The most ESSENTIAL FARMS to set up in Don't Starve

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there are a lot of basic Farms that almost every single World should have at some point in time and I want to run down what Farms I think are essential for any given world if not just incredibly easy to set up and things that you should have in your world starting with some of the most basic Farms spider Farms are incredibly appealing throughout every stage of the game the appeal to this Farm is how relatively easy it is to set up in comparison to a lot of more complicated things as well as how well it benefits the team and it should definitely be high up on your priority list the spider drops are easily of some of the most desirable things throughout the entirety of the game and are almost always in high demand some way shape or form silk is used throughout the entirety of the game and it's basically as tax at a certain point sewing kits are easily the most requested items throughout the game just because of how prominent things like Tamo chanters top hats and umbrellas are as well as thermal Stones if you're not willing to pay the rock tags spider gland's very in usefulness depending on the character choice but healing is healing and if you can accrue a large amount of it then it could help the local whirly wormwood or any other character who has a harder time I'm healing than average monster meat is a very useful food source if prepared properly since it can be used as one big meat in the crock pot making it great for recipes like honeyed ham even a recipe like bacon and eggs you can also go simple and just use it as meat for meatballs but regardless of how you prepare it so long as you don't result in Monster lasagna there isn't really a bad way to have these another big appeal if you're not big on using it in the crock pot is you could just hand it to birds and birds will spit out eggs in a bird cage which can be useful for other recipes if not just for filler overall monster meat is pretty fine if it's in the crock pot and if it's used properly some of the most prominent options to set up these spider Farms involve rabbits if you have about six or seven rabbits around a single spider farm and you have that area loaded in so relatively close to your base the rabbits will constantly aggro onto the spiders killing them on site and if you set up enough rabbits then you could just kill the Spider Queen whenever it spawns and it is essentially just an incredibly hands-off Farm there's also the classic methods of just being able to kill the spiders yourself whether that be having an Abigail or taking them down one by one this is probably the least efficient method in my opinion since it's just you going out and killing spiders but hey to each Arrow obviously I can't call myself a Winona Mane if I don't bring up what my preferred method is and that is planting spider eggs out in the middle of a pier and then killing those spiders with catapult this helps isolate the spider so that they don't wander into your base this Farm's appeal also is that because it is with Nota catapults that have AOE it is very easy to kill large and large quantities of spiders all at once so in theory you could get any large amount of spiders and spider queens and kill them with an indefinite scaling as well as giving the catapults a designated area to make it really easy to go in and out of this farm pig farms are similar in usefulness to spider farms in that they provide a good source of meat and they provide supplementary drops that are requested throughout most of the game one Pig house out in the wild is used for half a pig house so it is worth smashing random loose pig houses that aren't in a desirable position but keep in mind that other people want the pig's gift or whatever they're using so setting up this pig farm as soon as you possibly can is a pretty good idea this is a large time sink because you have to go out of your way to get more pigskin and get more pig houses but it is very worth it since this Farm essentially replicates pigskin every couple of days pinskin itself can be used for tons of things and though those things are very useful football helmets are excellent pieces of armor and are typically people's go-to at least until it gets out classed in late game by things like a thulocyte crown or if you prefer using it body armor rather than a head armor umbrellas are incredibly useful for spring and Rain since these things can provide the rain protection that you desperately need if you aren't with a deer club's eyeball or an umbrella in some way shape or form big meat itself is also pretty nice for crock pot recipes such as honeyed ham bacon and eggs and so on overall setting up a pig farm is incredibly useful to you and your team as most any character your process for setting up the pig farm is going to be more or less the same you typically want to have a bait pen with something that lasts a incredibly long time that pigs are attracted to whether or not that be powder cake which is made with corn honey and sticks in the crock pot The Fruitcake which is dropped by random jobs on occasion during Winter's fee Winter's fees can be toggled in the world settings as well so if you really wanted to you could go out kill a bunch of things get a handful of endless fruitcake and then use that as bait an alternative is also just using pigskin itself because pigs do try to eat their own pigskin but overall you can't really go wrong with a powder cake seeing as how it has an incredibly long spoilage time but the basic idea is you're going to want to surround this bait pen with pig houses they do have to be relatively close to each other but the distance between it is relatively flexible so you could have as many or as little as you want in one location but occasionally you might want to set up multiple bait stations just to get more pigs around a certain area if you're playing the character like were or if you're basing in the swamp for whatever reason you could also set up a Merm house or have a Merm House nearby a singular Pig in order to passively farm pigskin and meat in the same way that bunnies will Farm spiders I do have a pig farm design that I've set up as Winona that tends to work