The COMPLETE Guide to Defeating Sukuna

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it's no secret that sukum is strong really really strong strong enough to defeat Gojo strong enough to learn from that fight and strong enough to absolutely tear through numerous special grade level combatants immediately following the most exhilarating and difficult Battle of his life and because of this strength defeating suca seems like a near impossibility so today I'm instating myself as a faculty member of jujuu high because it's time to give you all the beginner's guide to defeating Roman sukina jiujitsu kaizen's strongest the point of this guide is pretty simple by using a mix of hindsight creativity and a perspective not limited to the character's own imagination I'll be crafting multiple different strategies and plans that would assuredly lead to the defeat of suca in essence I breaking down how I would go about taking down the king with the pieces allotted to me during the time skip what I consider a total victory in this instance is any situation in which sukna is defeated and megami's soul can be saved just because it's quite obvious that the main goal of the protagonist here is to not only kill suca but save Megami as well to start I'll be focusing explicitly on the sorcerer left after Gojo's death following suk's development of the world dismantle how exactly could I deploy The Heavy Hitters and supporting allies to take down this massive threat and at the end of the video I'll be going going over what I like to consider a bit of a cheat code for a scenario like this if I was to give Gojo all of the knowledge of how his battle with sukuna actually played out could I construct a situation in which he's able to defeat sukuna even with mahara in to before we get to that however first let's see how satoru's students and the next generation of sorcerers would cope with the overwhelming force that is the king of curses the first plan of action that I'd be likely discuss with all Sorcerers involved hinges pretty strongly in higuma domain and kusakabe existing as a main point of attack just as was the case in the cannon actually I still think the best scenario for everyone is suca getting cut by the Executioner blade allowing Megami to be freed and sukuna to be defeated simultaneously the reason the plan fell through in jutu Kaizen is multifaceted but a massive contributor to that is actually UDA aotu as is implied by uda's internal monologue at some point in the plan process he was meant to accompany Yuji and huruma in the fight against suca in my plan it's absolutely critical that I make sure UDA for goes his Feud with kinjaku and appears on the battlefield the instant kosimo is defeated and higuma enters the ring in his stead Maki will go to kill Kaku since she won't be required to fight in this specific scenario unless things take a turn for the absolute worst Maki doesn't have the same crowd controlling ability as UDA does with ra at his disp osal so more civilians may be in danger in the short term but UDA himself determines that all of his prior reasoning for personally killing gjaku just acted as an excuse for his Grudge which means Maki should be able to do a good enough job for everyone involved to be okay with the outcome with we teleportation as an option as well she should be able to reach the colony that Kaku is in kill him handle the rampaging cursed spirits and get back as a backup option just in case focusing back on sua specifically though the plan would go as such mayay uses her bird strike from afar to act as covering fire for Yuji UDA and higuma and the moment an opening does appear higuma needs to open his domain and confiscate Kam to in the best case scenario I would have ra make an attempt to rip the curse tool from him the instant they enter his range but this Ploy would likely be obvious enough for sua to see through it and it' just be safer to have hig's domain do its thing it's naturally tool as well as allow him to obtain The Executioner's Blade the clarity that I have via me being a Monga reader would allow me to inform the characters that the tool would be taken instead of the curse technique zuk's initial slashes wouldn't catch everyone off guard and keep them from taking a little bit extra damage that they did at the start in contrast to what actually happened from this point onwards things start to significantly diverge as rather than having higuma wield The Executioner's blade in an attempt to kill sua then and there UDA would immediately follow the closing of higuma barrier with one of his own trapping sua in there with just Him and itadori UDA would then use his ability to shift the coordinates of the bar to move away from higuma Eno choso and kusakabe and from there Yuji and UDA would do what they do and start fighting sua within the conines of uda's authentic and mutual love the curse techniques at uda's disposal plus ra and Yuji packing on the damage would lead to a very similar conclusion that we got in chapters 250 and 251 in this instance though Eugene and UDA would have knowledge on megami's mental state and be more properly prepared for sua's desperate counter slash in all honesty I'm not sure that there would be a way to prop counter it considering how amped it had to be from the chanting binding vow which means that UDA has to go into this fight specifically with the knowledge that he might be bisected it's possible that if he collects all of his cursed energy on the targeted area he can avoid a lethal amount of damage similar to Toto blocking maho's black flash or potentially even make a hakari like binding V at the last moment but that's only in the best case scenario and as I'm sure you've noticed the past 20 or so chapters haven't really been chockful of best case scenarios for our protagonist so I won't be betting on it if you do think knowledge of this attack and its placement would allow you to to stay in this fight for longer he and Yuji just continue to attack