I Was REJECTED from Medschool...

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being rejected again was so hard to take having that long side my dissertation all of the stress from you know everything in university really really broke me I pretty much like completely convinced myself that medicine was just not happening what is going on guys my name is Kenji I welcome back to my channel her abuse on the first time watching one my videos but in case it is I am a third year medical student southern Keys College London and a lot of you guys will know that my first ever video that were posted was about my story about how I got into medical school with other best grades and that wasn't a great title that was honestly the truth I didn't get the best grades and I finally got in medical school and that was a while ago I think that video is posted maybe two years ago and since then I've gained over seven thousand subscribers and I realized that a lot of you may not actually know my story about how I got into medical school so I thought I'll tell you about my story again add some pictures maybe a few videos as well and tell all the newcomers about my story about how I went to medical school and if you have seen my last video about how I did I'll be giving a bit more information and going into a bit more detail about my journey into medical school before I do start telling a story if you could take two seconds to hit that subscribe button I promise you you will not regret it so hit the subscribe button down below give it a thumbs up as well and let's go ahead and get started so I first decided to do medicine when I'm 16 years old before that I actually wanted to become a scientist and my mom told me that if you come a doctor you can actually become a scientist as well and also help people as a doctor so another round of 16 I decided to pursue a career in medicine and honestly I fell in love the straightaway I put so much effort into getting all the work experience you know work very hard at school to hopefully get the grace of Prize Medical School and then after that I went to college which in the UK is year 12 so I joined you 12 again with the hopes of you know getting the grace to apply for medical school the thing is though while I was in year 12 unfortunately during my year 12 exams I ended up getting a a B in my a doubles something about a maths and biology but being chemistry and because of that's my predictions for year 13 in school ended up being a star a B and like don't get me wrong those absolutely amazing grades really well done if you got those grades as well but unfortunately it's get into medical school no one in my school and other time had gotten an offer previously with a B prediction in chemistry so because of that I honestly still remember the day I got those who grades I was so sad I stayed in bed all day was honestly such a tough period for me I remember on results today going to my teachers going to my my careers advisers and asking them is there any way at all that I could possibly apply to medical school you know but I saw a B is it any way possible and they all said to me like don't even try it don't even bother it's not gonna happen I remember also going to my chemistry teacher and asking them to please like literally begging them to please increase my prediction from a B to an A and they literally said like sorry is nothing we do about it you know these are the grades you got and this is all we can predict you then I remember asking my biology teachers asking them is there any way that I can get into Medical School as a graduate you know what if I did biomedical science first and then entered medical school to graduate and literally all and told me like that's it's going to take too long it's even more competitive and some Constable's of money so just completely forget that idea so I was really upset for a while and then obviously the time can came where I had to decide what I wanted to do for university so other time I honestly didn't care like what I wanted to do I didn't get the grace to even apply for medical schools so I ended up applying for a random degree which is biology so I sent off my applications University and I applied to biology I didn't even want to do biology but I just was so shattered and so I obsess if I'm not getting into medical school but I didn't even care so I sent my application for biology and ended up getting offers for biology so I got four offers from 14 universities to study biology and then a while later ended up actually discovering his degree called biomedical science which sounded a lot more similar to what I wanted to do in the future if not medicine so I ended up emailing all the universities being like please please I don't do biology did you please transfer my applications biomedical science and all the universities go back to me saying yeah sure like no worries we'll transfer you to biomedical science so I finally graduated from college I finished off year thirteen and then are straight off to university so University started and things went really well you know things were going really smoothly at this time I still was quite upset about not getting into medical schools so I was kind of like you know getting a feel for biomedical science and not worrying too much about medicine the real amazing thing is that biomedical science at the University of Birmingham which is where I went to was taught in medical school I also played football for medical school so a lot of my friends ended up being medics ended up being medical students and the fact that it was taught in medical school and our Serrano our medical students kind of you know reignited my passion and my motivation to hopefully apply for medical school so when I saw some public science I started really enjoying it and I got my motivation back to you know want to pursue a medicine so while I was in biomed I honestly worked like harder than I've ever worked in my life you know I literally sat down I said to myself if I want to pursue medicine if this is the decision I want to do then I'm gonna do 100% you know strength and 100 centralization I there's no backing down so I worked extremely hard you know if all