How Many Donuts Is Too Many? 🐵 Curious George 🐵 Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies

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so George headed home with one dozen donuts and everything was perfect wa I don't have your address he must be late oh you took too long to make the donuts there we're sorry [Music] you're in charge while I'm gone Hundley George realized he couldn't go home because then those donut people would know where he lived wo we're right behind [Music] you so in the end George headed home with one dozen donuts there's no no monkey on that [Music] dog monkey we lost [Music] [Laughter] him door man [Music] Hunley saw them outside and barked somehow he knew they were looking for you he's so [Music] smart relax monkey Donuts are here everything's okay uhoh h [Music] M wow those smell so good I'm sorry I didn't ask you to buy more than one doesn't you look hungry George I'll make eggs then it's dut time it's a little dark in here I'll open some curtains so anything exciting happened today George I passed by the D family they look pretty [Music] happy so what do you want scrambled how about fries H I never realized how nicely insulated this handle is oh careful hey wait a minute I don't remember buying this car [Music] did you put that dut there oh what a waste of food now we only have 11 to eat here's the say where' they all go um what a hundred dozen donuts aund we have one dozen donuts [Music] look well miss Donuts asked me to give you the bill wow what a mistake how could they think you bought a hundred dozen don't what how did [Music] [Applause] [Music] w why George [Music] [Music] well at least I know you were paying attention we've got to put these Donuts in bags or something oh what are we going to do with them all so in the end George got one dozen donuts like he was supposed to and the hardworking firefighters thought everything was perfect how many left [Music] George George had three greatl looking boats but just looking boaty didn't make them float [Music] at last George had something he knew would [Music] float Bill wasn't going to win any contest with a tiny board no [Music] and this is what he had to work with maybe it was time to study boats in action wide boats seem to work well steam coming [Music] out a propeller and a good solid bottom okay a wide boat with steam coming out and a [Music] propeller all done I'm just going to drop my bike at home would you mind watch my boat for a few more minutes [Music] newspaper delivery is an exact business people expect it at the same time every day thanks for watching my boat where is my boat George you built this yourself wow I thought City kids just bought everything where did you say my boat [Music] was holy cow you did me a real favor George H I forgot to close the windows thanks for showing me I would have really been sunk if it happened in the contest model boating requires utmost attention to Tiny details and keeping the water [Music] out come on let's let's go enter hey you got to bring your boat to enter [Music] it sure who else has a boat like that let's hear it for our winners congratulations George I didn't even know you built a boat I convinced him to enter it and did you see this it says best boat by a monkey that's funny they must have run out of regular ribbons I'll take care of this I'll ask him to make you one that says best boat by a city kid [Music] [Applause] [Music] he hopes studying the Big Clock would show him exactly what to do with the little clock [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] George was glad that noise had stopped but maybe it was time to pack up and go home that clock has never stopped ever the big clock on the library stopped well let's go wait St what are we supposed to do we're the fire department we'll figure it [Music] out Mr ILO the Big Clock stopped the big Library clock that the whole city depends upon yeah yeah oh that clock has never stopped ever we must move like lightning [Music] I I'll everyone [Music] [Applause] [Music] he was sure he had all the tools but George still felt like he was missing [Music] something okay Miss thank you please step outside I must listen [Music] [Applause] who's tools are these what's a little monkey like you doing in a huge clock like this well would you like me to help you okay and this goes there now you [Music] see what a beautiful clock did you make [Laughter] it I know everything about Glocks but not one thing about understanding [Music] monkey well be more careful in the future eh time is a precious thing [Music] Compass what have we said about bringing pigeons indoors George oh oh it's all right are you showing him my clock well go [Music] ahead George how did this heavy metal toolbx get [Music] [Music] so that puffy making oven was even more amazing than the floify pot oh my goodness if salesio likes my food she's tell everybody to eat here wish me [Music] luck George wanted to show Noki how pots make things floppy [Music] what was all of that noise I give what have you done but I can't serve delicate pasta with a little monkey sitting minut it at least I still have this batch of PL spaghetti George knew the chef would be happy with all the fun extra things he'd turned floppy who turned my plain pasta into crowded spoon [Music] soup somehow floify didn't work on spoons there isn't one cherry tomato in the salad you promise cherry [Music] tomatoes well I oh don't wait no please I I don't like this at all but it smells good she was right the longer that stuff stayed in the floify pot the better it smelled do you know there's a cat and a monkey in your kitchen the monkey made this St noo quite good oh but you said you like it if you made it it's no good but for a monkey woohoo what's his recipe well uh never mind I got it Chef biscetti didn't SC George much but he insisted George clean up the mess he made oh you're lucky you got the for hands you can do things twice as quickly I wish I knew how you chose these ingredients asparagus the green Spears turned out nice and floppy one hardboiled [Music] egg but the egg didn't look floppy at all eggs don't floify they get harder a lot of cheese and cheese becomes goop cooking seem to have no rules at all I'm done you said there'd be cookies please this dish was excellent what do you call it sudden emergency ravoli and a meatball four stars and another star for the