What Would Happen If Akainu Became A Pirate?

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The marine admirals are some of the  strongest characters in all of One Piece,   with the likes of Garp, Akainu or  Sengoku being more than capable of   fighting even Yonko-Level Pirates:  Which actually makes you wonder:   What WOULD happen if the admirals had  actually become pirates instead of marines? And we are starting this video at lightspeed with  Admiral Kizaru: or as he’s known in this timeline,   Captain Borsalino. In case you didn’t know,  every admiral has a code name that translates   in japanese to a color and an animal:  Kizaru meaning Yellow Monkey. However,   since Borsalino never becomes a pirate in  this timeline, he never gets this code name. So, what would this guy be like if not for  the marines? Well, let’s take a look at his   inspiration: Every single admiral is based  on a famous Japanese actor. In this case,   Borsalino is based on Kunie Tanaka,  an actor well-known for playing thugs,   mobsters, and yakuza members. In addition,   his name, “Borsalino” comes from a French movie  called…Borsalino, which is also about a mobster. In fact, just look at this old flashback  version of Borsalino and it’s even easier   to tell that this guy was clearly modeled  on a gangster. Unlike other admirals,   he doesn’t go on and on about justice. It seems   more like he’s just an enforcer for the most  powerful gang around: the world government. But let’s say baby Borsalino didn’t want to be  a square, working for “the man” - where would he   go? Well, it seems like an organized crime  family would be the perfect place for him,   which would put him right at home on a crew  like Capone Bege’s…Unfortunately the timeline   doesn’t work for that since Bege only set sail  as a pirate a few years ago in the story. But   we do happen to have another great contender  for a mafia family: The Donquixote Family. That’s right - in this timeline, a young  Borsalino looking for a job where he gets   free reign to beat people up would cross paths  with none other than the Doflamingo Family.   Trebol and the other executives would make  him an offer he couldn’t refuse: in just the   same way that the World Government gives Kizaru  free reign to deal with pirates, Doflamingo’s   status as a Celestial Dragon also grants his  crew a degree of immunity from consequences. For the sake of argument, we’ll say that somewhere  along the way, Borsalino will still get his   light-light fruit. After all, as underworld  brokers,  the Doflamingo family is pretty   good at procuring strong devil fruits. We can even  say that Pica helps him get the Pika-Pika no Mi. However, all this does raise a big concern…How  can Borsalino be a subordinate on Doffy’s crew   if he’s so much stronger than Doflamingo?  Well, it is a bit out of the ordinary for a   crew mate to be stronger than their captain,  but does Borsalino really strike you as the   ambitious type? He was more than happy to sit  back and relax while Sakazuki and Kuzan fought   over the Fleet Admiral position. As long  as he has the power to do what he wants,   Borsalino seems more than happy to play second  fiddle to someone else and not have to carry   all the burdensome responsibilities  that come with being the top dog. Doflamingo having a powerhouse like Borsalino  working with him would totally alter the   landscape of One Piece. The beginning of  the trajectory looks the same - they would   capture Dressrosa with ease and Doffy would  be named one of the seven warlords. However,   Doflamingo wouldn’t be satisfied stopping  there and working as an arms dealer for   the Yonkou. With the additional power  afforded by Borsalino, he would expand   his empire and actually become a Yonkou with  territory on par with Big Mom’s Totto Land. I’d even theorize that with Doflamingo  being pushed against stronger opponents   and having stronger subordinates, he  himself would even grow much stronger   compared to where we saw him in the series.  Once the Straw Hats arrived on Dressrosa,   Doffy would have both Borsalino and Fujitora  on his side, allowing him to decimate the Straw   Heart alliance. Borsalino would even  take out Sanji with a lightspeed kick. For his status as a Yonkou Commander, Borsalino  earns a bounty of $1 billion berries.However,   this bounty doesn’t even compare  to the ones we’ll see later. Fujitora the Purple Tiger - or Issho in  this timeline - is a mysterious guy. I mean,   he’s clearly a samurai…and where  are samurai from? Wano. And who did   we not hear from at all in the  Wano arc? That’s right: Issho. For the sake of  argument, though,  with no other leads to go on,   we’re going to assume that Issho is from Wano  and it just hasn’t been revealed quite yet.   