I Bedrock Trapped This Streamer

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this is a Bedrock box and I'm about to trap my enemy inside of it the team known as Eclipse has been taking my teammate and I's ideas and using them to destroy the server claiming that it's for the greater good we removed the end Island in self-defense so they removed the dimension altogether we duplicated items to give to the poor so they found an exploit to get illegal ones we built an obsidian prison at spawn and four days later they built a Bedrock one immediately I knew this was a prison designed for me and my teammate Rochambeau the sign of ultimate retaliation so I looked upon this seemingly impossible build and knew that I had to imprison the leader of eclipse vitalacy first but how was I going to do this well I had no idea what prison could be stronger than Bedrock well nothing but that doesn't mean that I can't use Bedrock as well see I also have a teammate that knows how the glitch to get infinite items Works meaning that I have access to bedrock as well but the prison is designed so that you spawn in it after you die and if they know this they're gonna have their beds super far away my other idea was to trap where they logged off but if the player had any items on them they could kill themselves and escape this was going to be much harder than I thought and for every second I was working on this project was another second that that prison was being built but while researching I was messing around with some items and ended up getting kicked from the server oh I was kicked oh my God I have an idea what just happened to me is called a chunk band whenever a player gets too much data they get kicked from the server and it can even result in a permanent ban if there's too much data this can be achieved with some shulkers and books meaning that if anybody picks up this mysterious item they'll get banned from the server dude if we banned Vitality that would be so freaking funny a plan was starting to form on our heads but it had two major flaws one we would need to get Vitality to pick up a specific shulker which is already sketchy and difficult to do two the server has rules about book Banning although it is allowed the person who gets banned can get unbanned whenever they want but they will be slash cleared although this seems like a major drawback a slash clear would get rid of all of vitalacy's items meaning that if he was book banned we could place Bedrock around him and he would be trapped so with a rough plan in mind we went to go grind a book in quills okay that works that works that works breaking the Bedrock is kind of broken actually Vortex is right if you go too far down with your pants like how many cheeks what the off [Music] oh my no no no oh W I can't pick it up but oh my what are you doing but as we were getting books we realized we still needed to find a way to get one of the shulkers on Vitalis and to do this in a non-suspicious way was going to be really really difficult what if we brought him to a meeting but like the meeting is real then we could actually find a way to get the books on if we could get Vitality into a designated area we could get the shulkers on him but in order to make sure that this Mission had the highest success rate we decided to sketch out a plan to every detail okay we'll go to the old Vault and we'll make sure that there's a table for the meeting this is going to make Vitality feel safer because there's a roof on the Vault but in reality the shulkers are going to come from the ground what we can do is we can put droppers under the table that way the shulkers will get pushed up to the surface and he'll get banned right there but he's obviously going to be suspicious if we have like a specific chair for him so we'll just make eight machines under every single chair of the table that way he can pick whatever Cherry wants to sit on obviously this was going to take a long time but if I wanted to guarantee ban I was about to have to write 300 books and they have no idea that I'm working with you yeah they have no idea all right um how to do this again oh we need books literally like bricks like from fortnite I'm bricked up I feel like I'm fortnite but after an hour of recording books vitalacy went live on YouTube so we had to finish this project as fast as possible tell us he's live right now we're gonna book ban him on his birthday I think that's really funny one subscriber equals one dog on lifesteal SMP live no way he hasn't logged on in months all right come to oh my did you hear that devious ass haircut [Applause] [Music] okay so now you got The Observers no I put cheese in the Trap put cheese in my ass you think you're Mr q but you're not Mr Cube here you go I am Mr Cube I'm built like Mr Cube Mr cube is pretty strong it didn't well Russell is not what what how do you make this oh now that all the machines were set up that is a shulker capable of book Banning any player I'm gonna break on top of me don't don't actually don't right now I actually don't right now me and spoke met up I got ready for the meeting I called spoke on FaceTime and the second I opened my inventory and filled it he had to log on and pull the lever so I went live and got ready to pull off Minecraft history in front of hundreds of people any seat you want as you know for the past week spoke has been paying us in items to do weird games for him and I'm here to trade bits of info on what the anti-explators are doing the way we're gonna do this is I'm gonna give you a little something you're gonna give me a little something right so do you know like what they're up to right now [Music] all right no way that just works as we built the Bedrock box around him we thought we had won but Vitality was acting weird he was refusing to get cleared by anybody and eventually he logged back on with items that was a little bit of a Mis comeback I'm not gonna lie wait what I mean who are you guys You Can't Ban a God as I heard Vitality burning below me I was convinced that the Trap was a failure but then I realized he was going to die and if vitalacy didn't have a spawn set he was going to spawn up in the prison the prison that he made yeah are you sure he's up there he's up there all right I'm going up camp him are you sure he's up there yes he's up there is up yeah all right boys we know it's bro this is not a spot it's like fighting here I'm up here that's true actually Bedrock prisons are in Spanish wait no who just jumped down oh he is infinite health he's got a full potion you just jumped the out of here dog get up get up although Vitality had escaped our initial prison he was trapped in his own meaning that if we could get bedrock around him we'd still won yeah all right that works [Music] it's not good stuff nice [Music] all right uh-huh yeah wait you physically can't escape from this oh unless you die or somebody breaks the Bedrock right no you can't break the Bedrock because it's height limit and just like that Vitality was trapped in the prison that he had built for me but my reason for doing all this has been different than I told you from the start we've been doing this to get all the exploited items off of everyone from the server starting with Vitalis and once we can do that we can go to phase one
Channel: Mapicc
Views: 194,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Fd_9GZoylgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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