What Would Happen If Luffy Ate The Admirals' Devil Fruits?

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Luffy’s Devil Fruit Powers are pretty much the single most important thing in all of One Piece. For the longest time we thought that Luffy is someone so strong-willed and fearless, that he somehow overcomes the seemingly weak powers of his Rubber devil fruit again and again, for most of the story grinding his way past enemies with way stronger devil fruit powers. That’s until his epic battle with Kaido, where we find out that it has actually been the other way around all along. In reality Luffy has been the person with possibly the strongest devil fruit in the story, that allows him to turn anything he imagines into reality. However, Shanks gave it a fake name and tricked Luffy into using it in its weakest form for almost the entire story. Which in a way makes it even more impressive that he has managed to come this far while holding back like 99% of his true power. But that leaves a really interesting question on the table, that every real one piece fan has asked themselves before: What would have happened if Luffy had eaten another extremely overpowered devil fruit as a kid? Now, of course there are many ultra powerful fruits in the story to choose from, like Enel’s lightning fruit, Kaido’s dragon fruit or Whitebeard’s Earthquake fruit. And if you want to see me cover those fruits in another video soon, make sure that you’re subscribed to the channel. But for today, to make things a bit easier, I’ve decided on 5 devil fruits that I would just love to see Luffy use in the actual story: And these are the devil fruits of the 5 Marine Admirals: Aokiji’s Ice fruit, Kizaru’s Light Fruit, Akainu’s Magma Fruit, Fujitora’s Gravity Fruit and Greenbull’s Forest fruit. If Luffy had eaten each of these 5 ridiculously overpowered fruits, how would the course of Luffy’s journey have changed significantly? And how would Luffy have used all these fruits compared to the admirals? We begin in Luffy’s childhood, where Luffy accidentally eats the devil fruit that Shanks and his crew have just stolen from a marine ship. And we know that Shanks got his hands on Luffy’s furit on purpose, because it is important. To give Luffy a different devil fruit, let’s just assume that Shanks has not only one, but two devil fruits with him. And instead of the purple rubber fruit, hungry kid Luffy eats the second one. Now, as you might know, all the admiral’s devil fruit powers share one similarity: They belong to a category called Logia, which turn their users entire body into a force of nature. The only exception here is Fujitora’s Gravity fruit, because we actually don’t know if it is Logia fruit like the others, or just a regular ability, that has no effect on his body. For the sake of this video, we will go with regular fruit, just to make things a bit more interesting. So depending on each fruit, when Luffy eats the devil fruit by accident and shanks grabs him, instead of his arm stretching, Luffy’s body reacts different. For the ice fruit, he might freeze shanks’ arm. For the light fruit, Shanks’ hand just passes through Luffy. For the magma fruit, Shanks burns himself trying to touch luffy. For the gravity fruit Shanks is suddenly smashed into the ground and for the forest fruit luffy just sprouts a little flower on his head and his feet grow roots into the wooden floor of the pub. Now, the question if of course, what would happen to Luffy’s original devil fruit in this scenario? Well, Shanks would give that fruit to Luffy’s future brother Ace, the son of Gol D. Roger, who also was Shanks’ captain. In case you wonder why, I actually made a whole video on what would happen if Luffy was never born, where I explain in detail why Shanks was originally looking for Ace to give him this devil fruit and how Luffy accidentally eating it, changed his and Roger’s entire plan. I recommend you check that out later. But yeah, for our scenario here, Luffy has now eaten a powerful logia fruit and Ace is the one to eat the Nika fruit. Now one big question we need to ask ourselves is of course: Would Shanks still sacrifice his arm for Luffy and give him his straw hat, if Luffy didn’t become the chosen one? I think there is a real argument to be made here, that Shanks would rather try to inspire Ace to become pirate king. On the other hand, Shanks really took a liking to Luffy even before he ate the devil fruit, and i think he would still come to save Luffy, especially after he was willing to fight the mountain bandits to defend the red hair pirates’ honour. So yes, I think Shanks would still save Luffy and inspire him to become a great pirate, just because he likes Luffy. However I think in this case, Shanks would decide to keep his arm instead. Ace would most likely not want his father’s straw hat, because he blamed Roger for all his suffering. In case you didn’t know, Luffy’s hat used to belong to Roger before he gave it to Shanks. And so I think it’s fair to assume that Luffy would still end up getting the hat. After that, Luffy’s childhood stays pretty much the same, only that he now learns to use his logia fruit powers instead of rubber powers, who now belong to his brother ace. So let’s get to the juicy bit and jump 10 years into the future, where Luffy leaves his home island to start his own crew. With 4 of the 5 fruits he would leave in his small boat and end up in the barrel on Koby’s ship. If Luffy ate Aokiji’s ice fruit however, I think he would be powerful enough after 10 years of training to freeze the ocean under his feet and simply start walking across the ocean, similar to how Aokiji uses his ability to bike across the water. In that case, he would probably still get lost and somehow end up running into Kobe. Now, with Luffy having such overpowered abilities, the