GoHighLevel CRM - ULTIMATE Walkthrough & Tutorial (2022)

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how's it going folks and welcome to another video it's keaton here and i cannot wait to talk about high level today it's honestly become one of if not my yeah i think it's actually my favorite software of all time and also welcome to the new studio that's new i spent a long time putting this together so hopefully it's pleasing to your eyes and i can't wait to get into this video before we do you're probably wondering if this is worth your time it's probably going to be a very long video i'm expecting it to be so because we're going to go over literally everything you need to know about high level so you need to understand if this is worth your time before we hop in and i respect that my name is keaton walker i run a marketing agency we did about 70 000 last month and we're continuing to scale that in the coming years and months we work with orthodontists i have about 40 on board i've churned a lot of clients i've made a lot of mistakes and i love high level so i've learned how to use that to help us scale our agency and i hate watching youtube videos with a ton of fluff in them so i'm going to cut out as much fluff as possible throughout this video my goal here is to make this absolutely hands down the best one video about high level on youtube so that you can get all your questions answered in one spot all right with all of that said let's go ahead and get started guys the first thing you need to understand about high level is what it is and why you need it in your agency because if you don't have that like you i don't want you to watch this video if you don't actually need the software right so i'm going to tell you a quick story to illustrate kind of what why this is valuable when i was first getting into digital marketing i was working for my family business and it's a swim school out here in utah so they teach little babies how to swim and we were opening a new location and we were trying to figure out how to fill this new location as fast as possible we ended up hiring a marketing agency owner he was 17 years old and he just overwhelmed our business with leads it was amazing what he did that's kind of what got me on the train of starting an agency but what happened is he sent so many leads that we didn't actually know how to follow up with those leads our team was completely overwhelmed we didn't have any sort of automations in place and so we ended up asking him like hey there's so many people can we just like figure out a way to send them a text as soon as they opt in he's like yeah sure we can set that up and he used like can't remember what the texting software so some random texting software he used and connected to our facebook ad so that every time a lead came in a text was sent and that really helped us get in contact with the people a lot faster and that was amazing it was it was a good system that he had set up but it wasn't very robust and it didn't really fit into our existing systems and it wasn't like a long-term solution for us it was just like hey every time someone opts in send them this text so high level fixes all the problems that i just outlined high level isn't going to run facebook ads for you well actually you could buy that on their services page but probably you're going to be the one running facebook ads for your clients once those facebook ads or google ads or seo or whatever cold email whatever prospecting method or outreach method or ad method you're using once those leads are generated high level is the powerhouse that you want to use to take care of those leads and nurture them into customers so just remember this high level is a crm and it's an automation suite at its very core if you don't know what a crm is you can look it up but it's a customer relationship management it's just helping your leads turn into customers now let's answer a couple more questions about pricing as well as if you actually need it right now in your agency if you don't have a client yet don't buy high level wait until you get your client i'm a big proponent of this get your first client then use the money they pay you to pay for your first month of high level you'll get a 14 day free trial and you could use my link down below if you want but uh with that 14 day free trial you'll have 14 days of you know helping that client out and then that will bill halfway through the month and you'll have your high level account actually functioning with something in it by the time you get billed which is great the other thing to keep in mind is pricing as i mentioned let's go ahead and hop into my computer and i'll show you the page here okay so here we are on the pricing page we've got the agency starter account if you have one client or you're just a business owner looking into high level this would be perfect for you you just get one sub account so one client account essentially and then the agency unlimited account you get this for 297 a month and this is unlimited client accounts which is incredible i would highly recommend this if you have more than one client it's totally worth it it's like 15 different softwares in one as they show up here this is the reality it's actually this good when i first signed up for high level i remember talking to robin who's one of the co-founders and he was like selling me on the software and i was like look i know you guys can do all these things but like in my experience if someone's trying to do so many things at once uh it typically just means that they suck at all those things and he was like well we're used to building like you may as well just try it out and it is amazing it is amazing they really do all these things better or they do it all in one spot which is just way better than paying for all of these which is amazing so anyways we've got these two plans and then we've got the 497 a month which would allow you to have a customs app and then also a mobile app this would be if you really want to go hard on white labeling high level as your own software product and selling it that way this isn't super necessary for most people 297 is going to get the job done there are some upsells like if you want to do hipaa compliance or if you want to do sas mode then you'd also come to this 497 a month and hipaa compliance is an extra 297 a month so i think i pay like 800 a month for the software holy cow but totally worth it and when you pay yearly you get some discounts as well so i just go ahead and do that all right awesome with all that said now let's actually go hop into high level and go over all of the things that you need to understand we really are going to try to take you from beginner to expert in this video as much as you can and like you know however long this video is going to be so here we are in high level the first thing you'll notice is that this is actually called lead flow which is a little bit confusing um lead flow is the white labeled domain and brand that i have put high level under for my agency so when i talk to my clients i say hey