What are Neodymium Magnets REALLY MADE Of?

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[Music] hello everyone in this video I'm going to show you how to extract the your nerd email from the oedema magnets and what surprising things I encountered while doing that let us start off with a little bit of history I think in one way or another most of us encounter Native Americans in life whether that be when we buy magnets for our refrigerators or when we use computer hard disk drives which also use neodymium magnets nowadays this type of Magnus is being used more and more in lots of branches of science and technology thanks to their high efficiency however this hasn't always been the case first Magnus has been created even before first people were because even iron ore which was called magnetite has magnetic properties such natural and quite weak magnets were used even by the ancient Egyptians however it became common to use magnets less than 50 years ago when people started using cheap samarium-cobalt magnets and later on even cheaper of ferrite magnets later in the 90s of the 20th century scientists both in Japan and the UC invented a new type of magnet which is an alloy of rare earths metal called neodymium iron and boron Iranian Demian helps to significantly increase efficiency of these materials magnetic properties at the dawn of their discovery back in 1982 this material was made of powder consisting of neodymium boron and iron which were baked together at the same time such magnets were several times more effective than ferrite magnets but they had one major flaw which is a low Curie point this means since their magnetic properties quickly weakened as a temperature increases up to 70 degrees Celsius which is why they could not be used in some spheres however sense has advanced since them and modern edema Magnus contains 13 additives which make such Magnus withstand heat above 200 degrees Celsius they even have special symbols on them showing their magnetic force and Curie point to see what modern edema Magnus consists of and extract new demon from them I purchased such a Magnus from a Chinese manufacturer for my experiments today this country is a leader in the production of such Magnus because China has monopolized the market of rare earth metals one of which is near d-mail first I need to dissolve this small magnet in nitric acid to speed up the process I decided to smudge the magnet with a hammer don't be fooled by the look of this Magnus which seems to be a hard as iron after a couple of loaves with a hammer such a magnet easily fragments into pieces because it consists of a fragile alloy which is also easily oxidized in the ear to prevent corrosion neodymium magnets are coated in a layer of copper and nickel which is why they appear to be hard then I decided to dissolve such a broken magnet in nitric acid which is why I dropped it into 100 milliliters of concentrated nitric acid right away then started a reaction producing a lot of orange and highly toxic nitrogen dioxide gas here is the Magnus main components which are iron and need even have oxidized into nitrates and boron left overs produced a small amount of work acid which can dissolve in such a liquid the Magnus nickel coating dissolved into acid but it was really thin which is why I can just Nick elected to finish the reaction I left the flask overnight under the extractor fan on the next day is a hole magnet completely dissolved leaving a modern solution with sediment the content of the flask is emission of iron and native my trade and leftovers of Bora and heater dissolves them all first I add some water to the flask in order for the sediment to slightly dissolve and in order to make it easier to work with the solution then I needed to remove iron sauce and somehow extract near demon souls to do that I decided to employ the so called oxalic metals I prepared concentrated oxalic acid solution in another beaker to run the experiment I pour some of this solution into plastic test tube after that I added a few drops of the solution from the flask there formed a sediment in the plastic test you this is a good sign after that I let the solution sit for a couple of hours two hours later we can easily distinguish between the neodymium oxalate sediment and the green solution which is an oxalic complex of free valent iron thus when an excess amount of oxalic acid is added to such a magnet solution Ireland and the rare earths metals can be divided their oxalates are insoluble in water and form sediment what matters is to make sure there is no too violent iron in solution which also forms an insoluble oxalate to prevent that from happening I added some hydrogen peroxide to the magnet solution I also saw a black sediment consisting of amorphous boron particles which didn't dissolve is acid to extract all neodymium from the solution I used two liters of oxalic acid after that I leave the solution overnight in order for as many neodymium compounds as possible to sink to the bottom after an indigent ation of the solution and rinsing of the sediment I began to realize that there are some other rare earth metals besides me and email the thing is pure neodymium oxalate as well as its oxide are of pinkish and violet a leash collar which depending on lighting can change color when lit up by a luminescent lamp it appears to be pink and when light up by LED lamp it appears to be greenish my cinnamon is a beaker was gray that is why to get to know for sure if there were any impurities first I draw it out the powder and then I decided to heat it up to 500 degrees Celsius as such a temperature oxidize of rare earth metals decay and we can identify compounds formed judging by other colors this mixture started to glow brown and when it was exposed to the reducing burner flame started to get more pale again apparently there was some other rare earths metal is an a demon oxalate compounds which are of dark color fortunately there are not that many options and I immediately suspected that it was proceeding in contrast to pale oxides of other rare earth metals prosody monoxide is compound of black color besides it has mixed oxidation states like iron ore okay I get it whispers a demon but what about other impurities is there any demon at all forget to know that I deserve some of the obtained brown powder in nitric acid I got such a greenish solution as as because of Rosie demon impurities compounds of which are of bright green color however if we change lighting from led to luminescent the color of the solution will change which means there are no diamond compounds is a solution if we shine with a different light sources of the test tube with a solution of pure native and fluoride we can observe the same effect also I decided to see how many left hours iron compounds I have in the solution which is why I ran a qualitative iron reaction for comparison first I added a drop of 10% iron chloride solution into a 1% yellow potassium ferrocyanide which identifies aren't in the tested solution for wind blow sediment of Prussian blue now I add in a drop of the tested solution to 2 percent potassium ferrocyanide solution the reaction did not start immediately and the color isn't very saturated which means there is not that much iron is obtained oxide unfortunately impurities of all the rare earth metals can be white and can only be detected with a chromatography and by employing special technique is we don't have at our University that is why it is not likely that I will be able to identify our impurities in this brown solution another problem is that chemical separation of one rare earths metal from another is a very difficult thing to do because of the very similar chemical properties of these elements it is done with the help of special ion exchangers and is very cost satisfied Chinese manufacturers usually don't bother to completely separate Nadeem from prosody meal and in two percent terbium and dysprosium to the mixture compensates for set these additives raise the working temperature of the obtained magnets in the end I tried to reduce obtained mixture of neodymium and pros edema oxides with a metallic listen to do that I made such a crucible from niobium foil and attached it to the retort stand after that aiming the obtained oxide with species over little and added 40 percent of table salt in order to boost separation of metal from the lithium oxide when the reaction ended I dissolved the obtained lump in water in other for the remaining lead interact with water at the end of the day I confirmed that these chemical reactions are very complex because I got a ridiculously small amount of jame the rest either burned down or didn't react at all at factories rare earth metals are obtained from fluorides through electrolysis with the help of special devices so I think now you really understood that needing a magnet are not made only from the oedema iron and boron and if you liked this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel to see many more new and interesting [Music]
Channel: Thoisoi2 - Chemical Experiments!
Views: 662,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magnets, neodymium magnets, in reality, experiments with magnets, magnet properties, neodymium, dissolving, nitric acid, rare earth metals, lanthanides, oxide, oxalates, magnet force, chemistry experiments, the secret of magnets, Chinese magnet, magnet efficiency, metals, powerful magnets, solution, sedimentation, inorganic chemistry, Thoisoi channel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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