him and keep lowering his battle power in preparation for the second phase of this plan in the event the slash is still too much for him however I'd have you to break apart his own domain in order to leave an opening for the next wave of Fighters and at this point we come to a bit of a Crossroads in scenario a Maki was able to kill kinjaku without trouble and eliminate all of the cursed Spirits quickly enough to make it back in time to be here for the sneak attack in scenario B Maki was held up at some point in the plan and isn't fast enough to make it back in time for the Post doain sneak in scenario a we just give Maki The Executioner's blade instead of soul split Katana and have her stab him in the back immediately getting us a victory this is once again the best case scenario and one that I think is relatively feasible on our end at the bare minimum Moni should be physically comparable to Bas UDA at this point in the story and due to her invisibility it's even more likely that she'll catch kinjaku off guard and with soul s split katana's extra lethality it's pretty certain that Kaku will not be surviving an encounter with Maki especially with takaba acting as cover the only way I see her getting held up is if all of the curses Rampage omnidirectionally and she has to exercise them all individually in a way that takes up too much time in this case I'm inclined to tell Maki to forego the casualties that will arise from that curs Spirit Rampage but keeping in line with the morality of everyone present that just isn't all that plausible so Maki will just have to be held up in the curse extermination if all of these things occur in the absolute worst way possible we get into scenario B which relies on kusakabe getting executioner blade and killing sua off himself once again higuma cannot be anywhere near the danger zone because as long as he's alive and unencumbered we can keep the Executioner blade in play and continue to have the insle option that we so desperately need in this fight this is where kusakabe would come in and have to face the music now choso and Eno could potentially provide longrange covering fire to attract suk's attention but once he notices that blade in kusakabe hand the real challenge begins as it seems that sukuna was pretty obsessed with higuma curse technique and the applications of the sword that is spawned because of it if it wasn't clear already though kusakabe standing off against suca alone in this context isn't my first choice mainly because in this universe he isn't as weakened as the one kusakabe actually fights him in in the actual manga for starters he doesn't have the heart wound that Maki gave him that was very obviously slowing him down which is a problem in itself sure Jacob's Ladder combined with multiple uses of RCT slashes and soul damage sustained from Yuji make this sua significantly weaker than how he starts in this fight but it's still quite a lot to ask of kusakabe especially if all of suka's attention and a is placed upon him his only saving grace in this scenario would be that suca hasn't landed a black flash and nus isn't really feeling in the zone so the chances of one stray sword slash connecting isn't zero and I honestly think that kusak Cab's chances are higher than you would initially think this last leg of the strategy really relies on sua not being prepared for the level of speed kusakabe has when deploying his automatic long range simple domain in the same way he did in the manga in response to this you might be inclined to say that he's quicker now due to a lack of heart injury and while that's true and honestly a fine point kusaka skill mixed with the surprise factor of the context led to sua getting slashed over a dozen times in the Canon storyline but in this one we only need an individual slash if sua gets cut by any one of those attacks the fight is over and we win the attack does not need to be deep and it does not need to be repeated and based on the conditions I set I genuinely think it's a possibility if kusak copy on his own isn't enough to convince you however there are some additional pieces you could add to the board to increase his chances and likely Ood of surviving let's say you have we we teleport udim to the battlefield while UDA and Yuji are fighting within the domain this way she has the time to go through her entire ritual and kusakabe is going into the fight with an increased amount of cursed energy and output to circumvent the lack of damage suk's taken while we don't have an exact measurement on how much the heart stab took from him kusakabe being 80% stronger due to curs energy and cursed energy output increase isn't anything to laugh at and would only boost our chances a victory hell I might even have laru enter the freight a bit earlier to grab sua one time in order to prepare for an eventual cutie honey usage that would be absolutely clutch in this situation honestly though the strategy lives on so long as higuma doesn't die or take so much damage he loses control over his curse technique once that happened in the manga our forces chances of winning plummeted because we essentially lost what was our get out of jail free card even in the event that kusakabe is defeated which is one that I don't necessarily think is is super likely one use of a technique halting domain amplification from higuma can make it seem as if his technique has dissipated only to allow Maki to will the blade upon her arrival in any case I have quite a bit of confidence in this strategy even though things constantly don't go our way the only real scenario in which this would go poorly is if for some reason suken had enough cursed energy and output in the tank to pull out an immediate fire arrow and blow the whole spot up but not only is that just unlikely based on the amount of damage he's taken up to this point but it also simply isn't in character at least based on what we've seen from sua thus far strategy number two still hinges on higuma and his curse