How Long Can You Survive on The Ocean Without Leaving? [Don't Starve Together]

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the ocean in Don't Starve Together is a commonly under-appreciated part of the game despite taking up a majority of the explorable space so what better way to appreciate the Ocean than restricting ourselves to see how long can we survive on the ocean this was more of a personal desire to do this challenge since I'm one of the people who avoid the ocean a lot in a standard playthrough I've never fought any of the bosses that could spawn out there like the marbatross or crab king and I've only ever had figs like once so I'm hoping this challenge will help me appreciate the blue that makes up the Blue Marble we live on let's get down to the rules things are going to be different this time this is going to be the first challenge with prep time see I attempted to do this challenge without prep using the method of console commands to spawn a bow and or instantly and set sail as soon as I spawn in like the other videos but it's not as interesting of a challenge then some essential materials you need are 100 unobtainable Flint cannot be obtained unless you're playing Wilson meaning any form of mining is going to require you to play as Wilson or Maxwell or Woody sure you can still smash your boat into Vincent Miner but we end up doing that anyway so also you can never find gold before getting a pinching winch so you can't make a science machine Think Tank fishing rod or pinching winch since they need refined materials unless you play its wicker bottom and even then there's still so much you can't do and this won't be like the lunar run in the video so having one material will not be present like grass would not be interesting it would just be a slog I wanted this challenge to be more open-ended like the caves one so I decided and asked you guys via my community tab subscribe to see whenever I post new polls and teasers about upcoming videos to add some prep time to this challenge this way there's no 100 required characters and we're more free to pick whoever we want plus anybody on consoles can attempt it themselves so here are the rules after spawning in you have three days to get as many of whatever you want this includes the boat and anything you want on it on the dawn of day 4 you are to launch your boat and set sail after that you are to never step foot back on land except Pearl's Island her island is allowed to be visited walked on and even harvested from but you cannot Place anything on there no plant in the crops or grass or any form of building you're only allowed to take things from there placing things on there is allowed but only if it's required for requests I hate the rules being this complicated but I wanted a way for people to acquire sea bass blueprints from Pearl by doing her friendship quests and maybe even fighting the crab king standard World Generation settings and only UI mods like always let's set sail and see how we did huh since character selection isn't as one-dimensional as our last videos we're allowed to pick whoever we think would be best for both the prep stage and survival stage I went with wx78 a character I have very little time with post-free work my plan with him was to get as many circuits as I could including light and Sanity regen ones to make the resource drain of staying on the boat lessened the ability to eat spoiled food will help too in case we get desperate sure though what a weakness will be an issue but I don't think it will hurt too much TIG and I'm sorry that they don't have any footage during the prep next time they'll record their perspective honest chose Wendy Abigail will be incredibly useful for dealing with any dangers we see Out on the Ocean since we can't afford to spend many materials for fighting plus the little space we have will make it even more difficult and Wendy's resistance against sanity lost from Darkness will help out since there's not going to be many ways of recharging us any the second we spawned in the Clock Was ticking three days is not a long time so we split up with different goals in mind my job is to find as many rocks flint and gold as we could whilst Tech would get as much wood food and other such we both dashed out of the portal and started to vacuum up anything that wasn't nailed down twigs and grass could be easily found out at sea but Flint would be impossible to find a scanned a butterfly for the early sanity upgrade since wx's base stats are laughably low I made a pickaxe whilst grabbing any food I could find to keep myself satiated until and slightly after setting cell tick was chopping up a storm grabbing as many logs and then finding as many carrots as their hands could carry I followed the road to try and find a quarry biome but only ended up finding a savannah Beefalo won't be useful today so I said my hellos and goodbyes before finding a sinkhole my idea here was to crack it open grabbed a few rocks and Flint it all spit out hop down into the caves and potentially find more rocks and maybe even something to scan for that illumination circuit