did you look in lead flow at this thing or when i'm talking to my team i say hey look at lead flow for this example and it's really cool to be able to sort of brand things under your own software name i haven't totally figured out how to just sell this as a software yet we're making more money just you know servicing clients at a higher retainer which i enjoy a little bit more i think but potentially in the future we could sell this just as its own software and if you want to check out our software website it's get leadflow.com and you can see like all of this that we've set up here to talk about the software all right the first thing we need to understand about high level is how the account structure works there is an agency account for each high level account and that's what you're paying 97 297 or 497 a month for but underneath each agency account if you have the 297 or 497 plan you can have unlimited sub accounts or unlimited client accounts and if we come here to accounts you'll see all of these accounts listed here we can see their name we can click on view details here and see everything we need to understand about the account here on an admin level and then it's also important to understand that your agency will have an agency level mail gun account which is how you send emails through each of your client accounts and will also have an agency level twilio account which is how you send text messages for each one of your clients so if we come here to settings you'll see twilio and mail gun are sitting right here in the middle of settings and if we click on twilio here you'll see all of my sub accounts have individual subaccounts within twilio as well so that they can send texts on individual phone numbers that have the area code for that area if i click on mail gun you will also see that each one of these is connected to my mail gun account where we can send emails on their behalf from oh.orthopatients.com which is just an email sub domain that we've set up there's a lot of training resources on this it's just important that you understand it now we're not going to go over it in depth in this video just you need to understand how this all works so that we can go into each individual account and you can see how that is set up so make sure you look up before you end up starting twilio integration and mail gun integration for your high level accounts kind of a waste of time in this video to go over it and one other thing to know here guys is that if you want to switch to any individual account again you can get there by clicking accounts here and clicking switch to account or you can come here click here to switch and then you can click on the individual account in this drop down menu here great so now that we understand how the sub accounts work within high level and that agency level hierarchy now let's go over each menu item here in the agency level so that you can get familiar with each one of them so we've got agency dashboard then we've got sas configurator so this is only if you're paying 497 a month for the software you can set up just like you you know you actually own your own sas brand all of the different things that you would be offering in each one of your sas tiers so if we come here to pricing on the get leadflow.com website you can see we've got the essentials plan and the professional plan here let's say instead of having funnels for example in my premium plan which isn't even listed on the website i want to switch it over to my professional plan then i could come here and just drag it on there and it would add it so every time someone creates an account and they sign up for the professional plan which is 349 a month then that's awesome we're going to give them access to funnels as well as everything in standard as well as the crm and the workflows and those changes are automatically made here in the sas configurator we can also scroll down here and mark up the telephone resale settings as well as the email resale settings so if you know if every time let's say i wanted to mark this up 10 times and give someone a free high level account just say hey you know you're my friend or you're a good client i'm just going to charge you a little bit extra or i'm just going to charge you for text and email and then you're you know getting a little bit of profit off of that instead of having to charge them for the software every month which is pretty cool so that's the sas configurator and then lastly you can set your trial period here for whatever number of days you want next up we have accounts which we've already covered and then account snapshots which we're going to come back to because that leads us perfectly into the next section of this video now let's come to reselling yext is an seo software that allows small businesses to list themselves on multiple different sites like google my business or yelp and that really helps their local business seo get boosted and so you can resell yext through high level at getting wholesale prices and then upselling them to clients which is amazing as well now let's come to marketplace this is where you can buy as i mentioned earlier different things from high level to on hipaa compliance you can come here if you want them to run ads for you they can set them up for 800 and then you could sell that to your client and just kind of be a middleman in here it's pretty cool but no promises at how good their ads are going to be i've never used this before might be worth trying out for a video right so we've got all of these different services but also we've got the eliza agent platform which is very very cool so eliza is an ai bot that helps book people's appointments for them very cool but also there's a rollover platform where if the bot can't answer anything high level actually gives you access to a team of people that they've partnered with that will follow up with the leads for you now this gets a little bit complicated we do this for our agency but i don't actually use eliza because i don't i like to schedule the leads directly in the existing system of my client and this doesn't allow you to do that i do need to look more into it but it's an awesome potential solution for somebody who has a very straightforward booking process and you just be using google calendar to schedule those leads very cool now let's go ahead and head over to the affiliate portal here this is pretty self-explanatory you can just see the people that are in your high level dashboard you can see i only have two customers i would love to get you on this dashboard so go ahead and click that link below if you'd like to sign up under mine or when you come back make sure you find this video and click that link because it really helps me out now coming here to partners these are different people that know a lot about high level that you can start talking to or maybe they can help you do different builds if you click find a partner you could click a different uh you know find somebody in a certain industry and then start talking to them and look at the services they provide and see if they you