Crazy One Piece Size Comparison

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I love telling myself that size doesn’t  matter, but today that’s all we’re going   to talk about. Because we’re going  from the tiniest creatures in one   piece to behemoths that are so big, Mount  Everest wouldn’t even reach their knees. But first, here is the smallest character  ever in One Piece. This is Mansherry,   the princess of the Tontatta. The  Tontatta tribe are tiny dwarves   the size of a chopstick that are actually so  small and fast, that the citizens of Dressrosa   rarely even see them. And Mansherry is  the smallest even among these dwarfs,   at only 20 centimeter or about 8 inches tall:  which is barely even the height of a dinner fork! But moving from the smallest character to the  smallest Straw Hat, we have Tony Tony Chopper.   Now obviously Chopper can vary in size,  because his zoan type devil fruit allows   Chopper to change forms. And in his monster  form he is x tall, but for our purposes we’re   talking about Chopper in his base form: This  adorable baseball bat-sized doctor measures 90   centimeters or just under 3 feet. He’s just  a little guy and we love him most that way! Compared to that, Monkey D. Luffy,  our main protagonist, is a true giant,   who comes in at 1.74 meters…when he’s not  stretched out that is. That’s about 5 foot 7,   so about the height of the average man worldwide,  which seems too specific to be a coincidence. But   thinking of Luffy staring down like…literally  any of the antagonists of the series,   we can tell things are about to get crazy  when it comes to how tall some characters   truly are. We’re not even talking about things  like the sea kings or the gates of justice yet. First though, still possible in our real world  is Shanks. This Yonkou stands 2 meters tall or   about 6 foot 5. And while this IS pretty tall,  there ARE people who are this tall. For a frame   of reference, 2 meters is about the height of an  average door. Which means that from here on out,   every character we discuss is going to have to  lean down reaaally far whenever they walk into   a room. Or in some cases they just have no  hope of ever fitting through a door at all.   Which makes me wonder: Are buildings in the  One Piece world just…bigger than in real life? Like, what about people like Jinbe, who’s a  whopping 3 meters tall. For the mathematically   impaired that’s one and a half Shankses -  or 10 feet tall! And this makes sense given   that in general, a lot of fishmen tend to be  bigger and stronger than the average human.   But on top of that Jinbe is also whale  shark fishman. In case you don’t know:   whale sharks just so happen to be the  biggest species of fish in the world…well,   our world anyway. so it’s no surprise that  he towers above many of his crew mates. - But   it’s of course NOTHING compared to some of the  absolutely massive sea creatures still coming up. But for now we’re sticking to people as we go to  another one of the Yonkou - Luffy’s biggest rival,   Blackbeard. Marshall D. Teach is 3 meters and  44cm tall, which is over 11 feet! Hmmm…I never   imagined that Blackbeard was that much taller than  Jinbe. I mean, before now I always wondered how   he was ever able to give Shanks his signature  scars - and height isn’t everything, but he’s   almost TWICE as TALL as Shanks. But as you know,  he’s far from the biggest member of his crew… He’s also nowhere near the size of the Shichibukai  Bartholomew Kuma. Whenever we see Kuma,   he straight out towers over regular people like  Luffy and co, from his first meeting with the   Straw Hats on Thriller Bark to him destroying the  entire crew on Sabaody Archipelago. This fearsome   former warlord is 6.89 meters tall - two times  the height of the already massive Blackbeard.   That’s 22 feet. This man is huge! We’ve heard  hints in the series in the most recent arc that   Kuma comes from a special race of people,  but it’s still hard to grasp how a person   who’s NOT a giant, can be as tall as two  elephants stacked on top of each other! Kaidou in his base form, though, is even  taller at 7.10 meters. For some reference,   that’s about the height of a traffic  light. It’s no wonder that for the   fight with Luffy at Onigashima, he had  to take things to the rooftop. Sure,   he used the excuse of not being able to fit in  his crazy huge dragon form, but at 23 feet tall,,   it’s amazing he has any clearance in his hallways  whatsoever. Thankfully Onigashima is big enough   to fit the Numbers, so it’s probably the only  building in Wano that has enough space for him   to stretch his legs. It really makes you  wonder just how big Onigashima is, huh… Big Mom stays true to her name, though, being  8.8 meters tall. That’s almost 29 feet! She’s   about the height of a 3 story building,  so it’s no wonder both her children and   her husbands are terrified of her! She really  takes the whole cake, being the biggest of all   the yonkou. It’s no wonder she’s sour about  Lola’s engagement to Loki, the Prince of the   Giants falling through. After all, if she had  a few more giants around, she might finally be   able to realize her dream of having everyone  sitting around a table at her own level. Shirahoshi, the Mermaid Princess of  Fishman Island…is just absurdly big.   