The World's Most Overkill Lawn Tractor

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see how my kentucky bluegrass over here looks nice supple and striped a little tall then over here how it looks not so nice and not so supple and a little bare the front part of the yard has already been seated in kentucky bluegrass it's growing really nice we do need to spray it for some broadleaf because we got some clover got these little fistly thingies in here be nice to get rid of those but over here this is just kind of residual crab grass growth of what grass used to be growing out here before you twirl the trees down so this looks kind of like junk it's all lumpy holy what we did took the lawnmower mowed this side at like an inch and a half this is we're going to leave this we're not going to touch that that's why we got the divider line we're going to go grab the real disc we're going to grab the skid loader and whatever kind of fancy tools we can find we're going to rip all this grass up we're going to get this smoothed out and it goes down there into that bare dirt a little bit but we're going to plant kentucky bluegrass on this later and hopefully that wind dies down otherwise i'm going to spread it this is all going to blow over there into the neighbor's yard and then he's going to be growing kentucky bluegrass he's going to be annoyed because he's going to be mowing it like nine times a week that'd be kind of funny before i get started we need to get the metal bender i know this is called a metal brake but all the technical people get mad at me when i call it a metal bender so i call it a metal bender it's actually this is a metal break it's what justin's been using to bend this tin to wrap around the windows speaking of windows he's got all the lower ones wrapped now i think he's got that door left that's it it's got the upper ones wrapped so now we just got to put a little bit of softening in right up there that blown out piece i think there's like four pieces there then that fascia board right below the soffiting needs to be wrapped then next week we're going to put some siding on back to the job we need to get this trash pile picked up get all this stuff out of here we just we need it clean nothing here get all this plywood stuff picked up we need to get the lp tank the second lp tank the one that's on the anti-theft wheels i'm gonna unhook i hope there's a valve here yes there is we're gonna shut this guy let's do this the right way there we go now we can shut this one off then we'll undo that coupler we'll get this out of here but then this is going to go over to the bend side so when we're running the grain dryer this fall we have plenty of extra lp there's already one over there but it doesn't hurt to have two i'm sure i'm gonna find some more of this stuff to pick up out of here but that's that's expected basically everything we're looking at that's not growing grass we're gonna be smoothing out picking up cleaning up and the yard is gonna go straight with this edge you can see where i've mowed it actually it'll probably be about right here somewhere and then we're going to go right off the edge of that building that white building right in front of the oliver so it'll come down to here and it'll go up to there so all of this is going to be kentucky bluegrass it's going to look really nice well we're working up here we also are gonna be smoothing off down here ron filled in that ditch a few days ago it's growing button weed in it right now this stuff by the way if you're ever out in the woods and you need some toilet paper this is about the softest stuff you can find don't mistake you for poison ivy though this this feels like a baby rabbit i just found my camera cooper had it in his truck cooper's working on the semi trailer here we got one that needs some new cranks on it gearboxes stuff he's turned into it what cooper's gonna do he's gonna take our fifth little plate off he wants to put like a two inch spacer in here to get our front up a little higher so he can put flares around our wheels we keep breaking out rear windows [Music] i'm gonna have to show you a new member of the family cooper's little guy here this is maverick maverick say hi hmm say hi buddy maverick just turned eight weeks old don't drink buddy i'm not really doing anything exciting at all kind of a messy dirty job and uh but it's got to be done sprayer giving it a good bath i don't know what this one stuff that coal is running through the sprayer but it's like a black tar sticky yucky it's not corrosive so that's a good thing but just trying to give the sprayer a good bath try to get that off the stuff that's on here will not hurt the beans oh i need a drink we're on our nicer trailer here um this is our wilson there's the shaft that runs all the way across here on these jacks that makes them go up and down connects them so they work together well another day when i started to work on and see if they worked you got them to move about that far and this the shaft rested off and snapped so we're putting new one in problem is at some point in life this trailer has hit something and it tweaked the jack like that so the shaft isn't straight so i'm going to cut all these bolts off and uh see if we can't put some spaces back there and twist that jack a little straighter i'm hoping that'll work we just got done raising the fifth wheel plate here we put a three inch block in right here let's see it it's three by six well three by six and then it's five sixteenths thick you can get high high rise fifth wheels so this right here is taller but those are more expensive so just bought these blocks 200 bucks we got this quarter fender on here still since we're putting full fenders on we won't need this quarter so we're going to take this off while we get tire off we got room here to get a work back and forth there's a bracket here the bracket there i don't know how the new ones are going to bolt up yet so i'm just going to leave them i'm hoping they match up but i highly doubt it there it is right or wrong i don't know really didn't need three inch blocks for this one two inches have been plenty we got a lot of room here time to get our fenders on probably sit about there that part is not going to get seated today because we need to call steve come out with this cedar he's off doing other things right now has hooked up to something so that might be a few days but i'm hoping we're going to get this done today we got kind of our work cut out for us and i just found another chunk of metal here and we have 20 000 square feet worth of kentucky