How Lethal Are J-B WELD Bullets ???

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it's not really a very big dent it's kind of hard to see he hit it with a fire extinguisher but I still really want to get it fixed yeah it's no problem I mean I got to have this done in no time all right well I guess I'll see you in a little while all right I'll see you later Say Goodbye Mr dent [Music] what's up everybody my name is Scott and you're watching Kentucky ballistics and if I can't fix something with duct tape or zip ties I move on to JB Weld it is extremely tough and today we're going to see just how tough it is because we have bullets made out of JB Weld so today I have JB Weld bullets in pistol calibers and rifle calibers we're going to start out with a small round and then work our way up to a very large round I have a Bel dummy lab zombie torso today that has been zombified with green blood I am very excited to get started so let's get set up and get to it so we're going to start out with a Glock 17 chambered to 9 mm and I have a 9 mm JB Weld to Bullet this thing weighs about 24 grains I am not really sure how this is going to go so we're going to play it safe and lock it down in a vice grip and pull a string you might find this hard to believe but there's actually some guns that I don't want to damage and this is one of them so I'm going to put some uh rags in here so that I don't chew up my grip so now we got to see if it will chamber this J well bullet there it is I'm just going to let her go all right first JB Weld bullet here we go oh oh ow I I moved the gun I pull it too hard we may have missed him yes I missed him thankfully I have another N9 mil looks like this may be fairly safe to shoot so I'm just going to pull the trigger this time here we go let's have a look wow okay so we've got a little hole right here here it looks like maybe it broke up a little bit but we got a pretty decent hole right there it didn't penetrate very deep and it looks like it just broke up into a bunch of pieces oh dear look at this oh nasty I'm actually quite impressed that the round even made it out of the barrel you would think that something like JB Weld it's kind of brittle and you figured it would just explode but it didn't so I'm really excited now for these next few calibers so up next we have 45 ACP I have this stinking awesome Punisher 1911 and I'm loaded up with a 45 ACP JB Weld bullet that weighs 38 grains the 9 mil did a little bit of damage I'm very curious to see if this does any more damage it is a bigger round so maybe it won't break up as much hopefully this Chambers chamber no problem all right here we go so I made a little whoopsie I totally shot before we turned on the slow-mo camera on Mr zombie here so that is going to be missing footage but I do have another 45 ACP so probably going to take one more shot but before I do we'll inspect right here and it looks like we broke his rib so the old 45 was definitely hitting with a lot more Force than that puny old 9 mil it's rolling this time let's hit him one more [Applause] time well looks like we hit right there and I believe is that zip oh my gosh look at that it held together great it actually penetrated pretty deep I'm going to do a little bit of surgery on this guy see if we can get that out of there cut a little chunk out it's probably a little much let's have a look at this thing you can actually see the rifling on the JB Weld bullet it's not cracked or anything I did really well okay to the left no to the left I said to the left are you injured and don't know where to start well your Serious injury could be worth millions but thankfully there's people out there like today's sponsor Morgan and Morgan who is the largest personal injury Law Firm out there with over 1,000 lawyers in over a hundred offices they will fight to get the best results in your case they will do what is necessary to get the job done ranging from car accidents medical malpractice defective products they have specialized lawyers for your case Morgan and Morgan does not have sign 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stopped it but there is a lot of damage in there look at that goodness gracious well 44 magnum JB Weld bullets are not playing around but this next caliber I think is going to hit Mr your zombie a little bit harder so up next we are going to step it up to 500 magnum this is a Smith and Wesson 500 Magnum with an 8 and 38 in barrel and I have a 500 magnum JB Weld bullet that weighs 71 grains this one makes me a little bit nervous so I'm probably not going to shoot it out of my hand I'm actually going to Vis script this one in just in case all right 500 magnum JB Weld bullet here we go oh okay let's have a look shall we it appears that our 500 Magnum round broke up into multiple pieces we have a hole right here a hole here and then we've got lots of little chunks all over Mr zombie here this hole that does seem to be pretty deep in there that one not so much so it appears the 500 magnum was pushing that round a little too hard and