After seeing the atrocities committed  by Orochi and Kaidou in his homeland,   he cut out his own eyes and blinded himself.  He then left Wano to wander the world,   much like the character he’s based on: Zatoichi  the blind samurai portrayed by Shintaro Katsu. However, in this timeline, he first wanders,  directionless. But after finding and eating   the gravity fruit, Isshin believes he has gained  enough power to take his country back. He vows   to take revenge for his homeland and sets sail  as a pirate. His first step is to find fellow   allies who are similarly invested in the fight for  Wano. It just so happens that several survivors   from Wano were hiding out creating a new life  for themselves in the East Blue. In Shimotsuki   Village, most of the citizens fear their ability  to do anything against Kaidou, but Isshin does   rally a few people, including a tenacious  young swordsman with his eyes set on becoming   the world’s strongest swordsman. That’s right:  in this timeline, Isshin’s first mate is none   other than Roronoa Zoro, the great nephew of one  of Isshin’s former comrades, Shimotsuki Ushimaru. As the Fujitora we know has a love of gambling,  we think he also wouldn’t be past winning some   more powerful crew mates through the pirate  gambling game known as the Davy Back Fight.   After learning about the game from the  Foxy Pirates and easily defeating them,   they use this game to recruit more strong  allies to advance on the forces of Wano. Once they finally sail on Wano, Kaidou’s forces  would see a fleet of ships approaching bearing   an ominous Jolly Roger: a skull crashing  down to Earth like a meteor. The forces   of the beast pirates would be caught  completely off guard as giant meteors   crashed down upon Onigashima. The Beast  Pirates would be under siege by Issho,   Captain of the  Meteor Pirates. Using this as  their opportunity to attack, the Red Scabbards   would also come out of hiding to serve as allies  in this sudden war on Kaidou and Orochi’s forces. After a hard-fought battle, a meteor  would plunge Kaidou into the depths   beneath Wano to burn in the magma  of Mt. Fuji. For defeating a Yonkou,   Isshin would earn a bounty of 3 billion  and be named one of the Four Emperors. Now we need to really stretch our imaginations and  ask the question: What if Kuzan was a pirate??....   Oh wait…he already is a pirate. As the Tenth  Titanic Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates, Admiral   Aokiji -or Blue Pheasant -  now going by his real  name, Kuzan, is about as pirate as you can get.   However, while we’re using our imagination,  let’s write a bit of an alternate history: In our imagined timeline, Aokiji doesn’t leave  the marines after his fight with Akainu. Instead,   he leaves far earlier when his doubts about  whether the marines truly represent justice begin:   after the Ohara Incident. After seeing the  innocent civilians of Ohara murdered by Akainu,   he decides to leave the Marines in order to  seek the truth about what exactly the World   Government was covering up. You see, Kuzan  is based on an actor named Yusaku Matsuda,   whose most famous role is playing a private eye  in a series called Detective Story - perfectly   fitting for someone who would want  to uncover the truth of the world. Here he rescues his old comrade Saul from his  Ice Time Capsule and together they set sail,   hiding a young Nico Robin, the sole survivor  of Ohara. Using the resources of Elbaf,   Saul still rescues the saved books  from Ohara and hides them away,   and Kuzan and Robin explore the world in  secret collecting poneglyphs in order to   uncover the true history. As Robin grows up, she  becomes officially recognized as his first mate. Kuzan is approached by Monkey D.  Dragon, leader of the Revolutionaries,   but declines to join forces with them. Theirs  is a journey to seek knowledge, not to make war   against the World Government, however, their  factions are friendly toward one another. However, there is another up  and coming pirate with a goal   of learning the meaning of the D initial  and what happened during the Void Century:   Joining together with Kuzan’s crew as  the ship’s doctor is Trafalgar Law. Due to their low profile and stealthy  operations, the Permafrost Pirates are   able to gather the poneglyphs without bringing  too much attention to themselves. Their namesake   comes from a combination of Kuzan’s icy abilities  along with permafrost’s association with finding   well preserved fossils of extinct animals,  fitting for an archaeologist like Robin. Just imagine: a crew where Robin and Law’s  strategic minds can enact plans without Luffy   there to completely ruin them instantaneously,  and with the muscle that Kuzan can provide where   it’s needed if they do get into a fight.  