How Lazarbeam got attacked (full story)

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all of a sudden this guy comes around the corner and he's like what the f do you think you're doing [Applause] what's going on everybody and welcome back to watch time we are back again today to talk about more things that are happening in the gaming industry the social media industry and also a little bit of drama that went down this week in our social lives as well which is also related to the gaming social media industry because we are yes how was your week grace my week's been good my week has actually been so hectic both on a work sense and a personal sense very personally hectic week it really was it's honestly been i don't want to swear in the first 30 seconds because our grandfather listens to this podcast which i've since found out but um it has been hectic basically on a work sense obviously lennon dropped his fortnight skin last week which we touched on that was literally 18 months of work in the making and then the actual getting everything live and making it happen was a big process and there was some there was some stressful points around that um particularly around just the order in which everything was dropping and you would think like these seem like simple issues but they still caused issues is the difference of time zones that we were in and i remember like i mentioned this to you last week but basically epic is obviously in north america we are in australia there are servers all around the world and the amount of moving pieces that there are around like the tournament start time and that sort of thing making sure that we were able to hit prime time in the us and prime time in australia and there were some last minute things where we had the wrong time going up in the game that had to change it was a little bit it was a little bit on um but that's okay the the the building internet went down right live showing his skin for the first time literally as we were recording watch time last week he was going live playing with his skin for the first time and i think as we stopped recording the internet and the building went down which hasn't happened in like a year and a half and it happened to go down day one of his skin release we also have been working i mentioned last week that we might drop an nft this week after our big download on nfts and i'm super super super excited about the fact that we are going to be dropping an nft we're shamelessly drunk jumping on the money train people we don't we're absolutely jumping on the trend but for me it's so cool that like we're in a job where we're able to experiment with these things on the fly so quickly so we're dropping an nft with the boys which is obviously the vr guys that we manage josh dub mully eddie juicy narrator what will that nft be you're gonna have to wait and find out on thursday i think it will drop the day that this episode drops and i think like if you watch the boys or you know anything about their content it's like very cheeky very memey and this absolutely reflects that so it's been quite a lot of team for the team i mean like i literally feel as though we've had to learn so much about nfts purely over the last two weeks but i think it will be really fun and i'm really excited about it i was also moving home um which is super exciting literally for the last three years guys i have basically lived out of two suitcases he's been a vagabond i haven't been in one place for more than six months and pre-code it was because i was traveling a lot for work and that sort of thing i finally got my own place renting a place in tamarama i'm literally so excited went on you were renting a place in tamarama and then you were like i'm just gonna go on a quick trip over to la cue covered pandemic and then you're like oh i'm just gonna stay in canada for a little bit because i'm gonna be in canada for a week until this all blows over and then i'll fly home eight months later literally finally flies home then you were living out of landen's basement and now you finally got your own place yeah i lived at your place for a little while yeah sorry you lived at my place london's basement it was everything and i'm very grateful for how generous people have been but i'm also so excited to have my own place but anyway it was a lot going on at the same time and then we had um fresh's birthday on friday night which if you were on twitter and you follow any of the groups started really tame started with a beautiful group dinner but we're gonna talk about where it ended later in the episode shitake went down that was insane it was actually insane elliot how was your week my week was good my week was good uh i beat my kill record in fortnight today so that's great so you know it's a bit of cheeky free content congratulations but uh no i basically have just found out i'm great at fortnite all of a sudden i'm like top 500 in the world on the on the ranking leaderboard so apparently i'm good now i just realized this i played it as a job but i was always bad suddenly figured it out happy for you yeah but no other than that i think last week was just like you said a big week because we had lucky come to town over the weekend um and he was also involved in all the frivolities that happened uh so it ended up just being quite a large weekend involving alcohol and drama but before we get into the first episode first topic uh we're going to go to our questions of the week now each week we're going to be reading questions that you guys leave as reviews on apple podcast so if you want us to answer your question or read out your comment please go to apple podcast and leave us a review and it will be answered next week you can also follow us on twitter and um and we will answer questions from there as well so question one elliot is do you think there will ever be a big competitor in video content against youtube and if so do you think it will be similar to how apple podcasts slept on their podcast market share and have lost it to spotify good question i i don't at least not in a timeline with the content that i can envision um and don't get me wrong i think there will be other video platforms that can definitely