All 47 God of War Bosses Ranked Worst to Best

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hey how's it going guys captain cuba here and the day is finally here after many requests from you guys i've decided to rank all the god of war bosses from worst to best i already have a list of my top 10 bosses but even my opinion on those have changed a little bit and i've also never made a top 10 worst bosses video so with this video i get the two topics out of the way once and for all now i want to clarify that i will not be ranking these characters based on how powerful they are i'll only be ranking these bosses based on how much fun these fights were to fight the first time i played the game but if you still want to know my opinion on which are the most powerful characters in the god of war series you can click on this link and it will take you right to it so with that out of the way grab some popcorn sit back and enjoy this god of ordinary rant about boss fights without a script don't you know when to give up [Music] all right so the worst boss battle in the entire god of war series would have to go to the balder mountain fight and first of all i'm not even sure if i can consider this a boss fight literally all you do is get on a dragon punch balder a few times dodge a few of his moves and that's it i have to include it because there's still some gameplay in it but this is pretty much this is a this is only a glorified quick time event if if that so obviously the worst one would have to be this one for number 46 i'm gonna have to go with icarus this fight suffers the same issues as the balder mountain fight all you do is punch icarus down a cliff and then rip his wings off the reason is slightly better than the balder mountain fight is because you actually do get to kill icarus but other than that it's not really impressive it's another glorified quick time event for number 45 i'm gonna have to go with goldbig and i mean is there any doubt like that goldberg should be this high up as one of the worst battles in the series should it even be considered a boss fight i'm not sure this is just a reskin of the revenant enemies i'm assuming santa monica just didn't have enough time to create a boss battle for the side missions uh but this was just completely disappointing for 44 i'm gonna have to go with the moral cerberus the only reason i'm adding this is because when i go to the god of war ii wiki it's considered one of the boss fights but once again it's just another cerberus for number 43 i'm gonna have to go with helios he is slightly cooler it's another glorified quick time event but it's just very uh memorable just ripping his head off and there's also this mechanic in which critters has to block the the light coming from his from his face and you have to use the the right joystick to uh block the sun and it's just it's a much more fun mechanic but again it's another glorified quick time event for number 42 i have demos demos is another one of those boss fights that i'm not sure if it's a boss fight because i mean you fight him but you do know you know deep down that kratos is not gonna kill him because he's an important character and then you fight him for like three minutes and then he beats you to a pulp and then thanos just picks him up again that's really it um i wasn't really expecting much but it's still slightly better than helios for number 41 i'm gonna have to go with the dark rider i'm in the minority of people who actually like the the pegasus section of god of war ii i thought it was a pretty fun section and finishing it off with the dark rider was pretty fun it's not the greatest boss fight ever all you do is just dodge his projectiles and then get him get on his griffin and then kill him with the spear of destiny but it was still somewhat memorable for number 40 i'm gonna have to go with zilla zilla is easily the worst intro boss fight in the entire series literally all you do is hit her tentacles then kill her crabs and then she disappears and then 30 minutes later you see her again and you kill her by doing a quick time event by stabbing her in the eye with one of those screwy things in the caves it's just really lame i'm sorry i just i love ghost of sparta but that intro boss fight just sucks for number 39 i'm gonna have to go with the dark elf king again i expected a lot more for from the alpha level and this boss battle did not deliver at all the dark elf king behaves exactly like the other dark elves at least that's how i remember him there's nothing really special about him that sets them apart from the other enemies he's just he's just a very lame boss fight he does get some redeeming points at the end by you know hinting at the future of the series by telling us that you know we've made a great mistake but that's not really part of the mechanics or anything like that it's just a cool thing he says at the end but the boss fight itself was just really disappointing for number 38 we have theseus zeus number one kiss ass let alone the king of olympus the reason this guy ends up so high on the list is because he's not really that fun uh there is a few more mechanics to him you have to learn his patterns a little bit and he does get on top of the tempo and shoot some projectiles but he loses a lot of point for summoning minotaurs i find it really lame when boss battles he has some in other enemies to do their fighting for them it's just it's not a very good look so that's why the thesis ends this high in the list for number 