"I have no enemies" (Thorfinn - Vinland Saga)

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let's talk man to man. I don't know you I don't  know what you've been through or what you're going   through, but I know you'll have had people wrong  you and situations that have made you want to get   back at people. So have I but I would bet Thorffin  has been through far worse than either of us and   he shows us both the wrong and right ways to go  about moving on resulting in a scene that taught   me how to live beautifully, that showed me how  when you believe you have no enemies you won't and   above all that showed me how to stop being your  own enemy. This is perhaps the greatest scene in   all of fiction but it doesn't start in episode 21  it starts in episode nine. It's this scene here which   is crucial to understanding I have no enemies as  a familiar face greets Thorfinn above a horrific   pit of warriors fighting Askeladd tells him this  is the place where "Everyone is your enemy". And you   live here without even realizing it you're  burst for when you see people or something   online is probably something negative, I mean how  many people do you internally roll your eyes at   as you walk past think something negative about  them without them even saying a word to you? How   often do you resent people for things they've  done to you or things they're doing just out of   jealousy and above all how often do you have  negative thoughts about yourself. I'd bet the   answer to all of the above was "often" more often  than you'd like. So how do you escape this place   how do you stop being your own enemy? It's  simpler than you'd expect you stop seeing   other people as your enemy as I mentioned in my  other video for whatever strange reason it's so   much easier to be kind to others than yourself. So  start there because what you'll find is that when   you actively start seeing the good in other people  before you even realize it you'll start seeing the   good in yourself. There's lots of reasons for  this but Above All We Are creatures of habit   seeing the good in other people is a habit and  one little carry over not just to how you see   yourself but how you see everything it doesn't take  long before you're automatically seeing the good   in everything. To stop being your own enemy,   stop making other people your enemy. Askleadd seems   to understand this because as Thorfinn monologues  on about how he ended up above this pit saying "I'm   here because this I've done this I never grow " Askeladd in his unique wisdom almost tauntingly   responds saying "me me me me open your eyes something  awful is below you" and as Thorfinn opens his eyes   to all those people unnecessarily made his enemy  grabbing at him clawing him down into the hell   below although you don't realize it as you sit  there and watch this video the same is happening   to you all those people you've made your enemy  often without even realizing you have they're   now dragging you down because when you see the bad  in other people you can't escape seeing a negative   in yourself but I bet my house you can't name one  time well you've done something good or kind for   people and felt bad about yourself afterwards  and it can be the smallest thing a compliment   a small little gesture just listening to them  talk that's something they want to when you're   kind to others you start to be kind to yourself  of course it's not always that easy as Thorfinn  starts climb Askeladd says to him "Climb, leave them dangling  on you and climb" because the reality is even as   you begin this climb and become a better person  you're still going to get your person that really   tries to drag you down that says something to put  you in a mood, does something you don't like and   you're only human so it's natural that sometimes  something will happen to make you step off this   path you're trying to walk on and this is I'm  going to come back to at the very end but here's   little notice to them as possible and continue  to climb onwards because they are not your enemy   of course there are very rare situations where  it won't be enough Thorfinn fully accepts this   and back in season one Thor's even said that the  dagger should be used to protect himself, he was   aware that possibility can happen but it's only to  protect himself there are certainly times to stand   up for yourself but that's all it is standing up  for yourself not trying to get back at them or   getting angry with them or anything like that it  simply doesn't accomplish anything and that links   in nicely to the next part bite a real battle this  is more of a practical bit of advice because what   I've found is these regular annoyances feel a  lot smaller when you have something big you're   aiming for when you've got something positive to  work towards a lot of these small annoyances won't even   register in your brain I first noticed this at  University when I decided I'd had enough of the   way I was living and started going to the gym. All  of a sudden all these little things people would   say or do they would normally annoy or upset me  did it matter in the slightest because I had my   own personal real battle to focus on. Not only will  you have less enemies when you look this way which   is something I'll come back to but none of those  fights are worth winning anyway as Thorfinn wakes   up from his dream he looks at Einar who says "we won"  but does this look like a man who's won battered   and bloodied he even admits he got nothing out  of that but some temporary satisfaction. I don't   know what your real battle is but I promise you  it's not arguing with other people it's not being   filled with jealousy or anger and it's certainly  not seeking revenge, for Thorfinn he realizes he spent   an entire life filled with anger seeing the whole  world in that enemy he finally decides "enough is   enough" these people aren't his enemies he will  never hurt anyone again but instead help them. To   atone for his past and save more people than his  heart is his real battle. And with that Thors, now realizing his son fully understood what he meant  on that day turns and walks into the sunset at   last able to peacefully move on. We have so much  we can do in one life do not waste your gift   on hating others no matter what they've done  your life is worth so so much more than that.   