How Much Money Does The Government Pay Farmers?

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the wind's picking up it's getting a little colder out here today me and cooper are gonna run down and get the sprayer come on how are you kidding me every so often in a blue moon like the ignition sticks a little bit but now she started now that i tell you about it [Music] kind of like sticking a haystack in a needle all right ladies and gentlemen what we're going to do is move a little rock i want to make just a little path here so everybody can get into our little shed and stuff without walking through the mud [Music] you can just dump it wherever you want what we're getting is three inch rock that way it's a big rock and then once it gets packed in we'll put driveway rock on but if we try to put driveway rock on it right now it just don't work very good there we go boom oh it's nice it's nice the beans all cracked good we rolling oh it's supposed to rain conditions are definitely not optimal but it's crunch time so we're going to try to get some soybeans out hey stay off the grass and it's sprinkling letting her eat today's one of those days we're going to try to get as much done as we possibly can in the time we have they're talking rain later this afternoon look at these bean stems they are still green the really big thing i'm looking for right now is when these beans go through the combine they got to be split out of their pods so when it's damp these pods do not split open they actually feel pretty good right now but i'm looking on the ground to make sure we're not seeing any pods that still have beans in it looks like it's doing a pretty good job i'm really not seeing any any pods at all actually oh burr is cold out here so we're on table top that'd be about a boom doing 100 bushels an acre with blue sieves is pretty good doing a hundred i need a hundred oh man that ground is loamy did you open them up a little bit yeah i said it was kind of pulling a little hardish and i walked back like hey your sins are closed and now it appears we are having problems with our air filter or air cleaning system of some sort yes we're lucky we didn't lose the whole radiator bearing or something out on the fan are you kidding me you guys in these bolts them and then this whole thing and take this off hey cool what number is your sleep mattress set at right now because i don't sleep do we need to pull that whole blade out and see what's there does that radiator slide forward is it on a track hi can i speak to service department i wonder if that bolt just came out of the end there you go that shaft right there is what our fan mounts on and spins around that so it gets driven by the engine then the belts spin the fan which blows air through the radiator to help keep the engine cool i think what happened is on the end of that shaft there's a bolt that holds the bearing on and we think that bolt snapped which would have made this fall forward belts fall off it wasn't cooling i don't think there's a bolt that holds that on really you can see how there's this i see the groove you put your phone down there and look in there there's no way of bolt threads in there it's just like a cavity which i mean does titan have a breakdown of it huh sent me it but it doesn't make any sense and they said some have bolts and some have stopped depending on your serial number they said some of the newer ones had a bolt something had a snapper with the wind and it's kind of cooler it's just be a little more fun working on the combine in the heated shop but these things happen and we're just gonna have to deal with it hopefully and get it put back together and get things running cooper and probably they got the hub back on i've been just kind of handing them some tools now and then you can only get so many people in this little hole here we're gonna try beans again and when i say we i mean cooper there's a lot of questions people asking why is only cooper driving the combine lately the reason is we've been trying to get some different issues figured out with a combine it's easier to leave one guy in that machine so he kind of knows what he's playing with what he's suggested and everything let the one guy get everything figured out and then that way i'm not jumping in it later and like oh did cooper do this or did he go this way beans seem fairly dry but the stems are a little damp we need sun why do i always get in the wrong area of the duck maybe i'm a dust a dust muffin right now i feel like you ever see like a monkey stuck to like a oh buffalo or something the monkey's sitting there like pecking around looking for food that's what i feel like right now let's go catch up to cooper we got presley pulled in with this semi so he's gonna load up a load of beans looking a little bluer off to the west you know what they say about the blues could be rain coming we just got rained out neva brought the cart back so we got that inside we brought the bean head home i gotta run in the back real quick so everything's in the drive we got her dava and it's pouring oh dad what are you looking forward to on this rainy day oh no jeez that was interest paid to the bank you'll need that sheet how long we've been waiting now an hour a little over an hour an hour just got told our lawyer doesn't have a car he's not here yet so what do we do while we wait close we could go through the drawers and stuff here and see if there's any exciting