meatball I'll give your monkey a star too oh I'm so generous hot cook is coming up as [Music] promised how did he make that into [Music] that maybe kitchens aren't magic maybe it's Cooks who are magic YY how you can lose so many bows huh [Music] any day that starts out just smelling and ends with a cookie is a pretty great [Music] day being a dog Hunley had tasted a lot of tennis balls but these were the first that ever tasted like ink these were the valuable balls the doorman promised to [Music] protect Hunley couldn't stop George from opening boxes that he thought belonged to him but he knew how to play defense [Music] it was tough for George to guess who sent all this stuff to him [Music] uh hold on there's a monkey and a wiener dog at the door those careless delivery guys if any of my balls aren't properly packed I'm going to be very upset now George understood these boxes belonged here and the delivery man gave them to George by mistake I'll be down to check every last one as soon as I'm off the phone they had to clean up before the ball col ctor came [Music] downstairs all they had to do was put the balls back into the right boxes how hard could that [Music] be sometimes things don't fit when they look like they should or they fit in more than one [Music] place but there's only one place they really belong and once you figure that out it's easy even if you're a monkey [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] Hunley showed George how to lay them [Music] flat they did it all the balls were back where they started kind [Music] [Music] of looks like they're all here oh even the Priceless Andy turkey rolly perfect score bowling ball I'm [Music] back is everything okay my delivery came your dog and monkey took care of everything that's great thank you Hundley thank you George it's nice to know Hundley has help keeping the place clean and organized George would you like to help Hundley again tomorrow morning you can be my official dorm monkey I won't be here and tomorrow is water delivery [Music] day oh that's a nice recording of a cricket was it one of these you know hundreds of crickets chirping together can make a soothing peaceful sound but one Little Cricket in a quiet house can drive you bananas is there one in our house well he probably wants to get out and go home here uh catch him and free him outside and here's a tip George crickets are attracted to light [Music] now that the mystery was solved and George knew what he was looking for this was going to be easy [Music] [Music] George was already smarter than a cricket and he knew how to be faster [Applause] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] h [Music] then a strange new sound and then George set the cricket free to happily hop back to his Cricket [Music] home did you free that Cricket wo good work I am sure that's one happy [Music] Cricket okay um that Cricket left us some cleanup work don't you think George [Music] all done sleep tight [Music] George are you sure you put it outside uhhuh uhuh you know George if we don't catch that Cricket we'll never get any [Music] [Music] sleep I've got it the man man with a yellow hat didn't have the cricket but he did have a solution George a dog pile Hunley knew this meant trouble for [Music] someone no papers no hat the man must have gone out to drop off his [Music] [Music] work the whole place was filled with strange dogs very strange dogs how many dogs did George have in here George wanted to know how many dogs he had [Music] too he [Music] counted but he stopped at 37 that sounded wrong and he never counted that little one at [Music] all he wanted to count every dog only [Music] once so he stuck the three small ones in his room where he knew he could see them [Music] huh he led the big ones into the man with the yellow hats room but they couldn't run around so [Music] much and the hairy ones went in the bathroom George wanted this one in with the big dogs but it was hairy enough to go with the [Music] [Music] [Music] haries there were three big three small and three hairy dogs George I'm oh oh Hunley what are you doing [Music] here my new spread George there are like 20 dogs in here George remembered all the dogs so where did these three and three and three n dogs come [Music] from I'm just so happy they're all back in all safe well everyone's back where they belong [Music] Hundley stop the car hunley's in there come [Applause] back just how big is this fish you're after George well you might as well be hunting for t bad poles they go try this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one George knew nothing about water beetles except that they couldn't help him find his Tad PS huh now this was a strange creature it looked like a tadpole sort of swam like a tadpole kind of but it had legs almost no tail not like a [Music] tadpole hey George my tadpoles aren't giving you any problems are they good bring him over sometime for a visit okay George knew that someday he'd have to tell Bill he'd lost the Tad poles and he knew he might never see his little friends again back in the city George tried to take his mind off the Tad Poes it wasn't easy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] w [Music] George couldn't believe it that odd little creature was one of his tadpoles and he let it [Music] [Laughter] go but George we just visited the lake we'll go back next month [Music] Bill said the tadpoles would grow up in amazing ways but how much would they grow in a whole month and into what George we've been looking all over for you you got like 800 lb of boiled lettuce now George really had to get back to the lake but it was weeks before he could go [Laughter] luckily George didn't see any signs of jumbo Tad [Music] PES but he couldn't find his friends either these loud frogs probably scared the Tad poles away huh it was time for George to tell Bill he'd lost the tadpoles hey [Music] George that was a good idea to release my tadpoles into their natural habitat how'd you like watching them grow into frogs pretty neat [Music] huh uh-huh just like my caterpillar changed into a butterfly see the tadpoles were right here all the time they had just been well growing up smile George before long George thought the frogs were even more fun than the Tad [Music] ples well most of the [Music] [Music] time [Music] hello water he forgot to refill [Music] [Applause] [Music] George