to lose out   the power completely while at the same time being  alive with his successor. I guess technically All   Might could last for like 5 seconds. That's enough  for some people. For better for worse All Might has   currently been downgraded to the supporter father  type of role which means it's currently on team   Deku making bentos for his kiddo. At the very least  All Might still has his kick-ass expensive car Hercules.   it''s going to be cry time when we eventually  lose him. Next up as an honorable mention I do have   to mention Bakugo. Does he count as a 10th user? In  the second My Hero Academia movie Bakugo actually   got One for All to go super saiyan mode. Of course  his power helped to amplify his own blasting quirk   but honestly was this truly a one time thing? Let  me know if you think this beef up Bakugo   will return. Next up one remaining mystery quirk.  Any guesses for the remaining power? Inside of   Deku's mind or soul or for the One for All power  world you were initially greeted with two of the   guys facing the wall. Since that meeting it has  been confirmed that these guys did not approve   of Deku unlike the rest of the past One for All  users but given enough time they've come around.  Which means currently at this time you only have  one quirk remaining which is from the second user.   What could this be? Do you have any guesses? Let me  give you some quick ones i thought of. We'll find   out who's right in like a month or two. Since Horikoshi likes to draw inspiration from past comic   book superheroes you could bet that at least one  of the remaining ones will be borrowed from there.   So here's a prediction from the upcoming <y Hero  Academia movie 3 I'm predicting that's going to   outright show Deku's hidden package or at least  heavily hint at it. Like in the past first movie   it heavily hinted at Deku's shoot style before it  even hit the anime. Just given the fact that this   quirk belongs to the second user is probably going  to be something extremely useful in the fight   versus All for One. Perhaps something like a pain  absorber perhaps something like healing although   something like that may be too overpowered. Like  Deku could just undo his scarring so instead how   about a limited healing factor? That could be  one way to use storage energy or i don't know   how about something more random something more  practical like night vision or similar to that   how about sensing body heat like you've seen in  some animals. Given how Deku has already enlisted   all their heroes like Ochako or Froppy to help him  with this multi quirk training I'm betting this is   heavily foreshadowing i'm not saying Deku is going  to get something completely the same but a similar   quirk in the same ballpark that one of his buddies  could help him train. I mean don't be surprised   if Deku runs over to Bakugo for some  energy release pointers. So definitely post below   which has been your favorite new quirk? So far the  black whip really has shown the most diversity for   usage but i really think dangerous sense. Like the  name suggests it really could be the thing that   Deku's life. So how overpowered is Deku getting? I mean at the beginning of the anime   it was simply catching up to All Might. Now it looks  like Deku will become the ultimate number one hero   before the end of his first year but hold up this  video wouldn't be complete without talking about   issues for Deku. Deku still very much has some  flaws and weaknesses so here's the three major   issues for Deku. For starters Deku right now can  mimic 100 one for all which i freaking called   but so far it's only been in short intervals. In  the current story Deku still requires a charge up   energy period which is a clear limitation there  compared to his daddy All Might. All Might's like   you're not taking that trophy just yet. Second  issue unlike All Might when he was at his prime   Deku naturally has up to seven new quirks to play  with. The main take away being new powers. Right now   Deku needs to not only unlock all of them which is  coming up really soon but he also needs to figure   out how to use them effectively in battle. It does  become a bigger issue since these are buffed up   amplified versions of the original quirk. One great  example was a black whip. It was originally not   that powerful. Issue three which smashes into  Deku's current predicament actually having to   use multiple quirks in parallel. Deku's current  limit is two quirks but just like Boruto's dad   Deku is pushing beyond his limit going plus Ultra.  He's trying to use more than three quirks almost   at the same time naturally slowly but surely Deku  will eventually get there but unfortunately time   just isn't really what you got at the moment not  with the complete chaos going on. Oh sorry did i   say three issues getting to the dark truth which  i think belongs in his own category let's actually   go back to the fourth user the dude only lived  until he was 40 years old but it wasn't actually   due to him getting killed in action he didn't get  killed by all for one Mr number four died of old   age according to him one for all is not meant to  be held by a regular person besides All Might the   force user had held the power for the longest he  trained solo for 18 years trying to fully maximize   his potential but sorry his body eventually said  no more in his final year all for one broken down   good game so here's the dirty secret turns out  one for all comes at the cost of burning away   the life force of its holder did someone say the  curse of all might but you might be wondering why   didn't they know about this why didn't all might  say something it turns out that beforehand they   really just didn't know everyone before the fourth  user died way before their time thankfully with   all might they may have discovered a loophole since  All Might was originally quirkless there's likely   far less strain put on his body from taking one  for all likewise the same should be true for Deku   it should be hinted on the flip side all might  never awakened additional quirks which really just   begs the question how long will Deku's hero status  shine? Will Deku eventually burned out? Looks like   Mirio really dodged a bullet right there but  seriously not too long ago Deku has been warned.   Due to less and less people being born without a  quirkless people being quirkless Deku could in   fact actually be the last remaining holder for One  for All. To which let me just say hey a workaround   could actually be those quirk deleting bullets.  Hey buddy Mirio keep yourself healthy. Oh no no   no reason so how powerful is that glue currently  before the end of his first year he just heard   about Deku's five new quirks but let's not forget  about his original power he currently has a 45   temporary limit on his body without it exploding  or at least causing long-term damage could you   freaking imagine how strong her Deku was going  to be i mean forget about the rest of the class   sorry Bakugou sorry Shoto sorry like the other  10 class a students i don't know don't even get   me started on class B. And let me just give you  something to wonder about just imagine picture it   could there be further quirk evolution coming for  Deku and his various quirks i mean freaking hell   but anyway let me know your favorite new quirk  below and tell me why. I will be liking your early   comments don't forget to like and subscribe  new anime videos each friday if you want to   see more of my Hero academia videos smash that  like. Go ahead and take a look at my summer anime   breakdown or my Vivy video it is at the very least  anime of the season and i'll see you guys later!
Channel: Foxen Anime
Views: 261,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foxen anime, my hero academia season 5, deku quirks, every one for all quirk, every one for all users, every one for all secret revealed, one for all new quirk ability, my hero academia, boku no hero academia season 5, foxen my hero academia, foxen mha, Every One For All Quirk Explained, foxen my hero academia explained, foxen anime explained, my hero academia explained, deku new quirks explained
Id: VtoHXOFxsyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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