Does Ram Speed REALLY matter? You might be surprised

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so now that we've got the testbench actually working we can get on to the video that we planned on filming earlier this week regarding RAM speed and directly how it not to be confused Rammstein that's something completely different boom hast but I've had a lot of questions recently regarding how fast Ram they should buy a lot of people send me their parts lists and stuff and I people seem confused like do I need slow Ram will it matter - I need fast Ram so today we're gonna kind of take a trip down that path specifically with some gaming titles a few production titles as well as our 99 hundred KS now there's a few things that might change your results of this will kind of get into that but first we have to pay some bills many of us are working and learning from home during these changing times and Micro Center has what you need to create a seamless work or learn from home setup including laptops desktops webcams and more micro Center has adjusted store hours as well as limited the capacity of customers to create a safe shopping experience but also has many essential items available via their online store and for those of you practicing social distancing but still need to get your daily dose of tech micro Center has a new community forum where you can discuss and share your favorite tech and setups including a chance to win a $500 gift card to learn more about how to get your essential techniques for micro Center and to visit the community click the link in the description below so what we've done here is tried to create a little bit of a bottlenecking situation we do have a 99 hundred KS that's at stock speeds we didn't overclock it any farther and we have 16 gigabytes of g.skill try to z non RGB memory but this is the 38 66 XMP profile version we have a 20 atti gaming trio from MSI because we're trying to push a lot of frames per second because we really want to find the scenario which we can see there be a tangible difference between memory speeds and then the motherboard we're using is a z3 90 dark from EVGA this is one their overclocking board does kind of got the funky layout with the RAM turned sideways so they can get all the power together but none of that really is going to matter there's a few things that you're gonna want to do to sort of prepare for this you're gonna want to probably update your BIOS if you're running new fast memory when it comes to the memory tables and the speeds and XMP compatibility and all of that Ram is constantly kind of updating and getting faster and getting larger and your motherboard might need a BIOS update to be able to support it you probably might need a BIOS update also to support a newer CPU that came out after a particular motherboard as you saw in our last video but moving forward let's go and talk about this the speed that you see on the RAM stick itself in this case the ballistics is a twenty four hundred megahertz you can see the timings right there next to it it's always on the label that speed is the rated XMP or extreme memory profile or an aim DS case a do CP the maximum speed the kit the RAM is rated to it does not run that speed out of the box so what we sort of wanted to demonstrate here today is if you built the system and just left it as is it touched nothing and then changed one setting enabling the XMP profile will you gain more performance now there's some things that you're going to probably want to know to know how to do that and every single BIOS is going to be different so you're going to want to maybe watch a tutorial or actually look at the manual that comes with your motherboard they do have BIOS pages in there to kind of explain some of the basic settings instead of having to sit there and mash delete there's a simple way from inside your operating system to that you can also get to your BIOS and we're going to show you that now if you click the little window click the power button and then shift click restart troubleshoot Advanced Options UEFI firmware settings so what that's telling the motherboard is hey restart into your BIOS I thought I'd show you guys that little trick well we're assuming people's computers are working though it's fine it's a feature guys it works I promise watch oh no it's stuck at a six this is exactly what happened last time I'm gonna build a new test bench so after a simple reboot you know it's really easy you go into your setup and at least in the EVGA BIOS things are very very simplified so what you're gonna want to look for in your settings a lot of times they're gonna be under the main pages where you're gonna find CPU settings as well as Ram you brakes memory out into a different tab so you can see right here what our memory currently is but you can see what we paid for so it's a ddr4 30 867 it's funny that says 38 66 on the actual sticks but whatever but what you'll notice too is the timings are me quite a bit different at 20 133 or slower memory you're getting tighter timings but when you speed up the memory you're gonna get looser timings and there's reasons for that but a lot of the times this number will reign dominant over this one unless you're doing a lot of fine tuning of very specific types of overclocks like we've done with our Yoel into overclocking and stuff you don't need to worry about timings right now so what we're going to show you here is the difference between all of this set to manual or auto and then how much performance you'll either gain or lose by switching it to the higher speed and the reason why I say potentially lose is because as timings loosen different types of programs are gonna have different you know responses to what you do with the memory now enabling XMP is pretty simple you'll just go into your memory wherever it says memory profiles it might say XMP instead of memory profile right now it's set to automatic which is simply out of the box settings which is all the base stuff but if you select XMP profile 1 that'll give us these numbers right here some dims might even have a setting for do CPN XMP that way they're optimized for Intel or AMD but obviously we have to get all of our baselines which means we are out of the box factory we built the system change nothing in the BIOS and this is what the performance looks like now what we did was we chose 3 CPU titles and 3 gaming titles and 3 gaming titles that we chose are one that have pretty good trade-offs when it comes to both CPU and GPU we're also running these tests at 1080p maximum or Ultra settings wherever the highest settings are available to the titles none of them are our TX titles and none of them have DL SS enabled if they have the feature available to them this is just good old CUDA core performance with a 2080 ti that is overclocked + 100 megahertz on the core which is bringing it to just under 20 100 megahertz total and then plus 750 