How JJ Found Mikey's Talking HEAD in the Box in Minecraft? (Maizen)

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H what I see blood now something has just happened near Mikey's house I see a huge amount of blood traces I knocked on the door but no one answered I can't believe my eyes now I saw Mikey's hand on the ground H we need to move on urgently now and look for the remaining parts I still can't believe that something like this happened I don't understand what happened here yet the main thing is to collect all the body parts and take them to the house uhoh I ve never seen anything like it and to be honest it makes me uneasy I've just found the last body part we urgently need to run and lay them out near the house I do not know what to do next so now I need to come up with some kind of plan H maybe someone can help me so I'm going to call the witch now I think she knows what to do in this situation hi JJ you called me so urgently via video link I didn't expect it what happened a terrible thing has happened now I'm near Mikey's house and found a lot of scattered body parts I can't believe what you're saying let's meet now and you'll show me everything maybe I can help you with something now we will try to collect it okay then I'm waiting for you come running as soon as possible H now we are going to hold a special ritual in which we will definitely put the body parts of Mikey together the main thing is not to distract me in any way because this is a very dangerous process you need to watch him carefully now I saw how the witch performed one of the rituals and something really happens I hope that now Mikey's body parts will come together and he will finally be able to walk on his own I just don't understand why there wasn't a head lying next to it but that's not the main thing at the moment I want Mikey to come alive and now everything seems to be working out well for us what happened I still don't understand why I can't see or hear anything right now it's like something happened to my head we need to urgently run to look for the head now I can feel where she is so I have to run there Mikey's connnected it is very cool I am incredibly glad that now together with the witch we were able to do this ritual now we need to go look for the head we've just entered a terrible place that Mikey led me to there is lava below us now and you will need to jump on the golden columns that's why I'm taking Mikey in my arms now and we have to get to the other side as soon as possible but it's going to be incredibly hard to do Mikey don't resist I need to move you now Wooh but please be careful I'm really worried that we won't be able to find my head do not fall into the lava because it is very dangerous I've heard that this is some kind of very dangerous test but I don't see anything I am sure that you will be able to pass it I won't bother you and we will definitely do everything to put my head on my shoulders I'm very good at jumping on Golden colums right now and I'm doing great soon I will reach the door that will lead us to the next room I hope that I will finally see Mikey's head there now I need to jump on very carefully because I don't want to fall into the lava at the end of the way I'm really worried everything will be fine now you have almost reached the door and I am very glad that you have helped me so much come on put me down now and we'll climb into the next room I am sure that we will be able to find my head there I feel that she is somewhere nearby and she is calling me I'm having a very strange feeling right now I can see the boxes now and I need to open them to see what's inside I really wonder who built this terrible Place Mikey I just opened the box and there are some heads in there it's incredibly scary and I feel uneasy about this place someone must have collected the heads of different residents here and it's terrible let's check all the boxes and try to find yours uhoh I can't believe what you're saying right now well if my head isn't here then maybe we'll move on there's another door here I think it's worth checking out what's in there I'm really worried that we won't find my head right now now open the next door quickly Wooh I can see your head it's very cool and I'm incredibly glad that we've managed to find her now so let's not waste time and get her back as soon as possible I have a very strange feeling Mikey a monster has come here now H JJ wake up right away apparently you can't come to your senses in any way now we are in a cage it is very terrible I'm running around it and I feel that the monster is somewhere nearby therefore we need to try to do everything possible to get out of it can you explain to me what's going on here at all because I don't understand anything I've seen this monster putting new heads in a box right now this is very bad and he has a special device that has a metal disc and teeth it's a terribly creepy place and I don't want to stay here for long we urgently need to figure out something now to get out of this terrible cage I still can't believe that this monster was able to catch us off guard after all now we are in great danger but I don't see any point in staying here for long we need to try come up with something already I hear that you're starting to ruin something can you explain to me what you're