How I use the Elgato Stream Deck for Productivity at the Computer - Review and Tutorial

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hello my name is will welcome to my new youtube channel this first video I'm going to review a really cool product I just picked up called the stream deck from el gato el gato dot-com I'll put the links and the show notes for all this really cool product that was primarily designed for streaming doing live streams like game streamers on Twitch YouTube channels like that has a lot of built-in integrations for twitch and a piece of software called OBS which is the video recording software I'm using right now to record the show so pardon my eyeballs looking up to the corner I'm just checking out the studio website of me and we'll switch through different sources of video decided to just go ahead and shoot it and one-take shoot it live and mess with that it's later and rather than doing a multicam setup and adding editing the video that way for this first video so pardon that so again it the stream deck primarily used for that game streamer but I found several other uses for it because I don't stream video right now and I'm not a gamer and I'm not really doing much video editing or anything like that just yet so what I use it for is is shortcuts I do a lot of work at the computer you've got hotkeys on your computer keyboards now that you can program but I find this to be really effective of you know programming in the 15 buttons on the on the screen on the touchpad to do multiple things so I'm gonna walk you through how I use it and I'm still really just getting started with it but at $150 really cool it the amount of time it saves me already it's been just amazing so I'm gonna walk you through that and they switch over to the screen now with the web browser and the in the stream deck itself so you can see it really fits in the palm of the palm of the hand I can adjust the angle of it I'm not gonna move it around cuz the camera set right now for it but very small touch button and so you can program in the icons so this is what makes it better than the hotkeys on your on your computer keyboard you don't have to memorize what you know command 1 or command f8 did you can you can write on these icons you can program in a particular picture on it you can do all sorts of things with it and so I'm gonna walk you through some of those that I do now so you know what I use it for is basically anything that takes more than one or two or three clicks you know sometimes it may only take one click but it's one that I repeat often so any tasks that I repeat multiple times in a day I go ahead and program it into my my stream deck to be able to to do that so some of the things that I I do um let me take you over to sharing my display so you'll see some of these things pop up so one of my first tabs in here is Spotify so I listen to music while I work so if I click the Spotify button you see Spotify opens up and also takes me to a screen on the stream deck to control you know all of this all the play functions of the Spotify app including volume skipping ahead in the song skipping back in a song or listen to a podcast skipping to the next song so pretty cool in each of my screens I end up programming in a home button that takes me back to my home screen or another button a canned kind of fast-forward through my different profiles so that's one of the things I use it for I just you know found it rather than I use Mac's primarily rather than searching for the to the app folder and finding Spotify and opening it and going through all that I can hit one button pops up my wife and I and I'm step son we all fight over the temperature of the house quite a bit I'm working up and aloft in our apartment and I find you know the temperature it becomes an issue I've programmed in taking me to the nest app unfortunately there aren't other short but or short but excuse me shortcut keys for nest once you're on their website but at least this takes me right to it I don't have to open the app on my phone anymore I can come right to it and you know adjust the temperature it's not really 78 degrees in the house but our thermostat is just seems to be reading a little hot but it's it's ice-cold in the place right now so I'm going to shut that down so maybe we don't hear the air-conditioning noise in the background in a moment when it shuts down all right some other things that I let it do we record a podcast my stepson and I and I'll be doing some other podcasting soon so I've got a shortcut that takes me right to the dashboard for our podcast I haven't set these all up yet but I've got some sources for YouTube studio and and just YouTube browsing in general got a little bit more of the YouTube browsing so be able to play all the play functions and all that but I'm gonna search out the other shortcut keys that the work things like you know liking a video or subscribing to a channel I use the toggle app to track my time on a number of things so I've programmed a button here for toggle which will open the toggle desktop app and then I can come in and actually you know start my timer for whatever function I'm doing I do a little bit of day trading so my money sign here and that takes me to a screen that has all the different financial apps that I use with web pages where I could open them individually or instead I can use the multifunction button which I'll go into in a minute and run the functions to open all those into a new window place the window where I want it and open all all four of these different web pages so I'm got it on that screen so that you know I have to see my meager investing strategies I do a bit of writing a lot of note-taking so I've got a another profile in here for that which takes me to right now I can access the media map that's where I do some of my writing can find me a medium at will of writes WRI tes so that takes me the home page for medium or another thing I do and make sure I'm in the display video so you can see my display itself Evernote is a program I use quite a bit so I've programmed a button here to open Evernote app and go into you know a new note just in my sorting table there but there's plenty of other hot buttons I can program for Evernote and same for Apple notes I use it quite a bit as well let's open another screen so you're not seeing that right now I'm just starting to check out twitch so that's kind of a new one but I've got a shortcut button to straight to that just straight to my home page and twitch and soon I'll be programming in for the apps I used with an Adobe and each of these will be set up to actually open up the particular apps that one's for a Photoshop and then what I'm gonna end up doing is setting up a profile for hot key shortcuts