threaten them whether or not they win or lose that stuff like tick tock that's a video platform that threatens them um but i think the difference being is that apple sleeping on podcasts was the reason spotify i think has really been able to come back there a lot is number one spotify was never not in the game spotify was always smaller than apple but they were always very much in the game also it is a much newer industry when things are newer there's like a lot more fluctuation in market share and then number three it's also a much um simpler industry in a lot of ways relative to video content like the amount of technology and work and a billion different things that goes into the video vod industry is insane you've got algorithms you've got like profiles you've got accounts that that google's been building showing preferences over thousands of different topics yeah it's it's it's pretty heavy and intense and then also just the the sheet infrastructure you need to then disseminate that volume of video and store that volume of video is crazy one thing i always find interesting because you never really get a sense of the back end of how google works go and load up a really really old random video that has almost no views on it okay notice how much longer it takes to start and load the video like signific like seconds 10 really 10 seconds longer because you can just tell that google has just yeted that video into some no one's watching this vault and like technically we have to keep housing on the platform because that's what we do but they clearly have like different ways of storing vod content yeah and they have a place that is like the video graveyard where clearly they are just dumping all the content no one watches and when and then they're like oh crap someone actually wants to check this out they're like yo yo john job where when we leave that thing and they're like going back there and they're like trying to get out of the video pile i've never noticed that yeah i noticed that whenever i go and watch like a really rain why are you doing that i don't know i can't think of the last time i did it but i noticed it every time okay interesting yeah i i agree i think the ai that's involved in youtube's current algorithm would has been learned over many years and it would be quite hard for someone to come and compete with that in an immediate sense and i think yeah there is no there's no competitor at this stage that i could see totally competing with youtube but that said i think there will be platforms that look to try and compete with youtube on a holistic sense would be so ambitious that it was probably unrealistic at this point but i think you are seeing platforms that are trying to compete with youtube and still little pockets of market share and i think you see that actually with spotify i think in some ways spotify is competing with youtube in the podcast space because spotify has started doing video podcasts and i think that is an area that we've mentioned on the podcast before i'm surprised youtube hasn't created like a shelf for podcasts as a product that kind of seems like it could be an intuitive thing for me where people could search for slightly longer form content like that and people know of podcasts as a genre now whereas spotify has provided that really well i do think they're i'm only thinking on this now i do think there's an element of not diluting your product too much like i could see a scenario where youtube just gets so messy and you've got shorts and then you've got stories and then you've got normal videos and then you've got youtube movies and then you've got youtube podcasts and youtube music and it's like oh my god like i think already they with youtube music they realized that that never took off that was a good service product like that was a good product offering it had all the music there like other things too paid artists more intertwined youtube music videos better than anything else also it came with like youtube premium which gave you access to like no ads on youtube at all which is insane and my favorite such good value service but it just didn't take off because it was too diluted yeah that's a really good point yeah but point taken that um that yeah i agree they probably could have jumped on it more but anyway i think that probably for keeping the answers relatively short i think that hopefully answers your question about why i personally don't think that they're totally alike scenarios and you know what i but but also i think you know for example the way that youtube could use market share would be if the world suddenly decided they no longer watch eight to ten minute videos and all of a sudden they were only interested in 30 second tickets yes then all of a sudden that isn't a area where youtube dominates and it shifts but i don't think that that will happen yes i agree i think that's a good question honestly i sometimes get confused between youtube shorts and youtube stories and it's literally my job and i talk about it with creators all day so if i'm getting confused it is undeniably confusing okay so thank you for your question of the week as i said before if you want us to answer one of your questions be sure to leave it in the comments of the apple podcast or on our twitter and and that's where we grab them from each week yes sir so should we jump into the first topic of today have you seen the prince harry and meghan markle interview that was done that is literally all over the internet guys the royals is not something that we're usually talking about on watch time but you can't avoid it on the internet today i'm a busy man i've got a lot of things to do i've been reading all the summaries about it like i've been going through like reading like dot point summaries of all the accusations allegations watched a couple of clips like the clips about yeah um the baby and what skin color would that kind of thing and oprah's like wtf face was fantastic loved it the double miss oprah on the tv she did a crazy double take she was like she was like bring it back bring it back you just see the look in her eyes like oh my god this is the scoop of my career here she was hungry for it but uh yeah no