She’s 11.87 meters or 39 feet tall. It’s  wild that she’s so cowardly given that she   could look a Brachiosaurus in the eye, no  problem. It’s amazing that Vander Decken   was able to torment her so much, considering  that she could probably pick him up and yeet   him all the way to the surface if she  really wanted. Looking at her parents,   King Neptune and Queen Orohime…I mean, I don’t  even understand how she’s this big! Of course,   she’s nothing compared to the fearsome sea  kings she commands…but more on those later. From here on out, every single entry is official  giant sized. Hajrudin, a member of the giant   pirates and now one of Luffy’s subordinates in  the Grand Fleet is 22 meters tall. That’s 72   feet or about the height of two telephone poles  stacked on top of each other. It really just   makes it much more impressive how easily Luffy  was able to take Hajrudin out at the Dressrosa   Coliseum. And even more impressive that Luffy has  a vertical leap that’s 13 times his own height. The Thousand Sunny, the Straw Hat’s ship is  56 meters or 183 feet at its tallest point.   It makes sense that boats in the One Piece world  have to be huge given how massive the characters   we’ve already talked about are. Even being as  big as it is compared to their original ship,   the Going Merry, the Sunny is absolutely  dwarfed by other ships like Big Mom’s flagship. Oars, the ancient giant, was 67 meters or  219 feet. This character was resurrected   as a zombie by Gekko Moriah’s shadow  ability. It’s no wonder Moriah wanted   this deceased warrior to be the center  piece of his undead army. Laying down,   Oars would measure the same length as a 747’s  wingspan. And if that’s hard to imagine,   let’s just say that jumbo jets…are  called “jumbo” jets for a good reason. But even this ancient warrior can’t measure up  to Wadatsumi, the giant tiger blowfish fishman.   He’s 80 meters or 262 feet, which made him a  terrifying ally of the New Fishman pirates. It’s   wild that he’s based on a blowfish, too, because  that means he can puff himself up to become even   bigger. He’s by far the biggest fishman, but  he’s nothing compared to the biggest giant: Sanjuan Wolf. One of Blackbeard’s Ten  Titanic Captains, Sanjuan Wolf is the   only giant who’s confirmed to have eaten  a devil fruit. And whatever devil fruit   it is…made him absolutely massive. Wolf is  183 meters tall. That’s 600 feet. And since   these numbers are just getting straight up  hard to imagine now, that’s the height of   the Space Needle. Sanjuan Wolf is so huge  that even though he’s a devil fruit user,   he can freely enter the ocean. He won’t drown  because he’s tall enough that his feet reach the   bottom and he can just stand in the sea without  having to worry about not being able to swim. But now we go from the sea all the way up to the  sky, with one of One Piece’s longest creatures:   Nola, the snake who’s lived in Shandora  for 400 years! In all of that time,   Nola grew up from the cute little reptile  we see in Nolan and Calgara’s flashback   to this! Easily able to swallow Luffy whole.  This serpent is 200 meters or 656 feet long,   making him one of the oldest AND  biggest animals in all of One Piece. However, Nola isn’t as big as Surume, a  300 meter tall Kraken who Luffy befriends   on the way to Fishman Island. That  translates to 984 feet or just shy   of the Eiffel Tower! As the crew descended  beneath the Red Line toward Fishman Island,   they didn’t expect to encounter a sea  creature so ridiculously big. Thankfully,   though, Luffy makes friends everywhere he goes,  and soon the crew had a new many-armed ally. But from the entrance to the New World, now we  go back to the entrance of the Grand Line with   Laboon! The giant whale that swallowed the  crew as soon as they entered the Grand Line   through Reverse Mountain measures 400 meters  or 1312 feet from tail to head. Given how much   different he looks from when he was a baby, who  knows if Brook will even recognize this behemoth? Apparently at the beginning of the Grand Line,  Oda was just really on a kick of introducing   absolutely huge monsters. Because now we go from  Laboon to the Island Eater Fish, the massive   island sized that almost swallowed Little Garden.  