37 we have callisto kratos mother again this is this wasn't really meant to be a full-on boss battle but it was still memorable because it's just really dark what zeus did to kritos mother she told him the secret that zeus was his father and she turned to this monster and she attacked us for a little bit and then chris had to kill his mother i'm putting it above theseus because it has that emotional element to it that theseus or none of the other ones had so it's an it's a meh boss battle but you know still somewhat memorable for number 36 we have the persian king i was i really remember this boss fight because it's uh it's the first enemy we fight from another pantheon and i thought it was going to be cooler but the reason he ends up this high in the list is because he's just really really easy i like his patterns and i like all of his moves and all that but he was just a really easy boss fight he attacks you with the sword a little bit and then he summons the the spirit of the e3 but other than that he's just a really easy boss fight which makes sense because he's an intro boss battle but i wish he would have gotten a few more moves for number 35 we have the pyreus lions i'm sorry if i miss pronouncing that but here's the line you find the presence in ghost of sparta and the reason this line is way better than the mole cerberus is because he's is he's a completely new enemy he's got different moves different patterns but he's still very easy to take down so that's why he ends up this high in the list for number 34 we have grendels of the frost and the ashes ah the trolls of god of war four this topic is so controversial because corey bartlett has said before that the trolls are not really boss fights the only reason people confuse them as boss fights is because they have a health bar and they have a little bit more lore to them right but they're if you really think about it they're more like the cyclops only better but i can see some of these roles like fitting the places of bosses got a 404 did not have a lot of bosses so they put they ended up putting a lot of trolls in it now grendel of the frost in the ashes this encounter is cool because you have to balance out the fight between the two uh one attacks with fire and the other attacks with i so you have to change your weapons you have to use the place of chaos for the frost one and the leviathan axe for the fire one it's an interesting mechanic but it gets better later on for number 33 we have the bridge keeper another troll i promise this is the last one i'm not going to count the other ones because they're just way too similar the reason i'm adding the bridge keeper is because he actually i do feel like he took the place of a boss fight which was going to be the burden helheim now the santa monica didn't have enough time to create that boss fight so they instead they put the the troll in there the reason i'm adding him is because he does have a few new moves like he's got that those floating souls that attack cradles and he can also disappear which makes for an interesting mechanic but again it's another troll i'm not expecting much for number 32 i have electo and this symphony you guys know my opinion on god for ascension if you haven't i'd recommend you watch this video but bottom line i do not like that game very much especially the boss fights electron to symphony are easily the worst final boss fight in the entire series i always see the final boss fight as something that has to be personal to kratos or the protagonist in this fight i like to turns into a freaking kraken shira's got spectacles and she does a few cool patterns and all that and chris gets to use all of his items at the end but it just wasn't very memorable at the end all of all of the other final boss fights feel personal to kratos this one just didn't it was just disappointing for number 31 i have pollux and casser this is another boss fight that's kind of meh uh his main ability is to slow down time but that just really makes the fight really annoying he's just a very forgettable character i mean both of them are he's got a really cool detail that when you hit him he turns old because you're damaging the power that the amulet is giving off so it's at cool detail but mechanics wise the boss fight is not really memorable at some point he gets on these pillars and you have to throw you have to break them and then throw rocks at him it's just it's not very fun for number 30 i have perseus i really want to love this boss fight but sadly i just think it's a little bit too easy the thing i love the most about this boss fight is that in the first stage perseus actually turns invisible and you have to look at his uh at his footsteps on the water to determine where he is it's a really really cool mechanic and i honestly think this boss fight would have been higher up in the list if that was all you were doing in the boss fight but you can beat him really easily that's it's that's its main weakness for number 29 we have hermes hermes is another one of those boss battles that's not really a boss battle the first stage of it is usually just chasing him around olympus which is really cool it's really scripted but it's cool nonetheless then you meet him up close and then you fight him with your blights of exile and your other weapons and then you weaken him enough and then you get to rip off his legs to use the boots which is the most memorable part in the entire fight it's a fun interaction with one of the gods of olympus but as a boss