crazy super interested to see how uh the royal family hits back i think they were very smart and this could have been just because it was also true if you actually look and you look at the answer they gave the question they talk about the things that went wrong the things that were hard and the areas they talk more positively about about first more negatively one thing that i think they were always so careful of did not say a bad word about the queen the whole time no because all are the royal family in general or like this person who isn't the queen or like the support staff or the other people all of that but they went really out of the way and me and even said stuff like you know talking about moments when the queen would like you know share her blanket because it was a cold day and like beautiful moments and how the first time they met it was such a lovely experience because they know that there's so many people in the royal family whose image you can and don't be wrong there are some people that also just don't like the queen but for the vast majority of people especially in the uk can't touch the queen they could literally watch her on a walking stick hobble out of buckingham palace and shoot someone on the front lawn hobble back inside and they'd be like probably a good reason for it they're like yeah love it love it don't watch it that man probably did something she's the queen she's the queen that man was her subject she can dispense justice as she sees fit um but like literally i think that's that's the mentality very strong yeah so by being like the queen is amazing such a lovely person i think it then lent more credibility in the eyes of the public too but all this other stuff happened totally wasn't the queen's fault but this is why we had to leave yeah they drew quite a distinction between the family and the institution or the firm as they referred to it which is like such a sick i one day want to have an empire that can only be referred to as the firm or the agency or just something that is very non-descript and mysterious but also intimidating the firm is intimidating as hell yeah like you're going to enter the firm today i would literally just cry and run away yeah i thought i thought it was really interesting i've definitely like made jokes about megan and harry before on social media about how they like left the royal family wanting a quiet life and have since signed like 100 million netflix and spotify deals to create podcasts and shows and that sort of thing which is like a funny thing to say i think but uh it definitely gave me a lot more compassion for the position that they were in and it just sounds like a completely warped sense of reality in that world and not one that i'm particularly jealous in a palace where you're like the darling of the entire country with millions of dollars and you go hunting every weekend don't get me wrong i'm actually sure it's actually probably quite a tough lifestyle and i think their public perception megan and harry's is going to go through the roof with this interview internationally not locally yeah from everything i've seen the split between how it's being covered in the uk other countries versus the uk crazy like the uk media is just like i mean that same thing it's that how dare you disparage the royal family and then also leaning on the fact that um i think the main bit of ammunition that they're using is basically just being like oh like you know um philip is in the hospital so therefore doing this is insensitive and sensitive and wrong but it's like they're almost 100 like yeah they're always going to be in the hospital all i can say is that the writers room of the crown today must be having an absolute field day i was going to say no no no they're panicking they're like oh my god we gotta it's we got to step it up it was like when house of cards came out it was like oh yeah if only politics was this full of drama then donald trump became president ever and it was like what do you mean like something happened crazy anymore season 17 of the crown when we get to this this is going to be amazing very keen very very keen all right what's next elliot our next topic that we're going to be diving into is actually the fresh birthday story oh very exciting stuff this is what the people have been waiting for this is what you've been waiting for this was an absolutely hectic night crazy absolutely crazy i'm gonna we're gonna be a little bit vague on certain parts of it because it is literally a police matter now and we don't want to uh really you know going to any details that could cause any problems that i'm not laughing because it's funny i'm laughing because it's actually just truly ridiculous that this is really insane that this happened and literally like just to give some context because i'd had such a hectic week and was moving in that sort of thing 5 30 p.m on friday i was like you know what i might stay home i might order a pizza tonight and like chill out and like unwind from the week and then i was like it's fresher's birthday everyone's going out to dinner and elsa's birthday at the stroke of midnight yes i'll go to dinner and i was actually considering driving that's how much of a tame night i wanted and let me tell you it ended with flashing lights at three o'clock in the morning so it didn't end up that way so to set the scene yes uh we've been uh telling lockheed to come down to town for a few weeks now and uh eventually obviously this weekend london's skin was launching no one was that busy and we're like okay this one works like let's do it lockheed flown down we booked a lovely dinner at a restaurant gone out had dinner gone for drinks at the next place the group was so big it was so hard to get in in anywhere on a friday night but um it was like 12 to 15 yeah had drinks at another place it's probably 11 o'clock about 11 45 that place shuts like okay gotta move on so we go to a bowling alley i will not name the bowling alley but we decided to go to a bowling alley that was just nearby and we're like oh that sounds great and get some drinks from the bar we can get a couple of bowling lanes and just go bowling sounds great our group was maybe 11 12 people probably