Chopping Silage in South Dakota

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dad it finally came this is a really proud moment oh my gosh i've been waiting for this day yeah now we can fix the planter yeah sweet thanks for bringing that wheel down to us thanks darren [Music] nah folks don't get too excited that's leaving the yard just a fell on his way through thought he'd stop and say hi and just so happened to be pulling 500 000 worth of machinery on the back i hate them things [Music] so silage season is here and first step is get these duals clamped onto the tractor our loader tractor because we run out of traction when we're pushing silage and wet corn so that's what we're going to be doing here and then shortly the silage cutter is going to show up we'll start chopping and packing and pushing and it's dad's favorite job these are both on duals and so if we come to the other side we'll see how it works see we took these bolts out and put an eyelet on there on every other one and so then these bolts on duals come with a long rod that's got a hook on one end and thread on the other so you just bolt them right on and so we gotta tighten down hey when we bought these calls a lot of people commented that on some video uh the guy broke an axle off using these clamp on style and all i can say about that is growing up we never had anything but these clamp on duals for years and years and years and i've never broken an axle on now i'm saying it won't happen but i've run a lot of them this isn't our first time with this kind of duo and never had an issue with it we're ready to use the tool that i fashioned up it's a deep well 15 16 i think no it's inch and an eight inch and eight yes occasionally they'll fall out of place when you do that and then they aren't hooked completely [Music] me yeah when i was in college i knew somebody with bolt-ons well we've had them our whole lives on the farm i see until you know when we went to 30-inch rows and we obviously didn't use them anymore but that's all we ever had for duels put them on the spring take them off in the fall i really think that's going to be the bee's knees when we're pushing and packing especially in that corn if you remember last year even when we just get half done i'm having a hard time getting up that pit climbing it while pushing corn and then when we rip an axle off it'll make some good video [Music] i'm sure glad i didn't get uh turned in for shoplifting yesterday why is that well i was leaving the platte sale barn and sometimes down there there's a box of apples and you can grab an apple on the way out and i was walking out and there was some peaches and pears and boxes there and thought oh those peaches look pretty good so i grabbed one on the way out and as i was walking out the door this lady behind me said those are not for free sir i turned around and she was sitting on bench with her five kids i didn't know she was selling them there and i apologize i said how much are they and she said two dollars and i pulled out my billfold and i had a five and a one and uh she said something about i probably can find some change i said no that's okay keep it and i took three peaches and left so i apologize ma'am so you're a thief is what you're saying well no i don't want to be but i almost was did you bring was one of those peaches for me so the three peaches i bought then i met leroy out in the parking lot and he it was 2 30 he said he hadn't had lunch yet so he sat there i had vet supplies for him he ate one peach and then when i got to store like colleen ran it yesterday i said would you like a peach and she said yes i would so there's one peach left in the house and i guess you can have it if you want sounds like a deal all right the time has come our silos cutters had a little issue they had a couple breakdowns only took a few hours to fix so it's only 12 days later let's finally get going the stylish chopper is on the way i'm gonna meet him down on the road so he can follow me to the field so back here what dad's been doing we had a little bit left over he's been taking it and putting it outside the pit that way we have something to feed for a while see once you cut silage you want to let it sit there for a few weeks now we'll put the blade on and we'll be ready to rock so that'll last us a good couple weeks and then the rest of it he just kind of moved around so it'll be in the bottom and you know it's kind of like it's kind of like when you're making a soup and you look in the refrigerator you got some leftover vegetables maybe some leftover ham you cut everything up and you put it back in the soup and now you got some fancier soup so that's kind of like what we're doing with the old silage except it's just some old silage we are the fancy plant pot holder you're so good at growing things you're a master farmer this year and you can just see the edge of that blade on the outside of the dual which is ideal kind of helps you keep in mind those duals behind you are a little wider and so you don't run into the wall or anything like that plus you can pack well first load is coming down the road now we're gonna have to see if it's dry or wet it's not gonna be wet it's if anything it's gonna be too dry and so we're really worried about that we're cutting where we're cutting because it's the driest and it's got the least amount of corn on the ear and so we you know we can still get seven dollars a bushel which is really high we don't want to chop a bunch of expensive corn but we're also low on feed so we need to chop some corn [Music] that's like my buddy from college's salads he didn't put any ranch dressing on it it's kind of dry a little on the dry side yep so the problem with dry silage is it doesn't pack as well and you really got to get it packed tight so oxygen can't get in there so it can ferment not go bad so the best thing to do on dry silage is just keep driving on it and driving on it and it does pack eventually it just takes longer so i got to get packing that's all i gotta say about that that's all i got not only that we do have the sorghum silage which is green as can be we'll put that on top and it'll soak in but also that's why i have our four-wheel