Defeating EVERY Boss as Wanda (Old Record)

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good [Music] that's right it's wonder time now i did multiple of these runs with wanda and the first one happened to be the fast one also it was the one that i didn't die on but we'll get to that later so the world settings are small forest medium caves my client mods are just a free up user interface and silence annoying sounds and we have one server mod called epic health bar this will just show all of the boss's health while i'm fighting them so you can see how much hp they have and stuff anyway the runs began so early days we want twigs grass flint and carrots and i'm also picking up seeds now while the early days of the run is playing in the background let's talk about wander and what she does wonder is not like any other normal character instead of having a health meter she has an age meter so she naturally ages one year every 40 seconds and the only way to heal her age is by using her ageless watch which you start with one this asian spot reverses your age by eight years and has a two minute cooldown now in two minutes you only naturally age by three years so if you spammed on cooldown you would have an extra five years of damage you could take speaking of damage let's see how it's calculated so one does still take damage but when she does take damage it gets added to her age if she were to take 100 damage she would age 40 years her minimum age is 20 and her maximum age is 80 once she hits 80 age she dies what this effectively means is she has a max health of 150. she also has a crafting tab but we're gonna talk about that when we actually get to it in the run anyway so i've been collecting a bunch of materials and now we're in the swamp and i am insane so the root for wander is slightly different than wolfgang because i need her weapon that's right wonder can craft her very own weapon this requires a shadow manipulator hence why i'm dropping down a living tree so i can get uh the living logs for the shadow manipulator also i'm going insane because i want basically a stack of nightmare fuel so forty nightmare fuel to make my weapon the shadow manipulator and all that oh we got the blue gem nice you get an early game shadow manipulator you basically need to dig up graves to get a blue gem and a red gem because then you can combine them into a purple gem which you need for the shadow mini player so we stole some rabbits lives the prototype depressed the hat here but we didn't place it yet and then i went to the dragonfly desert and i found a tree guard set piece which has a minor hat and a bunch of tree guards so there's all the living logs i'm gonna need would you lookie here we found the uh shadow pieces set piece anyway let's make that purple gem make a shadow manipulate and we're gonna start basing now you're gonna see i only have a singular crock pot and that's because since i can't heal with food i really don't have any use to make crockpot foods and there i just made my weapon now i'm going to take a second to explain this weapon one thing i skipped over earlier wanda does more damage with shadow weapons the older she is and the most damage she does is when she's between age 65 and 79 so you know if you're being a bit risky you can stay old to do more damage but you're but if you get hit you might die since you're effectively lower health this weapon counts as a whip so it attacks slightly slower but it has extra range so it kind of makes up for it and when wanda is old with her weapon she does 142.8 damage per hit that's almost as good as wolfgang's dps so now that you understand she's basically a glass cannon character the lower your health the more damage she can potentially do but there is a way to circumvent this risk and that's just by using really good armor so during this run i'm going to be using night armor for the majority of it and as you can see we're currently heading to the ruins and i'm using night armor night armor gives you 95 damage reduction and all you need is papyrus and nightmare fuel so it's pretty cheap to make and 95 damage reduction is just such a ridiculous amount that you can just stay old the entire time with very little risk because if you took 100 damage the armor would absorb 95 of that damage and you would only get the hit for 5 damage which is only two age anyway if you hadn't noticed already we're in the ruins because in early ruins rush with wander is basically a hundred percent needed please just watch and observe this damage half an agent attack look at the damage she does it's so stupid anyway while wander is old she does work less efficiently so i uh use my watch to get back to being middle-aged so that i can start hammering clockworks and stuff because so every single one of wanda's watches requires timepieces to make timepieces you need full-size fragments and nightmare fuel so we're down here because we need lots of fragments to make lots of timepieces so that we can have lots of watches now when you join the game with wanda you start with three timepieces this is enough to make her weapon but that's it so we slaughter we mine we mine some more then we hammer down some broken stations for some extra foresight and get this gold current spins usually these spiders are really annoying but you know water just does too much damage so she can't be killed when you hammer down these broken stations you always get two sulfite but you also have a small chance of getting like a random ruins item like a lazy explorer it's very rare but you know it could happen unfortunately didn't