Moving to University Vlog | Fresher's Week | King's College London

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what is good on guys my name is Kenji welcome back to my channel it's the first time you watching one of my videos I am a third-year medical student study in King's College London and I'm currently from my trade today I'm moving into my new accommodation in London I'm really late my training but I feel like it's been a while I feel like we need to sit down and have a catch-up for the last three months so I'll speech you guys in the next clip and I'll catch you guys up on what's been happening in my life so see you guys next day [Music] and can I ask you just to look at the events that are coming yeah just look them okay I'll be I'll be on the dry is up there the washing machine is down there this is all controlled by an app cool socket so please download socket for your friend if you do want to use this you can make payments by a second so you don't need to Queens or anything it's all done by the out but a common nice Wow okay I like it like that did you know it's possible [Applause] yeah so these are all the why for instruction Brits yes also what I really need to tell you what's really important every Wednesday in this building there's a weekly firearm test okay it's at 1:00 p.m. and this one every single Wednesday order if you hear that yeah for 60 seconds it's fine okay stay in your room is it fine it's just a test cool if it's more than 60 seconds yeah please leave all your belongings in your room later and come out I where the fire me to wait yeah just before this building there's a should be called have to treat it would it be used on your well if you get another building yeah it's gonna be on your left please do not use a knife and they'll concentrate a little bit knowledge and but that's only if it's longer than a minute if there's any other day in my last foundation it was like a 10 a.m. morning this crazy what won't be missed about this and things that you can check there for you know to help you around the building oh I'm usin here okay thank you so much thanks very much security and if you want to convey my thanks guys alright alright so here now just go to my room as you guys have to I just have to tell us I mentioned my first 10 seconds of being here so let's check it out alright so the door right there I just walked in from I guess it's the toilet let's have a look at something nope yeah all right come on actually have a shower this time oh my god alright so in my last accommodation in integrative Street Apartments which you guys may have seen in my last one my last videos I didn't actually have a real shower so this is this honestly makes me so happy to have a real shower I know sounds stupid but honestly all right six right here mmm then as you walk in God bed over here which looks a bit bigger than my last one actually I think this is like one and a half I've won a half times I think like one and a half size beds my last one was really small so that's really nice to have God like cupboards up here as well a huge desk this oh man this this test is actually huge I love it I love it because the drawers over here and yes that's a courtyard area done yeah I like it like it yeah it's actually really nice to be here I was really excited to see my room so really glad that it's actually it's a lot bigger than my last accommodation like you haven't seen my last accommodation go watch the tour video that I made but I will make a tour video of this accommodation if you guys want so leave a comment down below if you want to see where I'm at right now but yeah I wanted to chill out for a little bit like you know I'm really sweaty for my carrying all my bags one shelf a little bit put my stuff down like arrange my stuff everywhere and then yeah see what else is happening for the day yeah to let you guys know what the plan is for us today it's currently 5 past 11:00 a.m. so I think I'm gonna head to campus head to library for a couple of hours my next lecture is on my first lecture today is at 2 p.m. in Denmark Hill campus I'm not entirely sure if I want to go for it yet I might watch it online because I have lots of stuff to do today but I might go to lectures from 2 to around 6 p.m. or 5:30 p.m. and then after that I'm gonna rent a car and go pick up the rest of my stuff absolutely from my last place I'll stay at and I was staying in Northwest London oh yeah I just realized haven't I'm actually I caught you up called you guys up in the last couple months okay I wanna take a breather rewind a couple of days rewind a few hours but basically over the last three months I've been traveling around Southeast Asia so I went to Kenya first in Africa that I went to Taiwan for weeks a person to block up now my Taiwan blog go watch that I can't watch it yet I went to Taiwan I went to Philippines I went to Japan I went to Bali I went to Hong Kong and I got back from traveling last week Saturday so spit about just over a week I started my third year medicine last Monday so we could go and yeah Here I am in my new accommodation back in uni back in the swing of things but to making videos most importantly and yeah so I left half my stuff at my friend's house literally for my ball this is actually what I'm traveling with the last three months the suitcase right here and my little backpack over there as well this is why I had with me if the last week without staying with my sister in Northwest London so the rest of