This 715 meter or 2345 feet beast is almost as   long as the Burj Khalifa is tall: you know, the  tallest building in the entire world. Luckily,   Dorry and Brogy had some giant sized strength  to be able to defeat it and save the day. But now we move from giant creatures to the  biggest ship in the series: the Noah. Now   we’re at a scale so big that meters and feet  just aren’t going to cut it. At 2500 meters,   it’ll be easier to just say 2.5 kilometers. And  we also ahve our first entry over a mile at 8202   feet. A mile as we all know is 5280 feet…wait is  that how the Imperial measurement system works?   Why would it be 5280? Anyway - the Noah  is a massive ark built with the intention   of someday bringing the citizens of Fishman  Island up to the surface…unfortunately Luffy   destroyed it. Hopefully it gets rebuilt  before he also destroys Fishman Island! But even the Noah doesn’t stack up to the biggest  door in all of anime. The Gates of Justice,   which we don’t have official measurements for,  but doing some real-life mathematics we can   estimate to be about 3 Kilometers or nearly 2  miles high, including the underwater portions.   The World Government has done some impressive  things to be able to control the entire world,   but among the most impressive? This  truly remarkable feat of engineering. But now we go from a man-made structure  to one that is seemingly all natural:   The giant skull that Kaidou lives in on  Onigashima. This thing is 3.7 kilometers high   and over 2 miles high. It’s so massive it really  makes you wonder how big this ancient giant was   when it was alive. Which is why we calculated it!  You see…if you take the hypotenuse and multiply   by the square root of the quotient and the factor  in the permutations of the prime meridian…Okay,   actually it was a lot simpler than that.  If we assume an ancient giant has similar   proportions to a human, its total height  should be about 8 times the size of its   head. So we can assume that his full height  when alive was 29,320 meters or approximately   18 miles tall. Absurdly huge…but still not  the biggest thing we’ll get to on this list. But first, some huge things that are  just a *bit* smaller than that. You see,   it just feels wrong to describe the Sea Kings  as small in any way, even when speaking in   relative terms. But at an average length  of 5 kilometers or about 3 miles…it’s no   wonder that Poseidon’s power to control these  leviathans is considered an ancient weapon. Twice as big as that, though, is the Red  Line. at 10 kilometers or about 6 miles high,   the Red Line is taller than Mt. Everest. Which  is even more impressive when you consider that   the Red Line is like a Mt. Everest that stretches  around the entire circumference of the planet. I   can really see how having that in real life would  put a damper on any international travel plans. It   also makes it even more impressive that Fisher  Tiger scaled this thing with his bare hands. But now we’re getting to the official  biggest things in the series: Zunesha,   including his legs that can easily reach the  sea floor so that he can walk around the ocean,   is 35 kilometers tall. That’s about 21.7  miles or in other words…the size of four   Mt. Everests. That really makes me feel  worse for Ryunosuke…rest in peace, friend… This one is more of an estimation -  these shadows of the Shandian Warriors,   though just the shadows of  normal sized people measure   about 44 kilometers or 27 miles high. And  a lot of people confuse them with these: The Florian Triangle Monsters. These mysterious  and unexplained creatures are based on Japanese   yokai called Umibozu, enormous sea monsters  said to drown sailors. AT our best estimate,   we can guess that these entities  are 54 kilometers or 33 miles high,   making them the BIGGEST thing in all of One  Piece. And in addition to this mystery there   are tons of other unexplained things in One  Piece, and you can check them all out in this   video where we go over every mystery that still  needs answered before the end of the series.
Channel: Ohara
Views: 1,221,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ohara, one piece theory, grandlinereview, bda law, morj, tekking101, anime balls deep, one piece, ohara one piece, one piece latest chapter
Id: Lt6gGWrHtnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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