know you'd be a potential good fit to partner with them which is very cool university these are the setup courses that high level has there's also a sas fast track program with this guy that's an mba i watched like five minutes of one video and he seemed like way too stuffy for me so i didn't actually end up watching anything but you never know you might like him a lot better sas education this is just them trying to upsell sass mode to you sas fast track same thing it's just a like a 100 program what you can sign up for but you get it for free if you sign up for sas mode and then ideas here this is where you can come and suggest something to high level about what you'd like to be added so update website builder like or better than elementor you can see that there are a ton of people that have voted on this and so hilo is going to look at that more seriously and say okay we should push this out in the coming months great so those are all of these menu items on the agency side now let's go ahead and go to settings where there's even more on the profile obviously this is just you know you your information then we've got your company information for your agency then we've got team this is where all of your different team members are added depending on which account you're going to add them to you can see this is sort of like your software like all the users of your software and what they have access to depending on how many sub-accounts they have access to or maybe it's just one if it's a client multiple if it's a team member all of them if it's you as the admin agency owner i'm going to go back to this in the future because there's some really cool things that happen when you click add employee that won't make a ton of sense until we've actually gone into a sub account and looked at what's in there billing this is pretty straightforward snapshot we'll go over in a minute twilio and mail gun we've already discussed smtp service is basically the same thing as mail gun it's just if you want to use a different service you can add that there affiliate this is how you set up your settings for your affiliate program a custom menu link this just means if you'd like to add something in your software over on this left-hand menu you can come in here and create that and you know link to wherever that url is for example if you wanted to link it to a course that you have for your clients you could add it there stripe this is where you go ahead and integrate stripe api keys this is how you integrate individual client accounts with other softwares compliance is hipaa compliance if you're in the u.s i don't believe this is anywhere else in gdpr compliance if you are in europe or in other places you can set this up to make sure that you're being compliant with all local laws and everything that's very important and then launchpad you can turn this off or on for all your locations we'll go over what that is in just a minute awesome so that is all that you need to know about the agency view where the rubber really meets the road is inside the client view or each sub-account and the best way to understand about how this actually gets set up is coming here to account snapshots so i mentioned earlier within settings that we've got this snapshot menu and you can see inside this snapshot i've set up three different versions of the ortho patient snapshot which is my agency and then i've got a lead flow customer if there's somebody who signs up this is going to add them to the pro plan in lead flow and then i've also got another snapshot for a different type of client that we have um these are other imported snapshots that i've gotten from courses that i've taken or been added to so you're probably looking at this and you're like okay that's great but what's a snapshot keaton and it's just a set of settings inside of the sub account so let's go back here to account snapshots and you can see all of these default ones that have been set up so chiropractor my friend david thompson set this one up and let's go ahead and you know pick a chiropractor cairo practor and it looks like there's this one in new york so let's go ahead and select that and automatically it's going to pull the address of this place and all we have to do is name it so let's just do test cairo here and then i'll throw in my email address here because we don't want somebody else to be getting emails about this they'll be very confused now once i click save so now you can see this account is created we have a few different options we can turn on the x or we can turn it off we can turn on hipaa compliance or not and then we can also turn off sas mode if that's something that we've purchased and then in actions here we can load a different snapshot into this account we just created it from a snapshot so it won't make a ton of sense to do that then we could also just delete this account here we don't want to do any of those things so let's go ahead and go back to accounts here and then let's search up our cairo awesome i'm going to click switch to account and here we are inside the client account now what's really cool here is that if we come to sites and we come to funnels you can see there's actually a funnel pre-loaded from high level that's been proven to work with chiropractors inside of the account that you just created and that at the end of the day is what snapshot is it's just a set of settings with the funnels the forms the follow-up and nurture sequences already pre-loaded inside the account so if you have something custom that you want to make for your clients then you can put that inside a custom snapshot and every time you make a new client account you come back to agency view instead of choosing one of these snapshots you just come here to own snapshots and create a new account with the pre-loaded settings that you've already created really incredible so let's go ahead and go back to cairo up here awesome and let's go over all the relevant information we need to understand here so the first thing we need to go over here in the sub account view is how to add people to the account and how to give them access to certain things so before we go into settings here let's check out we've got all these different menu items about email marketing automation sites and then when we click on each one of these it has access to different things now if we come here to settings we come to my staff there's no one added on this account yet so let's say i go add myself as an employee here and i'm going to type in my name put in fake email here and then go ahead and create a password as well and then i can even set the email signature for this person if they're going to be sending emails through high level or select which calendar they're added to right now but what i want to show you is this user permissions thing this is groundbreaking just this thing sold me on high level every single one of these is one of those options that you saw on the first page so let's say i'm adding my client into my account and i'm like i do not want them to be able to mess with all the campaigns