happen this time goodness be a surprise bishop now one rule i go by is if you're always wearing armor you cannot die this is like pretty much very much true for wanda anyway when you find ancient guardian we cheese the heck out of him because i am wonder and i can do that and we get some foresight in the chest that's pretty decent actually and we had him run over some full state walls so that we could get some more salsa fragments oh a green gem i can't pass that up yum yum yum anyway crafting time so what i need is a construction ambulance a deconstruction staff a star caller staff and more full-sized crowns is pretty necessary with wonder because i want the good armor the good damage reduction a major luminescence of course we're going to spend the rest of the foresight on full sight walls this way we can handle them to get more fragments i'm about to leave and i mistakenly leave the ancient key in the chest which is really annoying because that means when i have to get the ancient key later i'll have to come back to the ruins wait this is a troublemaker there is a triple mag just by him i see so i went up the wrong cave entrance but that was good because i ended up finding a triple magnus by him triple magnus is extremely important for wanda because one of her most powerful watches allows her to teleport anywhere on the map or in the caves from anywhere else as long as she has the watch on her so this watch is insanely powerful but it requires one mack tusk two gold and two timepieces so i can't make it until winter and even then i need a mac tusk for everyone i want to make anyway i make a bunch of life watches so that i can heal if i need to i pick some cactus because we're about to prepare for dragonfly so normally i don't use the wall method but since wanda is so delicate i can tank physical attacks because i have armor to reduce the damage but i cannot reduce damage from damage over time damage such as being set on fire which is what the larvae in the dragonfly fight do whoa what the heck did i just do there wander can also make a watch called a backstep watch which teleports you back a few steps but it also has invulnerability frames so if i use it at the right time i can dodge any attack so the easiest way to die as wander is overheating freezing or being set on fire since damage is applied over time and your healing is also applied over time if i get set on fire then i try to heal with one of my watches the healing will just get cancelled and i'll continue to take damage so being set on fire will probably kill me but yeah let's so let's just see how this fight pans out we've now entered the first larvae face i am i am booking it behind my wall because i don't want to deal with the larvae so if a lava gets too close to you they set you on fire which means they ignore my damage reduction and deal damage over time to me and like i said while i'm receiving damage over time i cannot heal so being set on fire as wander is a big oopsy whoopsie because you'll probably die as well only if you're old you'll notice i'm also trying to keep a fair distance away from the lava pond and the fires because if i start overheating that also is damage over time overheating damage does 1.25 damage per second and your armor doesn't reduce the damage so yeah and as you can see i use my ageless watch because i hit age 73. if i constantly want to be old i need to be age 65 or older and since the ageless watch heals for eight years i just use it whenever i hit 73 age or more that way i'm constantly doing the best damage that i can anyway dragonfly got enraged i pan-tooted him back to sleep to get him out of the enrage and the fight continues as normal also please ignore me being terrible with the backstep watch i keep messing up [Music] oh oh now this is very unlikely to happen but as dragonfly entered his larvae phase he decided to put two larvae on the same side of the pool that i'm on and i got set on fire so i quickly use my ageless watch to make sure i don't die and then i get so on fire again look at my age ticking up i'm at age 75 and a half oh goodness if you were cool i die if i hit age 80. that was a close one so that whole time i was trying not to get on set on fire too much while trying to kill the larvae again that was super unlikely dragonfly can spawn a larvae from any of his six pools and he happened to do it twice in a row at the pool that i was next to the first time anyway let the fight continue [Music] easy damn it the red gym landed in the ocean i can't get to it i'm sorry buffalo daddy needs some beefalo first that i can make a saddle come with me angry beefalo you are my pet now jakey's slaughtering beefalo and then taking one in for his own it must mean it's time to move the shadow pieces so we found the set piece and two of the statue pieces when we were exploring but we didn't find the bishop yet but luckily i find the bishop after only like two days of exploring so i put them all in place and i head back to dragonfly and like follow them i can't even get to any of that so i guess there's no scaled furnace for me which is actually kind of a big deal because i don't have an infinite heat source at my base now but whatever i gave up on that let's go kill some mac dusk so i went down the sinkhole next to my base because that leads to another sinkhole which comes to the triple magnus by him so that's faster than actually just running here this is actually kind of noteworthy because if you don't have any good wormholes in your world the caves can kind of act as wormholes sometimes if there's two cave exits near each