How I Got a First Class in EVERY Essay at University (Part 2) | The Best Essay Technique

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what is going on guys my name is kenji welcome back to my channel hopefully the first time you're watching one of my videos but in case it is i'm a fourth year medical student and biomedical science graduate study at king's college london and before we start this video i want to say if you haven't actually watched the first part of this video i really do recommend you pause here and go watch the first part this video won't really make much sense if you haven't watched the first part the first part actually got over 350 000 views and it's helped thousands of people write better essays so i do recommend you guys go and check that video out before then coming back to this video and continuing it the second thing i want to say is that the first part and the second part of these videos are just a general kind of explanation how to write essays but if you want to see an actual breakdown of how i write an essay use an example that i wrote and break it down step by step then my how to write an essay ebook will be linked down the description below if you want to get yourself a copy to go into more detail on how to write an essay but if you have watched the first part welcome to the second part in the first video we spoke about the whole kind of process of writing an essay how to get your research together and then finally how to put that all together and get ready to actually write an essay in this video i'm going to be talking about once you have all the research and all the kind of literature review work done what do you actually need to put in your essay and what exactly you need to write in order to get a first class in this video i'll be giving you guys an example with a title called the gut microbiota in sickness and in health this is actually an essay title that i was given in my undergraduate biomedical science degree so i think it'll be really good to talk about what exactly i would write if i was given this essay time to myself don't worry if you're not doing science you know you might be studying history or english or whatever all the general principles about how to write an essay even though it's a scientific topic will still apply whatever fields you're in these principles don't just apply to how to write an essay i'd say they also apply to writing up a lab report a literary review a case report literally whatever type of assignment you give in university that involves you having to write up maybe three or four thousand words this kind of structure that i'll give you guys in regards to what's exactly writing your essay will hopefully apply to absolutely every bit of coursework that you can be given in university in regards to essay writing before we get started if you could please do me a favor and take two seconds of your day to give the video a thumbs up it really helps these videos reach more people without further ado let's go ahead and get started okay so as i said the example essay title that we'll be using is the gut microbiota in sickness and health don't worry about what that actually means i'll just be using this as an example as to what you guys should write in your essays so the first thing you guys should start off by writing is your introduction once you've gathered all of the kind of research and data as i showed you guys in part one the first thing i want you guys to know which is so so important and if there's anything you can absolutely take away from this video if there's one thing you have to take it's a funnel method this final method is something that i made up and it's so so key in getting a first class what i mean by the federal method is that whenever you write a paragraph whenever you write a section in your essay you want to make sure that you're starting off at the very very top with a very kind of broad uh general explanation of your topic but then as time goes along and as you write more and get to the bottom of your paragraph and the end of your section you'll be right at the bottom of the funnel over here um being very very specific so in the first part of your introduction you want to start off as i said very broadly and this applies to every single section of your essay whether you're writing an introduction the main body of the conclusion you always want to start off with the final method with at the top being very very broad explanation and then as you go along get more specific okay so starting right at the top of the funnel we want to start off by talking about is what exactly is the gut microbiota you want to first of all define exactly what you're looking at no matter what your essay title is what you want to do in the first paragraph straight away again being the top of the final define exactly what you're looking at so i would start off in this example by talking about what is the gut microbiota very broadly and then as time will go along i'll show you guys how we'll get to the bottom of that funnel so once we actually define what the gut microbiota is what we're going to then do is talk about why it's important someone who is marking your essay will straightaway want to know why am i reading this essay why am i reading this paper what is the importance so the second thing that i'd recommend doing once you explain what your essay title is and what you're actually focusing on what you want to then do is talk about the importance of your topic so in this example what i would say is you know the government water very very important because they're the bacteria living in our guts and they consist of millions of cells and they perform at this function in our body and helps us live in this sort of way but straight away i want to tell the reader exactly why this topic is important the next thing that we want to do is then talk about their function so what is their role in the human body if let's say you're doing finance and marketing and your essay title is on let's say the role of youtubers in influencer marketing let's say you want to define the role of youtubers in the actual influencer market and then move on to talk about more specific things so in this scientific example i want to straightaway talk about you know how do they function and what role do they provide in the human body and as you kind of see we're moving down that funnel you know we started off very broadly at the start defining what my title is defining the importance and now we're saying exactly what role they have in the human body and that's really really key the next thing we want to talk about is leading on to the bottom of the funnel uh starts to address your title so you know define the problem and obviously in this kind of essay title there is no problem per se but you want to define exactly where you'll be going in the rest of the body of the essay after giving a broad kind of explanation of your topic of your title you then want to talk about what you will be talking about for the rest of the entire essay in the body and then also inclusion as well so my advice would be to get to the bottom of the funnel and start to address your actual title of your essay as i said my title doesn't actually have a problem but what i would start doing towards the end of the um the kind of paragraph is just begin talking about a few points of the gut microbiota in health and autism disease and then that will lead nicely on to the next part of the essay which will be the main body where you can expand on the gamma voter in health and then disease and then talk about the actual rest of your essay which will be