technique as was made clear by the story that ability is the most convenient way to deal with sukuna and save Megami at the same time there are plenty of potential methods that would end up killing sukuna that don't clear the other condition so unfortunately our options in this specific context are quite limited the blade in higgy's domain will be necessary once more but for argument sake let's say that he isn't capable of giving the blade over to someone else for extended periods of time without the sword dissipating sure we have seen him give the blade to Yuji which does imply some confidence in its staying power but it disappears after one swipe so the specific conditions requirements and limitations are just unknown factors factors that I don't want to hinge the entire premise of this video on so to absolutely ensure nothing goes sideways we'll stick with what we know and have higuma be the one to deal the final attack the problem that arises from this are pretty simple relative to the first strategy though compared to kusakabe or honestly compared to any of our Close Quarter Specialists higuma is extremely weak and incapable as a fighter at least when talking about physicality specifically while his talent is vast and his technique useful there is a long list of characters I'd like to have my back in a physical confrontation before I pick higuma which definitely puts us at quite the disadvantage if he needs to be the one to sink the blade into suk's flesh in order to guarantee that higuma will have enough time to land this attack on suca we will either need to completely immobilize him for a brief period of time or significantly weaken him beyond anything that in the Canon storyline higuma ever encounters or combine The Best of Both Worlds and mix the immobilization and the weakening of sukuna to achieve this desired outcome we'll have to get real creative with how we structure this plan and honestly to pull a PID out of haki's book we might need to take a gamble speaking of hakari he'll still be on Aram Duty just as he would be in the first scenario and in the actual story UDA will be on Kaku Duty Kashima will be doing what kosimo does and higuma and Yuji will be dropping down immediately following his defeat to open the domain expansion maki's role however changes quite a bit with this second Strat the moment that Gojo dies just like kashim she needs to be jumping onto the battlefield not to fight suca but rather to prevent kamut from entering his grasp now in the Canon story line a strategy like this is impossible for multiple reasons the shock of Gojo's death doing reactions and lack of information on kamu toy and how it interact with H's domain specifically is what limits the characters from thinking of or conceiving of a plan like this but with the information gained from my manga reading experience sending Maki to intercept aram's gift for suca is a small relatively SAFE Act that'll go a long way for the course of this battle maki's also really the only person who could pull something like this off considering her ability to use air as a platform the only other person or creature capable of getting high enough quickly enough would maybe be ra but considering that UDA is still on Kaku Duty in this specific scenario she is also a non-factor Heights that no other sorcerer could comfortably reach shouldn't be an issue for her so aiming for the moment the curs is in view would be her best bet now in all honesty I don't think suo would have time to retaliate considering maki's lack of presence on the battlefield as well as her immense speed but even if he does in the form that he would be in he wouldn't be capable of sending out world dismantles and his base output would be so low that I doubt he would even be able to incapacitate or severely injure Maki in the first place and any damage that she does take during the retrieval mission is an extremely small price to pay in the grand scheme of things here the impact of losing this cursed tool before it's even in his grasp and her own personal healing Factor Make it the obvious play for someone with Maki set of talents and the information that we now have on the story after this it'd be wise to have Maki leave the battlefield via we we teleportation just so that kamut does not re-enter suk's possession following this kosimo can force sukin in his true form just as he does in the Canon story and then we deploy Eugene higuma as normal this time with the ability to actually seal suk's curse technique with kot no longer in his possession the only thing that could be confiscated would be dismantle and cleave putting every Ally of ours in a significantly better position than before in fact if Suk to technique was actually taken off the table completely Yuji Maki UDA and RA are basically guaranteed to be able to tank or at least survive anything that a techniquess sua is able to do that is unless he lands a black flash that would be a very bad scenario but even with that happening I don't see sua being able to overwhelm them we see that Maki is able to recover from a black flash within the span of maybe one and a half chapters worth of fighting and Yuji probably would be durable enough as well ra can keep regenerating from whatever attacks that she seems to be getting hit with and I honestly don't doubt that uda's reverse curse technique is capable and powerful enough to heal him from whatever damage that would be sustained in that one attack especially considering laru was was able to survive a black flash and still use their curse technique at this point I would allow higuma to stay on the battlefield exclusively in the back looking for openings to strike and immediately dashing out of range if he senses danger the main contenders until UDA comes back would be Yugi and kusakabe who are there primarily to stall into lotu is returned while fighting without UDA would definitely be tough for itadori and kusakabe might not even be inclined to be as aggressive as I may want