journey through the east blue is even easier than before. Luffy defeats Alvida, Morgan, Buggy, Kuro, Don Krieg and Arlong with ease, who have absolutely no chance against any of his 5 abilities. Since we can assume that none of these enemies has mastered any form of Haki, they wouldn’t even be able to touch Luffy. And even if it’s Luffy having the Gravity powers, he would simply crush any of them under a pile of rubble before they could even come close to him. There is only one real obstacle for this version of Luffy before entering the Grandline: And that’s Smoker. In case you forgot, Smoker is Luffy’s marine rival throughout the first half of the story and the first Logia fruit user we meet in the story. And since Luffy himself hasn’t mastered Haki either, he can only win against another Logia fruit user, if his element is the natural weakness of his opponent’s element. However, on top of that, Smoker also carries a very unique weapon. The tip of it has been coated in a material called sea prism stone, that nullifies any devil fruit ability. That means that even the invulnerable bodies of a logia fruit user would become solid again. So, just like in the main story line, Luffy would not be able to beat Smoker. Wood has no effect on smoke whatsoever. Ice and Magma can maybe create some sort of wind to mess with Smoker a bit, but I don’t think that it would be enough to stop or even defeat him. And since smoke is extremely light, Luffy would need to have mastered his gravity powers to an incredibly high level so that he could affect Smoker here at all. Which i think is unlikely. Instead, Dragon once again has to step in and save his son from the marine. The only exception here, would be Kizaru’s light fruit. Because it is so fast, that luffy would be able to run away from Smoker and maybe even blind him to get away. And as you’ll see, as we enter the first half of the grandline, this will be a sort of pattern until we finally start to face characters who know Haki and until Luffy learns Haki himself. Enemies that seem to have no haki abilities, such as Wapol or Moria have no chance against Luffy, because they literally can’t touch him. Does Rob Lucci and the rest of CP9 have haki before the timeskip? On the one hand, it would be strange if they did not, given that they are special agents, but at the same time, there is no hint what so ever, that any of them is using any form of Haki during their battle with the straw hats on Enies Lobby. So I think that only gravity Luffy would have any trouble with Lucci, although even then, Luffy would be powerful enough to take him down and probably collapse all of Enies Lobby with him. The real challenges during this part of the journey, until we come to the war at Marineford, are of course the other Logia users in the story. Starting with the one and only sir crocodile, the main antagonist of the alabasta saga. As you probably remember, Crocodile ate the dryness or sand logia devil fruit. And Luffy was only able to beat him by coating himself in water and his own blood, since humidity is dryness’ natural weakness. So how would Logia luffy without any Haki do against Crocodile? It really comes down to match-ups here. Luffy having AOkiji’s ice powers, should absolutely be able to win. Ice is quite solid and you can’t simply dry it out, like a puddle of water. At the same time, given the high temperatures in the desert country of Alabasta, Luffy would be slightly melting on the surface all the time, imitating the same effect he used to defeat crocodile in the actual Story. With Greenbull’s devil fruit on the other hand, Luffy would have been defeated very fast. Luffy’s forest powers would be absolutely useless in the desert and even worse against crocodile, who would be able to dry up any of Luffy’s attacks and luffy himself. Similarly, the light fruit would be pretty ineffective against Crocodile, who mostly likely also had Haki at this point in the story. In both those cases, Luffy would have had to resort to the very same water trick as in the main story. If Luffy had Gravity powers, I do think he would have a quite decent chance to hurt Crocodile, simply by crushing him into the ground, sand particles or not. And the almighty magma fruit would simply melt Crocodile’s sand and overwhelm it. We know that, because Crocodile managed to block one of Akainu’s attacks during Marineford, but was trying to get away from the admiral as fast as possible to avoid taking more damage. Enel on the other hand, would be a completely different story. The lightning fruit is arguably one of the 5 strongest fruits in the entire story and one of the most powerful logia fruits. Luffy was able to beat Enel because his rubber features made him immune to electricity. But how would Luffy have done against Enel with a different devil fruit? The light fruit at first glance seems quite similar to Enel’s powers and you might think that light and electricity don’t really affect each other much. But then again, Light is just the byproduct of high energy and heat, so you could think of light Luffy as a living light bulb, that could absorb all of Enel’s lightning and turn it into energy himself. Gravity on the other hand has no effect on the much stronger electrical force in the universe. In this case, Luffy would lose quite quickly to Enel. Similarly, Forest Luffy would not be able to touch Enel at all. In return, we have seen that Enel is more than capable of destroying plants and trees with his crazy lightning bolds. So far Greenbull’s forest fruit seems to be the worst option for Luffy. As for Ice and Magma, these could arguably go either way, depending how these powers actually work in one piece. For ice, if Enel’s powers are stronger than Luffy’s, the heat from his electricity would start melting luffy and the more water there is on luffy’s