for Photoshop itself sometimes just as a Productivity tip having a 20-minute timer some you know called a Pomodoro timer just a kind of to do a sprint like hey I'm gonna really focus the next 20 minutes on reading certain articles or spending time on browsing the internet or whatever sometimes as many of you probably know you're watching this YouTube video right now that once you get started you know there's no stopping so I can hit my 20 minute timer and it doesn't make countdown so I'm at nineteen fifty seven fifty six and it'll it'll count down and give me a little buzzer when it hits 20 minutes file management I know if you've been downloading a lot of things or screenshots that go to your to your desktop you know file management becomes a things I've just got a profile in here for for working with within the finder and so once I go to that that page there'll be a number of things I can do opening up new windows or deleting things removing files of trash and whatnot and then I've got another profile of just some quick links so that one goes there alright so I mean those are some of the things I'm using for there's endless possibilities of things to do with the stream deck so basically the way I come about the different shortcuts that all program in are based off of just working through the day and as soon as I come to a task that I realize have done this three times today then I better program a button in here or if it takes three or four steps to get to the page I want to get to such as Evernote I want to open it but I also want to open a certain folder and start a new note something like that or if I want to put certain tags on it from the get-go I can I can program all that into one button and make that work so that's how I use it so again endless what I can do with it I'm still growing with it still figuring out all the steps that I want to put in it so now I'm gonna go through just how to program it so we cut to this green all right so what this shows here is the the stream deck software the configuration screen so that's the home screen I was just walking through so you know I've got my click for for music and so I can walk you through how I can do this so my home screen is still evolving figuring out what I actually want on here I may end up making the shortcut for video and then it taking me to another profile where that screen will then break out into the different video apps or web pages that I use and then from there have profiles for each of these for watching YouTube for working and uploading videos and whatnot or editing things like that so for now it'll just be in there so right now I've got a quite a number of different profiles in here so finder so when I click the finder button on the home screen that takes me to this screen and then where I can open new windows open new folders open your tabs when I get to different file I can preview so all these do it's just a shortcut I drag over from from from the side here what I want to do so this is just a hotkey so I'll go down here to the hotkey and I will drag that there I'm not going to do at the moment cuz I've already got well look what I just did so I will drag it over there nope I don't want to there we go so it takes me right back to it but if I dragged it over and I'll show you on another screen in a moment how that goes and then what I would do here is I would to preview if you've highlighted a file in in say in the finder then you just hit the spacebar over it and that'll give you a preview of it so let me take you to the display screen again and let me open a new window I said let me open a new window I gotta actually get into the finder alright new window let me put it over here you don't need to see all my all my stuff but you know here here it is you know Finder window looks like and you know let's see what I got in here I've got the road to better habits it's a PDF I downloaded from somebody so you know if I hit the spacebar sorry there's the the preview so it pops up if I hit the spacebar right so all I did was I programmed it into the stream pad preview and so it's just hitting the spacebar for me it's just a one-click button it's just the spacebar why don't I just leave it on the spacebar well because I've got everything built into my stream pad here right so if I want to go to the next file I can just use I've got my arrow down buttons and I can preview the other things hit preview but again it goes away if I decided so it looks like I've got two copies of something here actually looks like I have three copies of something here so I can while it's highlighted it's trash moved to trash and so let me just show you that move to trash what this one is this is a hot key I mean there's a command backspace is the function to move to trash all right so I programmed that in there as a hot key it came over here to I can set the icon and so I just pulled in a red background to create that one and then I put the title on it and move to trash to be able to do that and you can select the font and you can select the color in position of it all through this little screen here besides all that so that's one of the ones so let me just I'll take you through building a new a new screen for whatever you might want to do to just show you a couple of the different functions so I keep a default tab in here let me just show you what that default is I know whenever I create a new one I create it from here cuz this is sometimes I want the timer on every screen not as often so often times I'll end up deleting that out but I've got my home button so sorry a program to go back to the home profile if you know if I hit that it goes right back there right and then my forward button just it Scrolls me through the the different profiles back to my default I do and I'm creating a new one is I come in here right click duplicate and I rename this one and so we'll just call this one test and so now I'm on that no yeah no I'm on the test profile so let's say I wanted to do a shortcut key to open a website I can do that here so what I would do here is let me go to a website and just make it a little bit easier to get the URL there's hello my name is well it's still in progress still being built alright so back in here so I'm gonna program that in hello my name is well and as just as the website piece like that so I can just type in here hello for the icon that's enough for me for that for this one right on the next one let's do a let's do a hotkey for let's say we're in the chrome app so after I've gone to hello my name is will I come maybe I'm gonna want to open another tab so opening another tab in chrome is command T alright so I've done that so I couldn't either leave it the way it says there I can just write new tab and then maybe let's do a