How Strong Is Kratos? (God of War)

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[Music] [Music] when I swing that left hook the human school cannot take it oh look at the tension [Music] [Music] [Music] how strong is Kratos from God of War right off the bat I believe it's important to preface the importance of how strong you exactly determine where you should gather information for deciding just how strong this god of war is people tend to go with one of two routes going solely off of what's shown in the games or going off of the lore / novels of the characters it is now my onus to prove which one is more valid from there video games are generally very limited in what they can do and this is due to the fact that it can be extremely difficult to display some things that a character can accomplish because it may break the immersion style or flow of the game the directors are trying to go for a great example to back up this point what kind of game would God of War be if you killed every single normal enemy in one hit or move so fast everything seemed emotionless all the time it'd be pretty different and well boring many game designers I've spoken to for this video and researched when it comes to this issue almost all agree doing anything of the sort that would could show Kratos his power consistently with all this lore all the time and game would be insanely difficult in terms of enjoyment and the actual money that would be needed to be spent just to make a game that high paced at all times you just sent applying a planet busting simulator and of course this is shown in other games as well say for example blood-borne where the hunter has a tool that can create small star explosions whereas in the game the explosions created just for the mechanics are nowhere even as big as a building but why listen to me on this why not listen to the director of God of War himself Corey Barr log no matter what game we worked on I think this was even with the handheld games the the first two games and the third game and even the current came people are like always pointing out Kratos is a god he can take down these giant creatures yet he struggles with a chest and I was like guys this is a concession you just sort of have to accept it's like people who question you know where does Batman fill up the gas in the Batmobile before it was nuclear-powered yeah you know you don't imagine him at 3:00 in the morning trying to get a fill-up and I think it is it is just one of those concessions that in order to get the dynamics within the game yes sometimes it's you have to struggle and press the button to lift up a gate yeah but he can lift up you know the world without once and it is that you'd never I think be able to have any dynamics in the game if it was always adhering to that one reality yeah for this video let's specifically discuss Kratos from God of War for and how he's insanely underrated in comparison to what is shown in the previous games many people for whatever reason project this Wolverine Logan esque stigma onto Kratos in the fourth game like he's this old weakened man in nothing like he used to be when that is not at all necessarily true throughout all of the fourth game Kratos is struggling to hold back his godly anger and powers and even attempts to hide them from his son Atreus in Chapter zero of the God of War for Comicon the PlayStation Store this displayed very powerfully with credo standing still and simply defending himself from a pack of wolves for hours until they get tired and simply leave him alone he had no attempt to kill or heart them and this is even exaggerated further when a bunch of trolls come to take out Kratos and as despicable and disgusting as they are when Kratos is forced to hurt and kill them he is completely ashamed with himself and is disgusting and depressed just from killing these heinous trolls to have no morality whatsoever this then begins to slowly change and dissipate when create us meets a Conor McGregor like big year and has a man steel-type fight with them to defeat what would be the Norse god Balder the son of Odin and the one who represents that of light without even using great as his full powers even after this battle Kratos is still holding back most of the time to allow his son to grow stronger and more experienced not to mention during the fight with Balder he was extremely worried about the collateral damage to his house where his son was hidden because he didn't want to expose that he had a son to Balder so it's not so much that Kratos got massively weaker over the years it's more so that his character development along with his son called for a form of pseudo nerf that didn't really stop Kratos from powering up and fighting gods later on when it mattered if anything it was great for the story just not so great for scaling his strength when viewing it at first glance throughout the story Kratos has great feats of strength as would be consistent with his mythology of flipping over if say a temple on a pivot and pushing a massive bridge through water that easily weighs over 1.1 million tons the low-balling however Kratos is most and feats are actually shown really at the start in the very end of the game and that is beating the everliving [ __ ] out of the god of light Balder near the end of the game you are inside of the world serpent attempting to find the second I am Amir suddenly the world serpent shakes three times and cost Kratos and gangue out and is shown to be unconscious this act of knocking out the world and golfing serpent being Balder Balder being the guy you just beat the [ __ ] out of earlier just beat the Norse mythology's Ouroboros and around three large notable attacks the serpent your monk ined or this thing [Music] what is this serpent sir hey need some milk is one of the last remaining Giants in Midgard that fought with the infamous god of strength and son of Odin Thor and the words of the goddess Freyja the battle between Thor and your Monken was so titanic that it shook all of the nine realms connected to the Yggdrasil and would be followed up in legend that another battle would cause the serpent to be flung back in time this battle between Thor and