battle it lacks complexity 28 we have cairo karen is another one of those enemies that's it's a solid boss fight but the character itself is not that memorable that's all i can say about karen he's just he's very forgettable but the boss fight itself was decent and it's really hard on the hardest difficulty by the way for number 27 i have persephone and much like karen persephone is a character that i really enjoyed and the boss battle itself was decent but it just didn't have that wow factor to it and maybe that's because the game's released for the psp and the psp wasn't able to handle those wow moments like in god 4 3 or in god 4 2. now i'm not expecting persephone to turn into a freaking kraken like god for ascension but there's just nothing really special to the fight there is that cool moment where atlas intervenes and you get the the explanation how atlas ended up holding the world on his shoulders that is cool itself but the mechanics of the boss fight are are good just uh just okay i guess for number 26 i have scorpius once again i'm in the minority here i don't think scorpius is the worst boss battle in the series and i have to commend santa monica studios for trying to innovate the boss fight because scorpius is the only boss battle that requires kratos to use another set of weapons other than the blades of exile you have to use the anemian sisters to break the ice from his legs and then weaken him and then do this quick time event in which you break his back and then stab him with his own oh i don't know what that's called the thing the scorpion has you know what let's move on number 25 is magira and tessephany magira and symphony is the boss battle in ghadafor ascension that has the best mechanics in my opinion the reason i say this is because i like seeing them tag team against kratos at one point mygear picks up kratos and slams him to the ground while tessephany sends her magical bird to slamming against the wall gives us really cool interactions like those it kind of reminds me of thor iron man and captain america at the end of end game but the main complaint i have with the fight is that you don't get to kill any one of them when you think you did it turns out to be an illusion by uh this symphony herself so that's the main disappointing part about the boss fight if it wasn't for that it would have been much higher in the list for number 24 i have hekatonkries and i think hecatonkries is both good and bad the reason i think he's bad is because he's not really the same hecatonches we hear of in greek mythology in greek mythology hekitankaris had like 100 hands and 50 heads or something like that in this game they turned them into a bug and i think it's because they just didn't have the capabilities for the playstation 3 to have to animate 100 hands or anything like that but it just it felt kind of cheap but the boss fight itself is pretty good it's got all that spectacle intro boss fights in the gotta four series have and even at the end you get to control one of the bugs and kill another bug with it it's kind of ridiculous but fun at the same time for 23 i have the basilisk the intro boss fight of chains of olympus and i really have to commend radio don for creating this boss fight because i know it couldn't have been easy given the capabilities of the psp but damn it they did put a huge boss fight in that game and it was pretty good it's not as good as other ones but it was decent man for number 22 i have you riley and i know she's not that important to the story she's a very forgettable character but i think the boss fight itself is really fun she has really cool patterns that the player has to learn i love the one where she clings to the pillars and she tries to freeze you with a wave of medusa power and if you are caught jumping you are going to be immediately dead she also has a few ground pounds all of her moves are really fun she's got that tail swing that you have to jump and avoid it it's a classic boss fight and i love it again the character herself is very forgettable she's not that important to the story but i think the mechanics of the boss fight are pretty fun for number 21 i decided to go with aaronis erenes makes it this high on the list because of the second stage of the boss fight now the first stage is pretty good she turns into a bird and you have to uh take her down and then she turns back into her more human form and you have to fight her it's pretty good but the second stage is it's really memorable because radio don pretty much took the same idea from the chain of olympus in god of war 3 and made it part of the boss fight essentially ernest is flying in her demon bird form and curtis is chasing after her but you have to avoid her projectiles to get close enough to her and then just hit her up close that part itself was very memorable and i wish it would have been implemented in more boss fights because it was a really fun section for number 20 i decided to go with clotho and i'm surprised with the godfor community for not mentioning her as one of the better boss fights because in my opinion she is the reason i say that is because she's a boss fight slash puzzle now the first stage is the puzzle part in which you have to trap your arms and doors and harpoons and all that and that section is really fun and then the other half is the boss fight itself where you meter up there in the loom of fades and you fight her she's got like really long reaching arms that can get you from pretty much anywhere in the arena