This crew would probably actually be able   to attain the One Piece…but later on the video,  they’ll have some serious competition for it. Kuzan’s Jolly Roger would be a shivering  skull, encased in ice. For threatening   to reveal the true history, Kuzan  earns a bounty of 5 billion berries. Next up, we have an honorable mention, and it’s  Kuzan’s own mentor: Monkey D. Garp - No, he’s not   an admiral, but only because he keeps turning down  the position. Garp AKA the Luffy’s grandpa AKA the   Hero of the Marines really just makes sense as a  pirate: I mean, just look at this picture of him   as a child - does this little wild boy riding a  tiger feel more like a marine or a pirate to you? Now, we’re not 100% sure what Garp’s motivations  for joining the marines were in the first place,   but we do know why he refuses to become an  admiral. Ever since the God Valley incident, he’s   harbored a hatred for the Celestial Dragons. So in  our new timeline, we’ll take it one step further -   whatever happened at God Valley during the battle  against Rocks alongside Roger didn’t just convince   Garp to hate the Celestial Dragons - it convinced  him to turn his back on the marines entirely. After God Valley, we know Roger was  inspired to seek out the poneglyphs,   uncover the true history, and  find Laugh Tale. But this time,   he has his best bro Garp traveling right alongside  him as a member of his crew. After Roger’s death,   unfortunately he wasn’t in the  position to save Ace. In addition,   his rebellious grandson Luffy might even be  inclined to become a marine in this timeline. But like so many of the Roger Pirates, Garp  would take up residence in a key point of the   Grand Line, looking for and aiding the  potential Joy Boy. It’s probably not a   coincidence that Crocus lived at the very start  of the Grand Line, Rayleigh at the halfway point,   and both of them helped Luffy on his journey.  So, Roger would wait at Lodestar Island,   the second to last island of the Grand  Line, waiting for Joy Boy to arrive. For his betrayal of the world government  and aiding the pirate king, Garp would   earn a bounty of 5 billion berries. And what about another person from Roger’s era?  Before he was Fleet Admiral, Sengoku must have   held the position of Admiral as well, which  makes us ask: What if Sengoku was a pirate? This one is the absolute wildest in the  lineup because out of every character who’s   held the position of Admiral, Sengoku  is the least pirate of all. However,   there are a few instances where we see Sengoku’s  faith in the marine organization tested. One   of these moments is the death of Rocinante.  Others include the cover up of the Impel Down   escape and even the entirety of the Shichibukai  system. Could these be enough to make Sengoku,   the quintessential honorable marine, quit, though? No -  but he could pretend to  be a pirate as a SWORD member,   a la X-Drake. Fooling absolutely no one, Sengoku  would set sail as the Captain of the “Actual   Pirates.” He would frequent places popular  with pirates in order to gather secret intel   for the marines. [It would be really great  if we could get the “How do you do fellow   kids” meme here but with Sengoku in place of  Steve Buscemi and replace kids with pirates] But should you call him on his bluff, be  ready to face down against the One-Eyed   Buddha - his ancient zoan form, but wearing  an eye patch like a true pirate would. To   help keep his cover, the marines have  given him a very convincing bounty of   10,000 berries. Which is absolutely nothing  compared to the last admiral on our list. Back to the current admirals, though, we have  the latest admiral we’ve met in the series:   Greenbull, real name: Aramaki, based  on a character from the samurai film   Ronin-Gai named…Aramaki. He seems to  use his new position as an admiral to   run amok with his powers. He’s a devotee  of Fleet Admiral Akainu and is more than   happy to use violence to try to subjugate Wano  under the authority of the World Government. Had Aramaki just been a pirate, I could  definitely see him being a pirate like   Eustass Kid. He enjoys