How Much Youtube Paid me for my 600,000 Viewed Video + My Thoughts

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what is going on guys my name is kenji welcome back to the channel hope it's not the first time you're watching one of my videos but just in case it is i'm a fourth year medical student and a biomedical science graduate studying kids college london and in this video i'll be talking to you guys about how much youtube paid me for my most viewed video on youtube and the reason why i'm making this video is because first of all i find it so motivational inspiring watching other people talk about how much money they make through the videos they make this can possibly be helpful to you guys whether you want to make youtube videos as well maybe you're interested into that or maybe you have your own sort of side hustle you know blogging you know writing things online you might find it interesting to see how much other people who create content and also you might be one of these people who find you know stuff like this really interesting uh you know all about how youtubers are money and all about how all of this sort of lifestyle works so in this video i'll be taking you guys through exactly how much i earned on my uh my most viewed video i'll also be talking to you guys about how youtube monetization works and also my own personal thoughts as a content creator about how the whole youtube algorithm and the youtube monetization works so let's go ahead and get started right so as i mentioned here this is the video that is my most viewed video so far on youtube and it has almost around 600 000 views which is absolutely insane i've definitely had another few videos which also kind of went viral which also got a few a couple of hundred thousand views but definitely nothing like like this that has blown up completely and that also continues to blow up so as i said this was posted around a year and a half ago and i literally sat down with my camera the really interesting thing is that i did not plan this video whatsoever normally when i'm planning a youtube video i will sit down with my laptop and i'll plan for normally around half an hour sometimes an hour on everything that i want to say about in the video you know getting all this special sort of um b-roll as well you know making sure the whole like setup is you know it's perfect but with this video what's really interesting is i literally just sat down and i was um it was a tuesday um afternoon i do remember very very clearly it was tuesday afternoon now sat down and i thought you know what i'm actually writing an essay right now why don't i just pick my camera up put it on the side and just talk about my whole entire process of writing um a video so this is probably one of the videos that required the least amount of efforts on my whole entire channel but for some reason it blew up and it did really really well and that's something i find so so interesting but obviously onto the juicy part let's actually go on to talk about and find out how much i actually earned from this single video alone so if i just go onto the youtube studio real quick okay so here's the video itself and as you guys can see if i go and put it onto uh since published since i published this video in november of 2019 it has earned me over 2 300 pounds which is insane this is absolutely insane you know from a single video that i made with literally no preparation no planning as you guys can see here i didn't even make a proper thumbnail this is literally like a random you know uh photo from the actual video process there's no thumbnail i did no planning and all of a sudden this video blew up out of nowhere which is absolutely insane and earning you know over two grand from a single video you know is is crazy and i can only imagine how much huge youtubers who get these sort of views every single video earn like you know like mr beast and all those huge youtubers it's crazy how much they must earn from their own channel so this is a really really huge you know number to see and there's a few more really interesting things about this video that i want to talk about to you guys so if we look at views what was so crazy about this video is i made this video in november as you guys can see here so november of 2019 i remember making this video and getting no views on it whatsoever like i think i ended up getting a couple of thousand views for the first couple of months so it's very like sort of average average video and then all of a sudden what happened is that maybe five or six months later and we'll actually take a you know look on the analytics but around five six months later it all of a sudden blew up and went viral so as you guys can see this is when i actually first published it in november it took an entire five months for it to finally hit 10 000 views so as you can see here on the slope it received little to no views for the first couple of months but something really really weird happened when it reached uh sort of may time or april may april may time it just went crazy went viral and blew up and all of a sudden i remember looking at my phone like picking up my phone one day randomly scrolling through my youtube analytics and seeing a whole load of new subscribers joining my channel and i i looked at the actual statistics and analytics and i realized it was this video that was driving so much you know um engagement on my channel and as you guys can see it was around about here that it peaked and it went from you know um maybe 20 000 views within a month it was over 100k like almost 150k within one month and that continued to grow throughout the whole entire summer and then at the end of summer it had a quarter like pretty much a quarter of a million views which was absolutely crazy because you know normally how youtube works is that you'll post a video it will normally like spike up you know you'll get loads of views at you know once and then or slowly you know start to uh to level off and you won't really get that many views from the video you know down the line so it's crazy to see that this out of nowhere you know a video a video that i thought would not do well at all when went absolutely viral and then you know this continued to completely you know grow uh at constant rates and now it's almost at 600k and if you guys can actually look here on the graph it's it's probably not going to slow down at all and might be hitting a million in you know in a few couple of months so that's absolutely crazy to see and the fact that it made that much money in that amount of time is also absolutely crazy what's really really interesting to see as well is that this one video has continued to be my most viewed video on my channel so if you guys can see here over the last 48 hours this video has gotten 1800 views and you know compared to second place which is 235 views from this video here so it still continues to be my number one viewed video every single month which is again crazy that i made it over a year and a half ago and it's still my most viewed video now so yeah if you look at the last sort of month uh this video brought me 26 000 views compared to other videos here which are only a couple of thousand views so again so so crazy to think again another really really interesting point is that this video alone has brought me around 13 000 subscribe subscribers and my channel currently has around uh 37 000 subscribers so this video alone has brought me almost one third of the actual subscribers to my channel which again blows my mind and that's the really really interesting thing and that's kind of how youtube works is that you will make videos constantly like you know maybe once a week if you're a really good youtuber you may make one video a week and those videos will you know kind of trickle in a few subscribers here and there you know you may get a couple of hundred you know at most uh from these videos but eventually you will have videos that blow up all of a sudden you know that will do really really well that will go viral and those viral videos that you make will really be what brings in the majority of viewers to your channel not just the majority of viewers but also the majority of subscribers and as you guys can see here really interestingly you know when that