How Much Screen Time Every Harry Potter Character Had (+How It Compares to their Book Time)

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foreign about a month ago while rereading the Harry Potter series for the millionth time I started to wonder how much screen time each character got then I started to wonder how many times each character is mentioned in the books and then I started to wonder how these two things compare so I spent the last month gathering information going through every mention of the 91 characters I chose in the books and Gathering how much screen time each character had literally going through every movie for each character and seeing how much adds up in the editing system it took a long time but hopefully this will make for an interesting video now how we'll be looking at their book time versus screen time for the movies it's obviously just how long they're on screen and for the books the ranking is based on how many times they were mentioned throughout the seven books using that data I made two lists ranking the characters one for the books and one for the films and we'll compare the numbers for each one if they rank it the same number for both lists then their screen time and book time is perfectly balanced if the difference between the two is in the single digits that means their screen time and book time is pretty accurate if it's between 10 and 19 it's not too far off but there's definitely a difference then if it's between 20 and 29 their time on screen and on page isn't very close and if it's 30 or above then the novels and films are way off for that character so let's get into it at number 91 with the least amount of screen time in the movies we have Charlie Weasley with four seconds yeah he only appears in this newspaper clipping and it's pretty wild because he ranks a number 77 out of 91 for the novels a 14 spot difference from his movie ranking at 90 we have Colin creevy with one minute of screen time this one is also shocking because he's a big character in the books and his death was one of the most impactful in the final novel while he ranks at number 90 for the movies he actually ranks at number 78 for the books a 12 spot difference at number 89 we have Lee Jordan who like Colin had just one minute of screen time most of which came from announcing quidditch matches Lee ranked at number 78 for the books an 11 spot difference from the movies in the book Lee was always by Fred and George's side which we never really saw in the films hence why his screen time is so much lower at 88 we have Amos diggery with 1 minute and 30 seconds of screen time when we compare this one is very accurate to his time in the books as he was number 87 for the was just one spot off from his 88 spot in the movies number 87 we have nearly headless Nick who also had one minute and 30 seconds of screen time this one is way off from the books as he was number 61 overall a 26 spot difference number 86 is Arabella fig who also had one minute and 30 seconds of screen time which fits as he ranked number 83 for the novels just three spots off from her screen time she was mentioned in the first book a few times which obviously wasn't in the films so the Order of the Phoenix was her only appearance in the movies at 85 we have forens and another character with one minute and 30 seconds of screen time meanwhile he ranked number 76 for the books nine spots higher than the films this is because forens appeared in the fifth book as the new Divination teacher but he did not appear in the fifth film number 84 the captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team Marcus Flint had one minute and 45 seconds of screen time which is absolutely perfect both lists have him ranked at number 84 so his time on screen and on page is perfectly at number 83 we have Hermione's cat Crookshanks who had one minute and 45 seconds of screen time I was surprised at how much screen time he had but not nearly as shocked at how high his ranking was for the novels at number 48 a 35 spot difference from the films looking back though this does make sense because he had whole arcs that were cut for the third film like him talking and working with Sirius in his dog form and crookshank's of course being present for the shrieking Shaq scene at number 82 we have Angelina Johnson who also had one minute and 45 seconds of screen time meanwhile she ranked at number 62 overall for the books a 20 spot difference from the movies it's a lot closer than Crookshanks was though also it's wild that Crookshanks has more screen time than Angelina I did not expect that at number 81 fenrir greyback had one minute and 45 seconds as well which makes him be pretty far off from his book ranking at number 68 a 13 spot difference from the movies this is because many of his scenes were given to other characters in the movie specifically scabia year and the Deathly Hallows and the last of the 1 minute and 45 second screen Time characters we have Bill Weasley at number 80. shockingly while he's number 80 overall for the movies he comes in at 28 overall for the bucks