harming the weak or  the innocent just because he can. Due to his   survival of the fittest mentality, he also  might get along well with the Beast Pirates,   but we have a feeling that without a zoan fruit,  Kaidou just wouldn’t have him on his crew. Instead, in order to reign Aramaki in,  the government would probably give him   a position as a Shichibukai. Much in the way he  was conscripted into the marines as an admiral,   this way the government would still  get to utilize his power while giving   him some free reign to commit the acts  of violence he really seems to enjoy. If you’re sailing at sea and happen  to sea a forest coming toward you,   you should probably turn around: It might  just be the Wildwood Pirates. You can   tell for certain by their Jolly Roger: a skull  overgrown with foliage and ivy. Their captain:   the Forest Man Aramaki, who had a 1 billion berry  bounty before becoming a Warlord of the Sea. Of course, Aramaki might fit  in better as the subordinate   of our next marine turned pirate: Sakazuki. The current Fleet Admiral is an  adherent to Absolute Justice.   He hates pirates with every fiber of his  being and wants nothing more than to live   in a world without them. So what could  every convince him to become a pirate? Well, based on Sakazuki’s childhood picture,  it seems like he had a very difficult and   violent past. My guess is that his hatred  of pirates is rooted in his childhood - he   probably suffered greatly at the hands  of pirates at some point. But what if   he fell into the cycle of violence and crime  instead of trying to rise above it? After all,   his likeness, Bunta Sugawara is known for  playing raw, masculine, violent characters. What if Sakazuki became the pirate… to end all  pirates? Many pirates seek the One Piece for   wealth, fame, or power…but not Sakazuki.  He wants to find the One Piece with the   singular aim of destroying it - that way it will  never inspire another pirate to set sail again. And he’d have a good shot at doing  it, too. There’s an SBS quote from   Oda that once said that if Akainu  was the protagonist of the series,   he’d find One Piece in a year. No need  for a two year timeskip for this guy. But wait! That’s actually a misconception  based on a mistranslation of that quote:   what Oda actually said is that with  a protagonist as strong as Akainu,   he’d finish *writing* One Piece in a year.  Hold on. Isn’t that even crazier? I mean,   how much time actually passes throughout a  year of publication time during One Piece? The raid on Onigashima was published  over the span of like two real-life   years! Would Sakazuki just  sail up on all the emperors,   claim the Road Poneglyphs, and head  to Laugh Tale all in like a night? Maybe so, especially if he recruits  similarly ruthless crewmates:   we could absolutely see people like Shiryu, Lucci,   and Aramaki joining Akainu - people who hide  their bloodlust behind the banner of justice   would fit right in with his crew, the Bonsai  Pirates - named for Sakazuki’s favorite hobby. Sakazuki would sail for Laugh Tale, his  ship flying a Jolly Roger bursting from   the top like a volcanic eruption -  similar to how any pirate-inhabited   islands they passed would look once he was  through with them. For spreading violence,   carnage, and fear throughout the One Piece  world, Sakazuki would be named a Yonkou,   but he would have no interest in the title or  holding any territory: only seeking the One Piece. He would be fated to once again face down  Kuzan, but this time not at Punk Hazard,   But: at Laugh Tale. One of them fighting to  uncover the true history - the other fighting   to destroy it forever. But we all know how  this fight would turn out. Sakazuki would   prove victorious, earning a 10 billion berry  bounty and the title of the Last Pirate King,   burning every last remnant of Joyboy’s treasure. Akainu really is an absolute monster - no  wonder Luffy couldn’t do anything to him   at Marineford. But I wonder if things would  have been different if Luffy had already had   all his haki and Gear 5 powers at Marineford,  which lucky you for, you can find out right   now in this video right here. Shanks for  watching, and i see you in the next one.
Channel: Ohara
Views: 629,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ohara, one piece theory, grandlinereview, bda law, morj, tekking101, anime balls deep, one piece, ohara one piece, one piece latest chapter
Id: VZq2qC1zKGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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