Top 5 Strange Religious Beliefs

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one quick note before we get into it I wanted to show a piece of artwork I got when I went to faithless form it was drawn by this awesome kid who I got to meet at the hotel I hope to see a lot more art from them next year at faithless forum they're on their way to a real promising career based on what I saw in their book so keep drawing and if you comment below open it as a top comment so I can give credit for it I was working on a spirit science video the other day and I started thinking about how strange some of their beliefs were I got to thinking is it really much stranger than any other religious belief I mean think about it some of the stuff we believed as children was really really strange how did we ever buy that stuff let's take a look at my list of top 5 strangest religious beliefs let's get into it [Music] these aren't all Christian beliefs so there will almost certainly be some on there that you've never believed as I go through these notice how you feel about then compare that to how you feel about things that you do or at least did believe for example the story of Samson a guy couldn't cut his hair or e to lose his strength he held up buildings these ideas are all roughly equivalent though some are admittedly stranger than others even so they're all in the same ballpark as we go through the list bear in mind that it isn't necessarily in any particular order these are just really strange independently of each other okay let's take a look at number five space aliens are gonna pick us up in their spaceship and fly us to heaven but they need five US dollars per person for space fare if you guys watch my channel regularly you'll probably recognize this one as something the Heaven's Gate cult believed from the 1970s to the 1990s when they died there were 39 of them and they believed that space aliens were going around abducting people they thought that they had the souls of space aliens and they inhabited human bodies until the day they could go back to heaven which is a physical location and the only way to reach it is by UFO in 1996 the hell Bob Comet was about to pass by earth and their leader who went by DOE claimed there was a spaceship following close behind it ready to pick them up and take them to the evolutionary level above human aka the kingdom of God unfortunately by the end of it he believed that he had to leave his human vehicle to get there all 39 people had to physically leave their bodies they were found in their mansion in Rancho Santa Fe California March 27th 1996 it's a real shame but who knows maybe they're looking down on us from the next evolutionary level above human now number 4 Scientology I was gonna give it a short catchy description but honestly there's entirely too much to cover in a single sentence something that makes Scientology unique is a fact that it's more of a psychology cult than a religious cult though it does have religious elements to it the crazy part is their quote unquote creation myth most religions have one of those but Scientology's story of how we got here on earth gets very strange let me just give a brief recap of how Scientology works it was created by a guy named l ron Hubbard he wrote a book called Dianetics and it was what he believed to be a revolutionary breakthrough in the field of psychology the idea behind the book is you've got something called a reactive mind and an analytical mind of course in real psychology things aren't broken up that way but in Scientology Hubbard said that the reactive mind is the unconscious part of your mind that's responsible for most illnesses so if you get your reactive mind under control then you'll never get sick it's called going clear that's why they say people who go clear can do things like control things with their mind and they never get sick they make lots of lofty claims about their religion easily testable and falsifiable claims I mean we can monitor somebody who reaches the level of clear and the religion and see if they get sick like everybody else and surprise they do anyways part of the method behind getting your reactive mind under control is going through audit sessions where you tell somebody every intimate detail of your life start to finish everything they write it all down and send it off to Scientology headquarters and once you've detailed your life start to finish you start detailing what happened in past lives they kind of believe in this whole reincarnation bit so here's where it gets interesting l ron Hubbard describes his own past life and that's the weird belief I wanted to address with Scientology this information isn't available to anybody under a level called ot3 they have a ranking system and it takes lots and lots of time and money to advance up the ranks from my understanding reaching OT three costs about four hundred thousand dollars they say that if you hear it without going through all the steps to become ot3 you'll do what's called freewheeling where you're completely insane and can't get a grip on reality that's how sensitive this information is l ron Hubbard wrote this stuff down himself and Scientology puts it in briefcases and they give it out to OT threes you can see a lot of Hubbard's own fears in the story like the fear of the IRS because he wasn't paying taxes for example but I won't get ahead of myself let me tell the story and let's hope nobody free wheels from it Lord Xenu ruled over a confederation of seventy-six planets seventy-five million years ago they had an overpopulation problem each planet had about a hundred seventy eight billion people to solve the population problem he called in billions of people for income tax inspections but when they arrived they were injected with alcohol and glycol to paralyze them then they were put into planes that looked exactly like dc-8 except they had Rockets instead of propellers then they were flown to earth and stacked around the bases of ten volcanoes at which point they placed hydrogen bomb all around them then Xenu detonated all the hydrogen bombs at the same time and they all died the souls of those people are still floating around they're called Thetas and when a baby is born they all attach to and inhabit the baby after going clear ie after your reactive mind is under control it's your job to basically exercise the fate ins from your body so there's