which is a wildly absurd 52 spot difference this one along with Charlie Weasley's are the two most skewed so far which is kind of sad because it means the films barely covered the two oldest Weasley boys at number 79 Stan shun Pike had two minutes of screen time which made him rank just six spots back from his book counterpart at number 73. he was mentioned more in the novels past his time in the Prisoner of Azkaban as he was in the fourth book during the Quidditch World Cup and was arrested and turned into a Death Eater thanks to the imperius curse in the 6th and seventh books which made his mentions go up a lot more number 78 is yaxley who had two minutes of screen time all of which took place in the Deathly Hallows part 1. this matches up pretty well with his book ranking at number 82 overall in the books meaning there's the four spot difference in favor of the films and that's the first first time we've seen a character have more screen time than book time number 77 is Pomona sproud who had two minutes of screen time as well Sprout only spoke in the second movie and barely did anything except stand in the background and definitely how those part too this is very different from her book counterpart who appeared in all seven books making a rank at the number 66 spot for the books meaning there was an 11 spot difference from book to movie at number 76 we have poppy Pomfrey who was on screen for 2 minutes and 15 seconds meanwhile she ranked at number 50 overall for the novels which is a 26 spot difference a massive jump at number 75 we have James Potter who also had two minutes and 15 seconds of screen time meanwhile he ranked all the way up to number 40 for the novels this is a massive 35 spot difference even though he was dead for the entire series he still had more screen time than a lot of other people most notably Bill and Charlie Weasley number 74 is Cormac mclagan with 2 minutes and 30 seconds of screen time in the books he ran to number 79 which is only five spots back from the films making him the second character who has a higher movie ranking than a book ranking number 73 is blazobini who had two minutes and 30 seconds of screen time which is jarring compared to his number 85 book ranking in the books he is the seventh lowest character which gives us a 12 spot difference in favor of the films looking at the data this obviously shows that Blaze appeared far more in the movie than in the book and this is due to the fact that Blaze's character took Crab Spot in the room of requirements seen in the final film as the actor for crab got into some legal trouble and could not participate in the final two movies number 72 was Rufus scrimger with two minutes and 30 seconds of screen time he only appeared in the seventh film while he actually appeared in both the 6th and seventh book and was mentioned in the fifth book which brought his book ranking up to number 52 which is a 20 spot difference from the films at number 71 we have Katie Bell who had two minutes and 45 seconds of screen time she was actually in all seven books which brought her book ranking up to number 67 a four spot difference at number 70 we have Marge dursley who had two minutes and 45 seconds of screen time she was actually much lower in the book ranking than the film ranking in the novels she was number 81 overall which is 11 spots back from a ranking in the films which was number 70. at number 69 we have Moaning Myrtle who had two minutes and 45 seconds of screen time meanwhile she ranked in number 63 for the novels meaning there is a 6 Spot difference from book to movie number 68 is madungas Fletcher who had just three minutes of screen time appearing in only the seventh movie meanwhile he was in the 5th 6th and seventh books this made him rank at number 57 for the novels which is an 11 spot difference from his movie ranking at number 67 we have Nigel who had three minutes of screen time and this one is going to be the craziest stat in the video Nigel had three minutes of screen time versus zero book mentions yeah Nigel wasn't in the books he was made just for the movie sort of of replacing Colin krievy and his brother Dennis this obviously makes him ranked last at number 91 for the books which is a 24 spot difference from book to movie at number 66 creature had three minutes of screen time which is very far off from his number 29 book ranking a huge 37 spot difference he had a lot more to do in the novels as he played a huge part in the kids going to the ministry of magic in the fifth book tricking Harry then becoming Harry's house self and starting work at Hogwarts in the sixth book and he of course took care of the trio and told them about creature's tail in the seventh book so it makes sense why there's such a drastic change from book to movie at number 65 we have Fox the Phoenix who had 3 minutes and 15 seconds of screen time which actually puts him way higher in the movies than in the books in the books he's all the way back at number 80 meaning he's 15 spots ahead in the films number 64 is a limp Maxime who had three minutes and 15 seconds