so you have to bring this blade that's used to cut the threads of time and stab her on the face with it the character itself is somewhat forgettable but the mechanics of the boss fight were really memorable in my opinion for number 19 we have the kraken the kraken is another one of those boss fights that's also a puzzle section uh the first part you have to use the dead body of the spartan and put it on a pressure plate to release steam and then fly up to his head and then hit him and weaken him that part itself is pretty fun and the mechanics are really fun and all that but i'm gonna be honest with you guys the reason i put the kraken this high in the list is because i like the way in which we finish him he pretty much like ends up like hanging on to the edge of the the temple of the fate and you pull on this lever and you kill him with the bridge execution wise that does not get any better than that for number 18 i have the barbarian king and i gotta be honest the first time i played god of war 2 this boss fight came as a complete surprise to me because in god for 1 it tells us the story of how the barbarian king died so i wasn't really expecting him to come back again but essentially he comes back in a zombie form with a fiery horse in the in the first stage of the fight you have to take him down from the horse now this is somewhat difficult because he's using his bow and arrows to keep curtis at a distance so you also have to use your bow and arrow to take him down weaken him take him down and then the actual fight begins and he's a pretty formidable foe like he can disappear out of nowhere slam you with this freaking huge hammer and later on he can actually turn giant which makes it for a really challenging part now the reason he also makes it this is because he's the only boss fight that features a cameo from the ship captain and that obviously gives him some points but the barbarian king is a really fun boss fight for the number 17 spot we have sues from god of war 2. now i really want to put this boss fight in the top 5 category but there is a reason why i'm not doing that good things about this boss fight is the mechanics you start of the fight with seuss being a giant and you have to use the sirens to weaken him now once you suck his power essentially with the blade of olympus then the fight continues and susan critters pretty much keep like changing weapons like they they both want the blade of olympus so gameplay-wise they have to take the blade of olympus from their hands and fight each other until seuss is completely weakened and then you do the super cool quick time event and that's my main complaint you don't get to kill zeus now this works for god of war 2 because i love the cliffhanger as well but it's a shame that you couldn't kill zeus at the end obviously the other seuss fight is going to be a lot more memorable but more on that later for number 16 i have magni and modi this is another boss fight that fans don't really talk about too much but i think it's one of the better ones when it comes to two enemies fighting kratos i love the chemistry between magni and modi the hardcut scene at the beginning is just amazing when magni's are like surrender the old father demands it and curtis is like no and then they both split up to fight either kratos or atres it's just a really fun boss fight i will say though that if you play on normal it's not going to be as fun as it would have been if you played on a harder difficulty maybe not give me god of war but maybe play it on give me a challenge then you you'll really enjoy the boss fight for number 15 we have poseidon and boy oh boy this is one of the best intro boss fights in all of gaming i would have to say this is it does not suffer the same issue hekitankars did with uh with god for ascension santa monica did really go for it they're like oh no gotta pour two ended with curtis going up to mount olympus and we're gonna deliver so it was this huge battle between titans and gods and you could see hades fighting in the background and then poseidon just suddenly just jumps from mount olympus into the ocean and turns into this huge water monster with crabs and horses and critters has to fight through all of them and then later on you actually break through his watery chest and then you get to pokes his eyes and his just break his neck it's such an amazing intro fight i was only 15 years old when i fought poseidon for the first time and i can honestly say that i'm still amazed with this boss fight as i was all those years back now i will have to say though that the reason this is not so high up in the list the boss fight itself lacks a little bit of mechanics but it makes it here because of the spectacle like the spectacle is just amazing the camera work all of it it just works man it's it's honestly one of the best intros for a game for the number 14 i decided to go with the mountain dragon i'm not even going to try and pronounce its name but yeah when this game came out a lot of people complained that god of war 2018 didn't have enough big boss battles and i would have to agree with them but i have to say that santa monica did an amazing job when it came with this dragon boss fight because it's got the spectacle from poseidon maybe not as much but it also has the mechanics essentially you have to throw these exploding saps zap balls to his mouth and then they explode this weakens him and then it gives you a window to attack him now you have to do this multiple times and at the end atres