How much does memory affect gaming?? Tested

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JayzTwoCents testea si tener mas RAM afecta el rendimiento de juegos. Tambien prueba Single/Dual channel.

Y en uno que todavía no hizo va a testear si cambia tener la RAM en 2100 a 4000 mhz.

tl;dw con 8GB de RAM alcanza y sobra, con 4GB te quedas corto, 16GB parece ser al pedo.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/fede777 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

Yo tengo un quilombo de ram: 1x 4gb Crucial 1x 4gb HyperX 1x 2gb Kingston 1x 2gb de alguna marca que no me acuerdo ahora mismo

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ra125 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

Todavia me lamento por no haber comprado los 2 sticks identicos de 8GB a $4800 (en CompraGamer) cuando el dolar estaba a $45, de pelotudo me decidi tarde, y cuando me di cuenta cada stick estaba $4.800 (ahora bajo por suerte, pero sigue siendo 'caro')

Y sobre el Dual Channel, en el Metro Exodus la diferencia era ABISMAL cuando jugaba en Dual Channel vs Single channel (uno de los sticks se me cago, pero antes de que se cague estuve viciando bastante al metro)

No solo en FPS, si no en estabilidad, cuando jugaba en Dual Channel jamas tenia bajones de FPS, no importaba el lugar, pero en Single channel se tosqueaba en un monton de partes.

Y en FPS la diferencia mirando al mismo lugar eran de mas de 30 fps en Dual vs Single

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Cheaterfield 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

Para mi uno se queda corto con 8gb. Hardware Unboxed

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Lopexavi 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

No es que está mal el consejo que da al final pero el test que hizo tiene una falla importante. Testeando con una gtx 1080ti vas a tener un efecto mucho mayor que con una rx 570 (que es una placa mas realista si estás comprando una compu de bajo presupuesto).

El otro tema es que el asume que todos los mothers van a tener 4 slots para RAM pero si tenés poco presupuesto vas a ir por uno de 2. Con 2x4 de ram no tenés mas espacio para poner mas a futuro.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Kadour_Z 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

Ya lo demostro wolfgang con los benchmarks y LTT con los test que la memoria años atras NO influía en el rendimiento de los juegos pero que hoy en día (a pesar de la ignorancia de la gente) influyen en algo, no te digo un aumento de 90FPS pero entre 5 y 20 [dependiendo el juego-engine y como esta optimizado] puede pasar.

PUBG es un claro ejemplo que 8GB vs. 16GB con mayor velocidad (2133/2400 vs. 3200) cambia drasticamente la fluidez y los FPS.

El dual channel sobre todo con bajas latencias hace mucha diferencia además de altas velocidades (sobre todo si tenes un Ryzen de CPU).

Y este ultimo que te compara 8/16 con diferentes velocidades.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/arcangel91 📅︎︎ Oct 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

Acá está la parte 2 donde testea específicamente velocidad.

tl;dw el sweet spot es 8GB dual channel a 3200mhz.