of screen time for the books though she's six spots back at number 70 meaning she had more movie time than time in the books moving from one Headmaster to another we have Igor karkaroff at number 63 who had the exact same amount of screen time as Maxime with 3 minutes and 15 seconds then he ranked at number 51 for the books meaning he had a 12 spot difference from book to movie number 62 was nagini who had three minutes and 30 seconds of screen time this is way off from the books as she had the sixth lowest ranking for the novels at number 86 which is a 24 spot difference in favor of the films at number 61 scavier had 3 minutes and 30 seconds of screen time which is way off from the books where he had the second lowest ranking only Nigel a character who wasn't in the novels being behind him this means that scabier has a 29 spot difference from book to film this is because most of his lines were actually taken from greyback and given to him the movies for some reason decided to highlight scabia far more which was a decision that always made me want to know why greybeck is one of the most terrifying villains in the entire series and to be honest I wish we saw more of of him in the films number 60 is aberforth Dumbledore who had three minutes and 30 seconds of screen time meanwhile he ranked at number 74 overall for the novels which is a 14 spot difference in favor of the movies this is mostly due to the films giving him a big moment in the final battle as he casts the Patronus charm to save the trio which added close to 30 seconds to a screen time in the book though this was Sheamus Luna and Ernie MacMillan aberforth was not there for that at number 59 we have Lily Potter who had 3 minutes and 30 seconds of screen time meanwhile she landed at number 54 for the books meaning there's just a 5 spot difference when comparing the two so this one is pretty accurate taking a deeper look at this this ranking is wild for two reasons one she has an entire minute and 15 seconds more screen time than James but his 14 spots lower than him for the novels ranking and the second crazy thing is that a character who was dead for the entire Series has more screen time than so many notable characters that had pretty large roles in the series number 58 is even Wilder though as Fang had three minutes and 30 seconds of screen time meaning a dog had more time than many big characters to be fair though he ranked all the way up at number 59 for the books so it adds up and is pretty close to being perfect as his book time and screen time was just one ranking off in favor of the films at 57 we have Rita Skeeter who only had 3 minutes and 30 seconds of screen time and her movie ranking is way back from her book ranking at number 34 meaning there is a 23 spot difference this is because she only appeared in one film while she was in or mentioned in four of the books at number 56 we have Mad Eye Moody who only had 3 minutes and 30 seconds of screen time but his 18 overall for the books meaning this is one of the most skewed outcomes having a 38 spot difference however this one is sort of messed up because many of his mentions weren't about him but were about Barty Crouch Jr impersonating him and on top of that he obviously was not credited for his time in the Goblet of Fire film because all of that went to Barty Crouch Jr but nonetheless Moody had much more to do in the books as he was a huge part of the fifth book going to parties at the order headquarters showing Harry that old picture of the order which Sirius did in the film and taking everyone to Saint mungo's all of which was cut from the movie at number 55 is Kingsley shackle bold who was the first character to breach four minutes having 4 minutes and 30 seconds of screen time meanwhile he's 16 spots back for the books hit number 71. I was actually pretty shocked by both of these numbers I thought a screen time would be way less than this and I thought his book ranking would be way more but I guess he played a smaller part in the books than I remembered at number 54 Oliver wood had 4 minutes and 30 seconds of screen time which is the same as Kingsley but Oliver ranks 25 spots higher than Kingsley for the books coming in at number 46. this also means there's an 8 spot difference from novel to film for Oliver in favor of the books which makes sense because they cut a lot of his scenes from the movies including him finally winning the house cup in the third book at number 53 we have Padma Patel who had four minutes and 45 seconds of screen time meanwhile she actually has the third lowest ranking for the books at number 89 out of 91. that's the 36 spot difference in favor of the movies meanwhile at number 52 we have pravady Patel who actually has the same amount of screen time as Padma at 4 minutes and 45 seconds vote is 29 spots higher for Padma for their book ranking coming in at number 60. this is because both Twins were in Gryffindor in the films but in the book Parvati was in Gryffindor while Padma was in Ravenclaw in the novels Parvati wasn't paired with Padma but rather with her best friend