that i've set up i also don't want them to be able to see how i'm setting up the funnels so i'm going to turn that off and i don't want them to see any of the membership content because i don't have anything for them and i want to make sure that we have websites turned off as well because i'm not selling that you can go through this and turn off everything that they don't need access to and turn on everything that you think they do need access to very cool you could also turn on a read-only account that can just go in and kind of audit things and look at it seriously guys if you do not understand how groundbreaking this is it's next level because you can add clients to a crm where they can be following up with people but they don't have access to all the other things that's going to aid just you know too many cooks in the kitchen might cause them to mess up something that they're not supposed to mess up or they just might get confused and if you can simplify all of the interfaces that they're seeing on gohi level they are going to love it first of all because getting clients on new softwares is tough but also you're just going to have more success they're going to see wow i can follow up with all my leads in this conversation tab honestly very super revolutionary stuff here awesome so now let's go into user roles and here i can change them from a user to an admin if i change them to an admin they're going to have access to all my different accounts so let's pretend this is a client that we're adding to the account we're just going to leave them as a user we can set up call and voicemail settings you can have a custom voicemail just for this user user availability you can set up user calendar configuration you can set up so this is honestly one of the most robust calendar systems that i've ever experienced inside high level and i'll show you how to set it up later for now let's just make sure we have this person here so you can go ahead and click save and there we go we've got me keatonwalkertestedtest.com now i can go in and add an unlimited number of people to this account so you could have the doctor if it's a chiropractor and you could have their office manager and you could have another staff member all in there and then you can see who's making different changes while they're in there and they can have different settings based on who they are and you know what their voicemail is going to be all of those things isn't that cool it's so awesome i just can't get over how well they've done this so we're going to go through the rest of the settings here but what i need to do first is show you this launchpad thing so the first thing we have is connecting google my business to your high level page so that you can get the messages the call tracking and everything through that you can connect your facebook page so that you can make sure you're getting your facebook messages in there as well as your facebook lead ads or populating directly inside high level you can get a website chat widget so that's what we have in the corner of our website you've probably seen them everywhere and a lot of different sas companies are pushing these right now in fact it's like the only thing they're offering because they're so successful so that's something you can add you can connect their stripe and then add more team members as well as doing yext which we discussed earlier also the mobile app will be an option here but if you click on any of these buttons let's say your client wants to set up their account they can just click connect and prompt them to connect their account that's connected to their google maps listing so that they can receive those those messages and there's calls through high level so cool so now that we've covered the dashboard let's go ahead and go back to settings and go through the rest of these so if we come to business info we can add you know the different name company all this stuff change the time zone make sure that everything's set up correctly there call in voicemail settings which we've gone over you can do this on a general level for the the client account instead of the individual team members inside the account you can set up these general settings like disable the contact time zone or validating phone numbers when a contact is created something like that enable or disable depreciated features so campaigns and triggers we can get rid of completely because workflows have come out for example missed call text back this is really cool this is something you can enable where anytime somebody calls and your client misses the call they'll automatically get a text back that says hey i'm sorry i just missed your call how can i help you can customize what this says you can add different merge fields in there like somebody's first name you can add that to this text so that it pops up in there and when somebody gets texted if we have their name it's going to say hey john sorry we missed your call can i help you and that alone will do crazy things for the marketing like people who will love that they'll pay 200 bucks a month just for that service which is amazing so we've already covered my staff now let's talk about pipelines in order to understand pipelines we need to come to dashboard but this doesn't really help us a lot because there's actually no leads inside this account so let me show you a real client account and what this dashboard looks like you can see okay there's 334 people that have come through this client's dashboard their pipeline value is this much and their conversion rate is this much this client hasn't updated their conversion rate is higher but if they update everything then this is going to show completely accurately how many opportunities they have and how many of them they've converted and they can see how much money they're making or they're missing out on this funnel and this pie chart is going to show up showing all of the different people that came in through here you can also see we've got two different pipelines popping up here and pipelines is just kind of how the back end of this is automated which we were talking about in settings so if i switch to the facebook ads pipeline you're going to see specifically how the facebook ads are performing scrolling down here on the dashboard as well you can see the different manual actions that you've assigned we don't have any for our clients but if they were here they'd be here different tasks that you've assigned to different team members they would be here if you're using those and then also where each lead is coming from here it's not showing a source because they're automatically being zapped in from zapier but this is how that dashboard works all right so now that we've covered this dashboard let's go ahead and go over to opportunities which is also highly related to pipelines so if i come here to pipelines you'll see that actually all of the information and the stages are editable here as well as in settings if we come here to settings you'll see pipelines i can click on this and i can edit all the different settings inside