Y hacia el final hace una mini prueba bajando los timings y da una diferencia también así que prevé que sale una parte 3.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/fede777 📅︎︎ Oct 25 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] Rann get the amazing sound of playing our magnetic headphones with the X - H e4 x axis from drop highly efficient magnetic planar design and adjustable fit make them the perfect pair for anyone seeking legendary audio without the legendary price tag to learn more and to take advantage of the current sale of the - 4 X X's head to the drop in the link below so whenever I do a budget build I always try and size out well depending on the budget but nobody for doing like really low budget stuff like the recent videos we've done this year even I always will grab 8 gigabyte kits of to four gigs sticks and every time I do that people will chime in and say Jay you should just get a single 8 gig stick because single-channel doesn't really matter that much more anyway and then the idea is that you can upgrade to 16 gigs later we're gonna talk about that we tested quite a few different configs today in three different titles one title of each basically either heavily favors GPU / CPU heavily favors Walt both balanced and then another title that's all CPU and any CPU based or bound title is going to be also very dependent on Ram because RAM and CPU know they're kind of like a peanut butter and jelly they have to go together right tuna no crust I don't know something like that so basically what we did was a couple of different configs here now we're gonna talk about some of the ideology we're going to talk about some of the variables because there's no test that I could do that is going to cover all of the bases that's gonna cover everyone's situation but I feel like the three titles that we chose are gonna be at least indicative enough of what you could expect - what the the repercussions and/or payoffs are going to be with your Ram config depending on how demanding your title is on CPU now it's not just CPU though because if your CPU is dependent on memory and its scheme choked off or bottlenecks with not enough memories you're having to do more more complete memory refresh cycles page swap all that sort of stuff then what's gonna happen here is your GPU is gonna slow down because it's waiting for your CPU to be ready for ready for the data the GPU is sending so the three titles though that we chose for these tests for CPU bound it's going to be a World of Warcraft battle for Azeroth not classic although classics probably would be just the same but battle for Azeroth sitting specifically in ogre mark because if you play World of Warcraft then you know the major cities are where all of these slowdowns happen so we kind of chose the worst-case scenario in terms of what you would expect with frames per second for the balanced test we chose Far Cry fives built-in synthetic benchmark now yes I know there are differences in performance between the synthetic benchmark and the actual gameplay what we're looking for here are the deltas or the differences between the different configs if the game itself is harder to run then you can expect those Delta's to probably be even wider than what we're gonna show you here but we needed a a realistic back-to-back test to allow us to at least feel to measure those differences World of Warcraft actually we're in Orgrimmar because the major cities are where the biggest slowdowns are in terms of player models and things that the CPU is having to calculate it has to communicate with the server to where these players are and draw it and all that sort of stuff so the CPUs handing all handling all of that and we're flying above augur Mars trade district area and my druid so just floating there you can see all kinds of stuff happening and we found that that was a what we did was we found where the FPS dropped the most an ogre Mar and then used that spot which is identical for all the tests and then for the will run on a potato whatever all the FPS title is for doom and what we're checking with doom is whether or not the different configs obviously reduce our FPS so the testing methodology for today because there's no way that I could do any testing that's gonna be 100% indicative of your experience there's just too many variables out there so we've chose three titles that we felt are gonna be kind of like small medium and large in terms of memory usage and then we chose the configs that we think are going to be most relevant to people out there we didn't go with the fastest memory when you go to the largest memory and that sort of stuff so what we've got right here we'll talk about g.skill in a second I've got four four gigabyte sticks of ballistics sport this is ddr4 24 hundred megahertz XMP profile Ram the basis 21:33 for ddr4 we ran these at 2666 we did a small overclock on the memory because we don't think a lot of people were out there running through thirty two hundred thirty four hundred thirty six hundred memory we just kind of went with something more in the middle which we think people would be buying these are straight from our budget builds that I've done in the past and the reason why we're doing this video is because I always recommend drawing a budget go with two sticks a 4 gigabyte 8 gigabytes is more than enough for most games today and you want dual channel I said that in every single reason that we've ever purchased memory for our budget builds and every single time plenty of people will step up and say J that stupid get 8 gigabyte single stick that way you could upgrade to 