him to be I think without the curse Tech technique suca would lack the immediate stopping power necessary to kill any of the main Heavy Hitters before UDA shows up and once UDA returns authentic and mutual love is getting expanded half of suk's arms are being preoccupied and honestly I think I would bet everything on this Final Stand in the actual story it makes sense that Maki exists as a contingency plan in case UDA dies but in this universe I think it's better to put all of our chips on the table Yuji choso higuma kusakabe Eno Maki UDA everybody's got to pitch in because this is the perfect time to attack All Hands need to be on deck here I'd even have you to put on the ring insert the 5minute timer just so our chances of beating sukeno right here and now are at their Peak if I could even Miguel and laru would be recruited to jump in the domain here just so that we're really able to put the pressure on suca and so that we can capitalize on his technique not being available and higuma being able to keep his technique expanded for as long as possible in the event maki's contradictory existence gets sua hype enough to hit a black flash that would definitely prolong the battle and add a bit of strain to the plan but no matter how much his cursed energy output Rises with no curse technique to channel it through an inability to use a domain as a result this will just make wearing sua down more of a war of attrition in his own words sua determines that the only way to fully put UDA and Yuji down at the point of their domain expansion would be to hit them with a world dismantle or cleave similar to how he did with isig Gori at that point even a regular dismantle wouldn't be enough to kill them and considering how potent that curse technique is relative to his regular punching and kicking attacks I genuinely find it unlikely that suo will be putting any of these Sorcerers down quicker than they can do the reverse on top of this if UDA and Yuji within the domain already weren't fearful of sukin his lower output slashes them being erased altogether would give them the confidence necessary to get in close and start going to work with no slashing attacks to worry about Soul punch is progressively making suca weaker Maki Soul attacks chipping away at his output and forcing him to heal and half of his arms being preoccupied with Hollow wicker basket it's almost guaranteed that at some point higuma would find enough space to create an opening before he attacks though I'd have UDA and Maki start hacking away at his arms and whatever is remaining would be restrained By Yuji and ra while UDA unleashes Jacob's Ladder on him weakening his control over Megami even more and causing a moment momentary Stillness in this brief overlap of instability and weakness higuma would be immediately thrust to the front lines stabbing sukuna with the Executioner blade and defeating the king of curses once and for all if higuma is the guy we need to finish everything off I genuinely think this is our best bet the biggest gamble in all honesty would be maki's snatching up of kamut but with her speed invisibility and her dedication I trust that we would be able to secure the absolute worst casee scenario would require her to use Force against sukna to get it from him and continue everything else's plan but I honestly haven't seen anything from that specific weaken version of sukuna that would lead me to believe that she couldn't retrieve kamut and the hand that he's holding it in if need be I'd hope that it doesn't come to that considering that it'll probably piss kosimo off but if that's what must be done in order to lead to a true technique confiscation from iguma then a pissed off Kimo is just a risk we'll have to incur now as I've established over the past 20 minutes suguna can confidently be dealt with if Gojo's efforts against him remain the same and I am here to plan out the next movements of the next generation of sorcerers but now it's time to ask a very important and very interesting question if goo had prior knowledge of sua schemes and plots as well as my plans to assist and optimize his movements with the need for his students to even face off against suca ever arise when considering how I would plan a Gojo Victory a list of information to relay is extremely important the most impactful event that must be changed in order for Gojo to win is the domain Clash while he was able to adapt after having his barrier shattered a few times it's evident that pushing his brain to the Limit more than suca led to his barrier being disabled if we're able to lessen the amount of domains Gojo opens we'll be able to simultaneous handicap mahar's background adaptation and keep Gojo's brain fresh throughout the entirety of the battle the way to do this is painfully simple you just got to let Gojo know that suca has an open barrier domain the next piece of information that would have a major effect on the outcome of this fight would be the awareness that suca will eventually develop the world slash specifically after Mahar is able to adapt and throw longdistance slashing attacks himself well in my optimal scenario the fight never gets this far in the event that it does Gojo knowing about this technique application and being on guard for it could definitely save his life the third and final thing Gojo must account for is mahar's adaptation which seems really obvious considering that suca is currently occupying megami's body for the entire duration of the fight but Gojo really needs to keep an eye on mahar's adaptation that goes on in the background his lack of knowledge about that particular usage of the technique leavs him open to having his domain adapted to in a way that is a bit tricky later on in the fight with all of the necessary information downloaded and my controller plugged in though here's how I have Gojo go about beating suguna for starters he's going into the fight knowing about suk's open barrier domain and as such has his own shrinking tactic