How Nintendo TRIGGERS You! (Ft. Haedox)

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warning the following video is over-exaggerated most opinion shared are accurate to my thoughts and feelings look we love Nintendo for the games they've made but there's been plenty of screw-ups that need to be addressed and with that get in or get out that didn't really make sense I know I just like that catchphrase [Music] the Virtual Boy it's a red and black hunk of junk that looks like a pair of goggles but without the headband what's so virtual about it anyway oh wait I see it's virtually impossible to not get a headache when playing this and by the way there's like 10 games on the system fail okay seriously you're still claiming videos for copyright violations not even Activision does that [ __ ] fan games are ways for newer devs to express themselves you're telling me that my Mario kissing sim as a breach of copyright come on Nintendo what was that DLC for breath of the wild should have should have been called lack of the wild that was Nathaniel Bandys joke Mario Odyssey was just too good now every other game has to live up to it and that's simply unfair once upon a time there was going to be an SNES CD add-on which was being created by Sony so show NIEM so show NIEM so sure why did you write this this way so Sony shows off their add-on at CES in 1991 and a day later Nintendo breaks off the contract with them so they can work with Philips instead because of the abrupt breakup Sony created the PlayStation and is now a well-established brand in competition with Nintendo but tell me was working with Philips really worth it in the end doesn't everyone love those classic games like Hotel Mario and Zelda wand of gamilon unless you're gonna give us an altered adventure starring exclusively toads perhaps at war with each other then please tone down on them the 3ds the 1d s the 3ds XL the 2d s the new 3ds XL the new 3d 2d um first off these so-called new consoles won't be new in five years and secondly why do the names have to be so confusing and similar it's almost as bad as the Xbox X and you can't forget about the Wii U's name except everyone did forget people I know in real life that watch me play the Wii U on multiple occasions still aren't fully aware that it exists and that's not their fault the marketing is the blame poor Wii U cast aside like garbage only to be switched up entirely by having most of its games and legacy ported to the switch remember that year when Nintendo released new Super Mario Bros 2 and New Super Mario Bros u within a few months that was not a fun time to be a Mario fan let me tell you and do you remember me verse exactly it was the premier social media platform and I'm so hurt that I can no longer draw dicks on my Wii U and 3ds Y delete such a prosperous community where will people go to RP now I'm still salty about the fate of chibi-robo because the Nintendo 64 went with cartridges instead of CDs like everyone else they weren't able to get games like Final Fantasy 7 on their console which by the way was a huge hit on the PlayStation just saying sometimes US merchants don't mind a few dick bulges or you know with the forbidden breasts don't worry it's fine I see you using shirtless Mario and like his sex symbols to market your games but trust me it could be so much more I wish they could have kept rare on board by just acquiring the company they could have been such a great asset oh waited on on second thought the n64 disk drive flopped so hard that it never even released outside of Japan and only nine discs were ever made for the add-on look at all these games that deserve sequels Nintendo land f-zero Golden Sun and so much more just do something with your vast collection of dead franchises you know what we need Geist - well you don't know what that is what a shame Nintendo because we've all heard of guys 1 what the heck is a guy exactly not even the genius Nathaniel bandy knows what it is great freaking job keeping your NES classics in stock Nintendo now thankfully you are restocking soon which is awesome news but that shouldn't have been a problem in the first place please Nintendo appreciate your fans a bit more interact with us more on Twitter or post some good memes without that terrible impact font and just be more active that'd be great why the hell is there a handle on the back of the Gamecube am I expected to carry this thing along with my briefcase to work or what since third parties left in droves after the Nintendo 64 the Gamecube went to disks like everyone else but of course they were proprietary and had half the space as a normal DVD understandably they wanted to avoid piracy but it was just another reason the ps2 sold 10 times better than the GameCube it was a cheap DVD player while also being a game console the Wii Virtual Console was awesome it had hundreds of classic games spanning several consoles some not even Nintendo based and then the Wii U came around and most of the titles are the same ones from the weed and if you want to play these games on your Wii U with save states and stuff you gotta pay for it what a disaster this was what happened to Mario sports games remember when they were exciting and fun like Mario Tennis on the gameboy color it had like an RPG story and [ __ ] Mario power tennis toadstool tour those are all my Jam's but now we've got Mario Tennis ultra smash it takes out so many features and just feels like an unfinished tennis game without much Nintendo love why why hasn't Super Mario run dropped in price yet the fact that it's still ten dollars is ridiculous at least they've been supporting it a bit but still and don't even get me started on Animal Crossing amiibo festival seriously guys what is your obsession with friend codes the freaking switch has friend codes I mean come on why do I have to send my friends a bunch of numbers instead of just oh I don't know looking up their name so if you want to play splatoon too online with their headset just follow this diagram simply plug in your headset into this little mixer then make sure this cable is connected to your switch and the other is connected to your phone you know I think I'll just stick with MySpace thank you remember when we saw the trailer for that Metroid game that didn't have Samus in it that went over well who was this controller made for an alien you know i love you nintendo for constantly innovating with your controller but I will never understand and this shape the Gameboy Advance SP was literally the perfect handheld except for one thing there's no headphone jack everything was great but that one detail how did they miss that the Wii has so much shovelware on it the amount of crap that was sold on this console is almost impressive but at least they're still coming out with my Just Dance crave once a year well that went to some places you can say that again you know what else triggers me what's that video game titles make a rainbow appear whatever excuse me you know video game titles that sound the same or literally the same I made a whole video about it and you're gonna suggest ever want to watch that right yeah that's I think that's how it works I think this is how the collab or colaboration works Nathaniel okay this is getting a little weird look just go watch hey DOCSIS video about the death of video game titles alright it's amazing it's got - Daniel band-aids seal of approval well I could subscribe if you enjoyed this and let me know in the comments what triggers you about Nintendo thank you so much for watching and take care have a wonderful day and good bye so Sony shows off their add-on at se so Sony shows off their add-on at s so so Sony shows so show NIEM
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 1,991,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nintendo, nintendo switch, switch, 3ds, 2ds, triggered, trigger, triggers, mario, super mario, super mario odyssey, mario kart 9, mario kart 8, mario kart, nes classic, snes classic, super mario cereal, legend of zelda, metroid, metroid prime 4, bad nintendo games, lol, funny
Id: nvqZUcZ5AbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2017
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