things to look at i haven't really thought about it too hard but sitting here at the attorney's office since we've been sitting here for an hour in the office will we be charged for office time or are we put on the payroll uh hit a deer oh no kidding seth i just want to let you know we're recording for quality assurance purposes we got a little bit of some a little bit of bittersweet news i guess we could say the petty bone the tickler bone as dad likes to call it is leaving the farm titan machinery in center point iowa was so kind to help us out with the bin site they let us use this on extended demo all summer so today is the day it's going to go back yeah and we wanted i wanted to personally thank bruce there too he has been so excellent with us so if you guys are looking for this kind of stuff and other case equipment they have a lot do look them up at center point bruce is there they got another a lot of crew there we've been impressed with bruce basically anytime you call him he answers or you send him something it's within a couple minutes not like two days later so yeah keep it up bruce thank you for everything you've done for us hey uncle warren hey how are we doing what you doing working on snowblowers trying to pop that tire up and i can't i can't get at it here it is guys it's a new couch for the man cave oh yeah oh i forgot to tell you this is kind of a rare moment but we ordered a pizza today for lunch i will say as much as i don't like going to tax appointments yesterday was a pretty good day for it we got just about an inch and three quarters of rain yesterday i know it rained two inches two days ago so right now the ground is pretty saturated we weren't able to do anything yesterday because it was so wet well i guess i take that back i did end up tearing out my bathtub yesterday and i think if you knew that's all that was holding you above that ceiling i don't think you would have wanted to use that bathtub it was per usual perfect timing the bend guy has just called me and they said they need to tell handler because they want to put in some fans and they want to put in the doors so i had to give them the bad news they had to run off and get some stuff they said they're going to be back in an hour so i'm going to go out and run that skid loader for them when they get back but in the meantime i'm just trying to get this old bathtub casting out of here i still have a little bit of prep work i need to do to these exterior walls plus the ceiling so that way this will be ready for insulation because right now that room the bathroom and this room have zero outside insulation on them all right too wet to go in the field today so me and cooper cooper's been working on the combine here but he just hooked on to the corn head i think we're gonna be putting the uh devastators on underneath i think anna hey girl hey girl [Applause] [Music] we're just missing that one nut oh that's gotta be cool [Music] that's not better than it was before ready ready ready oh looks like now the bins are pretty much ready there's the bird up here how'd you get in here but anyway sounds like the bins are ready other than the fact that we are waiting for brackets to hang the fans from and the floor sweeps need to be put together now i got one more thing to do before the insulation guys come i have these little pockets down here that go down about six inches deep they're full of insulation we need to get all that scooped out that way they can get everything spray foam down in there and then we won't have a cold floor cooper's running around kind of lubing a few things up getting the head hopefully pretty well close to ready to roll [Applause] you know i like the whole house renovation and everything going on but that insulation oh it's itchy overall for the year that we had i'm actually pretty pleased with how stuff went so corn we sold 760 000 worth of corn we had 137 bushel per acre corn average last year the dracho came and blew everything down and we also had a drought so that affected it but we got pretty lucky because we decided to go in and try to pick all of our corn at least as much as we could so that's where we're able to get 137 bushels in the bin and then crop insurance kicked in so the way crop insurance works we got 137 but we take our five year average which came in in the like around 215 or so and then they take 80 or 85 depending on what coverage you had we had 80 coverage so 210 times 80 that gives us what our guarantee is so then we got paid the difference on 137 bushels to whatever that 80 number was at a prorated price on that difference in bushels so basically it came out about time we paid our crop insurance premium we ended up getting paid 160 000 by the insurance company so just over 900 000 in corn sales the government yes i i'm going to talk about government payments i don't know if anyone's ever talked about that or not they paid us 120 000 there was several programs this last year there was a whip payment which came around the windstorm that we had and then we had a cfap payment and i believe there may have been something else or there may have been two rounds of one thing or another but anyway that came up to 120 000 so that really helped out the farm and then with soybeans we had a little bit of a rough year since the rachel came through destroyed our bin site we didn't have enough room to store really any of our soybeans so we had to take those straight to town from the