at this point when we get to the bowling alley they only have one lane available sucks but we're like you know what we'll all team up play you're really wondering right now how this story about a lovely evening of bowling turns into flashing lights but trust me it really does get there and also i really do want to point out everyone was pretty damn sober i i was shockingly sober i think there are a couple of people that rocked up later in our group who were a bit more drunk but they weren't even really involved in the story because we'd just been trying to find a bar for so long that by the time we found a bar everyone was like okay cool i can go to sleep now um but anyway got this lane and then uh as we're kind of like all getting drinks at the bar waiting for it to get set up we've got one friend who is a bit of a jokester and um he sees the lane next to us has got uh someone sitting on the couch um just kind of waiting and notices they're not actually bowling so he goes up he's like oh can i have a bowl while we wait for our lane and um the girl sitting down is like yeah absolutely go for it like grab it um so he picks up the bowling ball all of a sudden this guy comes around the corner and he's like what the f do you think you're doing put that down like the language and the aggression was incredible insane nick i mean put support down he's like i'm sorry she said it was okay and goes to sit down on the couch because they're bowling alley we basically have like a shared couch area he sits down on the couch the guy's like and while you're at it you can get the f off that couch and get out of here and then it was very good it was immediate aggression and like crazy aggression this guy had crazy in his eyes anyway then everyone's like okay cool just waiting for a lane to get set up properly so we're all still at the bar like grabbing drinks and stuff this guy marches over to the bar like pulls nick up i didn't hear what got said at that point but effectively from what i heard later he threatened to kill him unless he got out of there uh and then uh nick literally trying to have a bowl on a friday night once again our group moved away and was like you need to calm down dude but anyway de-escalated this guy went back finished their bowling as at this point we've now got our lane uh everyone's sitting on the couches around our lane and also their lane they've finished up their game at this point they're grabbing their bags they're going the aggressive guy and the girl he was with um fresh is just sitting on the couch yeah doing what fresh does which is looking like a stunned goldfish with a smile on his face just looking around just enjoying life yeah literally he's like a harmless little puppy dog just sitting on a couch he's a puppy sitting on his little straw drink anyway at this point the guy as he's walking past the couch to go out just winks it fresh for no reason really really weird and fresh who has missed i'm pretty sure everything that's gone on to this point literally literally just like literally just looks up and just like gives him a little wave like just waves at him and um and it's like it's like yeah i think at this point fresh actually thought the guy was perhaps a viewer yeah yeah i think fresh thought that the guy maybe knew who he was because this guy was maybe like 30. um it like just gives him a little wave the guy walks up to fresh leans in like nose to nose distance like really in his face puts a hand on each cheek and then just starts slapping back and forward on each cheek on fresh and at this point everyone at the couch is like you need like literally pushes him away from fresh because you don't like that's literally assault just walking up to someone slapping in the face pushes him away from fresh but like it doesn't hit him or do anything aggressive like that no the way he's like such a shock it was like it's fresh what is this kid the most docile person i've ever met yeah crazy and was like you need to get away from him um and move him away and at this point like we've like we've we've like we were shouting at him like you need to go because yeah like before yeah anyway so at that point security's come over and they've grabbed the guy and we've been like you and we're literally like he needs to get out of here he just slapped our friend in the face repeatedly like what are you doing this isn't okay he's already like tried to cause something earlier yeah can he go and then at this point uh security's like holding him there where like he needs to go now and then this guy has got a glass in his hand and all of a sudden just piffs it hits lannon straight in the forehead and yeah like in the hairline in the head the glass also uh like which shades off and cuts maybe three or four other people around us including ilsa and all of a sudden i turn and lanen has because head wounds are crazy yeah blood coming all down the side of his face like all down the side of it there was so much blood it was insane at this point security is like oh okay now yep they take him out yeah but also i see they're more like just escorting him out like a hand on his back like moving him in that direction i was like do you see what he just did he and the manager's gone with them and the manager's trying to tell our group to sit down at this point i've realized that i i mean i was effectively dead sober at this point and i could tell there are a lot of people who were obviously they've just watched one of their friends get hit and another one get glassed in the face are very agitated and probably need to like you know and you know they're probably not the most level head for dealing with this situation it's just shock though it was absolutely shocking within the period of like this whole thing happened within two minutes and you watch anyone you watch any of your friends suddenly bleeding out of your head you're gonna get agitated so i was like pushing everybody everyone needs to go sit down i walked up with the manager and i was like we're calling the police he's just glassed our friend in the head slap the other one and he's bleeding everywhere yeah like you cannot let him go because they're like taking him to the exit and she was