other and we kill three of the mack tusks and we get two tusk horns so let's head right on back to base make ourselves a walking cane because speed bonus is good and we're not gonna make our watch yet because it's time to kill the shadow pieces now this was kind of reckless of me but as you can see i'm insane when i'm starting this fight and since wanderer is delicate if i get chomped by a level 3 rook while i get hit by a terabeak that would leave me on pretty dangerously low hp but whatever let's go so i kill the knight first of course and so for wonder you could kill a level 3 rook or a level 3 bishop they're both kind of similar difficulty if you're using the backstep watch so since the backstep watch gives you iframes and teleports you a little bit further away you can avoid the bishop but it's risky if you mess up the timing you'll get obliterated same thing with the rook if you mess up the timing with the backstep watch with the rook you'll get chomped by the rook and he does 165 damage per bite so i went for the slightly more consistent option of just using lots of speed bonus this means i can kite the rook but the bishop will always get one or two hits on me which isn't too bad so i have to use my life watches occasionally but my main focus is dodging that rook the bishop is down the level three rook has come out to play so yeah um if this guy hits me he won't quite kill me in one hit with a with a full sight crown but like he'll get me really really close to dying so um let's just not get hit finishing the fight middle age one like some kind of noob healing too early but anyway i think i'll get hit once by the rook but it's fine immediately putting down more stars what the heck so yeah i am so let's prepare for bee queen i grabbed more armor a beekeeper hat grabbed some cactus so that i don't go insane during the fight and we're gonna start the fight against b queen now the method against b queen with wanda is basically the same as wolfgang except you just have to be extra careful about your health because if you start to heal with your watch it takes like two seconds for your heel to actually fully go through so if i get poked by a bee like while my heel is still healing me it will cancel the heal and then deal damage to me so after using my watch i have to run away from all the bees to make sure the heal actually goes through as you can see i'm using a beekeeper hat and knight armor the knight armor gives you the 95 damage reduction and the beekeeper hat has loads of durability so it will make it so that i use the less night armor basically and the reason i'm not using solely a beekeeper hat is because the beekeeper hat only has 80 damage reduction which i would just take way too much damage if i just use the beaky bat anyway first phase we kill all but one grumble b face tank everything else and we're on to the second phase pretty damn fast second stage she spawns two rounds of grumble bees and i cannot just kill them because she'll just spawn more so we're going to keep putting them to sleep constantly checking our rage to make sure that we're not older than age 73 and then we're just going to hit the queen and keep putting them to sleep [Music] now i want you to watch what's about to happen next and tell me what could go wrong could you tell well theoretically i have enough uh speed bonus to just run away from the grumblebees without them hitting me but during this time that i'm running away from the grumble bees i'm only wearing a beekeeper hat and not knight armor so i only have 80 damage reduction which means 20 of the damage goes straight to my face which is a whole lot see if i get poked by multiple grumble bees while i'm running away i could potentially die so this is the riskiest part of the fight simply because i just lose a bunch of damage reduction but otherwise we wait for be queen to scream the grumble beast chased me i put on the mags that i move faster i run away then turn around last second put them to sleep and then face tank be queen then after she runs away i have to quickly use my watch to heal before the grumble bees charge at me again now the fight gets a little bit more complicated because as you could see i ran the bees a little bit too far away we know this because be queen just spawned another batch of bees that means there's a batch of normal bees just flying around somewhere to the left and these bees will no longer obey bee queen basically they're completely desynced from the fight and they could potentially mess things up but we've just entered the last phase the last phase is the same as the previous phase except b queen will scream more often so after i'm done attacking be queen i really do not have a lot of time to use my watch before the bees will come charging at me again [Music] and that's the game i only used one beekeeper not two sit down b queen wanda is the real queen of the constant now bundling rap is cool and all but like i'm not making food then keeping it i'm just chugging raw meat for wonder because she doesn't heal off of pop foods so we'll use bundling wraps later when we're preparing for like moonstorm events and stuff but otherwise we're not using it for a long time give me gold pig boy and look at this beautiful backtrack watch we're about to make this is the watch that can teleport us across the map this watch we're just gonna set the anchor point to our base wherever we are in the world we can just use this to get back to our base now i'm pretty sure if you only have one or two watches this is the most efficient use for those one or two watches since the watch