How It Feels To Be Right | House M.D.

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we need an audio-visual setup for the lecture hall what for for the lecture that's sure dr. Weber's lecture who we stuck to with her a neurologist I think the memo was from you where's my assistant she left when Wednesday seriously temp agency sent someone but she got lost well when she gets here fire her [Music] oh yeah did you issue this memo that congratulations the patient that has been in coma for two years and Counting is still in a coma this is not my signature I don't know anything about this guy I'm supposed to introduce him have lunch coma patient has a migraine oh no no no I gave him medication to prevent a migraine that's a migraine increased flow velocity in his cerebral arteries I did subsequently given nitroglycerin which could possible you induced a migraine headache in a coma patient give him a little headache similar to the one you're giving me now have you even read an ethical guideline well you want to try out a new migraine prevention medication not someone who can actually feel pain did you sign this oh yeah later about the appropriate discipline thank you for all coming to today's lecture by dr. Phillip Weber who is our guest today at our hospital to talk about headaches dr. Webber is at the Weber Center for pain that makes sense so please welcome dr. Webber Thank You dr. Cuddy I suppose I should tell you in Virginia you've never been to one of these things in your life who is this guy no idea what's with the outfit some chills and like sensitivity inexplicable I received my medical degree at Johns Hopkins University he must be good you went to Hopkins and studied under brother Nick Gilmar helped me win the Doyle internship at the Mayo Clinic you were supposed to get the Doyle internship this guy's funny people the guy got you thrown out for cheating the Dean turned me out but Lieberman just ratted on me this guy's name is Webber not only Berman we call Webber finally Berman way eviler and D receptors have improved the acute treatment of migraines to this point so what's the plan you're no way to leave bends over and make a fart sound not hear about the past it's a bad scientist well you cheated off him how bad can he be you got the answer wrong data from control subjects were analyzed of a to a Ain of a with status inside is within subject factors stalked this guy for 20 years just for this shot that you've been trying to learn vessels without significant rebound you know what that means you're interrupting module if I have a question and what's that going to accomplish why can't you just enjoy this we can't you just be happy for me you have got to find less debilitating outlets than humiliating people I hear folding is more fun than stalking I'm better at this if P is less than point zero blow a ton of money on a plasma TV bleeped bleeding a head isn't causing seizures it could be ten percent with damage the cerebral cortex of seizure bacterial meningitis viral encephalitis it's nobody to tell without shut up excuse me not you you know if my lecture is interrupting your meeting I can wait mehar Chuck Korea these are people say in India appreciate we'll figure out why it later and fix the bleed or he dies I'll talk to you in a couple hours daily murky the p-value of less than point zero zero one we have strong statistical evidence that this drug prevents migraine headaches without daily administration uh excuse me doctor he knows this field better than you do it's always been my understanding debt unless you follow a daily regimen no drug can prevent a migraine that's why they call it a breakthrough that's what you call it a breakthrough no the pharmaceutical company is sponsoring my clinical trials also hails it as a breakthrough I'm sure your wife and lawyer do too is there anybody who doesn't stand to make a fortune from it calling it a breakthrough who are you just a lunatic who desperately needs a hobby how exactly do these studies work you give this drug to a bunch of people and they don't get a migraine you go while I'm my drug works excuse me miss uh do you have cancer Wow mango juice prevents cancer perhaps I should have taken my medication before this lecture we had a very specific control group chronic migraine sufferers I don't have time to go through all the math right now but the incidence was dramatic here in India two plus two equals five they're right do I know you I know your math skills they blow to shade you sound very familiar why'd you publish it an obscure journal in India why not publish in really really cool hit cases of South Philly neuroscience New Delhi is a respected journal yeah the guy running slurp and gulp tells me it's one of the best did a hooker anything say I'm thinking they're publishing studies is probably the easiest way to get a pharmaceutical company to give you a reach-around and choosing a journal that no one can actually read well that's that's true I know I know you sure you do dick the names Philip my bad something to do with your face I always think your name is dick house here Medical School was 20 years ago give it a rest grow up yeah you were always the grown-up do the responsible thing tattletale you cheated I cheated then you're cheating now the drug doesn't work oh yes you would like to believe that because it plays right into your fantasy I tested it oh really what are your parameters where's your study room two one three four one patient a coma patient you haven't changed a bit you took shortcuts in med school you're taking shortcuts now you cannot test this on an abnormal brain that's so closed-minded he's not abnormal he's special cerebral cortex atrophies and coma patients you need live conscious people you don't know everything house [Music] [Music] I'd have had an orgasm what I mean while he was what's wrong I'm having migraine are you okay yes I was right Oh [Music] [Music]
Channel: House M.D.
Views: 4,300,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gregory House, House M.D., Dr House, House, Hugh Laurie, House Funniest Moments, House Best Moments, Allison Cameron, Olivia Wilde, Lisa Cuddy, Wilson, Best Of House, Thirteen, Foreman, Chase
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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