video went viral in march and sorry may time that's really when the majority subscribers came through and it continues to actually contribute to the growth of subscribers in my channel so if we look at this timeline here again it's kind of you know at an output slope the whole entire time and it's continuing to give me you know loads of subscribers to my channel and again that's just another interesting thing about this video and that's again how youtube works is that your most viewed viral videos is what's going to bring in the majority of uh viewers on your channel and if we look into a bit more detail on how much has earned me uh you know over the last sort of month if we look at the last 28 days right so from this video alone in the last 28 days it's brought me 217 pounds so over the last month around about 200 pounds from this video loan which is absolutely insane you know i've been able to earn you know passive income from a video i made you know over a year and a half ago back in november 2019 it has continued to bring me around you know 200 pounds a month and we might actually be able to see how much it brings in per day so this video alone brings in you know anywhere from four to you know five six sometimes ten pounds a day you know up to your 12 pounds over here you know every single day this video alone is bringing in a huge amount of money to my channel every single month and that probably brings in you know probably you know about 40 of how much my channel earns from views is from this video on its own and again that's a really interesting thing about youtube you know if you become a youtuber and you're actually really interested becoming a youtuber if you make good videos that can constantly bring you in views they will for as long as your channel is up they will continue to continuously bring you in money to your channel passively again this is a video i made a year and a half ago and the fact that it's still bringing in you know over 200 pounds a month for me doing absolutely nothing i'm just having that video up there you can literally you know stop you know youtube and that will continue to to bring you money every single month and the interesting thing is that people who come to your channel will most likely not just watch one video you know if i find the channel very interesting i don't know about you guys but i always always always like binge all of their videos so someone comes to my channel from this video they'll you know earn money they'll help me earn money from this video alone then they'll then go on to you know watch another 5-10 videos and again you know growing in the passive revenue of your channel so if you're a youtuber you sit on a very like interesting you know platform that will allow you to continuously make you know money passively you know throughout the whole entire time and if you make a video now which doesn't do very well even if it doesn't earn very many views let's say over the last couple of days or the last couple of weeks you start to grow a sort of like catalog of the videos and if you have over 100 videos 150 videos you have a very very big catalog of videos and even if they don't do very well now if they don't do very well tomorrow youtube has its own you know search algorithm meaning that even if you made a video two or three years ago people will continue to search for your video and find your video so the more like backlogger videos you have the better your channel will actually do and also you know bring you more revenue which is really really uh interesting as well the last little point i want to talk about guys is how this video alone didn't just end up making me money on it so did i actually let you a few other sources of income which continue to also you know provide income today what's really interesting is that when i realized this video is doing really well when it started blowing up i realized that there is actually a huge market for this video you know people genuinely do want to learn how to write better essays and that's what it is you know making money online if you're making if you're selling any sort of product actually in whole entire worlds if you're selling a product essentially what it is is exchanging value so i thought to myself if i can give people value and help them write their essays even more then maybe i can make some money from this and that's exactly what i did so i actually wrote an ebook uh you know as this video is blowing up called kenji's essay writing advice you know i sat down for a good couple of days i planned out an ebook and i wrote it while i was actually on holiday norway and i sat down i wrote this this ebook you know completely i put on my website and i started publicizing this ebook on the actual video so in the description and in the comments i added this to the video and i said hey guys if you want some more you know you know help on your on your actual essay writing go check out my ebook and this ended up earning me you know quite a bit of money as well which i'm really really like happy to show you guys so if we look at how much i actually made from this ebook over the last year i made around 1 350 pounds and sold around 108 ebooks which is a huge number you know over the last year alone you know including the video including this figure here is a huge you know number just from a single video doing well and that is really really like interesting and that's one of the sources of income that this video has ended up bringing me 1400 pounds over the last years is a really good number from you know a single product on my website the next way that i also ended up um you know earning money from this is something i did actually quite recently it's only been there for maybe the last two and a half months or something but again i realized that this video does really well so let me actually do something with it so what i end up doing is actually making a skillshare course again you know publicizing this on that video but make your skillshare course going into even more depth about how to actually write an essay so if we go ahead and look at my skillshare course i actually made it at the end of january so in the end of january um you know after around one one week of posting this video i ended up earning 164 that class was then live all of february and all of march and again you know that was 308 in february 360 in march just from this you know one skillshare course which is publicized by that one video which is a huge number and again this skillshare course is now another form of passive income which will be on there forever and will hopefully continue to earn money you know through the other video as well so through that one video going viral through it's still doing really really well on my channel for some youtube you know algorithm reason it has continued to you know to bring up other ideas i can make money like you know through skillshare or through you know selling ebooks and stuff like that which is so so amazing and which is all because of you guys so thank you guys so much for all the support and i don't want to come across arrogance i really want to you know show my appreciation from all of this because this is crazy stuff you know this is the fact that i can earn money from helping you guys and you know giving you guys value is absolutely amazing and i you know i really can't um i really can't you know replace that alright guys so that is exactly how much youtube paid me uh from my most viewed video and also my general thoughts on you know this whole algorithm this whole monetization process on youtube i hope you guys have found this somewhat useful and if you have please make sure you're subscribed with notifications on please give the video a thumbs up as well and i'll see you guys on the next one you
Channel: Kenji Tomita
Views: 1,783
Rating: 4.9191918 out of 5
Keywords: how much youtube paid me, how much youtubers make, how to make money online, how to make money on youtube, how to make money on youtube without making videos, how to make money on youtube without showing your face, how much youtube paid me for 1 million views, how much money i make on youtube, how much do youtubers make
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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