is always useful because you can just use it to get back to your base anyway we found the deer bonked them into a tree and then we found claws now let's start killing because i like to show every character's perks in their uh boss run video watch how easy claus is if you're using wonder cat skill are you ready i don't think you're ready for this hold on wait claus can you just like stay there real quick look at this skill i'm so good at the game oh you cannot comprehend my skill it's so stupid oh he's slipping around the sack that's not allowed oh cramp i i see play the pamphlet please oh no how um claus i did not say that you could exit the sack please come back here good claws oh i need to heal one second no no slipping around the edges bad claws here good claws oh no i'm insane wait claws hold on i i'm insane real quick um go to sleep ah go to sleep eh i told you to go to sleep ghost darn it he's not listening to me wait hold on close i told i'm insane i just need it all right now let's get behind your sack young man all right good boy look a handsome lad doing what he's told a good boy just stay right there yep yep no problem no bedtime tantrums claus it's time to go to sleep oh my goodness my skill is unmatched did you see that guys he didn't even cast a spell i didn't even get hit i'm just so good at the game i'm sorry i can't i'm sorry so sorry in case you missed it the what the range on wander's weapon allows you to just sit behind the claws sack which is an indestructible object and you can just save spot claws for the entire fight anyway let's use that watch rather than running back to base oh whoa hey oh an eyeball no way a blue fun cat blueprint and we have a life giving me outlet in case i die which is like kind of a possibility give me your tusk tusky man so this is the point of the run where i wasn't sure how many uh tusks i actually wanted because i think i want like maybe two or three teleports but after that it's not really worth farming for them that is not a sound you want to hear while you're playing wanda it's fine emergency torch to the rescue what i killed like four of these boys and i didn't think any tasks well i'm gonna try my look at the goats because i forget i haven't even farmed the goats once yet um and i kind of need a lot of vodka horns for weather pains for the future boss battles now let's put our deconstruction staff to use and deconstruct two of my pan flutes to get the mandrakes back this way i can make two more pamphlets after i pick some reeds goodness gracious what the heck is that coming from the sky so it's time for the next boss battle and now i could dodge the twins or i can just spam the pan flutes and keep putting them to sleep while i'm just damaging them now since i'm so delicate because i'm playing wanda i really don't want to risk getting hit by either of the twins they couldn't one hit me but once they enter phase two the uh the green twin gets really really really really dangerous because he dashes so fast and if i get hit like two or three times in a row then um yeah it's kind of gg [Music] now because i had the night armor i was completely fine but as you can see uh it's pretty hard to dodge uh the green twin when you don't have a mag and if i put on a mag i wouldn't have as much damage reduction so uh yeah so now we definitely have to keep them asleep [Music] you could totally do that in one night easy so i didn't quite manage to kill the last twin in one night which you totally could i just wasn't very fast skipping to the next night we summoned him but then all right death time oh dear colts is coming i can hear him uh-oh resonate it's time to die no bad retinator dear clubs is coming don't you understand good speed uh what a mess die silly richard can you can you hear him dear clubs is coming run away what the heck oh yeah here he comes oopsie daisy i went a tad too close oh no the beefalo what are we gonna do the b floor about to get shredded by the ear clubs you'll notice that i didn't chop down any dead trees because i don't need living logs as wanda uh in the first part of winter but that also means i don't have any pine cones to plant for dickoff to run over so after the eclipse obliterates all of these v-flow in this little forest i let him run over some trees because i do need some wood at some point and then i kill him ah all right it's a full moon um we didn't get glommer on day 11 because we're in the ruins let's transform chester into shadow chester llama quick the pig men are evil uh run glommer and fresh new chester attack the buffaloes get them toolbirds good job toolbirds i'm proud ah wow another task this teleport gets more and more satisfying to use anyways we're going to make an extra uh backtrack watch and we're also going to set this one to the base this way when i teleport back to with one of the watches i can quickly grab the other ones that i'd have to wait for the cooldown to reset so we're going to throw down a lightning rod because spring is coming and then we're gonna do a little bit of gardening so we can get some twigs and grass uh for the rest of the run and let's prepare for sea travel with some boats some boat patches and some oars okay chat time to test your knowledge see if you've learned from me tell me where is the luna island is it a in this gap up here is it b in this gap over here is it c in this gap here or is it d next to the oasis over here in this gap oh no so many of you said d i'm disappointed i'm disappointed look guys look there's a big cut there and a big cut here it's obviously over here after being thoroughly