megahertz on the memory because again we're trying to create a situation here where we are CPU limited because we want to see if we get to that point is there performance on that loss on the table and then what we're going to do is we're going to just enable XMP profile and run those tests again now in terms of CPU we're running the blender BMW benchmark we are running Cinebench r20 which is an AV X instruction and then we are running 3dmark x pi which is a 1440p title but it has also combined tests with as well as a physics test which is run specifically on the CPU it will give us a score of CPU and GPU and a combined score so we have three figures there to compare so let's go ahead and see how they did [Music] [Music] all right now gonna be honest here Phil and I had some predictions going into this and I don't think either one of us were really right I had anticipated making this video specifically with the mention of saying hey paying for faster memory is probably not worth it for a gaming machine so just buy the lesser speed memory if it's on sale and less expensive and save yourself some money and put it into a better GPU if you had follow that advice if I had said that then you put a potentially bottleneck to yourself or created a less optimal situation where you're not getting all the performance you paid for as you can see by looking at the charts both far cry 5 and shadow of the Tomb Raider gained nearly 30 FPS by simply enabling the XMP profile if you're playing at 1080p now that becomes a huge diminishing return though if you start upping the resolution because the more you up the resolution the more you trade off CPU bound for GPU bout where the GPU is much more responsible for creating a higher resolution gameplay which means the CPU is having less frames per second to deal with the more frames we throw at the CPU the more the RAM speed became evident in two of the three titles wildlands is a title that is very CPU bound it's a large world and even the benchmark is very CPU intensive it even shows you the minimum of maximum CPU load during the title we only gained 3 fps in wildlands but what's funny is blender only gained 2 seconds when it came to the BMW vendor Blender benchmark the bender blench mark known don't do blench mark that's a different F anyway we only gained 2 seconds which is margin of error that that we could have probably varied 2 or 4 seconds in either direction every test Cinebench r20 technically lost 2 points but again that's the same margin of error when it comes to that test we read it multiple times and we're getting the same averages across the board and then 3dmark which again is a cpu AVX instruction on the cpu and then the gaming performance in terms of GPU gains score across the board we gained combined we gained GPU and we gain CPU in a tangible amount these are differences that you would notice when playing your games if you're playing titles that are gonna benefit from an XMP profile and you saw that who we gained nearly 30 FPS in or actually I think we gained 32 FPS or something around that line with far cry 5 alone then it simply means that you're gonna gain performance in older titles where you would have even potentially higher FPS now I know a lot of this can be negated simply by overclocking the CPU a little bit more and then running a higher resolution I don't think many people are gonna be running this type of hardware with a 1080p panel this panel clearly is a 1440p but we want we needed to show what the tangible difference is we're gonna be in the scenario at which according to the steam Hardware survey shows this is still the dominant resolution in more than 70% of gaming machines that are currently registered on Steam so it's relevant to many many people so if you haven't already gone into your BIOS and said oh I should probably enable this XMP profile and you didn't even know that that existed then you're welcome because we probably just handed you some free performance you didn't even know was there but there's definitely gonna be a point at which there's a diminishing return like we said and that's gonna be the higher the resolution the less that's going to matter so at this point there's clearly an infinite amount of titles and desktop software out there different workflows that are gonna react differently to memory speeds and timings and whatnot so this is where you guys sound off in the comments below if you have found a title or a game that is extremely memory and memory speed dependent put it down in the comments below and maybe we'll see about adding some of these things to our future benchmarking when we do things like Ram testing and and all of that so guys thanks for watching today's video I just wanted it this is a topic we've talked about in the past we've shown in the past but I don't think we've actually gone in there and truly researched and found titles that truly reacted to XMP profile in fact in the past you can even find in older videos that I've done this is when Ram was a lot slower I mean this is when like 1333 was the baseline and 1800 was super fast Ram and we saw that things were not quite as beneficial in fact you might gain one or two fps across the board this was a pretty significant improvement now those of you running AMD systems if you are running AMD first gen rise n you are gonna notice a significant improvement to performance with memory speed improvements because of the way the Infinity fabric worked in first generation but with second gen and third well 3000 series because now we are in rising 2 which is 3000 series rise in 1000 in 2000 our first gen rising you're gonna find that it is very very different in the way that the memory speed affects the performance and what I mean by that is very very little because they really made it efficient the way the Infinity fabric works in that clock speed between the two is much faster than it was in the first gen so now you're seeing a lot less of a discussion about RAM speed mattering as much on AMD as it did before but you would potentially see the same exact results that we saw right here with a slower speed CPU which in terms of clock speed rise ends still capping out about 4.2 gigahertz when overclocked on desktop would probably see potentially an even better improvement than we saw on Intel so if you want to see us do the same test with AMD let us know by commenting below thanks for watching guys and as always we'll see you in the next one
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 1,257,663
Rating: 4.9145708 out of 5
Keywords: gaming computer, gaming pc, gaming, pc, computer, ram speed, does ram matter, does ram speed matter, does ram timing matter, is fast ram good for gaming, gaming and memory speed, is memory speed important, is memory speed important for a gaming pc
Id: vjbNhCHwlBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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