which would be so useful unfortunately as we learned from the last video the caves are a cruel mistress and only gave me more grass and twigs not high up on my priority list as we're already halfway through day one I cut my losses and decided to head up for a different staircase I came down from popping out in a distant Forest the bats chased me for a bit too long before I came back to the forest to scan spiders to get a Hardy circuit the more stuff I scan found the better I headed up a bit into the desert it was the Oasis desert so nothing here would be too useful to me except there's a random minus hat I found I bonked them all and scanned it to get the blueprint for the night vision circuit this will be amazingly helpful I just need a bug net to get the fireflies needed to craft it on day two of prep I started killing spiders and smashing their dens to get some silk to make a bug net I'd also need silk for sea fishing rods an essential item for getting ocean debris and of course fish if I could get more silk to make a sail then all the better I headed up north or whatever Direction This was and found a quarry biome this Quarry biome was terrible it had like five gold Boulders in it giving me just six gold that's it look at this I grabbed all the Flint and gold I could since six was enough for an Alchemy engine pre-crated a think tank for when it was time to make the boat and guarante more materials I made a bug net to catch some fireflies and Bam crafted the night vision circuit free night vision forever amazing okay day three already that was quick I'm happy with the amount of prayer time I gave us since this was exhilarating like an arcade game rushing to get a high score I chopped up a bunch more trees to get the materials to pre-craft an Alchemy engine for the boat this will cover our bases if we forgot to make anything before launching I decided to head back to the spoilers whilst take was still diligently getting wooden food day two were farming survivors for silk so we had enough to make a sale it wasn't necessary but it would be really useful after getting a handful of silk I went back into the sinkhole to go back to the swan to be up with TIG as it was almost time to set sail I grabbed more grass on the way back home before placing down my Think Tank making the boats right as day 4 hit us officially starting the challenge looks like take from Chester at least he'll keep us company on this trip and the storage will be really useful I made an awe and set sail for the first time looking to grab all the Driftwood we could find to make better ores take past me all the wood they had to craft another think tanks since it could come in handy whilst they paddled well try to paddle they got a funny monster double click sometimes which makes paddling extra hard for them using the think tag I started constructing all the parts of boat needed including a wheel and what is that I'll admit I've never seen a narwhal before and it looks like it could punch a nasty hole in the boat thankfully it didn't so they seem friendly for now speaking of holes in the boat yeah none of us got any stinging so we gotta avoid getting into any dangerous since we'll have no way to fix a potential leak found our first message in a bottle one of many showing us the location to Pearl's Island it was literally on the outside of the map so let's push that to the back of our brain for now we kept sailing out looking for something the food we had will only last us a short while I made a fire pit to keep us illuminated and give us a nice cooking spot somehow even got an Alchemy engine down this is going to get real cramped real soon I started to start since I forgot that food is needed for survival but thankfully a handful of berries here and I was back into fighting shape we then saw something we really didn't want to see oh the other way there's a moon key over it oh I know I want to raid we do not want to array yeah the last thing we wanted to deal with were pirate raids sure they could drop some nice food but they'll also steal most of our stuff we got the hell out of there Pronto can't stay around here for too long before they come for us we got a sail down to help make us some distance right before we found our first ocean debris I made a sea fishing rod to reel it in and then a shark appeared don't have a kill on them thankfully since it was dark Abigail was able to attack it and do extra damage after a long and arduous during which I was able to get a nighttime spinner and bobber from the ocean debris battle we got four chunks of big fish meat we'll need all the food we can get and this will come in real Handy the fish and bobbins I found would come in handy too right but then we found it the water logged by him home of the fancy figs and funky spiders and this is where we're going to be spending most of our time since the figs here are going to be our best source of food as disappointing the averages they may be they grow fast and didn't make us insane so it was the best we could afford also those are big old ground skaters will give us sticks and grass that combined with the ocean