How Jehovahs Witnesses Communicate With Members | Caleb And Sophia 7

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so last kaleb in sofia videos we covered if you remember they did a video called jehovah will help you be bold that was lesson 13 that video was all about jehovah's witnesses trying to convince kids to face public mockery and ridicule to spread their propaganda I think Lloyd Evans from the john cedars channel calls it persecution porn the next set of Caleb and Sofia videos we have is about commenting at the meetings so I figured this would be a good time to talk about the watchtower and awake magazines their history and what they've turned into okay let's get into it [Music] okay let me give you guys a little context on this the next one is called to prepare your comment for people who've never been involved with Jehovah's Witnesses here's what a comment is Jehovah's Witnesses have been putting out their magazines called the watchtower and awake for decades Charles taze Russell the founder published a magazine around the time he first started the religion in the 1870s it didn't go by the name of the watchtower at the time it went by Zions watchtower and Herald of Christ's presence it's basically the governing body's method of disseminating information to the members so Jehovah's Witnesses have three assemblies per year they have the one-day Assembly on Sunday it's usually pretty small comparatively some areas might see around a thousand people the two day assembly is a little bit bigger it might be around 3,000 people and then they have the three day assembly Friday Saturday Sunday and I've been to assemblies with over 10,000 people before that's basically every Jehovah's Witness in the tri-state area and at these assemblies every year they release new books these new books usually contain new or updated doctrine as I've mentioned a few times they're releasing the book called pure worship of Jehovah at this year's assembly and I'm reading through the entire book on the podcast for my understanding they actually have a good number of doctrinal changes in this book since they had that Avenue of spreading information and changing doctrine they would normally reserve the Watchtower magazine for solidifying and clarifying current beliefs I was just looking for watchtowers from 2007 to give some examples of what types of articles you'll find but interestingly enough they completely removed them from the website pre-2008 in fact some of the literature they've deprecated is now considered apostate material which I find hilarious they marked their own literature as apostate material and the reason for that is because they've said some really stupid stuff in it that they didn't want thrown in their face if you're caught with some of the literature from certain time periods which they've deemed apostate material you'll be put on trial for apostasy anyways here are some example articles from the watchtower in 2008 things like early Christians in the Greek world do Jehovah's Witnesses accept the Old Testament and Jesus the perfect model to follow general sue religious stuff that solidifies their positions the awake is a little bit different typically the awake would be written to appeal more to the public so it would have articles about science that didn't conflict with their beliefs or science that did conflict with their beliefs and they just explained why it was wrong and they were right but back when I was knocking on doors they'd passed the watchtower and awake out to people at the door usually I'd try to find an article from the awake to talk about for 30 seconds because they were more eye-catching anyways it was just more public facing generally but one issue of the awake july 2009 is a particular interest to lots of extra Hovis witnesses it's still on their website in fact looking through some of the articles in that magazine they include the lazy life of a sloth or depression how to treat it or driving how can you keep it safe pretty regular articles right then there's is it wrong to change your religion that one caught some people's eyes the article was talking about the social pressure that people experience when converting into jehovah's witnesses they're told it's a cult and that it's toxic and that they shouldn't join for obvious reasons because it's a toxic cult but then they said this in the article no one should be forced to worship in any way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family that is one of the most hypocritical statements that they have ever made or maybe it's not maybe they've made more hypocritical statements it's just that this one lacks any semblance of self-awareness the writer completely forgot that that's exactly what Jehovah's Witnesses do to people and then the editors completely forgot that that's exactly what Jehovah's Witnesses do to people and then the governing body completely forgot that that's what Jehovah's Witnesses do to people literally nobody along the line caught it and was like whoa whoa wait a minute guys that's literally exactly what we do we can't tell them that people shouldn't be made to choose between his beliefs and his family because we don't actually believe that I brought that one article up to my mom and she said they weren't talking about leaving Jehovah's Witnesses they were talking about people converting from Baptist to Jehovah's Witness and I said well yeah obviously but doesn't it apply to Jehovah's Witnesses too why do they get to force people to stay in but nobody else does and she said because we have the and that's the heart of the issue right there they think they have the truth and that means they're justified in doing anything to accomplish their goals damn the consequences damn the people's faces they have to step on to get their damned the lives they have to ruin the governing body has the truth and they'll do literally