actually comes in to help he shoots down the hook kiros like stabs him in the eye or something and then he finishes him off in a very kratos way it's honestly a really satisfying boss fight and i wish i'd see more of that in the future and at number 13 we have the hydra the boss battle that started it all if i'm honest with you guys this is the boss battle that made me fall in love with this series ever since i was a kid i loved the idea of a small character fighting a huge monster and god of war was the first game in which i experienced that i had never seen this level of scale before the first time you're just walking through the ship and suddenly this big-ass snakehead just breaks through the walls of the ship and you have to fight it and i just i thought the graphics were simply amazing and then you fight the bigger head but you have to trap the smaller ones with what i think are anchors and then you move on to the big head and you grab it with your blades of chaos and you pull it through the mast of the ship it was just spectacle after spectacle it was simply amazing and to this day still is for the number 12 spot we have the colossus of rhodes the intro boss fight for god war 2. now i did not think back in 2007 that santa monica was going to be able to top themselves with the hydra but dammit they did it with this boss fight again it lacks mechanics per se it's mostly about spectacle but who cares that's all you remember about the fight like you're just walking through this these hallways and then the closest suddenly just breaks through with his hand and then the same with this leg and then you have to take the blade of olympus and break through his stomach get inside get rid of all of his energy and then come out victorious it was just spectacle after spectacle and again i get it there's not that much mechanics but it's a boss fight that i'll always remember for the rest of my life for number 11 i have thanatos the god of the dead now i'm not going to spend too much time on why i like this boss battle so much i'm gonna get right to the point years before atres came into the scene curtis didn't really have an ally to fight by its side this changed with ghost of sparta final fight against thanatos deimos came to our side kratos gave him the arms of sparta and the most fought by our side now it was really cool because it wasn't just him fighting by himself sometimes the player would have to press the down d putt button and demos would throw a spear or just attack him and you would see this cool tag team moves between kratos and most that would just make it for a really memorable fight and also i cannot forget the moment when thanatos actually killed demos and critters went all rage mode and just destroyed the hell out of thanatos bottom line the thanatos fight was both epic and emotional okay so we finally made it to the top 10 god of war bosses of all time at least in my opinion and the number 10 spot would have to go to the stranger otherwise known as balder now the reason i love this boss battle so much first of all is the setup like this guy just comes knocking on kratos door and he's just looking for a challenge girl still doesn't leave my home and but and kratos just punches him and then balder uppercuts him and chris realizes the strength of this puny looking god and then the fight begins and when the fight begins they just destroy the entire terrain it just it reminds me of those dc battles between superman or dark side like they're just destroying trees freaking opening up the earth in half it's just it's crazy man there's also a moment in which you think you actually beat balder but he actually throws another an actual balder at you uh so yeah the destruction of the level and also the context i forgot to mention that like all throughout you get dialogue these little dialogues are so important like he tells you i can't feel anything or i'm not like my brother i never really thought about dialogue in a boss fight as much as i did in this one but it's really important it's not higher because it's not as difficult as other boss fights and that's understandable this is the intro fight of a new game in the series but i wish there was a little bit more challenge for the number nine spot i have the minotaur guardian now the reason the minotaur guardian makes it so high in the list is because it also has a puzzle component much like the clothing fight from god for too and i really wish more boss fights in the future include a puzzle component to it because it makes it all the more enjoyable to defeat the boss in the minotaur guardian you're not just hitting him until he dies you actually have to weaken him go to the ballista a few times and break his armor and then you can actually kill him like it's got steps and it feels like a puzzle so it's more enjoyable once the player actually figures out what he has to do now speaking of how you end the fight i have to say that it's one of the most memorable finishers in all the series because it doesn't really involve a quick time event you weaken him finally and then you go to the valesta and then you nail him to the freaking wall for the number eight spot i have chronos and i have to say that chronos was my number one pick of all the boss battles from the gaga 4 series for the longest time but lately i've been reconsidering this because chronos feels a little bit more like a level but he's also a being so he finds himself in a gray area when it comes to what is a boss what is the level so he's both and