stuff floating in we're gonna be fine on both of those I chopped down one of the trees getting us a couple logs might come in handy grabbing the figs can sometimes agitate the nearby spiders thankfully as we all know Abigail is awesome at dealing with spiders so we've got a clear source of monster meat silk and glands as night blessed us I was able to make zero use out of the nighttime spinner lure as all the fish just ran away cool we chopped some more trees and broke a spider then since it will respawn to get some silk found a floating boat scrap which will give us some boards excellent fion can come in handy for any damages we might sustain drifted ourselves over to a sea snack to see if we could get any rocks I think it's just gonna fall in the water in there as it flies yeah all of it [Music] never mind the rest of the day was us just drifting around the angle sticks and grass that'll fall from the canopy and the occasional fig plus spider battle I tried catching more fish in the afternoon with some different bait still no luck I could have sworn fishing was way easier than this or I'm just terrible probably that I put a fig on my hook to see if that will catch this big old fishing jackpot they did it consumes the Fig so at the time I assumed it wasn't worth it but it turns out raw and cooked fish give way more food than raw and cooked figs oh well try to do some more fishing a night with my spinner bait but no bite it was at this point we reached the end of our prep time food as I ate the last few carrots hey I'm surprised we made it this far we then proceeded to do what would become our new Pastime for the next few days sailing around the waterlog biome and rotating around it finding any ocean debris or bottles we come across we found one and [Music] are you joking it fought and it broke the line so I lost a cool float and everything okay well at least I don't need to complain about the spinner bit not working now huh ah well at least we've got a stick and spoiled fish cool went to mine some more rocks and got a whopping one rock this time this was too much excitement for one day so we went back to the figgy trees and topped up our hunger more failed fishing led us into the night where we got visited by old wavy Jones this guy's like the boat version of those night hands only 10 times worse since he'll try to drop your sail and unplug any holes he may have in your boat despite the Cool Change in scenery this place really wasn't exciting our day consisted of picking figs fighting the preceding spiders that they spawn Abigail kicking their ass like always as we explored around the sunken Forest finding bottles and all sorts of nautical nonsense the bottles are going to be useful just like these seeds those are calories they are found a scary dark patch of the ocean with a broken boat over it I'm sure there's nothing terrible about that so we parked our boat right over that and broke it the fragments to get more planks more debris with more rubbish I'm just gonna skip mentioning these now unless they have like a gun in it or something that would be pretty cool on day nine we kept to our ocean chores whilst chatting about things like what characters we could beat up in a fight we're gonna start borrowing the list of Walter and smash his glasses hi Liz uh Wendy because she's a stupid little girl Willow she's a student yeah but then but then we have to think like do they have their powers in that case I could punch Walter in the teeth and you would like laugh at me like wow this is really cool but you know he gets the same thing now she'll probably cry so I might feel a little bit bad not much else happened on this day it was clear by now too that hounds won't come to attack us and no I'm not spawning in the deer crops okay unless she learns how to navigate a sea vessel she can't mess with us since food was a luxury I irresponsibly ate some cooked kelp my Sani why'd I do that how much that's half now it's fine I got a sanity upgrades my Max and it is a nice round 190. I've got five figs on me I don't I have four figs on me but I could turn fix in my body is a machine that turned figs into diarrhea no my body's a machine see I play Words a lot and she gets really nice benefits from eating kelp what would have been a great pick for this challenge actually the veggies giving you extra snacks and sound that you gain from holding fish that's why I'm glad we went with the prep face style to this challenge it opens up so many different character choices instead of just Wilson plus Maxwell I'd love for you guys to try this challenge out and let me know how it goes can you be our score most probably more drifting around the waterlogged biome we decided to call our home I'm getting flashbacks to the lunar Island nah this wasn't anywhere near as close as that smashed our boat into a nearby sea snack which thankful Lord didn't cause a leak that would be a one-way ticket to all the wavy Jones's Locker we wanted to slowly go around the water log biome to reveal the surrounding map I mean all we're gonna find is the ocean but if we keep going in circles we'll occasionally