disappointed with my twitch chat we make our boat and we start paddling our way back to where the lunar island i think it is at least and hey look we found the lunar island it's almost as if i was right anyway so go to the luna island grab two moon glass shards for later i found a bottle and then it's over there so yeah it was on the other side of the map that made me kind of sad but i didn't find any driftwood so i uh do some chopping to get some driftwood then chester keeps inviting his friends onto the boat so i kill him and then we're back spring has started and i haven't made my eyebrow yet but while i'm gathering bone shards i'm gonna kill some goats and then he look a suspicious dirt pile let's follow it and see if we can spawn in a goat and we did so if it's during spring and it's raining and your uh suspicious dirt power ends in the desert it has instead of spawning a qualification it will spawn a volcano anyway ibrela acquired bees have been destroyed and we have made us have a nice driftwood ore then we're going to collect some mushrooms because we need to make some lures so we can catch some fish to potentially spawn albatross the next boss so i make another boat on the other side of the road and i start paddling towards pearl so let's do some tasks let's hang up some dried bull kill kill the lure plan and then it's not raining so unfortunately i cannot give her the umbrella yet but now what i should have done is i should have set a backtrack watch to teleport back to this island but i forgot to so uh we didn't do that but anyway we found a massive horde of cookie cutters so after one round of killing this massive port i ended up like 13 cookie cutter shells i just needed 10. so yeah we're done here but ain't that convenient it started raining here go pearl have an umbrella oh oh i found one i'm so smart mal patrol spawner has been located so i start catching some fish and the second fish that i hook oh where is this oh i found my album oh i'm scared ah mouth trust please you're scaring me all right how quickly will you die chester might also die that's a problem i guess it's gaming time hello wait you pushed my boat so far what how what how did she push my boat so far did they fix it she never used to push it that far whatever i have range don't die chester now just nearly dead oh my goodness look at is this bugged did you see we're traveling at supersonic speeds holy moly look how far she pushed me that was crazy all right we're heading back i'm not done with you albatross oh hold on we have a wavy jones and some shadow creatures all right mal trust fight me don't you dare push me away again get your booty back here make him come in real close stupid bird all right that's probably the fastest i've ever well that's the first time that i found malbedross fished spawned her on the first try and then like killed her without any anything messing up so overall pretty good kill didn't have to make multiple trips to kill malbatros so back to killing some goats because i still need more vocal horns and speaking of killing big birds it's time to kill some muscus because i need their feathers that they drop and so here's a little sneaky trick you can do if it's nighttime the babies and the mother goes to sleep so you can just like kill them during their sleep tldr there's multiple moose goose and babies that spawn across the map and so i killed them all for all their feathers all right let's go sorry i don't know what kiting is i'm a one the main i have too much range got a frog brain so that drove me right into the caves because now it is that time when we need to explore the caves to find toadstool view weaver and get eight whole fossils which you can get from mining these herbs these rocks with spider nests in them oh my goodness a mole one die mole worm i'm sorry yummy [Music] oh it's the atrium nice nice so anyway i didn't find toadstool but we're gonna go back to the surface because you know it's day 50 and on day 51 we need to do the moonstone event to get that moon cooler staff so we're going to surround the rock with a walls and then put some fossils in front so the uh where pigs and hounds get stuck on the front of the fossils so here i'm just holding f to see how many of these things actually spawn and by the end of the moonstone event no other pigs and hounds spawned so now i'm thinking is there a cap how many hounds and where pigs that the event can actually spawn anyway teleport back to base grab some reeds and we're heading back into the caves because it's time to kill fuelweaver except wait a second i'm stupid and left the ancient key in the ruins didn't i so um usually i bring that back with me but you know i forgot so now i have to go back as you can see right here if you're being chased by monkeys you can use clockwork rooks to ram through them and they will one hit them so yeah thanks rook destroyed most of the monkeys for me we obliterate the rest of the monkeys ourselves because we have range with our weapon then we're gonna snag the ancient key and head over to fuevo how easy it is to traverse this area just put on the nightmare i'm gonna just slip on through and don't get hit by any clockworks anyway we've arrived throughout this fight when few weaver does his attacks i will explain them so his first attack there is he slams the ground to summon some bones from above then he has a basic melee attack which you can dodge and then a bone cage attack which traps you in a cage of bones now normally you'd have to use the lazy explorer to teleport out of there but since i have the backstep watch i could