doing there's a monster here careful we've just jumped into another part of the room and passed the cage oh but this monster is going to chase me now so let's run away we need to come up with something and destroy it right now at the moment I'm near Mikey's head it's time to destroy this monster with his own machine with teeth JJ save me I feel like a monster is hitting me now I do not know what to do with it why am I hearing some strange sounds right now you just ran over here and I can hear the monster in a lot of pain woohoo thank you so much for saving me from him because I started to worry a lot about all this we need to solve our problems urgently because this cannot go on yes now as soon as possible let's take your head and run on I don't want to stay in this cage because it's incredibly disgusting here I think we need to go home as soon as possible huh but you can't just drag your head like that I now suggest putting it in a box the good thing is that everything really turned out well for us so look around maybe we'll find a lot of jewelry here surely this monster stole valuable things from houses and if we take them for ourselves it will be very good Let's Escape from this terrible prison as soon as possible because I don't see any point in staying here uh-oh good that's it now let's run back I have to save you now and that's why we're going to do another experiment I hope that I will be able to put your body back together I remember how the witch performed this ritual I hope that I can do the same let's start the ritual now I think we will definitely be able to connect me with my head now just hurry up please I don't want to be without her for a long time so you saw how the witch helped me I think you can do the same the main thing is not to make mistakes in any case I don't want to be separated again H Mikey it's going to be okay don't worry I'm going to collect all the necessary materials from the chest to carry out our witchcraft I think that we will definitely be able to connect you with your head now the main thing now is to place the candles correctly and in no case make mistakes I want to see you normal again I trust you completely but now it's worth thinking about what's going on I'm going to lie down in the right place and you start doing the ritual I want to see this world as soon as possible and live a normal life again after that terrible murder I still can't come to my senses and now only the ritual will help me now I'm already starting to do the same thing as the witch before but nothing works out for me as if something went wrong we urgently need to do something and somehow connect the Mikey with this head I still don't understand why I didn't succeed we are now near the zombie cave we will definitely need to steal their stuff I hope that we will be able to do this because I am very worried about it there is a terrible atmosphere here and now I feel this zombie it's getting uncomfortable so let's change into zombies that's what I'm going to do now because we need to carefully steal things from there for sure zombies will attack us and we need to act very carefully I want to pick up all the things that are here for the ritual as soon as possible now we need to act very quietly and carefully JJ be careful I think now this zomb zombie is starting to behave strangely he can attack you at any moment so I don't want you to get hurt because of all this collecting rather all the artifacts that are stored in this cave we need to escape I'm running into this cave I think I've just stumbled upon it Mikey what are you doing you realize that you can disrupt our entire operation the good thing is that I finally collected all the artifacts quickly escape from behind this terrible cave H we must not get hurt in any way I still can't believe that you actually woke up this zombie to attack us he's running after us now run and don't stop in any case this zombie is very dangerous and it can cause us a lot of problems that's why we need to run back home now and perform the ritual uhoh great now we have already run to the house it's very cool I am incredibly glad that we found all the necessary artifacts in the zombie cave now we can try to put our head back on Mikey's body it will be incredibly difficult to do this but I will still do my best go to bed soon now to perform the rituel I don't understand why Mikey has a different heed now something didn't go according to plan most likely someone replaced his heed he turns into a creeper what's going on here anyway have I really turned into a creeper now it's incredibly strange that something like this happened uh-oh so now I'm going to run and destroy everything I see in my path I really want to explode so I'm going to run home and make the first explosion Mikey what are you doing you've just demolished almost our entire house I'm incredibly upset that this is happening but I can't just leave you now we urgently need to do something with you and find your head you're running around and blowing up everything in your path right now and that's not normal let's run on now the most powerful explosion has occurred and my head has come off again it doesn't suit me at all because I run everywhere and explode so let's find my head now and do the ritual as soon as possible I am sure that we will be able to solve