lavender what's interesting is that Padma the character with the third lowest book ranking was the only Patel twin to be in the final battle despite the fact that it was pravati who played a big role here they even had Padma laying lavender to rest when they weren't really friends that was her sister's best friend not hers despite that though the twin screen time evens out to be equal because pravati had more scenes than Padma did at the Yule Ball but looking at just pravati she actually ranks higher for screen time than book time as she was listed at the number 60 spot for the novels which is eight spots less than her film ranking at 51 we have xenophilius Lovegood who was the first character to hit 5 minutes of screen time having exactly five minutes on the die this is crazy because his book ranking is all the way back at number 72 for the novels meaning there's a 21 spot difference in favor of the films number 50 is nymphador tongs who only had five minutes of screen time which is shocking when looking at her number 38 book ranking a 12 spot difference this is because she played a huge party in the fifth sixth and seventh books most of which was cut from the movies at number 49 like Tonk Sybil trelawny had five minutes of screen time and again like Tonks trelawny had many more book moments than movie moments as she ranked at number 35 overall for the novels which is 14 spots higher than the film ranking at number 48 we have Percy who only had five minutes of screen time but has the second highest book ranking so far at number 25 but here he is all the way down at number 48 a 23 spot difference this is due to the fact that he was left out of three of the eight movies not appearing in the fourth sixth or 7th films and barely had anything to do in the films he was in he was not cut as much as Bill or Charlie but I definitely see a theme of the Weasley Brothers being cut from the films at 47 we have Victor Crum who had 5 minutes and 15 seconds of screen time meanwhile he ranked 10 spots higher for the novels at number 37. this was probably due to him appearing in the Deathly Hallows book during the wedding which he did not do in the film though there are some deleted scenes photos of him there but they never made it into the official deleted scenes compilation that came with the extras in the movies philia's Flitwick is at number 46 with 5 minutes and 15 seconds of screen time which is about what I thought it would be but I was shocked at what his book ranking was he ranked all the way back at number 56 for the books meaning he actually he ranks 10 spots higher for screen time than he did for book time which I did not expect at number 45 we have Barty Crouch senior who had 5 minutes and 15 seconds of screen time which is very low considering he has the third highest book ranking so far at number 27. that's an 18 spot difference in favor of the books this is because he was very prominent at the Quidditch World Cup as well as the trailbuster tournament and his family sort of drove the whole mystery aspect of the fourth book but unfortunately almost all of that was cut from the movie hence the low screen time when compared to his book mentions at 44 we have lavender Brown who had five minutes and 30 seconds of screen time interestingly even though she was in all seven books she ranks higher for the movies than the books as she came in at number 53 for the books nine spots lower than a rank for the films number 43 is the first character to hit the six minute mark and it will probably shock you who it is Hedwig the owl had 6 minutes and 15 seconds of screen time meaning she has more scenes than Moody Flitwick Percy Tonks wood and 49 other characters what's even wild there is that this is perfectly accurate to the books as she was ranked at 43 for both the novels and the films so that's two so far that have matched up perfectly at 42 we have Vincent crab who had 6 minutes and 15 seconds of screen time as I said earlier he was cut from the final two films due to the actor's legal troubles but despite this he ranked only one spot higher in the books than he did in the films at number 41. so that was pretty accurate and I'll talk more about crab when we get to goyo's character number 41 is Fleur de lacour who had 6 minutes and 30 seconds of screen time meanwhile she ranked at number 33 for the novels in 8 spot difference I was surprised at how much screen time she had but I guess it makes sense since she played such a large role in the fourth film as well as the opening of the 7th and 8th films she obviously had a lot more book mentions though as she appeared in the Half-Blood Prince novel but was not in the Half Blood Prince film at number 40 we have Narcissa Malfoy who had 6 minutes and 45 seconds of screen time which is very high when looking at her book ranking which is all the way back at number 75. this gives us a 35 spot difference in favor of the films to put that into perspective looking at the 52 characters that came before her for screen time she is a lower book ranking than 37 of them at number 39 we have Cho Chang who had 