So Thorfinn now understanding how valuable a life  is, having come a long way from his scene at the start of  the season where he claimed there was nothing good  about living ,finds himself at the end of episode   20 faced with a very difficult choice. Does he  go back and try and stop the fighting or does he   leave? With the belief that Kanute is not his enemy  despite their past and a realization that the path   he wants to walk begins by helping others Thorfinn makes his decision as he confidently declares   even a hundred men couldn't stop him returning  alive he walks back towards the battlefield with   no plan no sword or malice he walks towards the  guards and asks to see the king. Beginning the   greatest scene in all of fiction. As he approaches  the guards mock provoke and eventually swing at   Thorfinn before it's revealed, they've been betting on many punches he can withstand. The shock of this   distracts Thorfinn long enough for a hit to land  but as he rises to his feet he announces that   he will bet himself to withstand one hundred  punches. I don't know if this was intentional   by the writer but Thorfinn's old fighting style  was a lot of dodging and out maneuvering but this   is the complete opposite this is a completely new  Thorfinn. And with that the punches begin and the   crowd watches on as 31 hits land on the son of  Thors, who skillfully twists body to minimize the   impact but right before the 32nd, snake calls out to  him and this brief distraction is to a heavy punch   that sends him flying backwards. Snake runs over  to check on him and says exactly what I was thinking   the first time I read this "If This Were a matter  that could be solved by simply talk alone it should   have been resolved long ago you're being naive" to  which Thorfinn responds "Did anybody even try to   put the effort in to talk it through or did you  simply decide to fight when the other side drew   their swords first" I could not take my eyes of this  panel for a while without even realizing it you   likely lived this every single day that person you  walk around being so angry with which might even   be yourself have you actually tried to resolve  things or did you just respond back the way they   treat you letting that resentment fester inside  you? Okay, sure they started it but don't be the   one to carry it on be the one to end it because  if you try to argue or fight back it immediately   puts people on the defensive if you draw your  sword, as most people do the man, opposite will do   the same he will become your enemy but if you  extend a handshake he too will shake yours and   you will have no enemies and this is what Thors meant when he says "No one has any enemies" because chances   are they don't even see you as an enemy! Humans  are incredibly complicated beings there could be   a million reasons why any degree of conflict  between you and someone else started but it's   incredible how a single kind gesture could turn  so many enemies into friends. Of course it doesn't   apply to all situations and that's something I'll  come back to but the vast majority of fights can   only be resolved without fighting because just  for a moment imagine that person who you hate so  much that you're angry towards and just think  about them doing something really kind for you   helping you out. You can't stay angry at them can  you? But the vast majority of people don't have the   strength to do this for whatever reason it's so  much easier to stay angry resentful than to try   and fix things hence why Thors saw himself as "Weak  because he needs a sword" so you need to be the one   to do it it has to be you to be that incredibly  strong man and once you do before you know it not   only will you have no enemies but you'll be kind  to yourself than ever before and so as Thorfinn rises once more to his feet the punches continue  to rain down with the audience in awe after the   hundredth punche is thrown there's something very  poetic about the one doing the punching is the one   out of breath on the floor because all that anger in these pointless fights takes so much more out   of you than you realize. The only one standing is  the one who for his real battle - a true warrior. the   commander of the royal guards then asks Thorfinn "why didn't you fight back" and the response will   be remembered by you and I for as long as we are  blessed to live. "I meet you men for the first time   today. I know nothing about you nor do I bear any  grudges. You are not my enemies, I have no enemies   at all". And neither do you my friend, of course  this situation is just a tad extreme for real   life realistically you're not going to get into  situations where being heit 100 times is going   to solve anything but the message is completely  applicable Thorfinn had a literal Army of people   who saw him as an enemy but because he didn't  make them his, because he didn't draw a sword   in return after just one act he had no enemies as  I said at the start of the video if they're just   one friendly act away from turning from enemy  to friend they were never your enemy, but what   after that what if I try the peaceful option? If tried being kind to someone and things still don't work?  Here's the thing, can you honestly say you have?  I'm not suggesting you simply become a pushover   at all I lived that way for a lot of my life and  yeah there are times where you do need to stand   up for yourself and you should be ready for that  but it shouldn't be your first choice to react   negatively in any sort of way but rather you're  last. It takes the smallest thing to dissolve the   hostility between two people, it takes the smallest  change in Attitude to change how you see the world   and yourself, it takes a single act to have no  enemies. Thank you so much for watching bro if   you haven't already watch my first Vinland Saga video , I've got another in the pipeline coming out soon   and a shout out to our first patrons Northstar  UK, Alex Ramos, and Vansh Agarwal. If you enjoyed this   and want to continue supporting this content or  just join the patreon Minecraft server there's   a link down below for you other than that have  a great day and I'll see you for the next one
Channel: Lessons From Anime
Views: 177,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vinland saga season 2 episode 22, i have no enemies, you have no enemies, 100 punches vinland saga, 100 punches vinland saga manga, thorfinn i have no enemies, thorfinn i want to be a stronger person, vinland saga, vinland saga motivation, vinland saga self improvement, inspiring vinland saga, thorfinn episode 22, nujabes vinland saga, thorfinn motivation, i want to be a kinder gentler person vinland saga, i have no enemies explained, is thorfinn gonna fight again
Id: jvZZ9oXhk74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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