just use that to get out of there so that's what i'm gonna do and now we've entered phase two phase two is where the real work begins so two new attacks he summons these shadow hands that you have to be insane to break around the arena and if you do not break them he you cannot damage the ancient fuel weaver then another attack where he summons a bunch of minions and each of them will heal him for a lot of health unless i kill the minions before they get to him so i'm using the weather pain because the weather bane hits lots of times and so it would destroy a lot of minions in a small area otherwise i can just run around the arena and hit them with my walking cane because they only have one hp [Music] [Music] right so nice [Music] foreign that was very clean i don't think he healed once so that was very clean imagine having to walk out of the asian pathetic anyway now you thought i forgot about the eye of terror i killed the twins to terror but i didn't kill the eye terror yet unfortunately i am currently not old i am middle-aged so my damage is only 98 per swing rather than 142.8 but it's fine he enters the second phase pretty quickly goodbye i have cthulhu damn i killed you late in the front of it it doesn't matter what that what's all this sandstorm going on this oh look it's an ant-man well time for death so this fight is actually really it's like so much easier with wanda because you have so much range of wander you can stand at the back of the arena to make antmine do his sand spike somewhere else rather than right on top of you every time so basically you have more room to move around to dodge the attacks also i use the pamphlet at the start of the fight but like it's completely unnecessary also if you set up your backstep watch a little better what you could you could backstep watch this entire fight but now that outline is dead let me just uh show you what i mean by setting up the backstep watch so we're going to call this backstep watch stacking and so what it means is basically when you activate the backstep watch it teleports you a few steps where you were before so it kind of teleports you back down your path that you just came up now when you're old the distance the backstep watch takes you is very short so you can run a short distance between two spots to effectively stack up these teleports because every time the spot changes the backstep watch remembers that and so then when you start unloading these teleports so you start using the backstep watch it will just keep teleporting you onto the same spot this is useful for killing like a dragonfly while dragonfly is spawning larvae you can run back and forth to set up your backstep watch so that you're teleporting onto the same spot rather than being teleported all over the place so i destroyed some more goats because in this run i have not been having good luck with the volkl horns but i think i have enough now anyway let's gather the stuff we need for pearls island i'm not gonna list them because i always forget all of them oh dear not wearing armor sin legit almost died to a bat can you imagine anyway hello pearl i'm here to force feed you a flower salad upgrade her house a little bit make it a nice little mansion plants and berry bushes fertilize them bad boys plants and flowers then uh creepily way outside of our house then we're gonna get a nice pinch and winch blueprint because we need this uh to do the last task for pearl and we need it to actually like grab the loop from the next boss that we're going to kill soon maybe and then i realized i don't have a lot of food so i killed some butterflies and bits and bees because they have to stay here for like another half day pearl acquired nice that's what we came here for back into the caves because we need to find the archives and oh we found toadstool now finding a toaster was good and all but then i spent like two and a half days finding the luna grotto the noises i make while i'm streaming are always so questionable now here i put on my weapon for a second but then i immediately take it off that is because it's not dangerous yet but after you activate the archives greater gestalts will attack you if you're wearing any shadow weapons including the alarming clock anyway we activate the archive with the gem we get from deconstruction the moon cooler staff then we break that moon husk and then go grab ourselves some knowledge now which one of these be flow of mine let me just grab the belt uh there he is my beefalo from the very start of the game all right we're going to use this boy to relocate some of the uh alt pieces one of which is right in my base next to my saplings and you can temporarily upgrade a backtrack watch with a purple gem and instead of teleporting you it opens a portal that goes to the destination so we opened the portal to the lunar islands that we can easily take all of the statue pieces here while we're here let's mine out all the luna island art pieces and use the b flow to put it in place now we teleport back home find the second piece with the astral detector and now we need some wood because we didn't chop down dead trees during the first part of winter to uh gather wood with the eclipse then we use the actual protector to find where crappy is he's probably over there we move the last piece to the luna island and then we're preparing for crab king so you targets where you are on the boat yes i can outrange him dude oh my goodness yeah other characters can't do that stupid shark anyway let's start the crap king fight again i'm gonna explain the fight as we go so starting the fight