6 minutes and 45 seconds of screen time meanwhile she ranks at number 45 for the books a 6 Spot difference in favor of the films which we're seeing a lot of with these mid-range characters on the list they have more screen time than book time number 38 is Dean Thomas who also had 6 minutes and 45 seconds of screen time it's sort of funny that the two people that Harry and Ginny dated before getting together have the same amount of screen time in the films like many of the other mid-range characters Dean actually ranks 4 spots higher for the films than for the books as he comes in at number 42 for the novels at number 37 we have cornice Cuero who was the first to reach 7 Minutes of screen time having exactly that 7 Minutes meanwhile he he ranked all the way back to number 65 for the novels a 28 spot difference from book to movie number 36 is Garrick olivander who had 7 minutes and 15 seconds of screen time then for his book ranking he comes in at number 64 a huge 28 spot difference in favor of the movies which I did not expect he wasn't in that many scenes but I guess the scenes he was in were pretty long at 35 we have grip hook who also had 7 minutes and 15 seconds of screen time which again is funny as the two characters that helped Harry during his first time in The Wizarding World as well as the two characters that he spoke to at the beginning of the eighth movie both have the exact same amount of screen time grid book was 9 spots higher for the book ranking though at number 55. also griphook's screen time ranking versus his book ranking was 20 spots higher in favor of the films at number 34 we have Gregory Goyo who had 7 minutes and 45 seconds of screen time which is a minute and a half more screen time than crab despite him being just two spots behind crab on the book ranking this is because as I said earlier crab was replaced by blaze in the final book although kreb also had some scenes that Goyle didn't appear in during the third film but looking at the time stamps the room of requirement battle was longer even when those two scenes from the third film are combined but guil ranked at number 39 for the novels which is only a 5 spot difference from his film ranking in favor of the books number 33 is Buckbeak who is the first character to reach the eight minute Mark with exactly 8 minutes of screen time this one was surprising for me but those flying scenes did take up a lot of time this one alone taking up over 2 minutes Buck the screen time outdid his book time as he ranked at number 58 for the books 25 spots lower than his movie ranking at 32 we have Argus filled she had 8 minutes of screen time meanwhile he ranked at number 31 for the novels meaning there was only a one spot difference from book to movie in favor of the novels number 31 is Cedric Diggory who had eight minutes and 15 seconds of screen time all of which came from the fourth film besides that one dream sequence in the fifth film meanwhile he he ranked at number 32 for the books which again gives us just a one spot difference in favor of the films at number 30 petunia dursley had eight minutes and 15 seconds of screen time having the least of the three dursleys meanwhile she ranked at number 30 overall for the books meaning we have our third perfect match she's ranked at number 30 for both screen time and book time at 29 we had Peter Pettigrew who had eight minutes and 15 seconds of screen time and he has the highest book ranking we've seen so far at number 23 which is a six spot difference in favor of the books at number 28 we have the first character to hit the nine minute Mark as Cornelius fudge had 9 minutes and 15 seconds of screen time meanwhile he ranked at number 20 overall for the books and 8 spot difference in favor of the novels number 27 is Dudley dursley who had 9 minutes and 45 seconds of screen time and for his book ranking he's five spots back at number 22 overall for the novels also he is 1 minute and 30 seconds more screen time than his mother petunia but was ranked 8 spots higher than her for book time at number 26 we have Seamus Finnegan who had 9 minutes and 45 seconds of screen time which is wild considering he ranked all the way back at number 47 for the bucks giving his screen time a 21 spot Advantage number 25 is Molly Weasley who also had 9 minutes and 45 seconds of screen time but has the highest book ranking we've seen so far by a long shot at number 15 10 spots up from where she is in the movies this obviously makes sense as Mali played a much larger role in pretty much every book when compared to the films at number 24 we have Bellatrix Lestrange who was the first to crack the 10 minute Mark having 10 minutes and 30 seconds of screen time this is jarring compared to her book ranking which was all the way back at number 44 20 spots back from her movie ranking this is because the films added many Bellatrix scenes that weren't in the book like the burrow scene and they also added her to the battle of the astronomy Tower which she was not there for in the novels but hey I would milk Helen a bottom Carter too because she steals