find bottles and ocean debris that's spawn on our first rotation we wanted the bottles for the eventual Berry treasure even though right now we have no way of getting them and debris for fishing rod weapons only bottles we could find were generic messages no treasure for food we've got a steady supply of figs and maybe the occasional fish we could catch with any rot seeds that didn't fall into my mouth found two bottles in Rapid succession that had absolutely nothing in them at least we could trade the bottles in eventually for the pinch and winch Blueprints and shell bundles but use would the shell bundles be no idea we assumed we needed to actually reach Pearl's Island before any Treasure of wood spawn via the bottles so we decided to head back to the waterlog forest and stock up on some food for an eventual trip around the world to Pearl's Place I made a kelp bumper for our boat it won't protect us from much since it's literal seagrass held on by cordage but it's something we got lots of Monster meat from the spiders currently the only use it has is emergency food except this emergency food will give you a stomach ache instead of a headache also notice how we have a sale that we never used yeah on this we were planning on Crossing great distances the Driftwood oars are just way better so we decided to put that sale to use and made our ways to Pearl's Island it looks like a straight shot but if you check the map of course it wasn't so we had to hug the coast of the main island tempting us with this green grass just begging for our shoes to bless him found a nice big Gathering of kelp forgot these things only spawn in coastal oceans was wondering why we were not finding any kelp around the waterlogged Forest unfortunately we didn't pack much food for this trip since we weren't expecting a giant land formation in the way we had to eat some kelp for sustenance but with no way to get our sanity back we were quickly going insane these sea-based nightmares are no joke crawling Horrors cannot be coated as easily since our crowned nightmare or raft was lacking in the space Department we were also privy to these guys what is that thing in the water uh what is that crab I'm rolling us away from nothing oh bro they attached to the boat yeah I've never seen these things before they are terrifying they seem to latch onto the side of your boat and wildly swing at you dealing lots of damage real fast since I had nothing else to do but fight I put on my only log suit and sphere I could afford and fought for my damn life my log suit broke right after I killed the crawling horror these Terror claw things are awful but thankfully I was able to fit in a spot where they wouldn't reach me there wasn't much I could do other than wait until we arrived at pearls Island all I needed to do was stand perfectly still but then I slipped and got sliced in half by one killing me after keeping them waiting for so long thankfully though due to our escapades in the waterlogged Forest we had lots of glands and grass so tick was able to revive me with a Telltale Heart remember as part of the last video it's game over if we both die with my health load and battery drained we hugged the coast on the way towards Pearl's Place there was something there that could turn this run around for the better my sanity drained more and more until I fell back into Insanity again but I was able to quickly prototype a bunch of random junk to get that one time sanity Boon from it even making a top hat to regain some sanity despite being above the sanity threshold they still killed me nightmares will still try and get one to two hits off on you if they're still Chasing You whilst you were insane well that was annoying as hell two deaths to my name already oh so much for being good at fighting nightmares TIG revived me yet again lowering my health even more as we finally arrived at Pearl's Place as per the rules we were allowed to take stuff from the island but not live or place anything ourselves here unless it's relevant to quests so I pillaged all her saplings and kelp stalks but the main reason I wanted to come here if I scan Pearl I can get the music box circuit this gives me a passive sanity region or sofa both take an eye sanity will no longer be an issue it's a bit late considering I've already died to sanity twice but yeah no complaints from me we gave our goodbye surprise since there wasn't much we could do here for now and set forth Into the Blue once more oh I forgot to mention you may have noticed it during the whole ordeal of the nightmares but we found another waterlogger I am not too far from Pearl's Place so this will become my new base for operations from here on out don't have to worry about those pirates anymore too since we're far enough away time to get some more food a shark rolled up to our new tree so we got Abby to kill it for us she got a bit eager and started to fight a Grass Gator we were a little worried because again we've never fought this thing in our life but it looks like it was worth it look at all that meat Abby needs full HP and needs to fight at night in order to achieve