pretty well the appeal to this Farm is that it scales indefinitely realistically but the resource sync is incredibly High however the trade-off is the efficiency is also incredibly High the basic idea is you just lure in pigs using a spider hat or a Merm mask or even better if you're a character who already aggros pigs to you by default then you could just run over draw aggro and then use catapults to deal with the pigs overall it's not a bad method if you're trying to farm a large and large quantities of pigs especially on cooldown the lure Plant Farm is something that I feel obliged to include if only because it's incredibly easy to set up and doesn't require a lot of explanation all you really need is a boat and then you could just put lure plants down on top of that boat eye plants aren't gonna spawn on the boat which means you could just pick leafy meat for free not much to say about it it's good you should definitely set it up definitely worth it the pencil Farm is easily the most involved as well as the most costly this Farm can take upwards of a whole season to actually get set up but once you do it it is very worth it for what it provides you as far as I'm concerned at least different designs exist but in order to set up a pen pencil Farm what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to outline a 7x7 square with statues after that you're going to want to put in the corners generators or generators depending on what you prefer then you're going to put two catapults on each station away from the statues I would recommend you put a fire pit down here just to be able to cook some things later on having a bird cage in this pen is also a very good idea putting a lightning rod just for insurance is always recommended and putting a scarecrow down will help spawn canaries which will be important for down the road once you have all of that set up you're going to want to swap to Wicker bottom and read a ton of birds of the world and Sleepytime stories in that order then you're just going to whack them with your choice of weapon I would recommend a golden ax because it just hasn't crossed the 25 damage threshold in order to kill a bird and the ax has high high durability as you're progressively killing canaries this will give you morsels and gold feathers depending on where you put your scarecrow you will also get crows which will drop black feathers which are very good for pencils now you're going to want to kill tons and tons of these over and over again so it's a good idea to have about 10 of each book just to be able to capitalize on this Farm to the best of its ability now keep in mind that is the minimum you can have more if you want what this is gonna do is it's gonna spawn cramp eye for you those cramp eye are going to be easily killed once you have the generators powered but you don't want to have the generators powered until after you're at a good stopping point for the birds because otherwise there's a chance that the cramp eye are going to steal the charcoal and the monster meat that the other cramp I drop and you want to avoid that to the best of your ability so what this Farm yields in is morsels for years the amount of morsels that you get by running this farm for about two or three in-game days is easily enough to supply you for an entire in-game year if not significantly longer so you're going to want bundling wrap to preserve all this unless you're using it for rot this also provides you with feathers for electric darts or for feather pencils killing the cramp eye is going to provide you with charcoal and monster meat the monster meat is enough to supply you for months however it is less than the morsels but it is still a amazing amount of charcoal and Monster I guess you also get like a Krampus sack from this or something like you know sometimes drop Krampus sacks if they're like you know I I guess you could kind of benefit from it you know since it doesn't have a movement speed decrease uh it has a bunch of slots in it uh it never Burns you know it's just like a wetness and whatever that's not the point the point is this pencil Farm can set you up with pencils for years really good for designing your base and really good for setting up mini signs an enemies is a very underutilized item that you need to start making use of in one way or another an enemy is giving you a quick and simple rundown of what they do in effect not in actuality because in actuality they're a little more complicated anemones are perfectly capable of killing things when they're off screen or unloaded which means you're able to farm things while not even being present which includes but is not limited to Vault goats Mac Tusk Clockworks and ain't even ancient Guardian these are very useful but very limited in quantity so use them wisely and use them sparingly the basic idea of how you want to get these things set up for things like mac tusks or Clockwork is you want to find out where they spawn which Mac Tusk is pretty easy Clockworks are a little more tricky I would recommend using Moguls or something that allows you to see where they are in the ruins make note of where they spawn so keep your eyes on it go over kill them and then you want to place the Anemones lightly off-center of where the Clockwork spawn this is very tricky to do if you're not well practiced in it so don't feel bad if the anemone gets dug up the next time you do it theoretically this could be used to clear out the ruins even if you don't kill anything yourself so anytime you kill fuelweaver to reset the ruins those things are just going to tick down the Clockwork over and over again until they die same thing with ancient Guardian if you find out where ancient Guardian spawns you can put down an enemy nearby he dies to it you walk over don't even have to do the boss fight if you're trying to automate Mac tusks with an enemies it's a good idea to just outline the walrus camp with anemones just because Mac Tusk has some weird properties where he spawns anywhere around that structure but it is a very good way of freeing up time in Winter the big appeal to automating Mac Huss for me at least is once I have a walking cane and a tam I typically don't go out of my way to kill mactus on cooldown so having an enemies