every scene she's in at 23 we have gilderoy Lockhart with 10 minutes and 30 seconds of screen time meanwhile his book ranking was 13 spots back from his movie ranking going all the way down to number 36 for the novels this surprised me considering he was only in one film but was in two different books at number 22 we have the first character to hit 11 minutes of screen time as Vernon dursley had exactly 11 minutes on screen then Vernon is ranked 19th overall for the novels which is a three spot advantage to his time in the films a pretty even ranking also Vernon had two minutes and 45 seconds more screen time than petunia and one minute and 15 seconds more screen time than Dudley and the order for screen time for the dursleys adds up when looking at the order for the book rankings as well as Vernon is three spots higher than Dudley in the book and 11 spots higher than petunia number 21 is Dobby who had 11 minutes and 15 seconds of screen time which actually evens out perfectly with his book ranking because he's number 21 overall for both the books and the films and is our fourth perfect match we have a big jump of time for this next one going from just over 11 minutes to just over 15 minutes as Lucius Malfoy takes the number 20 spot for the most screen time this is wild because he ranked all the way back at the number 49 spot for the books which is a 29 spot difference at number 19 we have Arthur Weasley who had 15 minutes and 45 seconds of screen time he had more time in the novels however as he ranked 14th overall for the books meaning there's a 5 spot difference between the two mediums I was actually pretty surprised that Mr Weasley ranked higher than Mrs Weasley for both the books and the films having six minutes more screen time and being one spot ahead of her for the books number 18 is Dolores on bridge who had 16 minutes of screen time this is very accurate to her book ranking which landed her at number 17 overall for the novels which is just a one spot difference in favor of the books so her screen time and movie time was pretty accurate at number 17 Barty Crouch Jr had 16 minutes and 15 sec of screen time which is so far off from his time in the books as he ranked as the fourth lowest at number 88 giving us a crazy 71 spot difference this is the biggest Gap in the video but again this is sort of messed up by the fact that he was secretly Moody for the entire fourth book which counted his screen time but did not count as mentions because they called him Moody so I'd say that bill still has the biggest Gap with 52 spots number 16 is Luna Lovegood who had 17 minutes and 15 seconds of screen time her movie ranking out does her book ranking though as she came in at number 26 overall for the novels 10 spots back compared to the films this is because like Bellatrix the films did a lot more with Luna putting her in scenes that she wasn't in for the books like rescuing Harry from the train or being the one to show Harry thestrals at number 15 Horus slutcorn had 18 minutes and 45 seconds of screen time which is nine spots ahead of his book ranking at number 24 overall both of these were way higher than I would have thought to have that high I have a movie and book ranking when only being introduced in the second to last installment is pretty wild it really shows how big of a role he played in the Half Blood Prince because he barely did anything in the 7th and 8th films nor the seventh book at number 14 we have Fred Weasley who had 19 minutes and 45 seconds of screen time meanwhile he ranked five spots ahead for the book ranking at number nine making him the first character to be in the top 10 for either list and going from one Weasley twin to another George comes in at number 13 having 20 minutes and 15 seconds of screen time the first to break the 20 minute Mark George actually has 30 seconds more screen time than Fred which is all to do with the scene where George walked in on Harry and Ginny kissing despite having more screen time than Fred though he's actually three spots lower than Fred when it comes to the book ranking coming in at number 12. George's screen time compared to his book time is pretty accurate though as there's only a one spot difference in favor of the books at number 12 we have Sirius Black which is fitting as he grew up at number 12 Gremlin place he had 20 minutes and 45 seconds of screen time meanwhile he ranked at number eight overall for the books a four spot difference in favor of the novels at number 11 we take a big jump in time going from 20 minutes to 26 minutes as Remus Lupine had exactly 26 minutes of screen time meanwhile he ranked at number 10 overall for the books which again gives us a one spot difference in favor of the novels it's interesting that Lupine has almost 6 minutes more screen time than Sirius but is ranked two spots behind him for the books and now we reach the top 10. Neville Longbottom had 28 minutes and 15 seconds of screen time meanwhile he was ranked at number 11 overall for the books just a one spot difference in favor of the films at number 9 Minerva McGonagall had 