of my ink assessments in my exams I sacrifice so much you know honestly put in so much effort so much work into getting to medicine and then by the time first you came to an end I started realizing that you know what I'm actually getting pretty good grades for second year came around in biomed and you know the year started really well I continued to make amazing friends have amazing times and I think started getting more serious second years a year that actually counted for us and actually counter to our degree so again I stepped up my work ethic I set up how hard actually worked and again you know my grades slowly started climbing slowly started becoming you know good enough medicine and I started realizing like you know what this medicine plan could actually you know come into fruition this could actually be a thing so throughout the whole of second year I found work experience and then secondary finally came to an end and in my exam results actual first class I was just so happy for then moved on to the summer of second year and I did all my work experience you know I talked my work experience at a different video so check that out by did all my work experience and then I finally starts a third year and I you know this is when it really started becoming serious stats if I want to get his medical school I need to absolutely smashed third year I was also in the summer of my second year before I started my third year I sacrificed literally my whole summer to do to work in a lab do those research and also like three or four weeks of my my summer to do the UK cat so summer in between my second and my third year I literally had one week of summer to actually enjoy enjoy summer so third year came around and it was at this point where I had given up so much and getting into medical school is all I ever wanted and as all I was dreaming of I remember I remember you know kind of sitting down and thinking about this and realizing that if I went ahead to medical school I'm gonna have to sacrifice even more than I ever have so third year I don't recommend doing this but I am you know I stopped going out my friends I stopped going clubbing with my friends and my sacrifice a lot of social time my I didn't got on the night anymore because I mean over the nights while my friends were going out I'd sit down my room and I'd work on my dissertation in her work on all my work at that year to September past and you know I had fun a September with my friends that's kind of the last month I went out with him and then October came and during October this is what I started you know writing my my medical school application writes my personal statement things were just starting to get like really stressful November came and I finally sent off my my medical school application and those on that day that I officially became a medical school applicants I was honestly so proud of myself you're just have gotten the grades have gotten this far you know just the gotten to the actual point of applying to medical school which I never did in the past you know when I was in my a levels and college I didn't get a great surprise medical schools so getting to that point of just applying to me was like such a big achievement so I sent off my medical school application and the dreaded month of December came December was really tough for me for a number of reasons this is December of 2016 the first one being that I already knew that in January I had an interview for medicine because I was a Birmingham already I had a guaranteed interview for medicine and the way that that worked is that because I was doing biomed at Birmingham they had ten places available for the biomat students to get its medicine was a whole list of criteria that we had to meet we had to work really really hard and they chose the 10 best applicants to get the 10 guaranteed interviews at the medical school so before I even sent off my application to medicine already knew that at Birmingham I had a guaranteed interview waiting for me in January so yeah so because of that and you know it was extremely stressful again for the first reason that I knew I had it interview coming up in January I just sent off my medical school application and thirdly you know third year was getting really serious really hard and lastly we had our dissertation so December was honestly probably one of the hardest months of my entire life and one of the most stressful months of my entire life January then came around and after sacrificing my whole entire Christmas to prepare for the January interview of Birmingham I came back to Birmingham and I had my interview for medicine at Birmingham the interview honestly in my part I thought it went like pretty okay and was this point that I also started getting rejections from other medical schools so I applied for Burma obviously which I had to go and interview for I have five of Queen Mary's at King's College London and also Manchester so after my interview - emails for Manchester and also Queen Mary's basically saying that sorry we've had a look at your application and you've been rejected from medical school so this was obviously very hard to me you know getting rejections and realizing that my chances now even more slim was really hard for me but apart from that I continued working really really hard on my dissertation I was working in the labs like 12 hours a day trying to order the data to write my dissertation and at the same time I was waiting back to here for my interview of Birmingham and also waiting to hear back from King's and I honestly still remember the day that I was sat in my common room in between experiments you know was having lunch in the common room I got a notification from Birmingham and I was so excited to hear back from them so I picked up my phone one of my emails and there was I got rejected from Birmingham as well although I did get rejected them said that I was second on the waiting list the atom eats the waiting list and because our second two people dropped out or decided to take up an offer from a different University and not choose Birmingham then I would go from the waiting list to being given an offer and yes the rejection was hard but knowing