my stuff is on my friend's house so later on today after my lectures I'm gonna go rent a car and go pick up the rest of my stuff I have like a huge bunch of boxes I need to pick up so I'm actually rent a van so I'm gonna rent a van take you guys with me go pick up my stuff later on I'll call my lectures probably hit gym today as well and see what we have planned history for the rest today so I'll see you guys in the next shop I've got to say that when you guys first move into your accommodation you get like a bunch of free stuff as well and so honest with you the reason why I pay all of this money to stay in accommodation is all this free stuff here so I'll show you guys what to expect all right so this is definitely worth like 10 grand your paper years and live in this place like this so over here let's see what's inside okay all right we've got hot noodle which I'm sure will come in handy one of these days Newton I actually pop you deliver hits oh my gosh some hand sanitizer nope nope some face wash okay all right you never know what - a patient face wash some cars as well all right then car like that some drink meat rise and shine latte okay I like it whoa I love these things actually it's one of these like sticky things that you can use to like stick stuff in your wall like picture frames and stuff already comes in handy clean energy drink all right okay energy drinks I like that was we got another one all right - energy drinks all right see what I definitely see why I'm paying all this money now Nando's okay some Nando's stuff oh my gosh yes what is this go on hand you really hot over this okay some Nando's perón a sauce and I'll had this last year actually I think it's one of those free like Nando's cause the chicken things let's see see ya free hot chicken Nando's oh my gosh this is why we come to state accommodation buys I well who else we got worse food on here hanger all right some Reese's Reese's what's called researchers Reese's chocolate okay why not and a bunch of cards over there all right I like that I like that see what else is in here nice little bag and kings water bottle which I have I have like ten of these already from the gym all right why not well so we got you know what this is just have a look okay some cards some more like okay all right it's just some doofus and leave its and stuff all right little keychain all right I'm definitely before that foot prefer that box what's in there but yeah that's what you guys get in university when you first come look forward to it oh I didn't notice this all right this oh man I love this is so much storage here like compared to my old place are staying at honestly like there's so much more storage here like up here as well I love it I just realized I haven't actually gone to see hopefully to here because if I walk in the kitchen for the first time with a camera they definitely be like what the hell like who's weirdo out of the day by the way got some oversized whoo-hoo man share on lots of grey skinny jeans that I got yesterday in Westfield and the usual bands one as well anyways let's go check out the kitchen and see what else the supplies saying this is great okay okay all this advice on all of this right so we actually have a surface area of the first time in world formation you didn't have any websites to damage shield so I like that I can even breakfast there got like this whole section over here like a really open plan very nice open plan kitchen I guess we can have our breakfast and I eat lunch over here and stuff like that two sinks as well okay to two places to cook all these cupboards right here our man this is really nice two fridges two freezers all right yeah just to freeze about their gray color color scheme I hear milk Steve either one line they did say there was a TV so they kind of bugged me up on that but yeah that's pretty much it so another tip when you're first go to university if you're the first one in the flat make sure like you occupy there's much space as possible so I want to let you go and bring my suitcase in here on unpack hold my stuff and like hug all these cupboards here it's no one could take them only joking but definitely don't take all of them but definitely for the first one that flat try and I reserve the best you in find a spot in the fridge and in the cupboards as well I know it sounds really bad just a little tip take it or leave it but I'm definitely to choose the best cupboards in here in a few minutes so yeah I like this kitchen I like it if you check out your flats make sure that you bring your Q you I just got myself out and I'm have to go and ask for new set he said I wanted like how to do idiot but it's one of this so I'm already I kind of spent a bit of time just settling down by putting my stuff away putting stuff in the floor unpacking my few stuff I have on me it's currently 11 o'clock and I'm gonna head to campus I'm gonna go so library a few hours were done me up so me up so my friends for lunch and then head to lectures at 2 p.m. I think don't hold me to it maybe 2:00 p.m. on my head is the lectures that's planned so far so I'll see you guys on the next shot when I'm in University [Music] all right so here is the van let's workout open it see mmm drive unlock yeah nice and cozy alright so I just picked up the van and this isn't a sponsored post at all I just really really like a supporters company and but I use this app called Zipcar which is basically an app that allows you to rent cars or vans per hour so