on standby even if satoru wouldn't come to this conclusion on his own during the 1 month time skip I'm telling him exactly what he needs to do and considering his level of talent I don't think that figuring it out over the course of an entire month will be a problem for him with this in mind the first major change in goo's performance starts with the first Clash rather than have his domain shattered from the outside with no resistance Gojo will be able to meet sukka at his level and deal out enough damage in the 3 minutes his barrier would hold up to simultaneously break down both of their barriers and start each sorcerer from zero now as crazy as this may sound depending on your interpretation of suk's Kit up to at this point Gojo has a genuine shot at killing him here the reason for this is once again really simple we know for a fact gojou can heal his curse technique at this point but we don't know with the same certainty that suca can or could in the manga despite sukuna healing his technique as well later in the fight due to Angel's mention of sukuna proclivity for picking up tricks it's entirely possible he developed the skill only after Gojo showed it to him which would be too too little too late if both of their domains broke down at the same time and reset their ability to activate curse techniques healing his techniqu slower than Gojo means he regains his domain slower than him regaining his domain slower means being caught in infinite void being caught in infinite void this early into the fight means that mahara hasn't had enough chance encounters to adapt and in this scenario Gojo can just tear sua limb from limb in the way that he intended granted all of this is only a possibility because it is feasible that sua already had the capacity to heal this technique but like I said depending on your interpretation all it would take is one domain Clash for gojou to become the Victor if sukka already has this ability though they would just keep clashing and healing until what happens in the manga initially occurs again Gojo's superiority in close quarters combat would cause Su to fall a step behind just enough of an opening for Gojo to deploy infinite void and catch him la in the main story this happens after Gojo and sukuna clashed for 3 minutes twice following the same logic here would dictate that Gojo now would only have to open his domain a total of two times and heal his technique only once once again this puts sukka in a position where he can't use mahara due to not enough instances of contact being initiated an infinite void would allow him to absolutely destroy suk's brain and body even if mahara for some odd reason can adapt and destroy the domain domain faster than he did in the manga suk's mind would still be a wreck from the effects of infinite void but goo would be in a good enough State to open a domain another two times at least this would allow Gojo to cast another domain one shot mahara with red and then follow up by demolishing sukeno while he's Frozen by the effects of infinite void this was the optimal scenario that Gojo was aiming for in fact in chapter 230 he straight up says that this was his plan the only flaw is that he underestimated the effect of the brain damage but here Gojo wouldn't have spanned the ability as much leaving sua as the only person incapable of expanding their domain if he decides to counter Gojo's infinite void with Hollow wicker basket the problem still arises that he's facing Gojo with both of his hands protecting him from immediately being brain blasted and having to attempt to fight a special grade among special grades with just his feet in no curse techniques transforming into his true form would allow him to activate his anti-d domain technique and and fight Gojo but with no real time limit on how long the domain will remain up slashes that don't work due to the Limitless and red and blue combinations allowing Gojo to really lay on damage it's only a matter of time until suca is overwhelmed and defeated in all honesty this in itself would be enough to confidently score away the threat that is sua and the only way things could go sideways is if Gojo just refuses to fight intelligently after gaining all of this information which just wouldn't happen simply by learning more about suk's Arsenal and understanding the limitations of his curse technique healing Gojo would be able to formulate strategies that almost assuredly lead to his victory as long as I'm at his side to you know Steer him in the right direction hell even if you allow everything to go as it did up until chapter 235 and just let Gojo know that the next dismantle will hit him he probably just Dodges it and beats suk's injured ass up for a little bit or hits him with a quick red to finish the job I hope that you now understand that I focused on a post Gojo for a majority of this video for a pretty good reason as even against sukuna with my knowledge to help Gojo satoru is kind of a cheat code and with that the complete guide to defeating Roman suca is officially complete if you enjoyed the video subscribe and hit the bell I enjoy this format a lot so expect many many follow-up videos with many different characters and comment down below some that you'd like to see get put through the ringer as always I hope you enjoyed the video and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Broken Ronin
Views: 104,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jujutsu Kaisen, Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1, Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2, JJK, JJK Manga, Yuji Itadori, Ryomen Sukuna, Sukuna, Yuji, Yuji vs Sukuna, Gojo vs Sukuna, Satoru Gojo, Gojo Satoru, The COMPLETE Guide to Defeating Sukuna, How to Kill Sukuna, King of Curses, The COMPLETE Guide to Gojo Satoru's Abilities
Id: T10PVS0W4bY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 3sec (1683 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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