this however so it wasn't something we could do every day so the tree dropped nut on our boat all this was going to do was make our already messy boat even more messy I wanted to make a tin fishing bin to store any fish we may catch because it was at this point when I discovered how good raw and cooked fish were you may be thinking where's your crock pot you got the materials to make it we never made a crock pot I don't know why also here's my reveal to discovering how many slots they have nowadays into Chester as well what look how much storage a fishing bin has nowadays oh my God I remember it being like six or four when did they change that yeah when did they change this I thought we had a mod installed or something but nope they were buffed at some point crazy storage it also restores the durability of fish don't forget Abby got a little bit excited to find another Grass Gator but she would have died so we had to bounce thankfully the grass Gators don't chase you for too long the leafy Meat and Fish were an amazing source of food I always assumed the sea was a hard place to get food and here we are rolling in the stuff sure it takes a lot of work but still no risk we fell back into our natural Groove just like the other waterlog biomes dropping trees grabbing figs fighting spider I may take a fish and Rod so they could join in on the fun took them a few attempts but they got it eventually these Swedish Fish love figs we got another Gator before day 20 rolled around this was more of the same like the last day nothing really noteworthy happened because we were sticking to the inside of the tree we weren't finding anybody debris either so that goes on the back burner for a while whilst we got a bit more comfortable with us current situation by the way this music box was such a good idea notice how my sanity never drops below Max anymore awesome the music is getting a little bit annoying thank you [Music] found a deep bass show near us we'll soon learn to love these guys since they're easy as hell to catch but not with our current fishing gear sadly we had a bit of a rough moment with some grass Gators but we were never in any real danger just lost some potential food oh it's winter that totally just crept up on us time feels like it moves differently when you're out here I don't see how winter will be any different from Autumn since we have a fire pit attached to us at all times plus fakes and such will still grow all throughout winter so just letting you know that yeah winter much like on the lunar island is a great time for these activities we spent the day just fishing up a storm converting figs into fish trying to see what else we could catch with any Rock we still had I also planted those kelp stalks we got from pearls island in the forest just as another source of food more sea fishing icy fishing a subscribe God that was terrible caught some little fish as the Swedish Fish seemed kind of rare but they're better than nothing like I said on the lunar Island video I'm sorry if it feels like we're skipping over stuff there's honestly not much to see just the same old Harvey some resources and get food that's the nature of these restriction based challenges let me know if you guys would want to see the full uncut videos of these runs since we do have a lot of banter in this downtime we found seaweeds I know these guys can drop Barnacles if you harvest them when sleeping another source of food seems great to me as Nightfall we swooped in to scrape off some of this delicious looking Barnacles until what are you doing [Music] we need to go no it's okay those guys just spit at you but put your fire out it looks like oh God the spittlefish guys hate fire not good we could use Torchlight to harvest some Barnacles but would quickly start to freeze as our only source of heat was that campfire bit of a tricky time to harvest these things as long as there's fit or fish around in the winter we ended up getting 15 Barnacles since seaweeds have three Barnacles each they're not the best food and it would be significantly better if we made that crock pot but either way it's a source of food I'll take it in case you didn't know these guys will turn hostiles if you try and harvest them during the day or dusk they'll punch nasty holes in your boat and your skull too unless you're wormwood you can Harvest them for free at any time Abby got us another shark and as night rolled in we've tried to get more rocks from the sea stacks oh this is so good I love it yeah you know what I'm fine I'll give up you win congratulations game you beat me it's it's not it's not uh I'm guessing the best thing to do is just to slam your boat into a bumper yeah so like you go underneath the rocks and you catch them on the boat good stuff as Day 26 broke we found another bottle we're never gonna find Berry crew we found Buried Treasure of course that's how it's gonna happen okay new goal get that treasure to get that treasure we need a pinch and winch to get a pinch in which we need to buy it from Pearl to buy it from Pearl we need to get our friendship level with her to at least level one we