How Long does it Take to Get 999 Stars in Mario Party?

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Mario party it's a video game we've played but I bet you haven't collected 999 Stars speaking of how long would that take to do I decided to put that to the test with Mario Party 6 now why that game specifically well the main reason is because the GameCube games have a code where you can create an infinite amount of turns but it also has the best game board to do this for Fair Square before going into the board I brought my friend Carl on to help me collect all these stars and we decided to team up to make the process as fast as possible I picked Mario and he picked Yoshi we gave both teams a Nine Star handicap to save a bit of time and just like that we have Nine Stars only 990 to go so how does Fair Square work and why did we pick it in case you weren't aware Mario Party 6 has a daytime and nighttime gimmick during the day stars are worth 20 coins a piece but the price changes at night now this cool guy right here his named twill he hits a dice block when it's night time and that block will roll a 5 10 30 or 40 that number determines the cost of the stars at night in these daytime and nighttime Cycles switch every three turns so that means there's a possibility that the stars are only worth 5 to 10 coins at night compared to 20 during the day and even better we can buy up to five stars at a time and on top of all that the star location never moves it's it's always smack dab in the middle of the board so I think you can see why we picked Fair Square this challenge might sound easy right well this is Mario party it's a big game of chance with little to no time to strategize at least that's what we thought at first we started things off by just running around the board and figuring things out there's a few interesting spaces to point out here first we've got this hat mini game you take one of your stars and throw it in a hat then it'll spin around a bunch and if you guess where it ends up you leave with two Stars so I guess that's somewhat useful but then it happened the board switched to nighttime and twia was about to hit his first dice block oh man I hope it's a good roll I hope we get a oh come on a 40 well that kind of sucks or does it this was an interesting phenomenon that we realized pretty early on whenever Twi rolled a 30 or 40 it wasn't really a bad thing this just gave us more time to build our capital and collect more coins because the more coins we saved the greater the opportunity would be once that luscious five or 10 dice plot came to fruition so we just kept playing and started to learn the mini games most of them are pretty straightforward but there's something really cool about playing on a team when we got a 2v2 Min game we actually added 20 coins to our total instead of just 10 so the more money we got the merrier we also learned that the Hat mini game at night time is like 50 times harder and wasn't worth doing at all like seriously look at how fast it's spinning every time we tried it we just lost stars but that was the least of our worries out of every space on this board there was one that sent chills down our spines and that is the round of Miracles God I hate that name it's better known as chance time this one space has the possibility to make or break this entire challenge whenever someone lands on it anything can happen we might give away coins or Stars earn coins or stars or the worst case scenario swap Stars just imagine this scenario we've built up like 400 stars and then boom they're gone in an instant because of chance time this is a very scary reality we're in and the computers are incentivized to land on this space but thankfully nothing happened the first time the computers landed here after that terrifying nightmare twill finally gave us our first discounted dice roll the stars were only 10 coins a piece so I got to the star space and nabbed five stars for only 50 coins while it's fantastic that happened take a look at our star count yeah only 22 and we just hit the first hour this could take us a long time so what else was there to do but just keep chugging away and collecting coins the best way to do that was to play the mini games and there were some that we started to get really good at hypers sniper was one of my favorites it was fun nailing down all the 100 points and trying to max out the score every time and Carl got really good at Cannonball fun he was able to get five hits with relative ease we also both loved Gondola Glide it was very satisfying just mashing away and trying to beat our personal best and at first we thought it made sense to get stars during the day as well as night when they were cheap because as long as we had the coins I mean why not right we also started to figure out how the orbs work in case you don't know what they are orbs are items that you can buy at a shop or get randomly for free sometimes we started to use the mushroom orbs strategically in order to get the most coins that we could one basic example is using the sluggish room orb to purposefully land on the DK space the DK spaces are great because it's a bunch of free extra coins in between mini games so while the computers are getting coins too it doesn't really matter as long as we're building up coins as well there's also a slot machine we can go to for potential bonus coins and for whatever reason I managed to get really good at this but we'll go more into that later there's not much to say about it right now what does matter is that our coin accumulation was approaching 200 and twia changed the star price to 10 both of us were close close to the star so it was go time we also came up with a strategy to make it harder for the computers to land on chance time and the idea was simple put a swamp orb one space in front of it a reasoning for that is so if the