he's just amazing let's just say that so chronos is the biggest enemy i think i've ever killed in a video game maybe the the colossus from shadow the colossus are there up there as well but chronos from the moment you start you have to use all of your abilities that you've learned so far you start by blinding him with the head of helios and then you make your way up the giant and at times you have to break his nail and there's this really cool moment where he you know he goes to like squish kratos and you have to look at the shadow of his own hand and then get in between his fingers it's just moments like that is what made god war 3 so enjoyable the guy in poseidon fight was very well done but santa monica put all their efforts into chronos and it shows man i really wish more games in the series included these titan mechanics because fighting chronos was just a really memorable moment now my main complaint is that this fight or level just feels a little bit too scripted it's more like tiny areas in which you have to uh defeat the boss in a certain way he doesn't really have a health bar so it's just that's why it feels a little bit more like level again i would love to put this this fight at number one but again it's just it feels a little bit too much like a level but hell it's one of the most memorable moments in the entire series hands down for the number 7 spot i have hades and honestly there's not much i can say about hades he's just a really good boss fight and a boss fight that you'll have to play in order to understand what i mean uh there's not much spectacle going into it it's just hades with a bunch of mechanics and patterns so the player has to learn in order to defeat him first of all the fight starts off with him trying to take your soul away from you which is just really cool then he's got a bunch of moves he can bring out cerberus he's got like long swings with his blades that you have to jump through uh he's got an energy wave that you also have to jump through he's got a lot a lot of patterns that the player has to learn on the fly and that's what makes the boss battle so enjoyable now there is a second stage in which it becomes a little bit more about scale he just he turns giant and curtis actually takes his his his claws from him and he has to use him to defeat him and you actually use the claws of hades to take the soul of hades which just makes it really enjoyable honestly this boss fight you will have to play it by yourself to know what i mean it's a really really good boss fight for the number six we have sigrum and much like hades i don't really have to say much about sigrum everybody watching this video knows that sigrum is freaking difficult there's zero spectacle to it it's all about difficulty in learning her patterns the first time i fought her i think i started fighting her at 12 am and i finished at three it took me three hours to actually beat her but that's the thing every time i died i kept coming back for more because i loved learning all of her patterns and after defeating her it was just it was very rewarding i would have to say it's one of the most rewarding things i've ever done in any video game for the number five spot i have hercules and i'm gonna have to apologize because it seems like i'm repeating myself a lot but the reason i love the hercules boss fight so much is because it's all about patterns and mechanics god of war 3 really improved on that and hercules is a really good example of this you start off the fight by fighting a group of enemies hercules gets tired so he puts on his anemia ancestors and comes down to fight the ghost of sparta and then the fight is on once again you're just not beating him until he dies you actually have to weaken him and carry him to these walls with thorns on it to take parts of his armors off this way he becomes more weak by the second stage you can actually take his name incestus and the fight continues on you would think he's he would be weaker by then but he actually pulls these wrestling moves and tries to break curtis's spine honestly it's just a really well done fight and of course i cannot forget how the fight ends krotos takes his nemi incestus and beats his face to a pulp and then he falls into the sewers and dies completely beautiful for the number four spot i decided to go with the final fight against balder i believe one of the best things gotta for 2018 does is his inclusion of the story and gameplay by the time i got to the final battle i cared about all the characters involved in the fight which kept me on the edge of my seat the only thing standing in the way for kratos on atres is balder who has just become vulnerable to death and freya who has slightly turned against us and is using the dead body of a giant to protect her son with this setting we get what i believe to be the best boss fight of god for 2018. you as the player have to use all of the skills you've learned up to that point dodging pairing switching between weapons to actually damage baldr using atreus for support you name it all of the abilities you've learned and by the end of the fight the game rewards you with a glimpse at how much of a fighter atreus has become for the number three spot i went with aries the original god war and i'm somewhat sad because i never hear god of war fans praising this fight as much as they should curtis starts the fight by opening pandora's box and turning into a giant what follows after is a fight that every god of war fan probably remembers first of all