drive tractor out so we can really pound it into a pulp get it real nice and packed that was good awesome dad how much did it cost to build this bunker i don't remember sorry i want to say it was about 42 000 if i had to guess that ain't bad it's probably 80 now back in my day 42 000 could buy you an island in the caravan you know that how much the louisiana purchase cost uh it was like 10 million do you know how much the louisiana purchase was 13 million now you buy a quarter in iowa and that's all you get with that money i see you got a band-aid on your finger what'd you do there i tested that red brand barbed wire it's pointy yeah it's pokey and it goes all the way to the bone if you wanted to we were working on some vents today and dad painted about his whole hand red for a little bit there and my pliers oh we got about 16 rows done we're planning on doing 48 or so wow this is dry um that's just that's really really dry wish we would have been able to do it a week ago but these this crew has been fighting breakdowns like crazy and they had a tough time but they're up and going they were working on the chopper all day yesterday but gotta work it now [Music] so [Music] [Music] right here's why we're chopping this field versus another field we'd rather put 70 to 80 bushel corn in the pit versus 120 eighteen point three percent that's three percent away from being ready to be putting a grain bin just got too dang hot and dry outside here's a water and some our wyoming life beet sticks honey flavored thank you you're welcome did i tell you what the song of the day was yet no we're going with bachmann turner overdrive today you ain't seen nothing yet beef it's what's for snack did i have that for a while sure i might think of something but right now i'm eating my beef sticks it's got a little fluff to it knowing it it is packing decently which kind of surprises me i've had silage packed worse than this stuff oh that's odd but you know droughted corn a lot of times can look worse than it is we were out there in the field last night and we were peeling away that brown outer leaf around the stock even and right underneath it the next leaf is green so that's a good thing but there isn't much green coming in the pit when i get that sorghum on top i think i'll be pretty happy with it hey i wanted to talk to you about south dakota state fair we uh tammy and i usually try to make it on sunday and go to the evening show that was fantastic uh the man terry lady antebellum or lady a was supposed to but they canceled their tour of course i like the camaraderie between the two brothers and the sister in the van too and that's kind of neat and what a success story for them to make it big all three of them together so tammy and i were talking when we were sitting up in the crowd about how many people had stopped and talked to us about our youtube channel and the nice things they said but one stuck out in particular and when i was walking up there i kind of locked locked eyes with a fella that was sitting a few rows below me and he didn't say anything and as we were leaving he stopped me and he told me that he thanked me for making things better for him when he was taking cancer treatments and he said it nicer than i did i mean he really it it kind of took my breath away how making a difference in somebody's life like that i was i was blown away and i started walking down the steps and i got to the bottom of the steps and he was behind me and i had to turn around and thank him again for what for what that meant to me you know i might have helped him a little bit boy he sure gave me a boost that day too so thank you for that and beautiful day at the fair you know i got up to like uh i think 84 there's a little breeze a couple other friends are always up there when i go and jerry and brad and spend some time with them my good friend brad varink was in the south dakota state auctioneering championship this year he got first runner-up so he got second out of all the contestants of course i thought he was number one but the guy that one did a fine job too and so that was fun i did buy something at the auction it was a print it's kind of a nice picture after i bought it my wife said where are we gonna put that now but i don't know i get caught up in auctions so that's all i got to say about that well what do you say we start packing a little bit sure why not so [Music] oh so what do you think about these duels that we put on i don't want to do it without them again seems like you got a lot more traction yeah a lot more traction i can pack twice as fast with it and when i do pack it doesn't boil out as much because of a single wheel you know and i can i can push up the loads and two pushes instead of four or five there's a gnat in my eyeball here comes the last truck of the day you could use a few gallons of water [Music] we'll get that packed real nice one last time and tomorrow we're gonna start working on jeff's pit we're going to do the end rose on actually that field of corn right there not there but there [Music] so we got the corn chopped that we wanted to for this pit tomorrow we're going to start on the corn over there haul to jeff's place pack that and then of course we got the sorghum to pile on top of it after thanks for watching everyone we'll see you next time have a good one [Music] ellie i'll give you a million dollars if you don't go through this door what she's just not into materialistic things i guess
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 202,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farm technology, farm, ranch, sonne farms, farming, cattle, calf, america, john deere, case ih, tractors, machinery, skid steer, loader, wheel loader, loader tractor, calving, baby, manure, grain, soybeans, corn, combine, harvest, baling, hay, bales, alfalfa, drainage, drain tile, tillage, planting, plant 21, header, grass, ranching, storm, plants, regenerative ag, agriculture, midwest, south dakota, heavy machinery, big tractor, Millennial Farmer, Larson Farms, Welker Farms, cow, feeding, cold start
Id: qatz7I9RpFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2022
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