found out the hard way that the hose was too [Music] short maybe it didn't have to reach he could spray it from here huh [Music] George knew they were down to only a duck and a half he had to get water up that hill [Music] somehow he needed something that held water but was smaller than a pale [Music] [Applause] [Music] H this was going to take a few trips [Music] George knew he couldn't fill the pool in [Music] time it was over George I saw you running up and down what are you doing trying to fill a pool one cup at a time uhuh huh City kids there are proper ways to carry water I'll show [Music] you stop there or it'll be too heavy well I carry one up you fill the other one halfway this is called a Bucket Brigade [Music] all done come on on [Music] up George's idea worked a happy ending for ducks and duck [Music] lovers this is way too close to the edge I'll pull it [Music] back [Music] woo at that moment jumpy remembered why he always stayed in trees George is that y my hat [Music] you know there's a proper method for mop squeezing yep I know Bill George I want to remind you those ducks are here [Music] temporarily George wondered exactly how long he could make temporarily last [Music] you're not Dr gazon are you really a doctor I've been waiting so long I don't even care I have this terrible sneeze it goes away it comes back it goes away [Music] the sweater was muffling the sounds inside there was one way to fix that [Music] H should I keep breathing it might help if I take this [Music] off I'm cured you're a genius monkey do doctor [Music] monkey oh I'm not cured [Music] I'm allergic to this sweater you're the best doctor I've ever had and I'm not just saying that because you're a monkey George had cured his first patient but then [Music] doctor is that [Music] you a doctor never ignores a patient in [Music] need hey you're a [Music] monkey my problem is my arm not my throat I'll wait for Dr gazon because you're a monkey did you hear that weird noise too what is that [Music] sh I've had the hiccups for two weeks I can't [Music] stop well aren't you going to help me what kind of monkey doctor are [Music] you that's him that's the monkey that tried to make me go ah he's a genius monkey doctor he discovered my allergy George do you have permission to be a doctor [Music] what's going on out here George what are you wearing you haven't performed any operations have you what was that you don't know I figured it was your medical Machinery [Music] aha Dr gazon no hello I I came in here during my break to play just one round I must have lost track of time nothing feels as great as monkey curiosity satisfied oh my my heup are cured George liked the stethoscope and Dr coat so much that Dr Baker let him keep them ha and though Hunley was grateful the lobby was peaceful he started to worry that someday George might really be his [Music] doctor george tried a lot of doors but he didn't find the way out [Music] he didn't realize he'd left the door open he thought he'd better bring those Penguins back and then he couldn't find them either he might have left more than one door open even worse he was back where he started [Laughter] [Music] George decided maybe all zoos should be like this until he realized all the noise was waking up the baby [Music] hey well at least the Mir cats were [Music] home it wasn't easy but he put every last animal [Music] back still the animals all looked unhappy maybe Mir cats don't live on Ice where did he first see them [Music] this map was good for more than just finding the panda it showed where all the animals [Music] belonged oh George left that Panda Cam run say where is George the zoo must be closed by now George [Music] the animals were happy to get back to their own environments so just by following what was next to what George got everyone home everyone except himself [Music] [Applause] [Music] this map was the most amazing thing George had ever seen except for the baby panda George George are you in there after all he'd done George didn't want the Man with the Yellow Hat to wake up the baby well come on out of there the zoo is closed [Music] did you like the baby [Laughter] panda the orangutang liked his home but he thought there goes the luckiest monkey on the face of the Earth and wonder what was in the that box he'd seen how heavy these boxes were so he gave a mighty monkey tug and found out he wasn't the only thing that weighed Less in space toys it was full of toys poor George I hope he's not too scared being alone and out of contact George had never seen a Top Spin so long before space was a great place to [Music] play George wondered whether these toys would be more fun if he had someone to play with he's coming back into communication range what's happened where's [Music] George George you must put the experiments away hurry it's almost time to send them to the space station at least he didn't free the ants [Music] huh if ants get into the back they might eat the astronaut's food h [Music] in 28 seconds he'll be in position to launch the [Laughter] [Music] payload you have 20 seconds to get everything ready to [Music] launch oo H but George wasn't ready in [Music] time he's got to do it next time around George you'll only get one more chance then succeed or fail we have to bring you home we are really hungry hard to believe but cleaning his room had prepared George for an important mission in space [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he looks ready George are you ready to launch excellent I'll tell you when oh maybe we shouldn't have sent a monkey SH now George [Music] [Applause] now he did it great job [Music] George thank you George you're in position to return home pull the lever to fire propulsion [Music] Rockets George pull the lever now or you'll be out of [Music] position what happens if he pulls the lever late he could land anywhere top of a mountain the North Pole George pull the lever now [Music] [Music] so George was a hero and he proved just because you're a small monkey doesn't mean you can't take care of everything down to the tiniest details [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 273,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: LIq1Hl_AXkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 24sec (3444 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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