there is another way to just passively get those items it's essentially just carrying a weight off your shoulder vote Farms are a little more involved in setting them up with an enemies I would recommend looking up a guide because there are plenty of amazing ones such as Blackness monsters automatic Vault goat design overall lots of people talk about this concept of automating Bolt goats with anemones but limiting yourself to only volt goats with anemones is not really something that I think people talk about enough so it's definitely worth mentioning how useful anemones are in different regards the shadow piece Farm is probably one of the strongest farms in the game if only because of how impactful it is throughout most of the game Nightmare fuel is always a very sought after resource in the nightmare armor and dark swords are probably the biggest nightmare fuel sinks in the game so why not just get all of the above this Farm is somewhat finicky and requires a boat some rocks and your choice of gunpowder catapults as well as a statue material that isn't glass do note you cannot use glass for this Farm the way you go about setting it up is you have two of the three Shadow pieces specifically the rook and the bishop on Mainland and you have a boat just off the coast of the island you're going to want tons and tons of the night stat twos on the boat essentially however many you want to invest or however many you can fit so what you're gonna do is you're going to proceed with the fight as normal and kill the bishop and the rook in whatever order you want which is going to cause the knights to go to tier 3. that is when you blow up the gunpowder or use the catapults to kill the knights eventually this is going to result in all of the knights dropping all of the same jobs that being nightmare fuel dark swords and night armor as well as another Shadow Atrium setting up this farm with large quantities of knights means that you're very rarely gonna have to worry about nightmare field dark swords Knight armor and you're also not gonna have to worry about killing the shadow pieces in order to fight feel Weaver because you already have a bunch of Shadow Atrium stocked up I personally use this as a prerequisite to fighting Celestial Champion just because in that fight dark swords are the preferred weapon as well as Knight armor being very useful since you're fighting on the moon and Celestial Champion inherently wants your sanity to be high so having two things to offset that is incredibly helpful some honorable mentions slash PSAs on what I think other people should start setting up specifically what people should set up so I don't have to definitely do set up bees bee boxes are easily one of the best sources of food because they produce large quantities of Honey which are very useful in certain recipes such as honey nuggets honey ham or even just Taffy it makes for good filler if it doesn't take priority on certain recipes and on top of all of this you could also just start eating the honey raw for a pretty respectable approximate 10 hunger and three Health which doesn't sound like a lot but considering you get seven pieces of honey per every one bee box you're gonna have tons and tons of healing especially compounded with the fact that it takes a long time to spoil I see a lot of people making a big deal out of wicker bottom farming with her new book but I never really saw that as a very efficient way just because of the cost however it does yield in a large amount of fish which like that can't be denied however if you're looking for a good source of fish and meat that you can do on cooldown with very little prep look no further than work murm Farms are very useful sources of fish and meat if you or somebody else on the server is work they can easily set up farmable myrms in the same way that you would set up something like a pig farm it feels a little weird to bring this up in the video but friend katom was telling me that she wanted more people to start doing this so I'll just bring it up start planting grass Tufts and twigs at base like just start getting that set up because it's really useful to have those things you always want those things just start doing it you know I I don't want to be the only one setting it up Ketone doesn't want to be the only one setting it up you guys don't want to upset Tome right the Barger Moon Rock Farm is something that you definitely want to get set up in your worlds the only requirements are you need the moon pedestal Allure plant at least one Moon Rock and bait and you also have to keep in mind that you do not need to bring any honey otherwise it will aggro Badger and ruin the entire Farm the basic idea is that you want to lure Berger to get stuck between the pedestal and The Lure plant after you do that he's going to destroy the pedestal constantly over and over regardless of how many times you build the benefit to this is you have a chance of duplicating Moon Rock per each build which means that you essentially get infinite moon rocks out of this one Farm I would recommend you bring the B queen crown with you just to deal with Bear Just sanity loss because he has insane sanity Aura and just having something like a tam isn't going to help you out offsetting that this game is full of different farms and different methods to deal with basically the same problem so I would highly recommend you keep your eyes peeled just to see what other people are doing taking their ideas and then building on it yourself or just implementing them in your own playthrough Don't Starve is a very complicated game it is chock full of a bunch of different information and different techniques and different exploits things of that nature so definitely keep your keep your ear to the ground you know keep your eyes peeled I hope this was at least somewhat useful in knowing what to prioritize in regards to your Farms even if you already knew all these things but that's all I really wanted to talk about so until next time bye-bye [Music] [Music] oh
Channel: JustExo
Views: 110,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, JustExo, Exo, Commentary
Id: YETip27aF5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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