that our second waiting list really meant that I had my hopes up and I was I really believed that I was going to get the offer so fast forward four weeks later into February I was working really hard on my dissertation again and I got another email so this time I've got my phone and again it was Birmingham but this time you know I was hoping for you know you've been on waiting list and lucky for you two people have decided to choose a different University and not come to Birmingham so we're happy to give you the offer that certainly wasn't the case I opened up my email and it was an email saying that sorry but you've been rejected for being completely no one has chosen a different University and known has dropped out so unfortunately yeah you've been rejected basically this is honestly one of the hardest days of my life you know being rejected again was so hard to take having that long side my dissertation all of the stress from you know everything in university really really broke me like I'm over the lighting I was such a hard day and like looking back as well I just now is making me feel really weird actually so that took a blow to me it took me a you know good two or three days to recover from that email although I did have you know King's College London left to hear back from at this point near Kings being so high up as University and also being so late in the year there's already you know March and I hadn't heard back from Kings and I pretty much like completely convinced myself that medicine was just not unhappiness I ended up like having like a mini breakdown and I removed the day that's when I realized that medicines are gonna happen and I actually started this whole business plan about how I want to go back to Kenya start up a business plan I even had the logo designed like I designed the full logo for this whole business plan to convince myself that it's fine that again in medical school but I had other options as well so after basically you know completely convincing myself that medicine doesn't happen by removing a dinner and receiving him other email through my watch you know I got an application my watch and it said you know King's College London has send you an email and again I was like you know what it's fine I was expecting this rejection like I knew I knew was gonna be rejection you know but I decided on my phone during dinner I opened up my phone and it said you know beyond my belief that Keyes College London has invited me for an interview for the five-year medical course I honestly can't describe like how excited I was I was so I was in shock I lived she was in shock you know and after convincing myself that medicine wasn't going to happen I have an interview that is actually in five days time what was really like scary at that time was that my dissertation was during three days time and I'd only have two days to prepare for the King's College London interview although I was you know still working really hard my dissertation this increased my motivation like tenfold I've never this most amazing my life to do you know so so well so five days past and I handed in my dissertation in Birmingham I finally got that other way you know all the stress and all their like hard work and long nights that had gone into this dissertation to find the other way I set off my dissertation and I had two days to head back to London and prepare for my interview at King's College London I can't describe to you how hard I worked that interview you know I practiced every single day amenda meant the entire world to me to do well on this interview so two days passed after handing in my dissertation and I finally went for the interview Kings which I thought went really well and again I was entirely sure because Barry went so well and I end up getting rejected so I don't really know what to think this point I didn't know what to feel so the interview you know is done and at this point it was the waiting game and just hit back from what Kings would have to say so over the next couple of days I kept myself busy by revising for my final year exams which I only had you know a couple of weeks away and I remember the point where I got the offer for medicine I was rising all day at home for my final exams and it decided to take a break from revision so I went into my bed I laid down for around five or ten minutes and the interview offer had finally come through you know I got an email on my bed not knowing how to feel like my heart racing being extremely nervous and I opened up the email and it said that you've been given an offer to study medicine on the five-year course and we can't wait to have you in September this was a this is the most memorable day of my life you know I jumped off my bed and I ran straight to the kitchen and I show my mom my phone and I let her read it hours later she like mom how to read have a read of what this email says and I still remember look that she had in her face but how proud of me she was and literally you know in the space of two days from the interview two days later I had the offer for studying medicine and my motivation was sky rocketed through the roof you know I finally had the offer that been waiting for for my whole entire life all I had to do is get a 2:1 and I'd be accepted on to the medical program so it's as hard as I possibly could for my exams you know went into my final exams honestly like more anxious than I have in my entire life you know I remember vomiting on the day of my last exam feeling you know extremely stressed extremely unwell but I got the exams out the way I worked as hard as I possibly could and I decided just to sit back and say you know what my exams are done now it's all in God's hands so a couple of weeks had passed and someone had finally started I went to I be filled my friends you know we celebrated finally finishing my degree and I said to myself that no matter what happens in the end I know it gave a hundred percent I know where as hard as I possibly could results they finally came and the all my belief I ended up getting a first-class degree by medical science and my conditional offer for medicine ended up turning into a unconditional offer to start medical school