Who Killed TITAN TV MAN?!

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wait no so what are you guys up to in here we've got a big problem over here what is it Titan TV man he's been killed what how oh no you know what this means right of course I know what this means uh am I missing something here Titan TV man was one of our biggest protectors against the skiy scientist he was once caught in a vicious battle against against him and the G toy anyone would tell you this fight was a lost cause but Against All Odds Titan TV man managed to turn the tides he even managed to get the skiy scientists on the ropes it was that fight with Titan tvman that scared the skiy scientist and the g toilet into hiding they've never been seen since yeah that is until they get word the Titan TV Man is dead just another reason for us to start preparing and to start preparing now I got to figure out who killed Titan TV man I know there's probably footage of when it [Music] happened bumpy what are you doing here I need to see the battlefield footage of Titan TV man's death I'm afraid that's not possible what do you mean are you saying I don't have the right clearance no I mean the footage doesn't show Titan TV man's death what see for yourself there he is oh no that was a close one wait no that's it nobody saw how he died it would seem that way yes well at least now I can completely rule out the skib scientists through the G toilet since they weren't seen anywhere in that footage I agree it couldn't have been them perhaps you should talk to Titan speaker man huh he was at the bassle just just before it happened he was oh he has to have some kind of idea about what happened I'll go find him right now halt I see one poor guy won't even know what hit him take Speakman go get him boys sorry what do you want bumpy I hear you were at the battle with Titan TV man before he died I was I left right before it happened and why did you just leave him there alone it wasn't my choice it seemed like we had everything covered there huh hello Titan speaker man you need it elsewhere so TV woman sent me off to help in a different sector and you didn't see any Potential Threat at all nope I even managed to take out most of the remaining toilets with one blast wa uh I need to go you're good with finishing things things off over here not sure if I'll manage without you stealing all of my kills good luck what if it was that sound wave you hit him with that killed him maybe it knocked a cable loose in him or something you really think I could kill Titan TV man not a chance besides the cameraman scientists said whoever did it did it with Precision that's not my style well do you know of anyone in the alliance who could kill him maybe someone who held anger towards him in any way H if I had to guess anyone it would be Titan cameraman he's been jealous of Titan TV man for a long time Titan cameraman got it I said if I had to pick don't tell him I said anything hey wait what's going on the skibbidy scientist and G toilet have been spotted so they're finally out of hiding isn't that kind of a good thing you don't understand they've been spotted heading straight towards this base with a full Army what let's move this isn't good that means that if Titan cameraman really was the killer he might sabotage the base's defenses to let the skib scientists get in I have to get to the bottom of this Titan cameraman now's not the time bumpy we're about to be under attack fine then I'll cut straight to the point did you kill Titan TV man what are you crazy of course I didn't but you were jealous of him just because I was jealous doesn't mean I watered him dead but why were you so jealous I really don't have time for this just tell me already I don't want the reason we all die to be because I didn't cover all of my bases ah okay it all start of the daytime TV man scared away the skiving scientist you want some too doing I was supposed to be on that mission with him but he just happened to get there first where are they Titan cameraman thanks for the where are they I fought them off don't worry about it wait so you're mad that he defeated the scientist in the G toilet no I'm mad that he got all the credit in glory just because I was late because if I was there I wouldn't have let the scientist or the G toilet get away think so I know so I'm sorry but that still hasn't convinced me I'm starting to wonder if you really did Kill Titan TV man just because of your jealousy stop saying that as much as I didn't like him there's no denying that he was a good soldier killing him would only put the alliance in danger and I'll die before letting that happen I I believe you you better now go to the weapon bunker and get whatever you need there's about to be a big fight and we need all of the help we can get yes sir I guess I'll just have to continue my investigation after this battle H I get the feeling I'm being H careful those are sharp I knew somebody was following me oh please I've been on watching you the whole day and you just now figured it out what do you want from me for you to mind your own own business what stop looking for Titan TV man's killer it was you listen kid the quicker you stop jumping to conclusions the safer you'll be is that a threat only if you need it to be don't try it you're trying stay down oh come on I'm about to actually start fighting back where are you getting all these weapons from enough I'll stop as soon as you admit that you killed Titan TV man not going to happen hey so close B I'll it later Nowhere to Run how cliche no [Music] wa charge wa things are getting crazy in this one click on the Subscribe button below to make sure you don't miss a thing the battle for the base is about to start I need to get down there and help them speaker man on it you good just angry [Applause] good bumpy I didn't expect to see you here TV man I know who killed Titan TV man hold that do a oh we need to retreat and rethink our strategy there is no strategy without Ty TD man we don't have a chance I don't know why I thought I could do what he did no what come on you fought better than that against me you sorry about that what was it you wanted to tell me Boby it's it's knife speaker what about knife speaker man he he he what he wa bumpy are you okay that was quite a close call he killed Titan TV man he killed wa miss me Titan TV man came back to life but how he was never really dead wait what do you mean tvom and I came up with a plan to fake Titan TV man's death so we could lure the skid scientist out of hiding we hired knife speaker man to make sure it seemed as real as possible and to pick the best time to do it when nobody was watching I'm sorry we didn't tell you but we couldn't let anyone know that it was fake just in case there was a skid spy in the alliance so night speaker man wasn't a traitor he was someone you trusted the most exactly I will be right back wasn't about to let him get away a second time nice one Titan T man do you want to do the honors no let's do it together I bet you're excited that we finally captured the skib scientist I am especially now that I get to extract his brain for everything he knows about the Alliance what he's he's been killed how could this happen we were just about to get the information out of him perhaps he was able to self-destruct I don't know about that these blast marks look like they came from one of our weapons maybe someone in the