computers do happen to go for and their dice roll would allow them to land on chance time they'll get stomped by the swamp instead so it's not a perfect solution but it at least increases our odds but anyway we got a ton of stars from this night cycle in fact we got 19 stars in one cycle the reason we could do this is because we could run around in a circle and keep passing the star the only hurdle was this wamp that made us pay 10 coins for passing but we were so loaded with cash that it didn't matter nothing could ruin our mood nothing except this space this happening space at nighttime was by far the most annoying thing that we had to deal with basically everyone has to pick a pedestal to stand on then a Vine grows behind you and whichever two Vines grow the tallest one of them fully blooms and boom they steal two stars even though we had over Stars it was very painful to watch any of them disappear beyond our control but I digress there were better things to look forward to such as the slot machine in fact the worth of the treasure chest was going up and up and up we later figured out that every time you paid to have a shot at the slot machine that money went towards the treasure chest and since the computers constantly paid money towards it a lot of cash was just sitting there it's basically Monopoly free parking but in Mario Party so at this point it seemed worth going for that one coins could go a long way for us no no way oh my God yeah it was worth it in fact I'd figured out a method that worked pretty consistently so the pictures on the slots always spin in the same order so I just needed to press a at the right time when I saw both of these coins on the screen I push a and then when I saw a coin in a mushroom I'd push a again as for this last one well honestly it was just kind of a tossup but overall the strategy kind of worked after that we kept buying more and more stars and eventually made our way to the first 100 woo only 900 more stars to go yay that won't take forever but hey we finally got a night cycle of five we' been playing all day and only just got this dice roll so to say we were ecstatic is putting it lightly and not just that but we were much more prepared most of our orbs were mushrooms meaning that it drastically increased our chances of both of us landing on toad at least once per turn and since the stars were so cheap paying the wamp toll wasn't nearly as draining on our coins we ended up getting 22 stars in This Night cycle so a new PB for us at this point we're starting to figure out how to optimize our game plan and we also decided to stop buying stars during the day it just didn't make that much sense when we could cash out so much at night it's like buying into the stock market buy when it's low hold when it's high yep it's basically the same principle so there you go start investing today become a millionaire and thank me later but yeah we played for a bit longer got a handful of more stars and ended the day with 137 so all in all this was uh oh I don't know the best game of Mario Party I've ever had in my entire life there's something very funny and surreal looking at your star counter and it's over 100 and that was it for the day hoping day two would go even better now that we've started to develop strategies beginning the second day made us learn something a bit sad about Toadette and Buu they are definitely gambling addicts I mean seriously they will not stop spending money on that stupid machine and they never win I mean come on I already stole a hundred of their coins yesterday it's just not a good idea for them to go down this path in life that's all I'm saying but then it happened Buu triggered the thwap orb and the next turn was chance time okay okay honestly it's it's not great that's not great well that's a problem thankfully getting coins doesn't take that long but losing over 200 was pretty brutal however losing them wasn't necessarily the problem the problem was Boo burning our money by spending it on an overpowered star like what is wrong with you it's 40 coins per star you freaking idiot and yeah I know you're just a dumb NPC but could you have not at least waited till daytime you freaking ding-dong anyway day two was the beginning of our official orb Arc we've been using mushroom orbs to our advantage as you know but that was just the beginning let me introduce you to two of our best friends Goomba orb and TOD orb the Goomba orb will take three to 20 coins away from an opponent that lands on it while the Toady orb will take away one random orb what's really great about these orbs is that they're permanent spaces that don't disappear unless the other team puts one of their orbs over ours so we've started to lay down more and more of our own orbs and start to take more real estate on the board this sped up our coin grind slightly faster as the computers would sometimes land on a glomba space and give us a handful of coins and the to orb was helpful as it prevented the computers from using any of their orbs that they may have picked up we purposefully put these orbs on the left and top middle sides of the board too because that was the path Toadette and Buu almost always took in fact they never went towards the middle for a star and probably because they were broke most of the time as soon as they got money we would take most of it after a turn or to and to sweeten the deal even more when we landed on our own orb spaces we'd get five coins at the end instead of three from a normal blue space so with all these spaces plus continuing to use our slug shrooms for DK we were raking in cash at a rapid rate and that doesn't even include battle mini games we've played them so much that we'd basically never lose but our setup wasn't perfect the bottom of the board was starting to become a nightmare for us Toadette and Buu have been laying down orb traps left