focused on addressing the title so now getting towards the bottom of your funnel the last line in your introduction should then lead on to the next sentence and be a kind of mini conclusion in itself the end of every single section of your paragraph should always lead on to the next part paragraph and make it flow very well and that's really really important sometimes when i'm marking essays and i'm kind of reading essays from my students a lot of times i'll have multiple paragraphs in one section and the paragraphs won't really connect you know one paragraph is talking about one thing the next paragraph is talking about something else and you know and kind of carries on like that what's really important to make sure that your essay flows well is as you move down the funnel and as you end a particular paragraph what you really want to do is make sure the last line is nicely feeding on to the next paragraph to make sure that all the paragraphs flow very very well so your last line here should really be about as i said kind of give you a mini conclusion of the god mark voter and you know maybe one or two sentences in regards to its role in health and in disease and that will really lead on nicely to the main body where you start talking about the gut microbiota in health and also in disease as well so that really is the key point i want to make an introduction having this kind of final method system is so so important whenever i mark essays it's really really difficult because a lot of the students will have kind of random points in a paragraph that don't really make sense they'll start off talking very broadly and then they'll get very specific all of a sudden um in regards to their essay title topic and then they're gonna jump straight back into being very very broad and it goes back and forth between being very broad and being very specific and it's not organized in that logical kind of uh format of the upside down final method that i'm speaking about so the two kind of main points his takeaway other than you know what actually to write is always use the final method starting off very broad and then getting very specific as you go along and also making sure that the end of every single paragraph leads nicely on to the next section uh and this part we're going to be talking about the actual main body okay so in the introduction we've used the final method we're given a very nice explanation of uh the kind of title of what we want to talk about in the essay now we're going to move on to the main body and the main body is kind of very difficult for me to explain to you guys because it's going to vary depending on what type of essay you're writing but in this example i then go on to write about what i found in my research and addressing the title so the main body is where you're going to add the kind of bulk of your work one section in this example is going to be talking about the gut microbiota in health and i'll also have another section in the main body about the gut microbiota and disease so i'm going to divide my essay in those two parts and you know depending on what sort of essay you're writing you may want to do the same sort of thing but again this will vary depending on what you're writing so i won't go into detail too much about um the main body here if you want more of this you can go check out my uh how to write an essay book but the kind of main thing that i want to tell you guys in regards to your main body is that you should really be looking at adding at least one or two figures in order to get a first class figures are so so important to getting a first class and you want to make sure that the figure that you include is actually relevant to your essay and will also add value to it when i first started off writing essays i would have random figures of like pictures of google images which don't really add much value to my to my actual work but to get first class you have to really have a figure that adds value to it and these are figures that you can get from other papers for when you're doing research on your own um one thing one thing to add is that you can actually even make your own figure so for example in this sort of essay title one thing i could do is to make my own figure and have a kind of spider diagram with one branch being the gut microbiota and health and another branch being a disease and kind of have branches off of these uh different two topics to then kind of give a very nice broad overview of what i'm gonna be talking about in my actual essay in university the people marking your essay would absolutely love the fact that you spent time to actually create your own figure rather than copying off another kind of a research paper if you can actually make your own figure that will definitely give you a lot of brownie points and that's something i always try to do in my own essays a lot of the time as well when people are marking your essay they don't have time to read every single sentence that you've written but if they see straight away that you have a very good figure that has highlighted all of the main points that they want you to talk about straight away they'll be looking at to give you a first already the second thing i want to say in your main body is it's really important to have a table sometimes if it's relevant table is a really good way of summarizing many papers when you're doing a literature review for example and also if you're doing a lab report as well it's a great way to summarize your results so if you can make a table if you are writing a very big let's say essay or dissertation you want to maybe summarize all of the research papers in your fields having a table is a really really good way of doing this okay so moving on to the conclusion the conclusion is a really really good place where you can get loads of marks and a lot of the times some people in their essay writing will think the conclusion is only to just kind of summarize your whole entire paper that actually is far from the truth there's so much things you can include in your conclusion and we'll talk about that now so the first thing is that in your conclusion the first few lines should really be a brief recap of what you found so this shouldn't be the bulk of your conclusion but if you can nicely kind of uh start the funnel again your conclusion again kind of summarizing everything you've talked about in your essay so far a bit of an introduction a bit from the kind of main body uh give a little summary on that that starts off your conclusion at the top of the funnel and will start off your conclusion very nicely so once you've done that the next thing you may want to do is after having spoken about what we actually know about the gut microwave 10 health and disease what would be really good is also to start talking about what we don't know about it so this can be your own sort of opinion you know having done your research already what is not known about the gut microphoto and also what is yet to be discovered where are all the gaps so no matter you know what you're writing whether it's scientific or not scientific you know based on your title and having done all your research and writing your main body you may realize that in some parts of the fields there are actually gaps in it we don't exactly know uh what the garment provider has a functioning in this part of the body you may want to say that but this really is again getting to the bottom of the funnel and showing the reader that you haven't just copied and pasted from research papers you're actually giving your own suggestions as to where the gaps are in the research and how that can be also