body, the more electricity it conducts, the quicker luffy is defeated by it. on the other hand, if luffy’s ice powers are as crazy as Aokiji’s cold can actually slow down electrons. basically reducing Enel’s electricity powers. Similarly, having Akainu’s magma powers, luffy could turn the area around him into hard rocky ground, which doesn’t conduct any electricity. However magma itself, since it’s a hot liquid, actually conducts electricity extremely well. So who would win? I think it comes down to who is more experienced with their fruit power. Similar to both Aokiji and Akainu would have been able to overpower each other. Extreme cold can make Magma useless, while extreme hot can melt ice. A question of pure endurance and power. Of course there are also the encounters with Aokiji and Kizaru on Sabaody. Now we could do the physics here again, but the truth is, clearly they would be way more skilled with their logia fruits than Luffy and on top of that also have extremely powerful haki, so i don’t think Luffy would have a real chance against either here. Then we have Luffy’s encounter with Blackbeard in Impel Down. Now Blackbeard is interesting. His darkness fruit is supposed to be the strongest logia fruit alive. However it doesn’t behave like a logia fruit at all. Blackbeard’s darkness has strong properties of both gravity and absorption. He can pull things towards and into him. Plus when he touches someone, Blackbeard is able to nullify their devil fruit powers. So we’ll have to wait and see if this fruit truly is a logia fruit or whether it might now be something else, similar to Luffy’s fruit. Now, it would seem like Luffy having Kizaru’s light powers would be perfect against darkness. However we know that even light can’t escape form Blackbeards Darkness. On the other hand, Teach is very vulnerable to physical attacks, so especially the gravity fruit would seem quite capable of taking him down here, since it’s the only fruit where blackbeard could not make contact with Luffy’s body to nullify his powers. And if Luffy could stop teach here, that would of course change a whole lot of things in the story. For the war at Marineford, really any of Luffy’s new powers would be of much more use than his rubber powers were in the main time line. I think that especially Greenbull’s forest fruit would absolutley shine here for the first time ever. After all, it is particularly useful when attacking a large number of weaker enemies. Luffy can take out whole squads of Marine soldiers at once, absorbing their energy to heal himself. He could also use his roots to sneakily free ace much faster, giving him a much better chance to survive. And as a bonus, we do know that the forest fruit is actually NOT weak to fire, something that Greenbull shows us when momonosuke tries to set him on fire. So Luffy would have a way better chance standing up to akainu and causing a bit of trouble for him. However overall, Luffy would only become a true monster with all these fruits, after honing his skills with them for 2 years with Rayleigh and combining them with Haki. So after the time skip, Luffy would once again go through the first three enemies with ease. Fishman island, Ceasar on Punk Hazard and even Doflamingo on Dressrosa, would stand not even the slightest chance against any of these 5 Luffy’s. Luffy would also have no problems taking out Katakuri and in case of the Magma fruit, you could even argue that Luffy would be able to put up a real fight against Big mom at that point. He definitely would not be captured by Big Mom’s army. And if he had the ice devil fruit, fleeing Whole Cake island would also have been a piece of cake. lol. So the real question is of course: What would have happened against Kaido in Wano? Let’s say Luffy also awakens his devil fruit there once again. Now admittedly, we don’t quite know yet what an awakened Logia fruit is truly capable of, but it’s very likely that many of the crazy islands in the grand line were actually shaped by awakened logia users in the past. So here’s my prediciton: I think that forest luffy would once again lose. No way trees and plants would be able to seriously damage Kaido with his wind blades and hardened skin. Luffy with the magma fruit could go either way. Akainu’s fruit awakened sounds truly terrifying, but then again, Kaido can fly. Though he did end up in magma in the end to be fair. Luffy with Kizaru’s fruit would have a pretty decent chance to win I think. If Luffy advances his armament and conquorer’s haki as much as in the main story line, he should be both fast and powerful enough with his light powers to take Kaido out. Similarly he could use both Gravity and Ice to keep Kaido out of the air and slowly grind him down over time. The gravity fruit would be useful to bombard Kaido with meteors, but that would also destroy the entire island of onigashima, so it might actually be a bit of a draw back here. And I would actually argue that after wano, Luffy’s actual devil fruit has turned out to be even more powerful than any of these 5 anyways. So maybe the much more interesting question to ask here is not what would have happened if Luffy did all the same stuff but with a different devil fruit, but what would have happened to the one piece world, if Luffy with his legendary Devil Fruit had been allowed to join Shanks and his crew as a kid? Because that one is a much crazier timeline than this. If you’re curious you can watch that one right here. Shanks for watching.
Channel: Ohara
Views: 2,152,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ohara, one piece theory, grandlinereview, bda law, morj, tekking101, anime balls deep, one piece, ohara one piece, one piece latest chapter
Id: 2STUzZgyVlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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