bluegrass from gci turf services services services service is what's that word challenging to say i'm a little bummed out because our homemade slingshot range that is right off the front of the house this is going to be out of commission for a while so what you do you stand over there with your slingshot and then you do your thing and you whip it over here you can get them hum digging pretty good because i mean these holes resemble like what is that in millimeters across or centimeters probably 2.23 maybe 5.56 or would that be nine millimeters across maybe that dense nine millimeters across those good old 7.62 slingshot things before we plant our grass seed years ago this telephone pole they must have ran their guidewire this direction instead of that direction like it is now and i'm not going to say how i know these are bad for lawn mowers but they're bad for lawn mowers i'm hoping i can just stick the forks in underneath that and either find the base of it and get it out of the ground or dig it big enough hole with the forks then fold this underground and just bury it so that's gonna be job number one job number two i kind of wonder if there used to be a telephone pole here years ago because there's also another one this one was more gentle on the lawn mower because i didn't know it was there and when you don't know something's there with the lawnmower it doesn't count that you actually hit it then the last job on the front ditch we got this little pile of dirt right here i don't remember why i put this here but i did but we kind of got a hole around this culvert and i would like to be able to have easier access around this with the lawnmower because right now it's got a big old weed whack area i don't want that and that's echoey hello what should be a raccoon in there to be completely honest i'm not really sure why this is here because over the skid loaders as the top of the hill so all the water runs that way there so there's just a little bit here that collects water and then on the other side of us over where the weeds start to get tall that's also the top of the hill so all the water goes that way so there's really not a lot of water that comes through here but i guess they have to have them in the low spots we're gonna set a timer for 30 minutes let's see if we can do it [Music] projects usually take four times longer than we expect them to so right at two hours we are perfectly on time i have more tiny fixes to do on this ditch side we just got spots that kind of settled out over time once they got some rain on them after i first fixed this i'm gonna worry about those later though because if we get on those tonight we're gonna be doing this the rest tonight and we really need to get that yard seated i've been sitting here blabbing my little lips moving my lips talking to you guys having a heyday i forgot to push the button what i'm doing taking the y drops off off the sprayer i don't know if you can see here there's a little blue that's a little filter it's got little bitty holes through it these actually look pretty clean but we'll take them off this winter put them in the hot water in the sink so make sure they're cleaned out really really good and this is where water can sit in there and crack things jacks are done before you couldn't even hardly crank it gonna put that new pipe across where the gear comes out where the shaft goes when i got the shaft on i couldn't even get it to line up it's about four inches off cut these bolts off because they're froze solid put four washers on each one that was enough to turn the jack back that way and now if you look at when i move this it's got play in it you got to be careful playing with this gas honestly it's something i probably shouldn't even be doing but we're just going to crack this let it seep out of the line we got to shut off here we got to shut off here so it's got to bleed that line out we'll give it a minute these tanks are full of what's called lp or liquid propane it's a gas but they compress it so much it it actually turns to a liquid so if we were to forget to shut this valve off when we took that off if it just shot out of there just this stream of like super cold propane would be coming out and it would be all frozen around here and there'd be a big old cloud in the air it'd be extremely dangerous i want to go crack the end off on the small tank and put my wrench on here i barely turned and then this part started gushing some propane out of it so i tried tightening back up it still kind of got a little we're just gonna get this one taken off in the meantime then we'll call our gas guy he's probably gonna have to come out drain this tank into his truck and put a new fitting on here i'd imagine otherwise that's just gonna seep it slow i'm sure i'll have a little bit of a leak it seems like whenever you drive by one of these tanks you can kind of smell it just a little bit but i don't know what's acceptable and what's not so i guess i'd rather have him take a look at it [Music] all right guys we got to get the 340 all washed up make it look pretty cause we want it when everybody walks by it at the farm show they go wow that is one nice looking unit not me the tractor but i guess if people want to walk by and say that's one nice looking unit pointing at me i guess i'm all right with that too that actually be pretty nice right now um this front one is only uh filling out high side and so uh it's a little it's fairly easy when it's empty but once you get weight on the strap they're really hard it shouldn't be this hard when it's empty i'm just going to completely rebuild the traps on this trailer there's an older i mean it is an older trailer it's a this is an 88 still a good trailer so not afraid to throw money on this trailer or other two trailers those are uh it's kind of a kind of a where do you stop type thing they need quite a bit of work after spending about a couple hours on these prime more than that finally got them out kind of hard to tell on camera here probably we look down that rail you can see how bent they are i think now is the time we're gonna go grab the 40 80 80 48 80 massey with the real disc on it we're going to hit this a couple times kind of get it mellowed out we're going to break up this light sod a little bit that was kind of malleable and then as ron likes to say it's just dirt we can always fix it i don't know how well we can see it on camera but right here there's kind of like a high spot like right there a little bit of a low spot through here real low spot right there justin's going to be using this stuff that's