28 minutes and 45 seconds of screen time which is actually pretty far off from her book ranking which landed her seven spots back at number 16. clearly the films utilized McGonagall more than the books did at times like when she was the one to tell the class about the Chamber of Secrets which Professor bins did in the books and they of course added much more of a focus on McGonagall for the final battle I don't think anybody will complain though Maggie Smith is a gem The More We Get of her the better at number 8 Ginny Weasley is the first character to hit 30 minutes as she had 30 minutes and 15 seconds of screen time considering how much screen time she had she's ranked pretty low for the books being all the way back at number 13 which is a 5 spot difference in favor of the films number seven is Draco Malfoy who had 31 minutes and 45 seconds of screen time and he was actually the inspiration for this video after Tom Felton's comments about his dream time versus his salary as little as 31 minutes seems though he's still the seventh most used character in the series so he does deserve the big bucks his screen time was also perfectly proportional to his time in the novels because he ranks a number 7 for both the books and the movies at number 6 we have Lord Voldemort Tom Riddle who had 37 minutes and 15 seconds of screen time and I did a little extra research finding out that 4 14 minutes and 30 seconds of that was Tom Riddle flashbacks meanwhile Voldemort ranked as the sixth most used character in the books which again gives us a perfect match from book to movie Voldemort is number six for both and we have two perfect matches in a row number five Severus Snape had 43 minutes and 15 seconds of screen time and we have another perfect match being ranked at number five for both the books and the movies number four has a drastic jump in time going from just over 43 minutes to 77 minutes and 15 seconds or 1 hour 17 minutes and 15 seconds and this was none other than Albus Dumbledore in the books he ranks at number 4 overall which again matches up with the amount he was used in the films and is the fourth perfect match in a row at number 3 Hermione Granger had 205 minutes of screen time or 3 hours and 25 minutes and this again matches up perfectly with the book as she ranked at number three for the books as well giving us five perfect matches in a row number two was Ron Weasley who had 211 minutes and 45 seconds or 3 hours 31 minutes and 45 seconds interestingly this is over 6 minutes more screen time than Hermione had also this again matches up perfectly with the amount he was utilized in the books because he was ranked in number two overall for both the books and the movies giving us six perfect matches in a row and it looks like we'll finish off with seven perfect matches in a row as number one is Harry Potter who appeared on screen for 539 minutes and 15 seconds or 8 hours 59 minutes and 15 seconds and he ranked the number one for both screen time and book time looking at the two ends of the spectrum we have 11 perfect matches seven of which took place in the top seven Flint Hedwig petunia Dobby Draco Voldemort Snape Dumbledore Hermione Ron and Harry meaning the filmmakers did a great job when matching up their screen time with their book counterparts and on the other end besides Barty Jr skewed numbers due to the impersonation Bill Weasley asked the biggest difference from book to film as the screen time is 52 spots back from his time in the books well hopefully you guys enjoyed this video it took me over a month to do all the research but it was a lot of fun to make and I hope you guys enjoyed watching it as much as I enjoyed making it shout out to my fiance Cara who does stuff like this for a living as an analyst she was a big help when crunching the numbers but that's all I have for you in this video so I'll see you in the next one thank you so much for watching guys I hope you enjoyed the video you can follow me on Instagram to see more of my personal life like my cute dog Loki and some behind the scenes movie flame stuff I also do similar content on Tick Tock and Twitter that I do here on this channel so if you like what I do here check them out all the handles are right below me and links are in the description over here my wonderful patrons if you want to be featured on the next video plus get a few other perks become a patreon today as always if you liked the video hit that like button and subscribe and look out for more great movie flame videos on the way foreign
Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 1,257,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harry Potter, Superhero, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Disney, Hunger Games, details you missed, hidden details, top 10, countdown, easter egg, easter eggs, behind the scenes, facts, explained, life of, review, theory, breakdown
Id: X1aSKiK_xsM
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Length: 32min 23sec (1943 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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