the giant was before the giant even grew to engulf all the world and possibly the nine realms themselves these realms are somewhat convoluted in size some express that Midgard is the universe or that Midgard is the entire planet with the other rounds being other dimensions laying on the branches of the egg Tercel itself the Yggdrasill also known as the world tree supports all of creation time-space death of rebirth everything and surpasses it with every strand within the trees branches and Trunks surpassing time itself with the realms having to be nestled on branches rather than strands it's very clear they are too big to even sit on a strand that surpasses the concept of time space and with the world serpent and Thor are already proving they surpassed time is based by casually shaking and warping numerous realms that are quite possibly their own universes laid atop each other this would speak volumes of Balder and the Norse God to Kratos is now faced with beats such as the gods and Kratos surpassing these concepts are supported throughout even the game mechanics in the previous installations in which you can collect multiple dew drops from the Yggdrasill itself to power up Kratos that means he gets amps that surpassed time space and they only somewhat give him a boost an abysmal one if anything Kratos then retains or reuptake the blades of chaos that can even burn in a realm where fire cannot exist and uses his true powers to be an even stronger and more passionate bearing Baldr alongside Atreus this Kratos is considered to be the most beatless incarnation of Kratos and for the most part it may very well be one of them before time existed the primordial scree ated the universe and went to war later down the line Titans and Giants were born such as Chronos the father of Zeus and with his birth the time was also born Chronos would then go off to defeat the volume of the universe Uranus the creation of gaya after such Cronus would be surpassed by Zeus and his brothers as well as being a second to Atlas the strongest of the Titans so right off the bat even within the gods creating time and being the embodiment of the confirmed infinite universe isn't even top-tier in the world of God of War as a reminder as well pray also stated to be able to hold the weight of the world up with Atlas and bear the entire weight of the cosmos and casually overpowered and pretty much a bow lead Kronos who created the concept of time throughout the infinite universe in the realm of Hades these realms being made infinite in size by Helios and NYX was lit up at an infinite speed by Helios his light Kratos and Helios then bite later on with Kratos being able to dodge this infinite life speed pretty casual this makes sense as well as Kratos is easily able to obliterate Zeus's warriors who have moves like the essence of Hyperion that can move at speeds of light casually and so forth by the end of Kratos his journey through Greek mythology he bites Zeus with the blade of olympia zues being the strongest of the dodds gets his ass completely pummeled and destroyed by Kratos it is then revealed Kratos has the strongest power of the gods in the entire universe the power of hope this power surpasses all of these infinite scaling and feats all the other dogs displayed throughout the game and even the scriptwriters consistently backed this up as being valid as in their own words Zeus pentakill Kratos Gaia canna kill kratos only Kratos can kill Kratos I absolutely guarantee that he and Atreus will use the same philosophy on the Nordic gods as well well that's my god of war power scale put a lot of research into this a little bit of effort I tried to get Cory Barra log on for our an interview or maybe a little discussion about this but he's already had a few interviews that kind of touched up on what I was re gonna ask him anyway so we just use that instead if you enjoyed the video and you're looking for two more you know maybe hit that like button and consider subscribing I am going to possibly consider doing Kratos vs Thanos because some people have been actually asking me to and now that Kratos has actually come out to be a lot stronger than a lot of people kind of getting credit for due to the game mechanics I thought it might actually be valid so other than that guys I hope you enjoyed and till next time yet to discuss the tale of the giant radical me up oh yeah I remember your shrine it looked happier than the other ones mostly it begins in an ocean of blood finally a story worth hearing if you remember amia the first giant was fatally stabbed by Odin it's in his blood our story starts in years magical guns poured out in a torrent so violent and threatened to flood all of creation the yacht nod were unprepared as the very last of them were washed away in the endless tide not just a mere but all of giant kind faced extinction and so would audience factory have been complete but Amir's kind did not all perish that day staying afloat in the hallowed husk of a tree the frost giant bear camere endured as did his lady wife for weeks they sailed until finally they came upon a new land they called it yacht 9 and there they would start anew as father and mother they would multiply exceedingly and as king and queen they want to make yatin high my land where Giants would no no master themselves algum BR never sought revenge for audience slaughter his vengeance was to live and prosper he died at peace a legion of his kin to mourn him he would ever be known as Buerkle Mia the beloved bearable mere the blood huh I've never heard a story in that way not a jewel in any way if you do love it stop
Channel: Seth
Views: 2,786,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how strong is kratos, kratos god of war, kratos god of war 4, kratos god of war ps4, god of war ps4, god of war 4, god of war, kratos, kratos vs, kratos vs baldur, kratos meets zeus, god of war thor, god of war 4 thor, kratos vs thor, god of war ps4 thor, god of war kratos vs thor, seththeprogrammer, seth the programmer, vs, kratos vs zeus, kratos vs cronos
Id: rkaubkFS8GU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Sat May 12 2018
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