all these problems as soon as possible I suggest we run to the Villager now he's busy with bees huh I can't live like this anymore now we have run to The Beekeeper and maybe he will tell us what to do because we need to perform a ritual Mikey is completely headless hello we would like to ask you for help I see that you are busy with bees and for sure you have the opportunity to help my friend could you please give us a special potion I'll have to do something to get him to give us this potion Now The Beekeeper told me that I need to go to the hive and collect a huge amount of Honeycombs and honey there only after that will they give us a special potion to help Mikey I have a huge amount of work ahead of me right now therefore I will not waste time and start doing what I have in mind I'm going to finish the villager's task very quickly and give him what he asked for so much honey I did not expect that a beekeeper would have such a huge number of bees and a hive but at the moment I've already done most of his work therefore it remains to collect a few hundred more and then I will have to move on to the next task he said he still needed to harvest all the wheat that had grown in his garden it will take a lot of time so you need to hurry up now and in no case missed the special potion I'm sure that I will be able to help Mikey very soon and no one will be able to stop me I have already harvested almost all the wheat and it makes me very happy it's time to go to The Beekeeper and give it to him soon Mikey will finally get the potion and he will have a head I hope everything goes according to plan now I brought you wheat and I am happy about it that's all you asked for give me the potion Mikey you won't believe it The Beekeeper is giving me the potion so take it as soon as possible and you will have a head I still can't believe that you managed to get this potion now I'm starting to drink it I feel very strange it feels like I have a completely different part of my body just look at me now I'm becoming a bee how fun it is I want to go fly Mikey has the head of a bee what's going on here anyway I don't understand why he's become a bee now we need to run after him H now I am near Mikey's house and he has built a huge Hive here he's probably living the life of a bee now to be honest I still can't believe it but now we need to try to do everything so that Mikey still becomes the same I will be incredibly surprised if I still manage to get to him now and destroy all the bees that are in this Hive I have nothing but problems with Mikey I'm trying to get his head on his shoulders at last but I can't do it now I have already entered the hive and I see that there are a lot of bees here so we need to fight I'm sure the Mikey are somewhere in the middle of these honey labyrinths it's incredibly difficult to get to it because I get into sticky honey all the time and it's starts to annoy me bees sting me very much and it hurts a lot that's why I'm trying to find my friend Mikey right now I feel that he is somewhere nearby we need to take a good look around now and figure out where he might be where has he disappeared I'm already tired of running through this maze Mikey you're lying on the floor right now get up quickly we need to get out of this terrible place I'm not going to run after you anymore so we need to put our head on your shoulders as soon as possible let's hurry up and finally get out of this Hive of bees you saved me thank you so much for trying to get me out of this terrible place right now I still can't come to my senses and I don't understand how I ended up here I remember that I got a bee's head and flew away somewhere after that you brought me to my senses I'm headless again let's get out of this maze soon we need to fix your head as soon as possible right now I think we will definitely get over this soon we need to hurry up now and get back home now we're going to do a new ritual and I hope Mikey you're going to be okay now we have everything you need to put your head on your shoulders I'm lying down now and waiting for you to finally start doing this ritual I want to see what really happens as soon as possible and whether I can continue to be with my head therefore let's not waste time come on you'll do it all now and I'll finally be the same the ritual is now taking place and I feel that something incredible is happening to me JJ Look at me now I own my head I think that we have achieved incredible success it's time to be happy and have fun now that's how our incredible Adventure ended thank you all so much for watching subscribe to the channel like it and leave your comments
Channel: Paper
Views: 51,965
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Keywords: minecraft funny, minecraft, funny minecraft, minecraft but, funny memes, zenichi maizen, jj maizen, mikey maizen, noob vs pro security house, maizen raft, maizen lava securuty base, maizen nether base, maizen volcano, volcano house minecraft, jj and mikey, mizen, Maizen art, mikey turtle, maizen fnaf, maizen security house, hypercow, hyper cow, maizen challenge, maizen head in the box, mikey found jj's head, jj found mikey's head in the box, jj found mikey's talking head
Id: y8q89XfoNrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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