like she's like this is my job i'm handling it and i was like i was like no no no like you can't let him go she's like no we're not but you need to like go down and i was like i was like okay i'm just going to stand here i just want to make sure this guy doesn't leave yeah because he's committed a crime um and then uh anyway as i'm i'm waiting there talking to someone else who's come up he's like hey man i saw the whole thing don't worry like where we know we saw what happened and i was like cheers man appreciate it um cops should be here soon anyway cop response time great amazing but anyway i turned around from talking to this guy security guards standing alone not doing anything the manager is by herself i'm like where's the guy gone and they're like and she's like he's he's gone off like he's just walked off i was like you didn't hold him and they were like uh anyway this time police walk in and they're like where's guy got glass i'm like he's inside he's like and where's the guy who did it and i'm like they just let him go yeah and they were like what they let him go i was like yes and it was like what does he look like anyway gave him a rough description uh me and one other person sprint out and we managed to spot him uh about a block away hailing a cab anyway we like call the cops over cops run over they grabbed him yeah and oh my god this is me hearing the story for the first time too because i was inside at this point yeah i actually didn't even see everything that happened i was like picking up a bowling ball or something and then someone was like grace and like shook my shoulder i turned around and like saw it happening and then i saw lennon and like one side of his face was just covered in blood so i was just helping i was like literally sponging the blood off lennon's face when all of this was happening yeah actually crazy um but anyway they caught him oh my god i remember going inside though and i was like i was trying i've i've never i've i drink a lot of coffee i was like literally my hand was just wobbling from the adrenaline that was going through me at that point um because you know you see your friend get hurt you see did it almost get away chasing after someone with the police anyway eventually they got the guy i think they took him to the station then they came back in and spent the next literally three to four hours taking statements from all of us we literally had to just sit there for like two hours which as should happen with any serious assault they wrote down a lot of details for the people who were more like um you know at the forefront like for fresh a lot of the people who actually got assaulted they took insanely comprehensive statements i reckon they were it was like a two minute incident they were talking to them for probably two hours each like crazy um and uh yeah anyway that um landon's totally fine eventually about two this all probably happened about quarter past 12. about 2 30 a.m was when we were probably leaving and the medics came and kind of checked out lana and nielsen made sure they were all okay and then everyone kind of went home for the night um bladden's totally fine it's totally fine everyone involved is totally fine we don't know what happened yet with the other person involved um he'll be charged i think yeah and it apparently would change the cops if he has any priors he'll go to jail um but luckily it was pretty clear-cut who the aggressor and the aggressors in that scenario literally it's one of those stories that you tell though right and i almost i'm like you almost feel defensive being like no no like literally there was it wasn't like a two-sided back and forth where someone all of a sudden lost it this guy had crazy in his eyes yeah he was the same i will actually say he was the single most aggressive person i've ever seen from the moment that like that that a bowling ball in his lane got picked up because the other person said it was okay he looked like he wanted to kill someone and he told someone he was going to kill them it was bizarre it was like something he was clearly wrong also just like side note imagine being the girl on a date with him that night like what i thought i just felt really i felt quite bad for her because i was like that is nuts like i don't know if this guy's your boyfriend or all right but like imagine she's being like her friend's like no you should go on a tinder date go on a tinder date come on get back out there girl you got this she's like after six months like you know what i'm gonna do it goes out on a date first thing that happens she's like uninstall tinder everyone out here is crazy um yeah so anyway that was the story of uh all that and um we'll keep you informed let me tell you you're ready for a low-key weekend this weekend and then and then and then the next night on a positive note uh i took uh lockheed out for dinner and we were just sitting down and we look across from us and there's taiko wetiti and idris elba and a bunch of other like big hollywood marvel actors that's the coolest name taco with td like say it again but anyway it was so funny because um i was like so if anyone doesn't know he directed thor ragnarok um also jojo rabbit he's basically an incredible director don't feel bad if you don't know because i actually didn't know either yeah but he's one of those like cult directors that is very much a personality in his own anyway uh we were sitting down at dinner like i go to the bathroom lockheed comes back and he's like elliott as i was walking out tiger where td went into the bathroom and i was like and i was like lucky i suddenly need to pee anyway when just casually walked into the bathroom was just like just pinging he was standing at a urinal and then like he obviously was leaving at that point and as the door opens because i was like i don't want this to be a weird long drawn out thing so i was like i was like i was like hey man i just wanted to say jojo rabbit incredible movie thanks for that and he was like he was like oh thank you bro and then he just walked out and i was like i have registered in his existence i am part of his life because they've actually moved all marvel production to sydney for the next five