aries opens a mythological black hole and sends curtis to a realm in which he has to fight other kratos to defend his family this part is so difficult i've tried to finish this game on the hardest difficulty but this section always beats me next erie takes away curtis's blades and brings him out for an execution but kratos uses his part in training and picks up a bridge in the shape of a sword to fight ares now what follows after is a really interesting gimmick for a boss fight as both aerys and cradles share a single health bar the way to beat aries is by not getting hit back you have to hit him and take his health for yourself leaving him completely empty kinda like a tug-of-war game this doesn't sound too difficult but believe me trying to do this with no magic or a higher difficulty will keep you busy for hours for the number 2 spot we have zeus from god of war 3. and as i always do in every playthrough of this game in a live stream i'm gonna make you listen to this part and then we'll talk about the fight just listen to this part and get hyped [Music] [Music] so yeah this fight starts off with that little dune dun dun dun and then the fight begins this fight is just simply amazing fans waited so many years after gotta four two to fight zeus and santa monica delivered with this fight the fight can be divided into three sections the first is a 2d perspective that would later be an arena in mortal kombat 9. the second section takes place outside of mount olympus this fight doesn't last too long as gaia intervenes leaving kratos and zeus to find a safer place to fight which would be inside of gaia the third section is obviously the most fun as you see zeus attacking krypts with all of his powers he's got projectiles and he can summon clones of himself and usd player have to deal with all of these attacks while the real zeus tries to heal himself by stealing the hell from gaia's heart what follows after is one of the best quick time events in the entire series kratos pushed ensues with the blade of olympus towards gaia's heart in order to kill them both i didn't think santa monica was going to be able to deliver with another seuss fight after doing the one in god for too but dammit they did it and for the number 1 spot we have none other than the sisters of fate from god of war 2. this fight shines in all levels music story scale mechanics all of them once again this fight can be divided into three sections the first one is just against lacazettes to learn her patterns and also getting some practice with the grapple hookers in the arena next you fight atropos which actually takes you to the past in order to erase kratos from existence she attempts to destroy the sword cradles used to defeat aries during the events of god41 so you as the player have to prevent her from doing so failure to do so will result in one of the coolest cutscenes in the series which has aries killing critters in the past but to be honest this section is not too difficult you'll probably have to let attributes kill you on purpose if you want to see it or you know go to youtube and watch the cutscene but once again the most fun section is the last as cradles returns to the future he has to fight both lakas and natropos in their temple in order to defeat lakasis you will have to use the grapple hooks around the arena to actually take her down once she's down you have to attack atropos trap her inside the mirror and break it in order to succeed you'll have to do this a few times until you trap both sisters inside a mirror leaving you to break it however you please and because i'm a bit of a psychopath i like to take my time before i erase them from existence in all honesty if you haven't played god of war 2 you totally should because that game is a masterpiece but honestly just buy it for this boss fight this is gonna be worth it just just play it just play it just play so there you have it guys my official ranking of all the god 4 bosses or at least i think that's all of them make sure to make fun of me in the comments section below if i missed at least one of them i'm sure i didn't but you never know anyway if you want you can let me know your official ranking in the comments section below but i would prefer it if you just left me your top 10 instead as always i want to thank all of my members for their monthly support of the channel people like the gamer jamie harris and akito denka to name a few are the main reason i'm still able to upload these videos so from the bottom of my heart thank you i would also like to thank all of the people who like and share my videos it doesn't seem like much but it really does help the channel and with that said don't forget to subscribe for more god for content and as always remember go forth in the name of ragnarok
Channel: Kaptain Kuba
Views: 1,952,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: god of war, playthrough, god of war lets play, game theory, game theory live, walkthrough playthrough let's play, gaming, game theorists, Kaptain Kuba, God of War lore, video game, livestream, Kratos, gaming channel, god of war bosses ranked, all bosses, gow bosses, Kaptain kuba, baldur, zeus, poseidon, cronos, magni, modi, boss battle, top 10 bosses, worst to best, epic gow fights, health bar, difficult, hard bosses, god of war 4, god of war 3, god of war 2
Id: ZPfkFNh75NQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 3sec (1983 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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