you could see i used the or to roll back one step at the start of the fight this is uh this will be useful for later so his first attack is a geyser attack he's winding up an attack which has a really long wind up so i get a few hits in and then i cancel the attack by freezing him now he's trying to heal himself and he has summoned these claws this is why we moved the boat back earlier so that only two claws attack our boat and not three also he did try to heal himself the only way to prevent this is to hit him multiple times in quick succession and me just attacking him isn't enough so that's why i use a weather pain a weather pain hits lots of the time to very little damage but it's enough to stop him from healing this attack looks a bit different there was a freezing attack so while he's winding up the attack he tries to lower your temperature but we have a beefalo hound which which prevents our temperature from dropping very fast but we do have to step away at the last second otherwise he will freeze us immobilizing us [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] what does solar power dude damn right wonders powerful anyway we grabbed the celestial tribute we're gonna break the wristwatch and jump through it and dump it over by the luna island now let's look at all of these older pieces nice it worked whoa so cool and the lunar storms have begun you know that means we're gonna need some bunny slaves i mean not slaves i do pay them for their labor in carrots but i do that by stealing the houses hello wax staff oh yes i will use the forsaken potato to make the ash struggles yes anyway this is all very long and boring i have to mine some glass to get some glass and then i have to give wagstaff some tools all while my bunny men are defending me it's done well hello badger i nearly forgot about you um could you die very quickly please i'm in a rush goodbye and of course this store was in the swamp which means there was hidden tentacles all over the place whatever i did it and now it's time to spawn in the celestial champion [Music] so his first attack he's gonna walk towards me and then begin rolling and while he's rolling he'll change directions two or three times his next attack is a little pound attack he just slams the ground around him but we have so much range that we don't even get hit by it then because we've done so much damage to him he goes into a reclusive state where he summons a bunch of gestalts to take care of you but you could just dodge them and the fight repeats from there [Music] oh oh all right it's a phase two time now because i am wonder and i am delicate i really cannot afford to get hit by any of these guys attacks because all of his attacks are super duper heavy so his first attack was a spin attack which hits you repeatedly if you get stuck in it but you can just run away next he slams the ground and summons a bunch of greater gestalts and you can dodge this by running away then running around in a circle around him so that's quite easy next he summons a bunch of rules now these walls can damage you if you get stuck on top of them but the main thing is they block you you cannot walk through them so i have to walk around the opposite side of celestial champion so that i don't get stuck stuck in his spinning attack otherwise the fight repeats like that celestial champion also does have a generic melee attack in this phase but since i have so much range he will never do it because i'm not standing close enough to him anyway other than that the fight keeps going as normal [Music] we got a salamander assist in that phase so you know it's not all on me got kind of hard carried by that salad amanda although it's happening again all right phase three now for wanda this is the most dangerous phase because if you slip up and don't dodge the laser attacks he can absolutely pound you also i'm here running away just to get some gear from chester because i need weather pains for this fight so let's go his first attack is he slams into the ground and will continuously make greater gestalts appear until you leave that blue circle on the floor next he's summoning these pillars these pillars damage you if you get hit by them when they land and if you stay near them they radiate a little aura of uh sleepiness so you'll get put to sleep if you stay too close to them and that's why we're using the weather panes to get rid of these uh to get rid of these pillars and as you can see i got slammed by one of settled champions laser attacks and i immediately have to heal that's how much damage it does even through night armor with these laser attacks once you have the dodge down it's actually quite easy to dodge them because celestial champion targets you with these lasers right before he fires the lasers so if you just move just a little bit at the last second then you'll dodge otherwise that's all the moves he has for this fight and again he also has a melee attack which i'm out of range of because i have such range so he will never use it [Music] so easy that fight is so stupid as wanda all fights as stupid as wonder wonder is overpowered right where's my crown i used 1.3 armors all right where's my goldstar pickaxe i'm getting my crown because wanda is the queen of the constant now success crown acquired hello toadstool you're the last boss i need to kill so we can we get this fight done kind of lickety-split now i only made one star full of staff in this run which i turned into a moon caller staff which i then deconstructed so i can't use those staffs for light during this fight so i'm just gonna use a minor