in September I guess College London so that basically is my story of how I went to medical school but there's a few things I wanted to share with you a few points that I actually wrote down and I wanted to talk to you guys about the first thing I want to say that if you look at the grades but medicine in high school in secondary school it's not the end of the world there are other routes into medical school just like I did my stories only one of the a typical ways going into medical school but there are different routes there are different doors that you can go through it again to medical school eventually the next thing that I wanted to make abundantly clear is that to get into medical school you honestly don't have to be the most intelligent person worlds there is a huge like belief and a huge misconception that all medical students are you know so intellectual so so smart and that honestly isn't the truth you know I I don't consider myself particularly gifted in school I ended up getting a DB my a-levels as I told you my UK cat was very average but what you do have to be to get this medical school is extremely hard working you may have to be the hardest work in the room you don't need to be the smartest person in the room but you do have to be one of the hardest workers and that's the second point I want to say the first point I wanted to tell you guys is that the difference between someone who's successful and someone who isn't isn't a lack of skill but it's a lack of will again reinforcing the point that getting into medical school isn't about how skillful you are how smart you are it's about how hard you're willing to work and how much you know you were willing to sacrifice to get what you want and get into medical school the fourth point I want to mention is that it took me three extra years to get to medical school but the beautiful thing about a degree is that there's no dates on it I have a degree behind me over in the corner you can't see it but on a degree it doesn't say how long it took you to get that degree you know it may have taken someone five years to go through medical school it's going to take me eight years in total to get through and finally graduated doctor but on a degree there were no dates I sort of took someone five and took me eight it doesn't show up anywhere what matters really is that you eventually get there in the end so there's no matter how long it takes you what matters that you get to your dream of being a doctor what I also wanted to say is that everyone has their own story in life everyone is in their own chapter in their life and not to compare your story to someone else's you know some people start on level 10 and to get to level 20 which is medical school they've really climbed you know 10 stories maybe some other level 10 you know have parents with doctors maybe they come from a very privileged background maybe you're getting to medical school wasn't entirely hard for them so getting from level 10 up to level 20 you know may not necessarily be as hard for them you know that's not to say that they didn't work hard or put in the graft that needed to get his medical school that's just to say that some people start in level 10 and guess at level 20 in my case and maybe in your case you know maybe we're at you know minus 10 maybe we're gonna have to climb 30 floors you know at - then maybe you had some adversity in your life you know maybe you had someone in your life who passed away maybe you come from you know a less privileged background maybe you don't have anyone in your whole entire family like me who at university may be the first person you know your entire family because university the first dots in your family maybe you had to go through so much adversity and it's guy from minus 10 to 20 which is medical school maybe you had to climb 30 floors you know and that's just to say that everyone's story is different everyone is at a different point in their lives everyone is in a different chapter in their life so don't compare yourself as hard as I beat anyone else in the world stick to what you know stick to where you're at in life and stick to how many levels you have to climb to get to where you want to get to and I'm not saying it's easy it definitely wasn't easy for me to get to medical school definitely wasn't easy for me to stay motivated for three years by med I'm not saying it's gonna be easy you may have to work work harder you may have to work longer you may have to sacrifice some more but what I can definitely promise you and honestly give you my word is that in the end it's all worth it it's all worth the hard work that I put in to become a medical students and I promise you that if you put in the work as well it'll be as worth of you as it was for me so this has been an extremely long video thank you so much if you reach this point and that pretty much is my story guys you know I hope it's given you some sort of motivation I hope it's given you some insights into my life and what it was like for me why I had to go through to become medical students as I said it wasn't easy but it was so worth it and I heard that you can take something from this video and make something of it maybe you're in high school right now maybe you're in your degree maybe you got rejected if more than once more than twice for medical school but I do hope that you get there in the end if you have any comments or any questions at all feel free to contact me down below leave a comment please make sure that you subscribe to channel give the video a thumbs up it really helps good luck with your application good luck with your journey and I'll see you guys on the next one yeah [Music]
Channel: Kenji Tomita
Views: 76,433
Rating: 4.9748497 out of 5
Keywords: medical school, postgraduate medicine, undegraduate medicine, getting into medical school, motivation, king's college london, how i got into medical school, medical school without good grades, rejected from medical school, a-level results, a-level results day, failing a-level, rejected from university, medical school rejection
Id: IEUBeKq8Pqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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