this pipeline now let's go ahead and go back to opportunities and see what the heck all of this is about on this particular account we can see all of these people who have opted in as well as all the people who have canceled the people who are currently having a conversation with us people who have had appointments set people who started treatment with one of our doctors or did not start treatment or with this specific doctor people who know showed people who are in the long term nurturing people who are disqualified and people that ask us not to contact them again now if we come here to database reactivation this is how we switch from pipeline to pipeline if we want to just look at our facebook leads and ads and we can see the conversations the appointments we've set through here those who started treatment et cetera very cool i can scroll back here and also see how many have opted in and canceled recently so this dashboard will replace the google sheets you might have been using to keep track of leads for your clients or any other lead tracking device or whatever you're using this is all you need it's so nice you can come in here also and let's say this person has their appointment set but we don't know if they've started treatment so we tell our client to come in here and update all of these people and they look at this person and say yes this person closed they can drag them to one and then once they've been dragged to one they're going to pop up here inside started treatment and all of their information will update here on the dashboard so that we can see their conversion rate go up and they can say hey this is really working i love these guys this software is amazing and this agency is amazing i want to keep working with them forever so you really need to understand dashboard and opportunities in order to understand pipeline which is inside of settings here now let's go ahead and go back to our chiropractor snapshot here and you'll see that there's a different pipeline in here we can click edit on it and you can see all the different stages that are here that will be popping up inside the opportunities dashboard as well as on the other dashboard where you can see your roi and you can see i can toggle the pie chart off and on the funnel off and on cetera depending on what i want to have be visible and if we come here to create new pipeline we can create a brand new one if there's a different lead source so let's say you're running facebook ads and google ads for a client you'll be able to see how well your facebook ads are doing at a glance and how well your google ads are doing at a glance very impressive honestly i love pipelines it's one of the coolest parts about high level now let's go ahead and go into the calendars part here you can see if we click here this just shows us what the calendar would look like if we wanted to schedule with it fill out that information but what's really cool here i think is all of the settings inside the calendar it's honestly like mind-boggling how much they've put inside here and this is like the basic calendar if we want the more advanced calendar we can just come here to my staff and click on teams and then we'll just create a team so i'll do test team add myself and fill out this information all right boom now we've got that team created we come back here to calendars and you'll see we've got this other option of this team calendar that we can create so let's go ahead and click there and you'll see we've got if we had multiple people on our team we could select the different ones on this team we can you know sort for equal distribution between our different team members or we can sort for you know priority we can set up custom we can connect our zoom or connect our google meet here and then that meeting location will automatically be generated for every single appointment that we schedule um we can come in here and fill out all this information about our let's say we wanted to do like a coaching session one also if you want to do coaching with me the link is below down in the description and this is how i set this one up we come here to availability we've got all of this customizable stuff i can say oh i'm not available on fridays take that off completely and i could say you know i'm only available from 9 to 5 10 p.m on weekdays and then i can apply to every single day really cool we've got minimum scheduling notice all this other stuff that would be included in any really robust calendar software is included here and then if we come here to confirmation there's also so many cool things that we can add to our calendar to make it more effective when we schedule things like turning off rescheduling cancellation if we want to letting the calendar auto confirm the appointment allowing google calendar to send an invitation or update emails to attendees all of these things can be turned on and off inside calendars this honestly is is next level i haven't seen anything like it maybe calendly's gotten to this level but i don't see any other scheduling software with this ease of use and the just the fact that it already integrates with everything else in your system as well is incredible now if we come here to phone numbers this is where we add a specific phone number for your account so if i you know the area code here where i love is 801 so if i click search there's actually no numbers with that area code so i could put in an alternate area code and click search which is also in my area and you'll see all of these are in my area and i could just select one of these and it's going to cost me one dollar a month it'll automatically purchase it from twilio if i have twilio integrated with my account and it's just going to charge me one dollar a month for that um then you could pass that on to your client if you really wanted to but you know at one dollar a month i'm pretty sure you can afford it so then you could also add a number pool which is kind of cool like tracking different visitor activity on your website or a different marketing campaign with a different number for that marketing campaign so you can track where the calls are coming from now we come to reputation management through high level you can send out a lot of different texts so that people will leave your reviews online and you can customize what these different texts or emails sent to people look like by coming in here and typing in you know whatever it is that you'd like then you can also change the colors the review widget on your website if you'd like to put that on there all of these things are available and customizable inside settings here very cool now inside other settings this one will go pretty quick we've got custom fields this is how you can add specific questions to forms or surveys that you might be doing custom values is a similar thing domains this is how you'd add a domain for your funnels or your websites in high level media this is sort of like google drive inside your high level account which is incredible url redirects this is for wordpress if you're selling wordpress or doing seo services