decided to do the dry six things on her island quest since we had some monster meat and a fish we could spare we could have also used dried kelp but I forgot they could be dried whoops we arrived a bit too late and pearl was sleeping so we waited outside her Island whilst Abby messed up another shark when day hit us we ran over Island to get the job done what's a little bit cold since we had no thermal insulation but hey we good got the blueprint for the winch and we skidadled despite a good like 90 of all rocks we mined would drop into the bottom of the ocean we did have enough rocks to make our cool new pension winch who cares about less room being on the boat when we can pick stuff up now like this big useless bundle of showers before we headed out to find treasure we stopped by our forest to top up our food I can actually afford to eat kelp now that we have this funky music box on the way there we found another bottle with another x marks to spawn two in a row nice and this one was right next to Pearl's Island too we arrived at our destination time to see what goodies we can get oh we're gonna get oh yeah how do we open it we didn't know how to open it one quick visit to the wiki layer and it turns out you need to smash it open duh they must be hammered to drop to a concert plus three what did we get we got a sale waited Albatross feathers broken shells we got boat patches heavy fishes boat patches a tattoo Dusky spoons questions this was some good stuff before now we had no way to patch our boat but now we had five ways to patch our boat two Dusky spoons for our fishing rods means during The Long Winter dusks we'll be able to catch lots of fish since these things are amazing we headed back up to our big old tree in the sea to do The Usual Suspects but now with our cool new fishing rods we could catch up a storm this was when we learned a deep bass this was when we learned that deep bass are a really good source of food they actually swim towards you when you pull on the line and bite really quick meaning you could just catch them all in Rapid succession I hope nothing bad ever happens during this we paddled our way to the second X marker spot that we found it was around some seaweeds but they only get mad if you take their crusty Barnacles let's see what we get this time golds we found and we actually got gold we have a golden the thing didn't say anything about finding gold well this is our only way of getting gold now you know why I wanted prep time for this challenge also a yellow gem yeah I'm totally gonna be braving to see more often nowadays this is why I did this challenge I wanted to know if the ocean was actually worth doing and wasn't much of a risk as I thought it was but it's lovely out here and once you get a pinch in which you can even find ruins great loot who doesn't love the prospect of finding a big chest full of Epic Loot plus being able to get easy figs and Barnacles I think from now on I'm gonna try and base near Ocean Monuments more often definitely going to be sailing more often too we spent the next few days like always just doing what we need to do to survive if it wasn't for the blue overlay on the screen you wouldn't even notice winter this is easy as pie hopefully spring won't murder us right the most exciting thing that happened on day 32 was this who won oh okay see he fell into the ocean that's what happens in the ocean yeah I was worried I was gonna lie demolish your boat for a second Puffin jump scare moment of silence for our Gator friend I turned some of the shells we got from the chest into some shell bumpers due to how I place the things on the raft I couldn't put them everywhere but eh I put them where it matters at least as we sailed around we wanted to look for some ice breams for Pearl's Quest and potentially to keep us cool during summer we had no way to make endothermic fire pits so ice Rings would be our only way to cool down potentially we decided to do two birds with one zone and head towards another treasure spot we found I'm addicted to these sunken chests came across a massive patch of boat fragments these boards are always going to be useful then I placed down that cell we got from the first chest to reach a maximum speed this is Cody really fast yeah it is it's really good but it's also like potentially our death do I have to raise them both at the same time yes yeah all right get ready to roll up very ready to like Drop anchor prank them now okay we'll only have one sail down unless it calls for it this was a little bit too fast and a little bit too unwieldy especially since we don't have an anchor yet but who cares fast is good as you can see the other treasure was really far away but with our double sail set up we're gonna be there in no time TIG is a master Helmsman so they caught us around all obstacles in a breeze halfway throughout the day we arrived looks like this treasure was right next to the lunar Island my old friend good to see you not here to visit couldn't find myself to a smaller landmass this time maybe another day ah take care I decided to finally make some chests I mean I should have