16 later we'll talk about that little bit later in the video about when you would do that versus when you wouldn't but our configs that we ran them at today are 16 gigabytes of well 16 gigabytes in two different configs so we've got 16 gigabytes time four times four like this we've also got 16 gigabytes of two times eight for dual channel the reason why we did that is we could also test 16 gigs in single channel so because these are 4 gig sticks they don't make a test 16 is to occupy all four slots so that's why we've got two 8 gig sticks here no they are not the exact same speed as the ballistics but however we did match the timings and the 26 66 megahertz speeds to the g.skill so the other thing too is that we can we test it in a single four gig config we test it in a dual four gig in single channel so 8 gig single channel versus 8 gig dual channel and then obviously the four times for 16 channel which is automatically by default a dual channel because we occupy all four slots so without further ado here are the tests predictions going into this we've already run the test but phil was expecting single channel or dual channel not to matter I was the one that was like I've always recommended dual channel even on a budget build because I've seen how it can matter so who was right [Music] [Music] all right so first up while at 1440p now one thing that we noticed with world of warcraft world of warcraft word of rural craft is that 1080p in 1440p FPS was identical that's because 2080 I can pretty much bottleneck a CPU at 1080p but first up 16 gigabytes 2666 in dual channel was our our baseline that's like obviously the fully unlimited this is a fastest to be able to go was 140 FPS average as soon as we drop down to single we lost 25 FPS we dropped down to 115 average now when we did eight gigabyte dual would drop to 133 so more than the 16 single but less than obviously the 16 dual but not by that much we only went from 140 to 133 when we went to 8 gigabytes so half the capacity but stayed within dual channel we only lost 7 FPS but 8 gigabyte single and 16 gigabyte single were identical at 115 fps so as you can see right here capacity at least in this particular title was much less important than dual channel and the reason for that is as a CPU can grab information from the individual channels it just makes it that much faster and that much more responsive so what's happening here is as the CPU is waiting on the the this memory cycle to refresh and be able to get all of the information it needs from a single channel the GPU is having to wait to draw frames because the CPU has not processed those frames yet so that's why dual channel is so much better in this particular title now for gigabyte single @ 2666 got us 110 FPS and we did one test for the hell of it to see what happens if we drop from 20 66 to 21 33 and we went from 110 down to 97 so that's gonna prompt another video from us in the near future where we keep all the constants of Terr in terms of channel and capacity the same or we see what happens with different titles in ram speed now moving on to Far Cry 5 we did it in 1080p here because again we wanted to get as much FPS as we could we also wanted to see what the worst-case scenario would be in terms of bottlenecking so going for a high frame rate and then making the memory changes will sort of exaggerated a little bit some of the memory stuff that we're trying to demonstrate here but realistically a 20 atti for a 1080p is not going to be a very smart move we find that obviously if you're running a 1080i do at least 1440p or higher but moving on to our baseline test for 16 gigs dual channel again all 2666 memory 134 FPS so it's kind of funny that it was so close to the world of warcraft but 16 gigabytes single channel dropped all the way down to 110 FPS so that is a 24 FPS loss that's a pretty big percentage loss by just literally having one stick moved into the RAM the wrong RAM slot so eight gigabytes dual went from 134 to 133 so once again the capacity of 16 gigabytes which a lot of people are saying 16 gigs or go home with these builds you can kind of see it's not holding water here at least with this title because one FPS difference and that's still margin of error we ran all these tests four times and then average them eight gigabytes at 1:33 eight gigabytes single 108 so 108 for 8 gig single versus 110 for 16 gigs single to FPS difference but twice the capacity yeah you can see right there that obviously I would favor a lower capacity dual channel setup for this title than any of the higher capacity single channel stuff I mean I don't think I was gonna run a 16 gig single stick in fact I was warning the boot get that beat the BIOS but anyway I digress for a gigabyte single gave us 101 fps a note about far cry 5 with 4 gigabyte that's below the minimum spec so what we follow saw was the first run was very steady there was even like the chart we even going to the read we saw the sea plane couldn't even keep up with the test because the test is gonna do the same amount of time no matter what but it's how many frames can be drawn them at a time so the sea plane fell behind and every minutes last run the explosion never even went off so there was clearly some computing errors happening with the title the boat didn't even render like at one part of it but when I mentioned stuttering here I don't mean like micro stutter I mean full-on one or two second pauses we're below minimum spec point you should expect weirdness but doom RFPs title the one that is like just runs on a potato 200 FPS across the board from 16 gigabytes dual channel down