very cool integrations this is where you can integrate things like your google account your facebook account quickbooks clio i don't even know what that is but for some reason they have it at stripe and then recently shopify as well which is very cool facebook forms field mapping you can come in here and integrate the answers to the different lead forms that you have on facebook so that they're popping up in the right spot inside your account smtp and mail gun services this is a little bit different than what we looked at earlier because it's on the individual sub-account level instead of on the entire account level then we come here to tags and we can also create a new tag and just add that to people as we go through the different automations inside high level now we're going to dive into the rest of those menu options on the right here inside high level the conversations all of this other really important stuff that's going to absolutely blow your mind so i can't wait so we've already covered launchpad and dashboard here now let's go ahead and check out the conversations dashboard there's nothing in here right now because we don't have any conversations going on so let's go ahead and hop back into that client account i was showing you earlier and if we come here to conversations we can come to all and you can see all of the different conversations listed inside of high level regardless of where they came from which is very cool so we've got the messenger conversation here and then we've got the text conversation here we've got a phone call here if somebody messages in through the website chat widget we'd have it here google my business will be in here this is honestly absolutely life-changing for most clients for anybody doing marketing um this is going to be life-changing if we come here to manual actions we can send out a specific action or send a specific workflow to a specific client or prospect in here templates we can add in here for each one of you know a specific question that keeps getting asked or if we need to send something in spanish and we don't know how to say it then we could add this as a template and then once you're back in here in conversations and let's say i want to respond with the template i just click here on user template and then i can select the template from here and go ahead and send that directly to the person to save me and my follow-up team time and then if we come here to trigger links we can also send specific links to people that are branded with that message sender domain or actually we could set it up as a lead flow domain as well and then we can analyze what's happening with those trigger links i barely use this so i'm not really sure why it's in the conversations dashboard all right cool now let's go here to calendars up here we'll have calendars options and then also appointments up here and you can change the calendar that you're looking at right here if we come to appointments you can see all of the different appointments that were scheduled for this specific account as well as the calendars that were scheduled there contacts is also very useful let's come here you can see all the people that are in this account when they were added to the account and the last activity we had with them and then also if you click on them for example this most recent one i can see all of their information here on the left hand side any other general info or additional info that they've submitted through other forms and then i can see when i've talked to them something really cool here this honestly sold me on high level as well if i come to our agency sub account which we used to do marketing for our agency if i come click on this most recent person we can see where they started and then what form they submitted and how we got that contact created which is really cool you can see the customer journey just outlined right there so if you come here to tyrand you can see all of the different pages they visited and then they ended up talking to us through a chat widget and this i honestly don't even know how high level tracks that because i didn't add any sort of pixel but it just started tracking that so you'll discover all these little gems that high level is able to do that you didn't even know when you start actually diving into everything so let's go back into this client account inside contacts we can also filter between all of these different age address anything else we could add a tag as a filter and then we could say the tag is any of these things blah blah blah and if we wanted to send uh add all of these let's say we wanted to add all you know 600 people in this account to a specific campaign i just click on this and then it's it would walk me through adding them to a campaign that could be a text campaign or an email campaign or whatever it is or we could add tags to all of these it's just very robust reminds me of infusionsoft but it's way easier to use awesome now we've already covered opportunities now let's go to payments payments is pretty cool i'll show you back on the ortho patients account again we've got a course called the ortho patients academy and if i come here to ortho patients academy you can see i was running a black friday sale and also doing a test i can list this for a bunch of different prices and i can just go back into the funnel and switch out the price here so when it comes to products you can just click create new product you can fill out all these settings about the product and then it will automatically create it inside of stripe so that you don't have to do that twice it's very cool transactions you can see all the people that have purchased things and then integrations you can see your paypal and your stripe here awesome so all of these parts of the menu here are going to be the crm side of things everything below this is sort of the automation and more heavy marketing side and tracking and everything so let's go ahead and go to email marketing this is pretty straightforward it just looks like activecampaign or any other email builder you've likely used if i come here to create email and i use one of these uh you know simple templates here it's going to pull that up inside the email builder here and then i can swap out you know for different pictures or whatever that's happening that i need to put inside this email i can come here to settings put the subject line the from name all the stuff and then decide who i'm going to schedule it to search contacts based on tags or anything else very cool i can also send test emails this is probably my least favorite part of high level although what i just showed you seemed like it works the email builder has been the most buggy part of high level in the past i think they kind of pushed it out a little bit too soon and the other thing to keep in mind here about email is that it can get a little bit more difficult because you're not just sending on like infusionsoft server for example or active campaign server you're sending with your own dedicated ip address that you set up within mail gun and you