How its made - Neodymium magnets كيفية صناعة المغناطيسات الخارقة القوة

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out came 7,000 metal balls and then they brought out a heavy looking wooden box on its lid was a label that read danger what's inside here it is the world's strongest magnet a neodymium magnet they began to slowly lower the magnet the metal balls started to twitch but the magnet is still 30 centimeters away wow that's so cool the space between the magnet and the ground is packed with the metal balls it's even more surprising to touch it stuck it won't budge I can take a few off the surface but the rest won't move once the balls are stuck they can't be removed by hand they have to be pried off like this the neodymium magnet was invented by a Japanese researcher in 1983 its strength took the world by surprise I just saw the demonstration but could you explain why it's so powerful I'll use this to explain ok this is an iron rod and here are some iron balls on its own if the rod doesn't have the power to attract the balls it's but if you attach a magnet to the iron like this exactly then the iron rod becomes magnetic it's on the Volga these are cool attaching the magnet returns the rod to its original state irons atoms are actually small magnets because they don't point in the same direction they cancel each other out and the peace as a whole does not possess magnetic force when a magnet is attached to the iron all the mini magnets turn to face the same direction this causes the iron to become one big magnet but once the magnet is removed the mini magnets in the iron returned to their original direction and the iron loses its magnetic force this is where a metallic element called neodymium comes into play something amazing happens when neodymium is added to iron neodymium has the ability to keep the many magnets spaced in the same direction so even if the magnet is removed the iron maintains a strong magnetic force thanks to neodymium which allows iron to retain its magnetic force the world's strongest magnet was born neodymium magnets contributed greatly to the development of energy-efficient air conditioners when the Japanese government puts strict energy-saving standards into place which applied to any shipments from 2003 air conditioner manufacturers rushed to make modifications after extensive research on ways to save considerable energy they eventually focused on the motor the exterior of both motors feature electric wire coils but the inner rotating part of the new motor is very different the electric wire coils have been replaced by neodymium magnets these powerful magnets are used to rotate it with conventional motors electricity was sent to both the inner and outer part and rotation occurs due to the repelling force of the two electromagnets the new motor uses powerful neodymium magnets on the inside so only the outer coils require electricity let's compare how much electricity each motor uses when rotated at the same strength the new motor requires about 150 watts this is half the electricity that the conventional motor used to perform the same function since 2003 almost all manufacturers in Japan have begun using neodymium magnets the magnets have contributed significantly to energy efficiency a revolutionary energy efficiency technology is being developed with neodymium magnets this is now kishida No a researcher at an electronics company he's working on a new type of cooling system it's a magnetic refrigerating device let's find out how it works here's a powerful magnet a neodymium magnet now we'll put it a special metal is attached to the tip of the thermometer when the metal is placed near the magnet the temperature rises and when it's pulled away from the magnet the temperature drops to degrees the metals temperature is affected by changes in magnetic force so heat on all had the idea of using this metal which shifts temperature drastically and a powerful magnet to create an efficient cooling system first a narrow container is filled with this metal the container is then placed on the inner side of the cylinder in the center of the cylinder is a powerful neodymium magnet where rotates the magnet alternately moves near then away from the container they then skillfully harness the cooling that occurs when the magnet draws away the device is attached to a refrigerator the device is then turned on at the starting point the inside of the refrigerator is 20 degrees close to room temperature let's use a thermographic camera to see how the temperature changes the inside of the refrigerator gradually changes from red to blue the temperature is clearly dropping about 15 minutes later the refrigerator has cooled to about 4 degrees Yamato and all it's said to have the strength to double the efficiency of current air conditioners and refrigerators with magnetic cooling the stronger the magnet is the higher the efficiency in power so the strength of the magnet will be very important dr. Musa she MA I'm impressed at how neodymium magnets cut power consumption in half and I didn't know that it could be used in cooling devices researchers both in Japan and abroad are working on the development of magnetic refrigerating devices so far they've developed one that has cooling capacity that exceeds 1,000 watts and the research is still ongoing I can imagine that the need for new de miel magnet motors will only increase yes however no Dimmu magnets have their own driver one is that they are vulnerable to sheet motors rotate at high speeds and generate a lot of heat so this weakens the magnets like force is their way to solve this problem yes the solution is to add a rare-earth called dysprosium having 1% of dysprosium is said to increase the sheet resistance by 15 degrees but the problem is that this resume is a scary-ass and the world's top producer China is limiting exports to keep technological progress from coming to a halt Japan needs to develop a technology that takes away the need for dysprosium coming up we have a study on a way to increase the heat resistance of neodymium magnets without using dysprosium how far has research progressed let's find out this is Masato segawa the inventor of the neodymium magnet he is currently involved in a national project to reduce the need for dysprosium it's used in the manufacturing of motors and hybrid cars which are very promising in a variety of electric cars if we don't find a solution then production will come to a halt so it's an issue for the government and Japan as a whole this is the new neodymium magnet that sangala and his team are developing the key is in the size of the magnets particles this magnets particles are roughly three micrometers they're much finer than regular magnet particles which are about five micrometers the finer the particles the greater heat resistance it has even without dysprosium the mini magnets within the neodymium magnet particles are all facing the same way and have strong magnetic force however if the heat disrupts a part of the particle then the disruption gradually spreads throughout the whole particle and the particle loses its magnetic force but if the particles are small then even if some are ruined the damage to the magnet as a whole is relatively small the disruption of the mini magnets are contained within the particle and do not spread to other particles data shows that this method successfully increases the metals heat resistance without requiring dysprosium however there's a major roadblock to this method when comparing the particles of varying sizes side-by-side the three micrometer particles automatically started burning because neodymium is highly reactive the increased surface space comes into contact with the oxygen in the air and it catches on fire to handle the fine particles the group is looking into a way to conduct the entire magnet production process in a non oxygen environment plans are being made for the construction of a mass production facility the national project to reduce the need for dysprosium is still ongoing according to Segawa they have been able to make neodymium magnets that can withstand 200 degrees Celsius heat with just one third of the original dysprosium content of course their goal is to completely eliminate the need for dysprosium well it's good to know that they're making steady progress yes besides the building technology to reduce these folsom researchers are looking for ways to reduce the amount of Riaz that is wasted during production and develop a recycling system they are also working to find new radars history has proven then the Cystic is the mother of invention and it's led to many scientific breakthroughs perhaps this will be true for Japan's magnet research as well I look forward to future progress you
Channel: Technigeek
Views: 1,532,902
Rating: 4.5433087 out of 5
Keywords: technigeek, تقنية حديثة, development, Neodymium (Chemical Element), Magnet (Literature Subject), neodymium magnet, how its made, making neodymium magnets, المغناطيس الخارق, كيفية صناعة المغناطيس, extremely powerful magnets, making the super magnet, super magnet, powerful magnet, very powerful magnet, how its made - super magnets, اقوى مغناطيس في العالم, strongest magnet in the world, super magnets, How It's Made Magnets, buy super magnet, where to buy super magnet
Id: DlPnE9vPT-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 09 2014
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