and right so we decided to just avoid that part of the board entirely it's not like there was a reason to go down there anyway unless we wanted to play the Hat mini game but now that we knew how to get like 20 stars in a few minutes it wasn't worth playing the Hat game at all and next thing we knew we crossed the 200 star barrier and oh my God we were cooking today I mean we were getting five dice blocks constantly and oh hey look at that there goes the 300 star barrier I genuinely did not anticipate that we'd get this many stars this quickly it should be noted that there are videos out there of Tas spots playing this same board and getting like 900 stars in 50 turns but that's a task a Tas spot is going to Showcase perfect luck which will literally never happen in real life the only thing I've altered about this game that we're doing is getting infinite turns but we're otherwise playing at normal speed and legitimately the whole way through I also just have to point out how insane the Goomba orbs have been we've taken at least a 100 coins from the computers from these spaces and that's just today when you play on the same board for this many turns in a row you actually start to see a return on your investment when dropping these orbs and speaking of the computer's coins the slot machine is approaching 200 freaking coins despite the death trap at the bottom of the board it's becoming worth it to actually take that route and go for the jackpot and guess what else I didn't have the message speed set to fast yeah I could have saved us a whole like 15 minutes at least considering we've been on this board for what 10 to 12 hours now that message speed time adds up a lot when you're playing for this long but alas the day was over and we had 331 Stars meaning that we gained 194 stars in a day that is ludicrous we might max out our stars in less than a week so we're about a third of the way there and I've come up with a plan to completely die dominate this board since laying down orb spaces has been so helpful for us it was time to lay down more and more and more and more we were ready to become greedy capitalist overlords the objective at this point was to get most or all the spaces on the entire board covered in glomba or to orbs and we weren't just going to place them down randomly either the placement mattered a lot see there's three places that the computers can potentially get orbs this one shop in a couple freebie spots so the goal now was to cover the next 6 to eight spots after those orb locations with to orbs doing that would make it almost impossible for Toadette or Buu to ever hold on to an orb then the rest of the space is we wanted to be glomba orbs that way if the computers want a miname or got money from DK the chances would be extremely high that they would not only lose that money but would also give it to us the plan was going to take a while to set up but it would be the most optimal way for us to grind out coins and keep them poor this kind of made me feel like an evil dictator but I don't think I was hurting toad Eder boo feelings so that's okay so despite our Mastermind plans there was still a ton of the CPU orbs all over the bottom and we couldn't just get glomba and to orbs whenever we wanted they either had to be in a store nearby or we had to get a lucky drop at the top but even still we were keeping them broke like 95% of the time and it was getting to the point where even if they stole some of our coins from that stupid buy mini game it didn't matter we would get them back through Goombas in a turn or two you know we haven't checked in a while though the slot machine let's see how that's oh my God 245 [Music] [Music] coins W 200 45 yeah this is by far the largest amount of coins I've ever gotten in one turn of Mario Party nothing will ever feel as good as this moment and oh man we got a 10 dice block when it turned to nighttime and we had three super shrooms at our disposal this was the life the money didn't even matter it really just came down to the dice rolls as those were much more important as you'd expect from all this planning we crossed the halfway point today and got to 500 Stars never would I have imagined getting 500 stars in 3 days that's just insane and we even started to take over the bottom it's honestly hilarious seeing our red stars just plastered all over the board it's becoming harder and harder for the computers to hold on to any sort of coins or orbs this is pure and utter dominance in fact it got to the point where we somehow managed to accumulate over 500 coins we had so many coins that we were trying to decide if we should buy a handful of daytime Stars while waiting for a low nighttime block the theory was if we bought like let's say five stars in the daytime we'd still have more than enough coins to potentially max out our stars at night but that theory really only worked if the block was say five coins because 10 coins would still drain us to almost nothing so after a day of grinding we ended with 560 Stars meaning we earned 229 Stars this was a crazy day the fact that we can break 200 in a day is just blowing my mind Carl made a really good analogy of what Mario party has turned into instead of this being a random party game we've turned this spectacle into a grindy RPG I mean think about it all we're really doing now is grinding for coins like it's XP and then to level up that's just getting Stars comparing Mario Party to an RPG is the last thing I would have considered but it makes a lot of sense at this point we have the whole board covered in our orbs if the computer managed to drop one of their orbs over ours it only takes us a few hours to fill that space back up the main thing that happened today is that Toadette and Boo star count has dwindled lower and lower and lower but that wasn't really the conundrum we may have finally figured out