years isn't that crazy i'm down for that robert danny junior located watch out because i'll be at a urinal next to you soon chris hemsworth that sounds sorry that does sound very weird to clarify yeah anyway anyway uh all righty uh and did we have one last topic last topic i think we're going to talk about david's disposable guys i you give a [ __ ] for talking about david on every episode but like in terms of like drama that i i care about but also drama that also ties into business which i feel like is kind of where we sit um it's pretty bang on so as we've spoken about in the last couple weeks he's dropping his new app dyspo which has taken on a lot of funding over the last few months and is rumored to be worth anywhere between 100 to 200 million which do is that what you will valuations are crazy but basically he has released a early version of the app um and it's receiving quite negative reviews online it's really interesting actually to look at this because jack our editor and producer linked me this and was like this is what you should talk about on watch time like dyspo receiving bad reviews and so i googled dyspo on the news app on google and it's insane the kind of pr that they're doing for this app the new york times like techcrunch vogue like every top publication is covering dyspo and giving it overwhelmingly positive they're saying is this the new instagram is this like the anti instagram is this like the new social media of the future it's it's like very ambitious and very positive and almost to a point where i'm not it seems a little too optimistic for me in a realistic world of what it takes to make a social media app but then the actual reviews on the app itself are not very positive but i think to put that more down to media is like hype is what makes successful media like if you put out an article being like another generic photo app has been released who's going to click that you put an article saying the next instagram has a is this the next instagram the next instagram has arrived that is going to get clicks yeah so um personally i was like oh i really want to try out the app before this episode and give it a go like see if i like it downloaded it literally does not work no i tried to log in with my phone number seven times it didn't do anything sent me the code that i needed to verify my phone number 15 minutes later i entered the code and then it was like something went wrong so i was like okay tried logging in with apple that flat didn't work um so long story short i lost a great first impression yeah i also tried to download it um i was able to log in i think because i'd had the previous version of the app when it was called disposable um it did allow me to log in but i'm it's not working for me in my ability to see anyone else's roles or actually be able to get any notifications or even actually to be able to post photos or pick whether i want them to be public or private so it's tough because when jack posted this and was like oh it's receiving negative reviews which from the user perspective it is and a lot of people saying it's quite buggy i was like i want to be able to validate this myself and have my own perspective i feel like i can't even give an accurate perspective because the app isn't even working for me no but in terms of uh when you were going to like ride a wave of someone's popularity to launch a new app now is not the best time with david because he's got a few skeletons coming out he really does where is this all coming from and i feel like it's all coming at once i think it's just all coming out of ex-vlog squad members i think um look i i mean i think at the end of the day personally he has enough goodwill and he does enough genuinely good stuff as well that i think his best move would just be to come out and be like because not to underplay what he did as being not bad not serious because i do think tricking someone into making out with someone that they don't think they are is is bad um which is what he's been accused of yeah and people have well i mean there's a little video of it people have people have put out videos being like oh but the guy consented to the second one and then another one sort of consented in a weird way it doesn't change the fact that it didn't for the first one um but uh yeah i think that it's also something that you could very much happened a while ago and putting out a statement like hey yup that was probably not the right way to go about that i kind of got caught up making content and got lost in what i was doing without thinking about the impact on other people it's literally what we talked about with logan paul and the forest where it's just kind of like lit you just you lose it doesn't mean that you're a bad person it just means that it's so easy for just content and views to just become the only thing that your brain measures anything by and you actually remove the human element and it's kind of whatever everything yourself included is an actor in your little kind of movie yeah and you don't actually you know you stop seeing it as like a personal element um so i i don't think it necessarily means this bad person but i do think that he should probably just put out a statement and be like yep yeah learn grew from that because i do think the negative reviews on dyspo to bring it back are probably uh 50 because i literally can't log into the app and when we tried doing something with your version before we literally couldn't get it to work um but also uh there's a lot of just negativity around anything david does at the moment and obviously a huge amount of support as well from the people you know everyone that big has got fans who will never die yeah but um interesting time interesting time all right guys well i think that about wraps us up for this week's episode of watch time thank you so much for tuning in again please remember to write and review on apple podcast leave us a comment if you're watching on youtube and we will see you guys next week
Channel: Watchtime Podcast
Views: 1,782,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 23sec (2123 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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