done this like what 30 days ago but I assumed wooden boards would be a rarity nope with all the red chip pieces we found we could afford a few chests bit of a fiddle getting them down but we got it eventually as the day reaches conclusion we pulled up the chest let's see what we got this time right more feathers sea fishing rod spicy chili recipe card uh actually kind of yeah basically feeling steering wheel kit oh double steer yo hey they can't all be winners if there were no losers and there'd be no winners either at least we got some more Dusky spoons since I forgot to mention we lost our old ones a little bit ago we spent day 25 heading back to home tree coming across more Barnacles on the way home I always thought these guys were rare but no there's patches of them everywhere next playthrough I'm making Barnacle dishes are plenty but for now just cooking them over the fire will do foreign once again a new season snuck up on us spring let's just approach the koala from in the room right away spring is dangerous as in it may kill me I'm wx78 and that means if I get too wet I will rapidly start to take damage and lose my circuits including my sanity regen one that combined with getting wet we both run the risk of getting insane if not outright dying if this picks up and we have no proper protection I had no way of getting an umbrella umbrella or any form of rainware so all I could do was make top hats and straw hats and get under the big tree and hope the rain would stop before my moisture got too high I really should have gotten some pigskin in the prep phase could I even put a pig house on the boat that would have made it even more of a mess I love it I decided to use the gold we found to make a lightning rod for the Mast since a well-placed lightning strike could really mess up this boat thankfully the rain stopped as we drifted back to our Haven not before getting more Barnacles on day 37 we had an idea see we found a salt biome and remembered that cookie cutter helmets despite being mediocre armor you offer somewhat decent wetness protection every little helps for me so we used Abby to kill a few we had to wait for him to latch onto the boat before she'd kill them since the cookie cutters will run away otherwise our boat was never in any real danger as we had like 12 boat Patches at this point and lots of wood to fix any damage we got enough cookie cutter shells for at least one hat so now I have a slightly better chance at avoiding full wetness this combined with the tree could help a ton it started to rain again this time it was pouring down hard and because I accidentally splashed myself when paddling I had no way of drying off and only was accumulating more moisture as time went on not much else I could do I'm afraid but die free deaths to my name so far with tick having zero I guess now we know who the true Ultra gamer is huh there wasn't much for me to do just wait until the rain stops so take and revive me however my circuits fell out on Ergo my sanity regen ore let's not forget tick has moisture to worry about too and could fall insane if his Reign keeps up this rain kept going for a long time we also learned at this point that the big tree aboas will protect us from lightning strikes even spawning a bunch of grass and twigs too good to know I guess by day 39 it was still raining I knew spring was going to murder me I really really should have thought about this before picking WX I guess I just assumed a big tree would be enough to protect me but nope it's not enough thankfully it stopped raining for now TIG revived me once more I'm now running on borrow time since it's spring the rain is only gonna get worse and worse as the season gets later and later look at my amazing Max HP of 32 got a stray Breeze could kill me at this rate does this even count as surviving at this point since there's no way I can think of to get wetness protection our goal is to just hope taken survive the whole spring whilst I continue to die and drain our resources and Sanity over time our Plateau stability we once had was now on balance yet again was able to get my circuit plugged back in So now hopefully our sanity issues are resolved once again until it rains again of course let's not forget during all this time wasting on me dying we still needed food it's not like we could just stock up on it we were constantly just on the Night's Edge so our best bet was to find the deep bass shows and catch as many as we could their easy catching requirements and good food values will do just fine so we spent as much time as we could filling our tin fishing bin and with as much bass as possible day 41 and it's raining again okay spring lasts until day 55 I think we are barely dipping our toes in this season and I'm already suffering the cookie cutter cap when the tree canopy was giving me decent rain protection but as long as I'm gaining moisture it will never go down only up but slower when dust came we wanted to visit our deep Shore to get some more fish stocked up only the issue is that it was chucking it down with rain and if I spent even a second out from under this canopy