improved the next thing you want to talk about is the limitations to the study or the field so for example again relating back to the government kubota i may say that the limitations on you know on our understanding of the guts is maybe we haven't done these experiments maybe we haven't done research in this particular area maybe there's some sort of um limitations on our scientific knowledge or scientific understanding that stop us from fully understanding what the guard migrator are so limitations are really really important to talk about again if you're in finance or history or whatever i'm sure there's a bunch of limitations that are stopping all the research from moving forward the way that i actually get my limitations for when i write my own essays is one from my own kind of opinion and my own belief after having done all the research and two is when you actually read loads of papers and do all of your research every single paper will talk about limitations they will say what the problem is and uh what limitations are stopping the research match going forward so you can actually just do some research read the kind of conclusion of every single paper based on your field and right at the bottom i can guarantee you almost in pretty much every single essay they will write out their own limitations all the experiments they did or on the field in general so you can kind of steal some of their work and include it on your conclusion as well the next thing that i really recommend you guys to do which will really set you apart from the competition is to talk about what the next step is in regards to solving these gaps and limitations that you spoke about so you may say that the next step actually would be to do this experiments that will allow us to understand uh you know what we're wrong or maybe we'll do this clinical trial in order to fill in the gaps that we have so far even in my own research when i do my own research in the labs there's always something that went wrong with something that limited us from actually getting better results and getting to the end of our question so this is the part where you'll be highlighting uh exactly what you guys need to do in the future in regards to faces limitations if you're in first year or you have no research in kind of being in a lab or in research in general don't worry about that again as i said if you read papers they will almost always tell you exactly what needs to be done in order to solve these limitations uh in the actual field okay moving on from that so the final thing that you guys should really talk about uh in your conclusion maybe in the last sentence or two is what is the future what i may say in this example is that once we understand um the gut microbiota by overcoming these limitations we may be able to change or alter the gut microbiota in order to enhance our health and also to eradicate disease so talking about where the future is going uh in regards to your fields or research is so so important and again after reading quite a few papers doing your research on all of the kind of papers that'll really give you a good understanding of where the future is in this field and i'm sure that every single paper will talk about one or two things in regards to where the future is going so don't worry too much about the conclusion what i would say is that write your introduction first then your main body and then after doing all the reading and research behind this you will then start to get a feel of what the limitations are in the field what this kind of future is and where the next steps are taking us in regards to progress this research uh or title topic further once you've done the introduction the main body and the conclusion as well the last part to look at i would say is the abstract so not every single paper will require to will require you to write an abstract sometimes i had to for my essays and certainly in my publications i always had to write some sort of abstract but for those of you that don't know what an abstract is is basically a brief summary of the entire paper from start to finish so it's a brief summary the introduction the main body conclusion and any findings you found in your research and in your uh kind of writing the essay now as i said it's not always required so do check your requirements of your essays the next thing to note is that the abstract doesn't actually count towards your word count as well as your references or your figure legends none of those things normally count towards you your work counselor don't worry too much about that the next thing to notice is that when you're writing your abstracts there should not be any references so you should not reference at all in your abstract and also i would recommend writing your abstract last the reason why is that once you have your introduction written your main body written and your conclusion written then you have a really good understanding of what your entire essay actually includes and then you can go on to writing your abstract in regards to actually going about writing your abstract my advice would be to go through the entire essay once it's actually been written and highlight the key points that you really should talk about in your abstract and then summarize them all together and include this in your actual abstract this is kind of the best method that i would say in regards to writing abstract you know going through the entire paper knowing exactly where the main points are and what you should take away from it and then including that into your abstract and then lastly one tip i have for you guys when writing your abstract is that the first line should really catch your audience attention and would really be important the reason why is that the function of this abstract is to give as i said a brief summary of your entire paper so that if it is published for example and people go on to read your scientific paper they're going to start off by actually reading the abstract and deciding in 30 seconds whether or not your paper is applicable for what they want to write about so having a good first catchy line will be so so good in regards to capturing your audience straight away and allowing them to then go on to read your paper all right guys that is pretty much it i hope it's giving you guys a good understanding of what you should actually include in your own essays when you're actually writing it as i mentioned if you guys want an actual example of my own essay and exactly how i wrote it step by step including all of the figures the tables the abstracts references absolutely everything then a link for my ebook on how to write an essay will be down below if you guys have any questions at all on what i've just spoke about or how to write an essay in general then please leave me a comment down below and make sure you're subscribed make sure you liked follow me on instagram as well and i'll see you guys on the next one
Channel: Kenji Tomita
Views: 28,846
Rating: 4.9857903 out of 5
Keywords: How I got a first class essay, how to write an essay, medical school, king's college london, medicine, medical school in the uk, how i got into medical school, king's college london medicine, medical school uk, medical school life, medical school vlog, medical school london, medical school vlog uk, medical school application, how to write an essay in university, how to reference in an essay, essay writing techniques, essay writing skills, essay writing
Id: ePow3XwTAQo
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Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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