hat and i'll be insane during the fight but it's fine i can just kill the shadow creatures speaking of the fight what the heck does this boss do okay so right now we have basically just two attacks one attack he'll throw out some boom shrooms which do heavy damage but they have they take forever to blow up so you can just dodge them the next attack is he puts a spore bomb on top of you which explodes after a few seconds and it leaves it like a spore and it leaves like a little sport field on the ground which stales food and light bulbs which anything perishable it will start staling so you'll see halfway through the fight i end up dropping my light bulb somewhere so that they don't spoil and what is this he's summoning trees so yeah these trees buffed uh toadstool's speed the amount of boom shrooms he summons and his armor or aka his damage reduction and if all of his trees are up he gains 99 damage reduction and that is completely unacceptable uh so yeah that's why i brought weather pains so we smash them all with the weather pains and uh then we continue fighting him and that's how the fight goes for like 10 000 years otherwise this guy has 52 000 health skipping ahead 30 seconds we have made it one third through the fight and i get hit by boom shrooms because i'm stupid you can tell you've made it a third through the fight well because we have a mod that tells us his health but also he drops a shrimp skin once he's at one third dead [Music] yeah that's right i spent that last little bit for a thousand percent and we are now on the last third of the fight that's how long this fight is so this fight is mostly just a uh it's mostly just a dps check but also just like it just requires a lot of resources because you just need enough weapons to steal 52 000 damage luckily for wander i just need to use nightmare fuel to refuel my weapon but now to has another attack in his repertoire of attacks so he has a pound attack which uh can actually hurt pretty bad but like he has such a long wind up cheap trick you can tell when he's gonna be when he's gonna pound the ground because he does on every third boom shroom attack well technically that's not true his stomp attack has a cooldown similar to the time of three boom shroom attacks so he usually does it on every third one [Music] get hacked on toadstool quick grab the grab the shroomskin grab that grab the finger sketch quick quick teleport back what day is it how far in the day are we what is it day 80 with two segments left new record nice green fun cap oh i got the glow cap nice new record with my first attempt my first attempt with wonder dude easy game wonders opie so this was pretty fast day 18 with two segments but you know i did actually do a run after this where unfortunately i did die run the clip [Music] the salad manda but after i died i invalidated the run so it doesn't count but i rolled back for before when i died then they carried on the run and i done it and i completed it by day 77 so i know this run can be done faster we'll have to try again some other time without dying to saladvander otherwise go follow my twitch because there are new twitch drops coming soon twitch drops are just so you get more skins in the game just by watching me or some other don't starve together streamers as well now let's talk about wanda's new ratings so in my best use for every character video i gave wonder a survivability rating of 6 out of 10 utility 10 out of 10 and combat 9 out of 10. these ratings heavily depend on your skill level because obviously if you're bad at managing your age your survivability is really low but i'm going to give her ratings for my experience with her so if i wanted survivability i'm going to put a 7 out of 10 because she effectively has infinite healing except you just can't do it all at once a utility is going to stay 10 out of 10 no other character can teleport around the map like she can and i'm going to bump her combat up to 10 out of 10. even though her dps is slightly lower than wolfgang the extra range you get from her whip is just so so helpful and you can also use her backstep watch to get in vulnerability frames so wonders new ratings are 7 10 and 10. in my opinion the best character in the game but that's just for the way i play so you don't have to play her if you don't want to if you didn't see my ruins rush guide go check out my last video there's also a giveaway happening on that video not this one so go comment on that one but now the next character who's gonna have a boss rush will be drumroll please weber so any weather mains please comment down below all of your tips for weather and i will read them and then do the run and then we'll post it back here anyway this is lots of fun the next video will be the intermediate survival guide thank you for watching i shall see you in the next video you
Channel: Jakeyosaurus
Views: 686,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jakeyosaurus, Jakeysaurus, update, PG, Family friendly, dst, don't starve together, don't starve, bosses, ruins rush, boss rush, bee queen, shadow pieces, dragonfly, enraged dragonfly, panflute, klaus, deerclops, moosegoose, malbatross, crab king, celestial champion, lunar island, ancient guardian, ancient fuelweaver, toadstool, farming, guide, how to, speed run, boss rush speedrun, high level, faster, terraria, eye of terror, eye of cuthulu, twin terrors, wanda, watches, alarming clock, time
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 27sec (2967 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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