still up on the concrete so we'll leave that there for the time being and then he got a few of his tools up on the porch too but otherwise we got everything off the ground now looks a lot different with the silver bullet out of there there's gonna be a garage right here down the road just right off the house so it doesn't need to be perfect but i would like it to have it look nice for the time being we'll get that door handle fixed someday [Music] that was loud man who puts a speed bump right there looks good and hopefully the battery's not good [Music] i don't always get as much time to do things as i want to do so one thing i've started doing lately before i go inside got a rock under my hand i do 30 push-ups every night i try to do like 15 to 20 every hour but sometimes i forget or i'll be honest sometimes i just get a little lazy but if you can't do a lot you might as well do a little that's my philosophy i think continually doing things over time with consistency persistence and discipline will get us a lot further than if we just attack things super hard for a short amount of time then back off super hard back off super hard back off i'd rather just just keep chugging along kind of interesting these underneath little eyes will go up underneath here and hook in there goes cooper taking the 340 to boone iowa bye-bye we'll see a little later tractor we have a slight bit more breeze today someone forgot to turn the fans off last night so residual effect we have a hole here we have a hole there we have a high spot behind that this should be easy fix we got to get everything leveled up nice next to the concrete real well because nobody likes going off the concrete and you got to step up or you got to step down that's when we'll stick the mower deck right over we're nice and flush with everything and we don't want it flat right by the house we want just a little bit of an angle so when rain comes off of the gutters that we don't have then it leaves it doesn't go into the basement i don't know how well we can pick it up on camera but it used to go down and then go like this and then kind of drop way down by the lp tank but now it just starts over there nice and smooth across we got just a little bit more black dirt we need to put in this area which is nice because we're close to the dirt pile or the area where there's more black dirt we got a little bit to go up through here and we're gonna hit everything with the real disc again get it all smoothed out get our skid loader tracks gone get all the areas we've been gouging in with the bucket all smoothed out and then we'll end up seating everything which it'll be nice when it's all worked up i'll be able to see my footprints and i'll know where we've been and then once we get it seated we'll probably end up hitting it with that again to incorporate it and then use the skid loader to back drag with the bucket so it'll basically make it look like this kind of pack it down into the ground a bit we'll throw some water on it and then this should be growing and here i thought we were going to be seating yesterday we're at a whole nother day and we're still not going to get seated tonight but we're going to get it ready for tomorrow that was weird okay i think these are the lights yep there we go killing all the mosquitoes that's for sure golly ripping up the yard at night yeehaw just after nine now yard is completely ready for seed so since it's daylight we'll be planting some grass seed there's a mini excavator here because tomorrow we're gonna be doing some concrete work over here on the bend site over where the new conveyors are going to be bump they are going to be laying them in right here there's a raccoon or a cat or rabbit or something going through there but they're going to be right in this area and so there's a little bit of a dip down where the concrete like the footing underneath of this concrete is so it drops off about a foot we're in a really hard time getting the skid loader in there when there's a chunk of concrete in the way so i'm just going to take some dirt we got a dirt pile back there on the other side of the dryer right now nice black dirt we're gonna bring that over here we're gonna smooth this off so it's flush with the ground we'll do that on this bend and that bend and that way when the concrete's in here we don't have to worry about trying to get dirt over there that conveyor is gonna go right through here so all this is gonna be blocked off we got like two bucket loads of dirt here i think there's two right here then there's another one there we'll have to get the shovel in here to get this down nice i just don't want to have a big ridge and we'll eventually be putting rock on top of this so that way weeds and stuff don't grow through it but then in here this is where the serious amount of work needs to be done i've already leveled this off quite a bit but this is going to be trapped off because that concrete's gonna be running right through here so we won't be able to get a skid loader in here at all i probably brought like seven loads of dirt in so far we got a temporary electrical line running through here so i made a nice pile we're gonna just shovel this in smooth this through here and go underneath the air conditioner i'm only gonna be able to get so far in there i'm gonna have to just wheel barrel eventually i'm not gonna worry about that tonight we'll get as far as we can i have to be careful over here because i need to make it where there's just enough grade so when water goes in here it runs that way to get out of here otherwise it's just going to puddle up in here and that's what we don't want but we have to also be careful not to get above this concrete because if we get too high then we'll get the water level above this and it will go underneath the sheets of the bend which is also what we don't want this is a very delicate process you
Channel: Cole The Cornstar
Views: 383,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, agriculture, quads, 4 wheeler, tractors, farmers, country boy, heavy equipment, mechanic, renovation, restoration, trucks, cars, semis, donuts, puppies, big tires, construction, engineers, fabrication, building, home projects, family farm, powersports, high horsepower, diesel, turbos, dogs, Massy Ferguson, planting, corn, soybeans, John Deere, case ih, engines, abandoned property, hard work, blue collar, off roading, Abandoned, science, wind, rain, bulldozer, tractor, lawn, farm, country life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2022
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