multiple let's do a multi-step so here's a multi action one so within this now you've opened multi action now you pull them the different things that you want to do so let's have it open an app I'm gonna have it open Chrome we'll just keep it within the web world here so it should be under Google Chrome ok and then let's have it [Music] let's have it open a particular website again let's just do hello my name as well makes it easy and then let's have it hoping than another tab from there so again command T so those are the different actions that's gonna take it's gonna open the other tab what's gonna first open Chrome then it's gonna open the website and then it's gonna open the tab and I'm gonna have to change this screen to make sure it's shown the display all right good just to make sure we're able to see all this in action all right so we can change the icon that I'll show you that in just a minute all right but now I'm going to go to my my stream deck and first we're already in Chrome press the button for opening the web page there it takes me straight to the web page I want to do a new tab that's the new tab let's pretend I wasn't actually in so here I'm in finder now I'm gonna do this multi-step piece which takes me opens Mia knew well crumbs already opened so I don't just went ahead and opened up a new iteration of that web page and a new tab so if Chrome is already open here's another step I could add into that let's go back to the stream deck configuration into that multi and let me do another hot key in Chrome maybe I want to do all this in a new window so I'm going to do the hot key click to assign I'm going to assign command n which is new window all right back to the display here so now I'm going to let me close out of these other ones so you can see the new stuff that comes out all right so the function that that's going to do now from the from the stream deck on that multifunction is going to be open Chrome it's already open it's going to open a new window open hello my name is Welkom and then it's going to open open a new tab alright and did it all over on the other side alright so that's another thing I could do I've got a piece of software that our little one of those top menu little mini apps that does something cool let me program that and now so what I'm going to want it to do is I've got a keyboard shortcut to move this screen say I want to move it to the right third of my right through the might display so again another hot key function and I'm going to click to a sign and I believe it's ctrl alt T he's gonna get my right third of the screen alright so now I'm back here and go to the stream deck hit that multi-function key and now it's moved it over to the right through my screen and it opened the page and open that so this is the way I do it for the multi function on the like my financial page for instance so again this is I mean I don't want to make this video six hours long it's already pretty long but a lot of the cool things you can do you can do if you repeat a lot of texts like maybe keywords for for four videos and they go in with you know with hashtag keyword comma to put this this text in you've got ones that you repeat often so you can you can put that in there so maybe it's like you know whatever you call this one keywords right and and so what will happen let me hole open a let's go over it will do this on a on evernote evernote page at home writing evernote alright so i've got this and I just did my a screen all right I'm gonna hit that keyword button and now it popped in as you can see on the screen here keyword keyword to keyword 3 so the keyboard shortcuts kind of a cool way to go about using this again hotkey switches you can use hockey as a switch on and on off open an app multimedia you can you know put the controls for your multimedia in there that's what I did on my my music page that these are all multimedia buttons which then I put in custom icons for there's a lot with stream labs itself so I could you know drop in a let me go back to our test page I could do a switch profile and then place that and then all that does is it I'd select which one of my profiles from the stream deck that I want to use create new folders all sorts of great stuff in fact I even explored the create a new folder yet but I imagine that it's going to help organize my profile so that's gonna come in handy very soon within the OBS studio software that he used for video that's handy as well and here's I just started messing with this but theory I should be able to balance between my different video sources whether it's just my camera it's the stream deck configuration screen my browser in the pictures in picture or hand of the display itself so yeah that's pretty awesome and you know change your sources start streaming start recording I just decided I better look and make sure I'm still recording and I'll probably use this to stop our recording shortly so that in a nutshell in a mere 27 minutes is stream deck and how I go about using it I'll be putting together more reviews and tutorials I probably went on pretty long on this first one there's so much I'm still finding out in stream deck maybe I'll rerecord this and do a new review and just break down the stream deck tutorials and a playlist with some you know shorter Nuggets for you in the future but you know let me know in the comments how you stream deck I think it's an awesome product you know if you liked the video if you liked and what I showed you if you want to try the stream deck please use the link I have an affiliate link with Amazon to that below so that certainly helped me be able to continue to do different reviews and whatnot videos so again share the page share the these videos like them subscribe I'll be putting more up here soon I hope and hopefully we'll have some better video quality and direction of whether I continue to use OBS and and kind of stream these live in one take or if I want to get and heavier into video editing and chop all these up in pieces alright hey thanks a lot for watching again the product is the stream deck from El Gato let me look at that what a way to finish let me get back to the webcam full there we are stream deck from El Gato the links will be in the thanks again my name is will
Channel: Hello, my name is Will
Views: 1,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elgato stream deck, stream deck, stream deck tutorial, stream deck setup, stream deck review, pc gaming, how to, stream deck setup guide, obs studio, live stream, elgato stream deck streamlabs obs, elgato stream deck review
Id: RmoglEBSW7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 43sec (1723 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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