renting this van for like one hour this cost me like 10 pounds so yeah I picked up the van really with ya for 23 years old to rent a van and a car as well but whenever I need a car or a van London I let's just use this and it's absolutely amazing so in the van now I've gone and drive over to my friends house pick up pick up all my stuff and then go pick up it mean more my friends it means that he'll be helping me out to unload all my stuff so I splat for now alright first things first got try find out how to find these keys because although the app opens up the van it doesn't actually show where the keys are some guests sit in the dashboards yep - pick somewhere it's also got put on the finest an aux cable try put on some music yeah there is no stable so okay my friend lives around no point five miles away should be around 10 minute drive which isn't too bad the traffic London is normally quite bad around this time so we'll see how that works out there is no it my phone is really annoying but sorry we'll work it out right that's cool yeah driving a van this big as well is gonna be so hard it's on a you can tell the camera but it's honestly such a huge ban so not looking fors it but we'll see how that goes and the last time I drove cars did she like three months ago [Music] alright back of the car now extremely sweaty after that very very hot but I wanna go pick up at me now mean said he'll come and help me out so I'm gonna put him up with the address in go find him pick him up and then unload all this stuff like I'm sweating I'm panting so much as well but yeah I have about half an ounce I need to return this this van and I'm really hoping I have enough time to like pass by like a McDonald's drive-through and get like a smoothie or a curb milkshake something but yeah I'll see you guys in the next part of the blog yeah he's a bug in a tree room governor look here oh he loved it [Music] all right so my only gosh I'm so shiny give me one sec all right so I'm finally back in my room and oh my gosh am I tired light it's been a really really long day it's kind of catch you guys up as you can see the box is right behind me I finally am completely moving to my accommodation in the last clip that you guys saw I was in the library I think I'm gonna straighten this out in the last cookie you guys saw I think I wasn't I was in the library after that I went to King's College Hospital we had a number of lectures there I think we had six lectures in total which around 30 minutes each so we had like 3 or 4 hours of lectures got the lectures out of the way and then I caught up my friends and we took a bus to Nando's so we had Nando's like we sat down caught up as well which is really nice and then after that I went and I rented a van as you guys as you guys have saw in the last few clips we rented a van words pick up all my stuff then picked up a mean in junior and they helped me move into my new flats so here we are on the way home as well I picked up KFC I know this is like a medical channel but I want to keep it real of you guys and I know ago June I promoted all gym like lifestyle medicine lifestyle coke you agree with you I really cannot be bothered so like go to the kitchen right now and cook food it's already 9:30 p.m. no 10:00 to 10:00 p.m. and I have lectures tomorrow morning and it's like unpack all of this like I don't you guys can see this but there's like there's boxes on boxes I'll give you guys like I'll show you guys in a sec but Sony box let me unpack and I really did not feel like you know good food I also passed by Tesco's and I picked up a few essentials I need like two to me till tomorrow I'm not entirely sure like how much I packed here like how many like you know kitchen stuff I packed so I want to get a few things so I got like able to bacterial wipes for like cleaning up in my room I got like washing up liquid as well damn I got shampoo so I'm like um shower gel as well and rust like it I also got um some brioche buns I live off these things if you guys see my daily lives love day-in-the-life videos I actually love these things that live off them I say yeah the plan is right now to eat my dinner I'm gonna call when my friends catch up with him as well eat my dinner and then like unpack all of his stuff so I'll show you guys right now like how much the batch you have to unpack so our suitcase right here was why I brought it with me today I have all of this stuff here likes my I'm in more suitcases I have boxes on boxes and boxes and boxes and boxes some of my little bags over there as well some boxes over here as well my you know my table so there's like there's a there's a lot to do like tonight like it's already as I said 10:00 to 10:00 p.m. it's already 10:00 to 10:00 p.m. and I have lectures tomorrow morning at around 10 p.m. and bath and hospital so I'm gonna try and like unpack what I can try at least find like my you know my bedding I think I need to like sleep on that is the time for now I then yeah I'm gonna eat real quick and then I'm probably gonna end the vlog there so I'll speech you guys in the next clip oh and lastly none of my families have actually moved in yet because I'm a third year medic the medic starts around I think one or two weeks earlier than everyone else so all my flatmates should be moving in next weekend so right now I have the whole flat to myself hopefully for the next week at least see ya that's a plan I'm gonna eat dinner then wrap the vlog or sweet you guys in about two seconds [Music] all right so it's currently around midnight and the packing is finally done like I literally can't describe to you guys just how tired I am but I'm so happy to be done my room is more or less like in place I still need to make a bit more pretty I still need to like put stuff away but it's more or less in place so I'll show you guys real quick how it's looking at the moment okay so as I said I saw these kind of like put stuff away but I have my my tablet over there with keyboard I have the my laptop stopped so the monitor over there was my TV I mean another little kind of like cupboard down there up here is all my stuff that kind of laid out at the moment so honestly got there for now over here is the bed so as I said it's a double bed now I'm so so happy about and yeah just that's pretty much it oh yeah my guitar down here as well so that is pretty much it I'm really really happy by room as I said but before I in the book here I want to kind of go downstairs and just do a bit of exploring like earlier on I saw with the common room I saw there the study room but I didn't actually get to like see what's actually like so far out of the blog I'm gonna take you guys down with me let's just go check it out they might be some people come room that right now that which I could meet non-title Shores quite late before I go downstairs let me show you guys up there come on green down here you've got my graduation day as well and down here I have my first publication which is kind of nice just happy like near my desk over there is really nice just to kind of have a reminder of you know why can't achieve if I work hard so I put my shoes on right now and show you guys downstairs yeah let's just go ahead yeah here it is a Montana show you guys can see this is kind of dark but this is actually so sick like we have you know benches here just to chill out we have a pool table over here small benches place to keep my by our bikes that's my bike over there in green moving down here we have like some chill chairs over here like kind of beach chairs we have a table tennis table of here Anna's redock we have table tennis over here over there we have like picnic benches and stuff and there's like a little canopy area over here this is actually so cool like idols I actually love this like I'm deafie can see myself just chilling here in summer like having a beer my friends having a drink my friends chilling outside playing table tennis and stuff this is this actually so sick if I'm on Teddy Shore like you guys didn't see this before my dark but death looking forward to spending some more time here so I'll see you guys next show which is really cool yeah history room is like desks over here desks over there so many chairs there's also a TV up here as well which I guess is my connection laptop and might work on yeah honestly like this is honestly amazing like I can definitely see myself when I come here to work like instead of going all the way accomplice to you know it's because of library if I hung bothered to go to library I can definitely see myself by just chilling here also when my friends come around okay I'll tell you today is also my friends come around as well you can always come down here together and just work like in a group which I really really like I'm definitional person that like needs or working environments like I don't really like working my room I don't really like working at home a really really doable environment to work in I used to work in like coffee shops over summer and stuff like that but I really really much prefer an environment to just sit down I can just like dedicate to my work so having this here is actually process and honestly it probably is the best thing about this combination having this area here is absolutely amazing so that is the tall guys I want to conclude the video here and I really hope this video has been informative I know it's kind of like a chilled day not really like very very informative actually but her if it gives you guys like an experience of what it's like to actually move into university holds I was a bit hesitant until I recall this video because I don't wanna be that guy that has a camera and meeting new people and stuff like that and walking into a new area but I had to do it for you guys so if you're going to university very very soon let me know when you re looking forward to I remember like when I was first moving into my very very first student combination ever I was really nervous I was also really before to it so let me know with a comment down below what you're looking for - if you have any questions at all about the accommodation or where you know what it's like to move into university do let me know and I'll make sure to get back to you thank you guys so much for watching this video and I'll see you guys on the next one
Channel: Kenji Tomita
Views: 15,974
Rating: 4.9359269 out of 5
Keywords: Moving into Halls, moving into university, King's college london accomodation, university halls, university accomodation, medical school, medicine, medical school in the uk, undergraduate medicine, how i got into medical school, king's college london medicine, medical school uk, medical school life, medical school vlog, medical school london, medical school vlog uk, medical school application, day in the life of a medical student, university room tour, julian markham
Id: -2UkVmTptQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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