might be doing like a shared ip through mail gun but even then it's just a lot easier for them to like pinpoint you and like kill you basically like zap you out of the sky and tank air deliverability so there's more like technical aspects of that which i don't love about sending emails through high level some of that might have changed recently it does really well for like transactional emails like um we have when somebody opts in for anything on our website we have like three or four emails that go out to them and we use high level for that works great but as far as broadcasts go i'm still using infusionsoft because of the deliverability that's been a little bit poor on high level maybe i'm just overthinking it but that's just been my experience there's also templates that you can ask for different emails which you'd be able to use inside the conversations dashboard for example if i was here speaking with someone and i wanted to send them an email like this person who we only have their email then i could send them an email but this person we have their email as well as their phone number and so i can switch back and forth here and i could use one of the email templates that we have which it looks like we don't have any of app but i could come in here and add an email template inside email marketing uh trigger links same thing it's also inside emails here it was inside conversations and then html builder you could create a new html email inside this builder i've honestly never used it uh it seems kind of advanced anyway i think they're probably just phasing this out like they were saying on the last page cool all right moving on to automation sites guys if you're still with me this is honestly some of the biggest most important stuff inside high level so just hang in in there for the next 20 or so minutes while we go over this so we've got workflows campaigns and triggers as i mentioned earlier campaigns and triggers are sort of being phased out or they can be phased out um they're sort of like the simpler version of workflows but there's two of them so workflows is sort of the more streamlined version but it seems more advanced to me it's kind of hard to to wrap your head around when you first see it because there's so much that said we are going to just show you workflows because it's the newer one if you're starting from scratch here you're probably going to want to create workflows so let's go ahead and create a workflow and let's do a start from scratch workflow here and let's say this is a workflow for when somebody opts in on facebook so we'll come here and change the the trigger type to facebook and then we'll say the lead form is submitted on facebook click a save trigger and you could honestly create this for anything so it could be a crm and then we could say this person is uh like has this tag added and the tag is like fb tag for whatever reason if you're zapping the lead from facebook to high level then you would add this tag to it and then that could also be a trigger for this then we come in here and we say all right i want to send them a text right away and in this text i want to say hey contact first name thanks for requesting your 500 off voucher etc and i could write this long maybe not too long of a text but just say like which day of the week works best for you awesome and then i'm going to save that and that's going to send immediately after but if we come here and we also want to send them an email we could fill out all this information here pretend i wrote a real email there i could click wait and we can make sure that it waits you know two minutes in between the sms and the email click save action very cool so you can see all the potential of these different automations in here it's like honestly so robust so impressive uh everything that they've done in here you can also add in if else conditional logic we can do weight we can do a web hook we can have them go to somewhere else or like start another workflow something like that there's so much opportunity here and again it's like it's pretty intense there's also all these different settings that you can set up like we can only run this workflow from on monday and tuesday for whatever reason or we can run it every single day or we can only run this one on weekends because we have a different thing that wants to run on the weekends super crazy all the things that you can set up in here again i haven't used this basically just because i have everything set up in campaigns and triggers already and they work really well and on second thought it probably is good to show you guys campaigns and triggers so you can see how it works let's start with campaigns if i came in here and showed you for example let's say somebody opts in for our video sales letter we're gonna send them these three emails this one's gonna send 45 minutes after they opt in and this is just because we're waiting to see if they actually schedule an appointment and if they schedule an appointment then we're going to take them out of this automation but we've got email 1 email 2 ml3 they're sending out right after they have their opt-in and inside of these campaigns if i go back in there i could also add a text that says hey thanks so much for opting in but typically we don't have their phone number so the text wouldn't make too much sense here go ahead and remove that so essentially the same thing but also in triggers you kind of have to marry the campaigns with different triggers so you'll see on our vsl when somebody opts in for the vso you'll see here that if the vsl form the facebook bsl form is submitted then we're going to tag them and then we're going to add them to the campaign via cell opt-in and then we're going to mark them as a lead inside of the pipeline and then that's going to show up in the opportunities dashboard and also on our other dashboard here so very cool how it all works together workflows campaigns and triggers this is like again some of the most robust marketing software that i've ever seen now let's go to sites this can look overwhelming with all the different things that we have in here they've got the funnel builder which honestly is just like clickfunnels funnel builder i've heard some people like clickfunnels better i honestly didn't at all like this is it's exactly like clickfunnels like it looks exactly the same like i wonder if they've run into copyright issues because it looks so much the same but if you come in here and you want to edit all these different things it's just exactly like click funnels like i was saying they've got a pop-up that you can you can do as well all the different fonts and everything is exactly like that the different funnel steps if you're unfamiliar with click funnels or what that is basically here i've got a sales page and then let's go ahead and preview this i've set this all up within lead flow within a high level excuse me and if somebody says yeah i want to buy your course they come in they sign up for my course and they purchase this then it's going to take them to thank you page and all this was set up