Scientology's whole premise but like I said that information isn't made available to anybody below a certain ranking in Scientology so if you ask the standard Scientologists of which they're around 40,000 they probably won't know what you're talking about but yeah I hope I didn't make anybody freewheel with that information number three Bigfoot sightings are actually sightings of cane that's from the Mormons one of the early Mormon apostles David Patten claimed to meet Cain here's a quote from a letter that a man named Abraham Smoot wrote to Joseph Smith in 1893 it was in reference to a story that David Patten told Smith while I was riding my mule back to your home I met with a very remarkable person it who had represented himself as being Cain who had murdered his brother Abel I suddenly noticed a very strange personage walking beside me for about two miles his head was about even with my shoulders as I sat on my saddle he wore no clothing but he was covered with hair his skin was very dark and he said that he had no home that he was a wanderer on earth he said that he was a very miserable creature that he had earnestly sought death but that he could not die and his mission was to destroy the souls of men i rebuked him in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by virtue of the Holy priesthood and commanded him to go hence and he immediately departed out of my sight from that letter a lot of Mormons came to believe that the dude met Bigfoot and that Bigfoot is Cain it's more of a superstition than a codified belief but apparently it almost became doctrine at one point that brings us nicely into point number two you can't shop at yard sales because something you buy might have a demon attached to it Jehovah's Witnesses as far as I know this one isn't really doctrine either but I remember when I was a Jehovah's Witness I had a friend named Derek we were both kids like 9 or 10 years old and every year they'd have a yard sale in his little apartment complex so every apartment would set up tables and sell stuff it was actually a pretty fun thing you'd mostly see cool little knickknacks and doodads and whatnots but I was cautioned to be very careful who I bought from if the person had a questionable history or if there were questionable items on the table I wasn't supposed to buy from them demons might be attached to objects they'd even tell really convincing stories like somebody bought something from a yard sale once and all of their cabinet doors were open when they woke up the next morning if you think that's crazy just wait for me to tell you the Smurf story I was gonna talk about the belief in Islam that you have to repeat a phrase to protect yourself from demons that hide in your toilet but after that last point I feel obligated to tell you the Smurf story I'll tell you the toilet went in another video to keep a lookout for part two so here's number one the Smurfs story almost every Jehovah's Witness has heard the Smurfs story at some point in their lives I heard about it when I was little and it sounded so bizarre to me that I just viewed it as an urban legend and moved on it wasn't until years later when I heard it again that I realized that it was a real thing that Jehovah's Witnesses really believed so here's the story I heard I was told that somebody had a stuffed Smurf doll at the kingdom hall one day and the doll came to life and wandered down the aisle swearing and saying all kinds of profane things walked out the door and was never seen again really strange story right I didn't buy it when I was like six years old and that's why I was so surprised to find that basically every Jehovah's Witness I knew had heard a similar story some people heard that a smurf climbed out of a storybook some said the Smurfs changed into a demon and disappeared different versions of the story all over the place but there's really no way to know the origins of the story for sure I've heard lots of explanations of where it came from but none of them are really substantiative I mean can anybody really substantiate an urban legend like that I decided to take a look at some of the other versions of this story I've heard I just went through some ex-jehovah's witness message boards and found a few here's one description a young child went to the Jehovah's Witness convention with his parents the child brought a stuffed little blue demon that worldly people called Smurfs the stuffed Smurfs got up in the middle of the assembly and walked out the door the demon inside the stuffed toy couldn't take the light and truth inside the Assembly Hall and had to get up here's another the Smurfs walked out of the purse during the opening song and went down the aisle and out the door yelling I can't take this I can't even imagine how this story took root or why people actually believed it but this is the world we live in okay that's all I've got for you guys YouTube has really been me with recommending much monetization so if you guys want to ensure that I can keep doing the work I do then it would be greatly appreciated if you supported me as I mentioned before there are a few different ways first you can support me through patreon you get early access to my videos you also get access to my patreon discord survey I pop in there from time to time and talk to people second you can support me by checking out my teespring store I've been trying to put a shirt out there for each religion I've covered but if you guys have any good ideas for shirt designs and feel free to drop them in the comments and I'll take a look through and third you can support me through PayPal there aren't any perks with this one but I know some people aren't the biggest fans of patreon so you can do it that way if you want don't forget to check out Facebook where you also get to see my videos early and don't forget about the podcast I'm pretty much unfiltered on the podcast you can find links to all this stuff in the description of the video so give it a look ok thanks for watching guys [Music]
Channel: Telltale
Views: 53,040
Rating: 4.9563684 out of 5
Keywords: top 10, bizarre religions, crazy beliefs, religious cults, scientology, heavens gate, jehovahs witnesses, mormons, top 5 strange religious beliefs, strange belief, scientology beliefs, heaven's gate, strange beliefs
Id: n7zkhXygwiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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