alliance could have been holding a grudge well I know TV woman wasn't best pleased with him he did kill a lot of her soldiers when she went to capture him after all TV woman huh don't worry doc I'll get to the bottom of who did this and no no time keep fighting we've got him on the ropes buuny I don't ever remember getting told you would be joining on this Mission I'm not I just really need to talk to you it's important wa how about we find a quieter place to talk oh okay much better I don't think I'll ever get used to that so what was it you wanted to talk about did you kill the skib scientist you think I killed the skiy scientist after all we did to capture him well I just thought that you know maybe you no I didn't kill him in fact I was really looking forward to finding out what he knew about us you see I was there when we first found out he got a hold of the liance technology I volunteered to put together a platoon to go capture the scientist so we could stop him from using any more of it against us dvom wa what is it this is a very dangerous Mission you're going on I have decided to turn on your tracker to make sure you safe I don't need a Tracker the other members have already agreed fine can I go now I successfully brought my troops to the skib lab but something fell off where are all of them take cover they ambushed us it was like they knew we were coming that's awful so to answer your question no I didn't kill the skibby scientist I never even got a chance to see him do you know anyone who saw him that day TV man was the first one to fight him he even got to see his lab so maybe he had something to do with it TV man okay thanks TV woman ah what do you mean he's dead I see you got the news yeah well gave that away please don't get mad at me for what I'm about to ask what is it you didn't happen to have something to do with it did you of course not I hear you fought him though that's that's right can you tell me a bit about that tvom sent me a distress call she said that esid lab's dispenses were too strong luckily she had her tracking device activated so I knew where to go but when I got there she seemed to be handling it well I also noticed that most of the lab's guards were out there fighting so it was a perfect distraction I teleported into the lab where I found a lot of private Alliance information that's when I found out how truly bad it was and then I was attacked by the scub scientist himself but that's not the worst part what do you mean the worst part was that he was using Alliance technology against me h not going down that easy where did you get those speakers this ends now you're coming with me what how he teleported away just like tvom and me how did he figure out how to do all that that's exactly what I was hoping we'd find out after extracting his brain wow believe me bumpy I was scared Enough by what stolen Intel I saw in that lab if anyone wanted to keep him alive long enough to see what else he knew it would be me okay I believe you but do you have any guesses on who else it could have been I know speaker woman still hasn't gotten over losing her fight with him maybe she snuck into his cell to finally prove herself speaker woman got it thanks TV man for the last time hitting it isn't going to help oh hey bumpy uh is this a bad time not at all just getting fixed up is all what happened the skibbidy scientist is what happened what do you mean I went on a mission to intercept him after he escaped the lab going somewhere I was quite confident that I would have the upper hand oh no you don't I was told you could do that now I'm still surprised by it wa but I'd be lying if I said he didn't put up a good fight so that's how you ended up here the skidy scientist injured you what of course not now I've got you I was about to knock him out with my finishing move when my head something must have malfunctioned in my speaker because nothing was coming out after that luckily the scientists must have known that backup was coming and got out of there how long have you been in here for since it happened so that means you couldn't have possibly killed the skibby scientist huh I wish wait you're saying someone did kill him though yep any clue on who it could be not that I can think of but to be fair my head isn't at 100% at the moment H do you know who the last person to see the scientist before he was captured was I think it was Titan cameraman who finally caught him I'd check with him great thanks speaker woman and don't come back who goes there uh hi bumpy didn't expect to see you here what can I do for you sorry to take you away from your important work but I need to ask you some questions about the giid scientist of course anything can you tell me a bit about your battle when you captured him I sure can I have taken out an entire plate just to get to the skidy scientist that's not going to work on me it was shaping up to be another easy capture until something strange started happening oh what was that H did you see what hit you I didn't but I'll tell you one thing it didn't make the rest of the fights any easier oh that's it I'm not going easy on you anymore what is that is that if it wasn't for my upgrades all those shots would have killed me for sure but I managed to power through them and capture the scientist and you never found out what they were no but the weirdest thing was that they look like they came from an alliance weapon that's so weird the skibidi scientist was killed by an alliance weapon too I'm going to go check with a cameraman scientist to see if he can find out what kind of weapon it was thanks Titan cameraman I just don't get it everyone's story seems so believable wa what are you doing here doc I really wish you didn't just see me do that wao it was you yes it was me but why why did you kill the skib scientist I'll tell you why the sky scientists offered me money in exchange for Alliance plans and Technology when the alliance found out what he was up to I knew I had to protect the scientist from them so that they couldn't find out what I did I activated TV woman's tracking device so that the sky scientist would see her coming and be able to Ambush her little did I know TV man was also keeping an eye on TV woman I then found out that speaker woman was going to try intercepting the sky scientist so I made sure to tamper with her head while running Diagnostics before she went off that way she wouldn't be able to capture him I knew it would be much harder to stop Titan cameraman but I sure tried my best if only that strin blast didn't slow down my shuts the alliance was about to extract the information from the sky scientist's head which would reveal my secret partnership with him so I did what I had to do well looks like you aren't getting away with it after all you fool that's probably more giber is coming to help me get you out of here after all I told them you were the one who killed their scientist I can't believe you worry not you won't have to think of me much longer looks like our soldiers beat your toilets good luck trying to talk your way out of this one no
Channel: Bumpy
Views: 752,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skibidi toilet, who killed, cameraman, speakerman, titan speakerman, skibidi, Skibidi dop dop, tv man, tv woman, speakerwoman, titan tv man
Id: eJcEjdPS5A0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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