anything to accomplish their goals it doesn't matter how wrong it seems from the outside on the inside we know it's right that's the attitude they carry in the religion so up until 2007 Jehovah's Witnesses were passing out the watchtower and awake to the public and they'd get their doctrine and ideas from the books that were passed out once or twice a year in 2007 they switched it up they split the watchtower into two parts the study edition and the public edition now they've always studied the watchtower on Sundays they'd have a guy at the podium and another guy in a chair on stage with a microphone and the guy in the chair would read the paragraph from the watchtower then the guy at the podium would ask the accompanying question and the congregation would raise their hands to answer there would be a couple people carrying microphones down each aisle only males in good standing in the congregation are allowed to handle the microphones or sound equipment it's called a privilege quote/unquote interesting how they twist things around the way they do volunteering your time and energy to do things for an organization it's a privilege right you aren't doing them a favor they're doing you a favor and if you get in trouble you lose the right to do that there's a never-ending stream of people ready to take your place so you have to work harder and harder to earn the trust of the elders and the ministerial servant and the organization overall anyways they always had a non-public avenue of communication with their members through the books they release at assemblies but since they split the watchtower into the study edition and the public edition they have an avenue that makes communication a lot easier faster and more fluid and when a cult creates a frequent method of communication with their entire member base that's mostly safe from the public eye or could be completely safe from the public eye if it needed to be you're going down the wrong road as I mentioned before Russia been Jehovah's Witnesses specifically because they're an extremist organization they banned the watchtower and awake because they said it was extremist propaganda and they're correct they are an extremist group it is extremist propaganda I don't think they were right to ban them but that's a story for another day Jehovah's Witnesses are supposed to study their magazines ahead of time read the paragraphs and the questions and underline the answers which can be found in the paragraphs now let's take a look at this Caleb in Sofia video on commenting okay everybody let's get ready for the meeting I really want to comment me too okay what do you want to say well you could just say anything that comes to mind or you can prepare which do you prefer this one or that one I like of course your mother loves you so she put still work into making you something delicious same with you because you love Jehovah you want to give him the best this is why you must prepare your comment so here they're trying to draw an analogy about love and preparing for things the mom loves the kids so she prepares food you love Jehovah so you prepare a comment don't really think the analogy fits but whatever they're just telling kids they should be reading the watchtower and underlining the answers ahead of time okay let's continue how first you must use the good ingredients let's prepare a short comment step one what is the question step two find the answer in the paragraph step three make some notes step four the practice now you are prepared and Sophia you can comment in your own words but what do they don't call me Dad we will prepare two or three answers just in case what if he doesn't call me for any of them right quick no don't quit everyone knows you tried your best you the brothers and Jehovah ah something smells good you're ready for dinner [Music] that's the entire video just good lessons for kids yeah good lessons for kids nothing more of course this is another Avenue through which Jehovah's Witnesses are molding their members to be what they want them to be start young and it'll stay with them for life I don't know how they can live with themselves as I said before it doesn't matter what they have to do to accomplish their goals lai chi twist facts whatever the point is that they accomplish their goals and the reason why it's okay for them to do it but they completely obliterate other religions for doing the same thing is because they have the truth the other religions don't that means they're justified in taking any action necessary to further the goals of the watchtower society and if you think I'm exaggerating on that then look up the term theocratic warfare that's the term that Jehovah's Witness is used to refer to that strategy lie cheat manipulate do whatever it takes to win as long as it's in service to Jehovah that's the aquatic warfare anyways that's all I've got for you if you like the work I do and want me to continue doing it consider supporting me on patreon I just quit my job a few months ago to become a full-time activist against the watchtower society the Latter day Saints Church in any other extremist group out there I will not let them get away with their abuses as long as there's air in my lungs I appreciate everything you guys do to feed mine and Kylee's pot pie and pizza ro habit while I do it also check me out on social media all links are in the description as always thanks for watching guys [Music]
Channel: Telltale
Views: 62,931
Rating: 4.9424572 out of 5
Keywords: youtube, video, telltale, telltail, jehovahs witnesses, bible, jesus, god, cult, jw, ex jw, john cedars, lloyd evans, kingdom hall, watchtower, awake, assembly, communicate, jehovahs witnesses communicate, how jehovahs witnesses communicate with members, caleb and sophia, caleb, sophia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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