to 4 gigabyte single channel all the way down to 20 133 megahertz 200 FPS because that's the engine cap so what the takeaway here is regarding that title as I've said it before more game developers could definitely learn from id did ID it whatever it now Phil made the fair point of yeah but they're much smaller Maps than say like the battlefield or anything like that but still it's still a beautiful game that holds up for years after the fact so now the question at the end of the day is J which config should I be running then well I think the obvious answer is the biggest capacity you can get in at least dual channel now with thread Ripper and X 299 on Intel you've got quad channel there which means you want at least one stick to occupy all four channels so a future piece we're gonna do is is anything more than dual channel even necessary for gaming I think the spoiler alert there is probably not but you never know would then test before we've been completely wrong and and surprised by that now it's gonna come down entirely to the title that you are playing and you can usually tell how demanding that title is on CPU and memory by the amount of memory that it sort of has as a min spec versus recommended you find a lot of titles these days minimum spec 8 gigabytes recommended 16 so if you see that then you know already you're gonna want to run your 16 gigabytes I'm always gonna recommend getting two sticks with one caveat if you're building a budget system a lot of budget motherboards only have two Ram slots which means you can't upgrade your capacity later without changing both sticks so that's why we tend to get the the dual four gig getting us eight gig total if we have two Ram slots because although you could do a single 8 gig in one slot as you saw with these slides you are in every instance here with the exception of doom are going to be leading performance on the table just because of the slow down the Akio is experiencing in terms of accessing memory so if you do not see an upgrade in your foreseeable future then get yourself the duel sticks to occupy both channels if you have four channels of memory then still get the two six because you can still then add two more like we did here and occupy all four channels and unless you're going for world record overclocking you're not gonna see any sort of issues with occupying all channels of memory with with dims anyway if you are like okay I'm just getting this I'm just getting this right now and next month or so I'll probably add more then I would recommend getting this single 8 gig stick and adding a matchstick later because of a month to deal with single channel performance it's not that big of a deal but if you don't see an upgrade coming then definitely do it past that I think the results here are still surprising to me only because I think there was a bigger gap there than I was expecting I knew there was gonna be a difference I just didn't know by how much so when we came into work today I said I want to do some Ram testing and then during this test we started playing around with Ram speeds and we noticed that there was a quite a bit of a difference in like World of Warcraft and even Far Cry 5 when we started slowing down the memory so what we're gonna do in our next part of this particular Ram testing is we are going to take on our Intel platform here and maybe an an AMD one as well but AMD's been kind of tested recently with the new Rison and stuff I don't think it's as relevant for us to test that right now in the heels of other testers just having done it but we're gonna go from 21 33 all the way up to like 4,000 to see what happens and so if you guys have any titles that you know of that are very ram dependent and ram speed and capacity can make a major measurable difference or a tangible difference then please comment down below also - if you think there's other titles that would have been infect affected by these tests comment down below we need those data points to know what games are kind of really demonstrating and the gating the tests that we're doing here so if you guys found this video helpful then do me a favor once you get this video a late lick get this video a lick lick your screen right now if your screen is anything like mine you probably shouldn't look it oh yeah look twice for dual channel one other point I think I want to make too is if you're not running a twenty atti you probably would have saw even less of a difference here but you still would have seen a difference because there still becomes a point at which you're exceeding the speed of the CP you can actually handle the amount of data the GPU sending it as well as the memory is able to let the CPU access it where that point is I don't know it is another video title right there where at what point does your GPU effects Oh at what point does memory affect your GPU fill write that down I'm full of good ideas today ones I'd have done been done a thousand times in the internet but not on this channel alright guys thanks for watching and as always we will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 868,800
Rating: 4.9428778 out of 5
Keywords: pc memory, cpu memory, gaming memory, memory for gaming, does memory matter for gaming, does ram matter for gaming, gaming ram, gaming ram speed, does ram speed matter, does dual channel matter, pc dual channel, dual channel vs single channel, single channel vs dual channel, massdrop preroll, doom, far cry 5, far cry v, world of warcraft, benchmark, gaming benchmarked
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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