these different steps were set up to help guide them through that purchase process a little bit better than what a website would do and speaking of websites and also you have unlimited funnels unlimited everything uh domains click funnels really limits you on that i'm not sure what the 2.0 update on them is but i mean who cares when you've got high level so you come into websites here i can create a new website go to template and choose any of these and set up a website within seconds for my client or for myself it's not going to be very good because i'm going to have to update everything but it is an option and then memberships guys this is where it gets really crazy this is like having teachable inside your high level account so i come here to products these are the this is that um product that we're selling you can see all of these video lessons that i've uploaded inside of here and it looks just like this looks really like the kajabi setup for memberships which is very cool you can also see the analytics of who's going through your course or not you can set up different settings for your memberships and everything like that form builder you can come in here and integrate any sort of form with your funnel so if i for example this one like the facebook forum this is just a quick one for us again marketing our agency that asks them a couple questions like first name last name phone email but you can call also come in here in custom fields and you can add something like are you interested in implementing any number of the things you responded no to for your business i don't know how this got in my account but you know it's there so i can take it out but i can also come here to custom fields and i could drag this one over like are you generating a steady flow of new leads each month and they can click yes or no and then click submit and i can set up an automation for within workflows or campaigns and triggers that once they submit this form then it does you know it sends them an email and it sends them a text and we get on a call and all this other stuff that you can set up forms the form builder is i mean it's pretty straightforward but it does a really good job surveys this one's really cool let's go ahead and go back to our chiropractor and look at the survey they have here david thompson uh created this and pretty much i don't know if they took it from him or somebody else just gave it to high level that knew about this but but what this survey does is it pops up sort of like a jot form or something else like that where somebody clicks on or submits their information inside the funnel then it would just redirect to the survey and then they have to click on you know this is the level of pain i'm experiencing this is where i'm experiencing it all of these different questions inside the chiropractor survey here which is very cool the chat widget i've mentioned this before but this is how you customize actually adding that and then gives you the code to implement that in your website or if you want to do it via google tag manager or if you have a wordpress website there's a plugin amazing come to media just like i mentioned before this is kind of like google drive it's kind of weird that they take you out of the sites thing for that and then url redirects also takes you out of there for but we've already covered both of those inside settings awesome we're almost there guys reputation this is how you set up those uh review requests inside high level customer name phone and email and you could just say like it'll send that review invite with whatever settings you have set up inside of um the settings which we talked about earlier this reputation management inside here and then in listings this is how yext this is where you go ahead and set up your yext listings thing here and then lastly guys on this dashboard we've got the reporting dashboard if you integrate your facebook account and your google account then you'll come in here and you'll have access to all of the information we don't actually have anything updated here i wonder if in ortho patients you can see what it looks like looks like we don't have google ads but we do have facebook here and you can see you know we just recently turned off our ads just because they weren't doing anything and we're going to turn it back on after christmas but you can also see an attribution report of how many people are coming from which places and where the contacts were created from and all these things call reporting is very cool you won't be able to see it here but if we come to client account again you can see all of the numbers who were contacted and you can see whether they answered or not this is also visible within each individual conversation if we come to this individual conversation you can see that we had a conversation with this person and we can click play and it's going to play the recorded conversation that we had with them we can speed it up um and this way you can look and tell your clients and be like hey i know you said the leads suck but i heard your follow-up and it also sucks so let's see what we can do and to improve that follow-up for you maybe don't say that directly to them but we've got call reporting in here we can see how many are answered versus missed the top sources average call duration agent reporting this is how you can see how each individual agent on your team is doing and then inside appointment report you can see how many people were booked in certain dates or certain calendars how many of them showed up no show to cancel et cetera do you guys want to sign up for high level now or what if you made it this far congratulations you're amazing um sign up for high level hopefully this was really helpful guys if you want to book a call with me and learn more about how you might be able to implement this specifically for your agency go ahead and do that it's 250 per call and also if you'd like me to make more videos about specific parts of this that we weren't really able to dive into on this video i'm happy to do that let me know which parts you'd like me to make a video about and i'll do it thanks so much for tuning in subscribe if you got some value out of this took me like an hour and a half to make this video so and and like two years of experience to get to this point where i could so thanks so much for being here uh thanks for watching this video hopefully it was helpful and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: ItsKeaton
Views: 42,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keaton walker, gohighlevel crm, highlevel crm, gohighlevel walkthrough, gohighlevel tutorial, gohighlevel queen, jim paar, gohighlevel saas mode, gohighlevel email, gohighlevel review, gohighlevel calendar, gohighlevel payments, gohighlevel complete walkthrough, gohighlevel membership, gohighlevel website builder, gohighlevel twilio setup
Id: fLFRqeJs1LY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 51sec (3051 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 27 2021
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