I'd fry up in an instant not that any of that matters since either way my moisture got past a threshold of 20 meaning I was gonna die again nothing I can do about this therefore anthem about four times this challenge right I think I think I myself that have failed this challenge already yeah this isn't surviving no use in complaining no since as per the rules failure only counts if we both die much like a standard world but if it was just me on my own then let's be honest we failed to run back on day 15. let's not forget that TIG is slowly draining sanity and food due to my funny Antics the deep bass we fished a few days ago were already dried up God we really should have just made a Crockpot heart I was hesitant on making one since I thought all the foods you find out to see is good on its own and will only lose total food value if cooked in a crock pot that and I doubt would even have room for it no matter back alive once more [Music] another thing we are running low on was fuel too since this heavy rain would drain our fire pit even faster it was at this point we remembered something troll Nets I know people in the comments were probably slamming that he was telling us to make them sooner these things are just automatic fishes that you can load up with food and they'll catch things for you whilst you're gone you could even accept bait that rods usually count like monster meat so we can Chuck the monster meat in the troll net near the deep bass and get a steady supply of food this will be good since we're not exactly getting food during my death sessions one issue though oh dear uh that doesn't look good I've never seen this thing in person myself turns out fishing in deep air shows were caused it to spawn you know are their source of food nice it chased us Under The Canopy where we got attacked by a bunch of spiders take taking a beating I didn't get hurt much thankfully since my already Pitfall HP I'd have just died in one hit instead Knight struck us and we were not looking good however we did some wikiing and found out that the albatross is neutral apparently so we carefully navigated back to our troll net to get the food we so rightfully deserve since all I had to eat was kelper Monster meat I ain't going insane again and then this happened okay why would they do that uh what why did they just randomly do it right to break it to you huh what a way to go Jesus I was embarrassing turns out yeah it may be neutral but it will just randomly fly around in a lion if you're in its way you're dead ticked out on impact and I've died to the wetness marking the end of this run I'll be honest with you here even if we didn't die to the albatross we would have died anyway my constant drain on our Resources with every death due to the Rain would have left take with zero sanity no firewood and less and less food it was in a way doomed from the start the second I hopped on that boat with no way of saying dry during the winter my destiny was already set but if it wasn't for my character choices and maybe if we did a little better prep job we could have survived a year out there proving that yeah you could survive out in the ocean for a very long time but could we well much like the Cave Run spring was our downfall yet again I loved doing this challenge he achieved my goal of making me appreciate the ocean a little bit more now that I prove we could survive for Seasons at a time with only materials we got in three days I'll be treating this empty blue with the respect it deserves from here on out plus the rain I'll be respecting that too definitely try this challenge out if you're inexperienced with the ocean yourself again like the K video we may try this challenge out again at some point different characters and maybe you will go to kill one of the bosses would be pretty cool I'd say thank you so much for watching if you made it this far you guys have been nothing but a blessing for these videos our channel has experienced insane levels of growth over the past few days and I owe it all to you guys thank you so so much I love doing these videos and I will promise you that I will do more and more I hope one day I can give back to you guys as you've given me this opportunity I will be applying for clay Ambassador status soon so hopefully I'll be able to partake in giveaways and even twitch drops if I have the stream there let me know if you'd want that till then leave any new challenge ideas down below and I'll see you then love you guys take care
Channel: BiddoBams
Views: 75,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Don't Starve, Don't Starve Together, DST, Dont starve, dont starve together, Klei, Klei entertaiment, how long, can you survive, 100 days, challenge, fail, win, gaming, lets play, games, commentary, playthrough, 100, days, without, survival, horror, survival horror, dark, monkey, sea, ocean, shark, boat, waterlogged, fig, wx78, wendy, treasure, shipwrecked, hamlet
Id: 7uItNplO6dA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 26sec (2426 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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