the JB Weld bullet was not able to stay together we had multiple hits but it doesn't look like we penetrated very deep so that is it for all of our JB Weld pistol rounds but before we move on to rifles I have a 12gauge shotgun and I have a 12 gauge JB Weld slug this thing weighs 204 grains I am very curious to see if this thing actually penetrates the zombie or is it going to break up like the 500 magnum all right here we go holy [Music] cow okay JB Weld slug um did quite a bit of damage that is pretty gnarly it looks like it did break up some but golly yeah that's still pretty impressive I actually brought two of these so let's go ahead and take one more shot but this time I'm going to aim a little bit higher all right let's check this thing out hey man will you hold this for me thanks it seems we hit right there and um we didn't do a lot of penet actually we did it looks like we penetrated pretty good just blew the whole top off this thing that is nuts I mean I would argue that that is lethal wouldn't you so now it's time to move on to rifles and the first rifle I have is a keltech su6 chambered in 556 and I have a JB Weld 556 bullet that only weighs 11 grains I do not think we're even going to make it out of the end of the barrel I think you're just going to see a JB Weld fart let's see if it Chambers it either just chambered it or it just shoved the bullet into the case all right let's see what happens let's have a look here okay well uh we actually have a new hole that round held together and did quite a bit of damage which is really surprising because the 500 magnum bullet broke up into a bunch of pieces so I figured the smaller round that's supposed to be moving faster would not have even made it to the Target but it did interesting surprisingly the 556 held together and did a little bit of damage to her zombie torso so now I am very curious to see what this next round does this is a JB Weld 308 bullet that weighs 34 grains and I have a Ruger bolt action 308 308 holy cow I'm not really sure where we hit cuz I was kind of aiming in the same general area I believe we hit right here though well it is time for the grand finale a JB Weld 50 BMG bullet this thing weighs 262 grains and I got a really bad feeling about it in my neck sketchy ammo and an orange 50 what can go wrong right all right here we go you really thought you really thought I was going to shoot that with a JB Weld 50 BMG in it yeah no absolutely not just taking a quick picture of you you know because I'll probably never see you again unless you hit that subscribe button then we can see each other every week keeping this picture let's go back a little further for this one you know just in case uh that looks pretty good here we go holy cow bones come all the way back here look at [Music] that [Music] [Music] holy cow okay if you come back here you can see that he is still still smoking got some smoke coming out of him we actually made it all the way through him that time that is insane holy cow so I guess we hit right here can see he's got a big New Hole here oh it hit right there actually that's where it hit and then yeah we went completely through him what is this is that a bone wait a second that got turned sideways inside him what the heck we got another one back here this is broken too oh okay well JB Weld 50 BMG bullets I'm going to say those are pretty lethal I don't know about you but I was very impressed with the JB Weld bullets let me know what you thought about them in the comment section down below and while you're at it give today's video a like and if you're not subscribed to Kentucky ballistics hit that subscribe button also be sure to check me out on Kentucky ballistics breakdowns and Kentucky customs and while you're at it swing over to patreon Facebook Instagram and Twitter links to all those can be found in the description down below along with a link to Kentucky just in case you want to pick up a shirt and as always my name is Scott thank you so much for watching Kentucky ballistic I'll see you the next [Music] [Music] time [Music] oh holy moly that was the most damage we've ever done to a zombie torso at once look at this it riting clean in half holy cow wow well if you're ever trying to move a gun safe into a 10 story apartment building I would definitely be [Music] [Music] [Music] careful [Music] he [Music] he hey
Channel: Kentucky Ballistics
Views: 680,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how lethal are jb weld bullets, jb weld bullets, kentucky ballistics, jb weld 50 bmg, jb weld 50 cal, kentucky ballistics how lethal, bullets made of jb weld, how lethal kentucky ballistics, jb weld slug, kentucky ballistics how lethal are jb weld bullets, 500 s&w magnum, kentucky ballistics 50 cal, 50 bmg kentucky ballistics, kentucky ballistics weird ammo, testing jb weld bullets, 500 s&w magnum kentucky ballistics, kentucky, ballistics, 12 gauge, 50 bmg, 50 cal, 308, 556, 9mm
Id: ZuAw5Lt9GAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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