why Toadette and Buu will randomly go for chance time so usually both CPUs will just head down in this spot instead of going left and we originally assumed that it was because of our flamp space we figured that we were manipulating their RNG to avoid it most of the time but no our swamp had nothing to do with it in fact the CPUs didn't really actually go for chance time all they wanted was the star space so if that's the case why did they almost never go left here's the most likely reason it came down to their coin amount if they had enough coins for a star they would go left if they didn't have enough coins they would go down and that's why we couldn't read their pattern at first because the coin cost changes so frequently and since we were constantly bombarding them with glomba orbs they almost never never had enough coins for a star and they kept taking that path so they would have a shot at the Hat mini game it was technically an optimal route for their circumstances so once we realized that we really went all in and made sure all the spaces near that route was Goombas and you know what that means we purposefully avoided DK spaces now yes I know that sounds really weird but the thing is if the computers get too many coins that increases their odds of them going for chance time and taking a left so we had to avoid it and that means that coin mini games were also a problem because everybody gets a bunch of coins no matter what and we can't control when that happens so now the goal was to make sure they had as little money as possible especially when they were getting close to the chance time space whether that theory is actually true or not we don't know but it does seem to correlate with how the CPUs have been behaving so with our strats fully engaged now we just had to sit through the game and do it and on day four the boredom was coming around for the both of us we both listen to music music for most of the day just because there wasn't much else for us to figure out we had this game pinned down now we just had to pray that we would get decent roles during a good nighttime cycle in fact there was a moment in time where we covered literally every space on the entire board it didn't last the rest of the game but it's definitely funny to see our traps everywhere it's also worth mentioning that we had one of the best nighttime Cycles you can possibly have now we've been averaging around 20 to 25 stars at night time but this one near the end of the day was is just absurd we somehow collected 50 stars in one cycle it came down to having a ton of cash and the both of us getting really good rolls I don't know if it can really get much better than that I mean maybe 60 Stars would be possible but even that might not be doable with our strats and with that we wrapped up the day with 766 Stars meaning we collected 206 so not as much as day three but we both wanted a bit of a break staring at the same board all day can be a bit tiresome so we ended a little bit early today hoping to wrap up tomorrow and hopefully it's not that bad more than 34s of the way there surely we'll hit 999 Stars today right well the CPUs certainly aren't in fact they reach zero stars and zero coins and that was with a NSTAR handicap at the very beginning they are truly and utterly screwed now but something truly revela happened when they dropped to zero Stars oh my God they went down yeah they have never gone down this ladder they always take the right path but why now well I guess it's because they have no reason to play the Hat mini game but you know what that means if we can keep them from getting extra stars that means they'll never go to chance time and we've basically soft locked them meaning that we can't lose they'll never go for chance time and we'll be victori well it was nice while it lasted ah so back to the Grind we go and believe it or not we have found yet another way to get coins faster so as we all know playing 2v2 mini games that's us 20 coins for winning but 1 V4 Min games is only 10 coins but that's only true if one person wins so every time we got a 1v4 miname that Carl and I can tie in we would purposefully do that so we could get 20 coins instead of 10 yes we're at the point of tying mini games you're not supposed to tie just to get coins faster I think we're just both naturally optimizers which makes doing challenges like this a lot of fun but man we were not having good luck today the computers kept finding ways to NAB Our Stars and look at what happened during this mini game do we both just lose I'm assuming that uh what what no why no are you finish why but honestly it didn't matter that much we creeped over the 900 star Mark and next thing we knew we did it 999 Stars oh my God we actually did it and in less than a week too so after reaching that I turned off the infinite turn code just so I could see some stats but first bonus Stars we happened to get the mini game and orb bonus while the CPUs got the action bonus well good for them I suppose but moving on in the end it took us 966 turns to get all the stars in a total of 27 hours and 43 minutes I was expecting this to take 40 to 50 hours so I'm pretty shocked how quickly we maxed out our stars but with that we have completed the world's most pointless challenge so thank you for watching I'll be back soon really hopeing Nintendo actually makes you know video games at some point cuz we're doing dumb like this until that happens
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 151,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party, mario party 999 stars, mario party superstars, new mario party, mario party 9, mario party all minigames, mario party 10 funny minigames, mario party 10, mario partys dark era, nathaniel bandy
Id: vmpac8Klo0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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