field so we ended up just selling them for eight dollars and 80 cents average right out of the field which was kind of a bummer because if we would have the storage for those bins basically right after harvest price went up like two dollars a bushel so i mean we would have made an extra hundred grand just by having some storage for our stinking soybeans and we probably should have stored them at the co-op instead of just selling them at the co-op but we didn't foresee much carry in the market at the time then we had some unforeseen variables come in and just shot the price up but overall on the income side of things we made out pretty well for the year that we had but on the other side of my little sheet here we got our expenses and stuff was a little wild and some of this is also a little inflated because of the insurance claims we have like in our big machine shed and stuff so a few of these may be a little higher than they normally would have but it basically came out to basically when it comes to the rent that we pay to rent the farms we rent the land payments that we have on the farms that we are buying and our chemical seed and fertilizer that comes out to just about oh wow 750 thousand dollars we paid forty five thousand six hundred and seventy one dollars for diesel fuel and gasoline crop insurance cost us twenty six thousand dollars property insurance cost us twenty two thousand dollars so we paid seventy three thousand for repairs 38 000 for supplies 25 for trucking 12 for utilities 6 500 for miscellaneous expenses which is actually all of our lunches and the good old payroll tax and then that's just a note for me i am missing one set of income figures and that's how our options are doing on the board of trade so our puts and calls but i'll let seth take care of that he'll call and get that information but without those figures which i guessing could be anywhere from fifty to a hundred thousand dollars the farm is currently sitting at a negative forty seven thousand dollar gear so does this mean the farm actually lost forty seven thousand dollars no it doesn't this is just purely calendar day for everything because literally the day after our fiscal year ended we could have gotten a check a corn check let's say for forty seven thousand dollars and bam or break even or it could have been a hundred and thirty thousand dollar coin check and then all sudden we're on the plus side it's also a little deceptive because we run our farm through a corporation and then we have different entities that own different things throughout the farm so the corporation rents from those entities so let's say i have an entity that owns the combine the corporation uses the combine but it rents it from me so it writes a check to that entity so this entity is still paying taxes on that money but it makes it look like it's an expense on the corporation side of things so let's say it's forty seven thousand dollars for running the combine on two thousand acres you can kind of get numbers a little mixed up like that and i guess technically speaking the farm did lose forty seven thousand dollars but the owners of the farm did not necessarily lose forty seven thousand dollars that would be a better way of saying it please don't hold all my numbers as gospel here because a lot of these are just really broad generations breakdowns all the the numbers statistics and everything i said to you those were exactly what we paid but with how a little bit of like the farm layout and everything works or even how the crop insurance stuff works i had just broad generalization it up a little bit otherwise it gets really confusing and then you just keep talking talking talking talking and talking and i'm sure you guys are already sick of hearing me talk by now so i don't need to be talking more than i already do as for the 120 000 that the government paid us i really have mixed feelings on this to be honest because the way i was raised you know my morals say hey it's wrong to take that money you didn't do anything to earn it so you shouldn't get it but then the other part of me is like well if they're offering this as a tool for injection into the economy and all my other neighbors and everything else are taking it then all of a sudden hey if i don't take that now i'm at a business disadvantage compared to everybody else so we did end up taking the money and we are using it as it was intended to be used so we're injecting it back into the economy we're buying stuff with it not just pocketing it up saving it so that way we can buy a boathouse but i mean that's my feelings on that kind of stuff i figured i might as well just be transparent about it okay guys well that's all we got for today thanks for watching we'll see in the next one
Channel: Cole The Cornstar
Views: 245,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, farmers, agriculture, funny, positivity, funny videos, construction, renovation, satisfying, entertaining, comedy, restoration, mansions, farm house, Cole the cornstar, daddy cornstar, magic mullet, hoarders, house remodel, home projects, old houses, farmstead, homestead, big farms, fun, happy, junk yard, junk, millennial farmer, cleetus McFarland, whistlin diesel, extreme makeover, makeover, new house, hgtv, old house, hoarder, building, beautiful houses, house projects, heavy equipment
Id: 0TEJHM544Q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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