Elgato Stream Deck-Ecamm Live Sound Effects | Mr. Riley's World #streamdeck #soundfiles #streamer

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hey there have you ever watched a live stream and you've heard someone touch a button on their road caster pro and play a sound like this or like this or like this well for those of us who are not able to touch the sound paths on our road caster pro simply because we do not have one i have a wonderful solution for you in this video i'm going to introduce you to a website where you can download these sounds and many many more i'm also going to show you how to program your stream deck so that when you're on a live stream you can use these sounds as well let's get into it hey there my name is mr reilly from mr riley's world and if you have not had a chance to visit my channel i focus on early childhood special education teacher technology and also i'll create videos centered around my family okay everyone so the first part of this video is we're going to introduce you or take you over to a website where you can download any kind of almost any kind of sound that you want to incorporate and program into your stream deck so let's go visit there real quick it's called my instance and what i will do is i'll put a link in the description below for this particular website but as you can see my instance right here in the top left corner and then you can also search for a sound and then if you click uh the menu titles here uh you can look for trending you can look for new sounds there's different categories and so if you just click on categories games movies television and things of that nature so whatever kind of sound that you want to use and download you can pretty much find here on this particular website now you have to be careful because a lot of the titles on this particular website are explicit and so um you pretty much just have to kind of uh use some some good uh knowledge and and make sure that you know you're looking for the sound that you want so if i uh scroll up and this is the home page here and so as you can see the first button that i used in my in the open to open this particular video was bro and so um so you see the different names here buzzer taco bell if i want the air horn there's the prices price is right sound so there are countless sounds and all you have to do is kind of search for them some of them are centered around video games so i just saw a mungus and so i don't play a mangas shame on me i know however this is probably probably one of the sounds that you would hear if you play among us and let's see so there's countless sounds and so i'm going to do a search for several sounds that i want to incorporate that i don't have into my stream deck one of the things i like about this particular site here is that you can actually register for your own account so if you go to my favorites and so if you want to log in and create your own user account that way you can save all the sounds that you've downloaded and even if you're a person who likes to uh create sounds you could also hit upload sound and i'm sure once you create your own uh your own login you can upload sounds as well so let's go ahead and download several sounds that we can incorporate into the stream deck so i kind of like the law and order sound the dun dun so i'm going to go up here to the search area and just simply type in law if i can spell write lie in order and hit return and let's see what it comes back with okay so it says no results and sometimes when you put in the search for a particular sound it might come back as no results however i know i saw it a few moments ago so i'm going to go to uh let's go to television and let's see if we can find it from this particular space there it is and so even though it says law and order it wouldn't come up so sometimes you have to really search for it so here it is here's the sound [Music] i'll play it one more time and so simply i just click on the the title and it's going to take me to download ask me if i want to download and so simply i'm going to download the mp3 version of this file and as you can see at the bottom of my screen it's downloaded and so let's look for a few more sounds that we can program into the stream deck okay i see another sound that i want to download so spongebob is very popular so let's just click on and see what it says a few moments later alrighty so again we're just going to click on the link and we're going to download this particular file onto my imac download mp3 and at the bottom you see it's being saved and let's look for one more sound okay so i have one final sound that i want to incorporate and that is the cardi b sound and so it's this sound right here now [Music] sounds kind of funny so we're gonna go ahead and download this one as well and let's just scroll up just to double check alrighty and so we're gonna hit download mp3 okay so the first part of the video is complete we've downloaded three particular sounds that we're going to incorporate and program our stream deck so that we can use it in our lives let's go to the next step now we're ready to uh configure our stream deck so if we go to the top menu of our screen here and see this icon right here this is our stream deck icon so i'm just simply going to click on it configure stream deck and it should pop up right there on our screen now uh this particular profile already has many sounds that i uh that i've used in my live streams and that i've downloaded from myinstance.com and so here's one of the sounds that i have um already downloaded lebron james and then also the ice cube thug life vine song [Music] alrighty so let's go ahead and program bring those sounds into our stream deck here and so right here at the bottom i have these uh three areas these are the areas where i'm going to program the sounds that i downloaded a few moments ago so it's very very easy you just simply click on the key tab that you want to program and then down here you give there are some options for you and so you can change the title so the first one will will title this one law and order all in order okay now we've already edited and named our button law and order and so now we just simply want to choose the file so just click choose file and then our download option should pop up on our screen here and we're simply going to look for law and order now what i did do is i went went ahead and changed the name to law and order um i believe it downloaded as done done right and so just to make it easier for me i just changed the name to law and order so as i scroll here um there it is right there law and order dot mp3 click open and now it's assigned to this particular button on our stream deck and if i were to select the button right now it should play the sound there we go and so we're going to do that for um for spongebob and also for cardi b so same thing we just simply click on the button here um we're going to title this one spongebob so we've changed the title we're going to select an item so choose file once again and because i have already again renamed this particular file spongebob i'll go to my music downloads portion of my download folder and we're just simply going to look for spongebob and this is one where it says a few moments later so hit open and if we want to make sure that it is programmed into our stream deck we simply hit the button on my physical stream deck here a few moments later there we go and one more sound and this is going to be cardi b saying c c a r d i b and simply choose file downloads folder again and we're looking for cardi b she's the first one that comes up in the c-section c-section see what i did there already hit open and if we play the button or push the button on the stream deck it will play the ow now there we go now we could take everything one step further these top row these top two buttons they all have icons and so the last part of this video i'll show you how to download icons so that your buttons can be identified simply by looking at them and you won't have to worry about or struggle to look at your stream deck by simply the the default buttons on the stream deck so let's go ahead and download some images and assign to these three buttons that way we'll know what buttons we're pushing during our live okay this last part of the video we're just simply going to download some icons that way we can assign to our buttons on our stream deck so simply um let's do the spongebob button first and we're just simply going to type in spongebob and we want a few moments later and because i've already searched for it before we're going to simply click on it and it's right here so basically what i do is usually i'll just click on the image and it's something that i'll just click and drag over to my desktop so we'll add it to the desktop and it'll sit there and then let's do law and order so we'll do a search for law and order okay so what i normally do is i try to find icons that are square so for this particular law and order i could scroll and if i don't see anything i can just simply use what i have here so i like this this particular icon and so i'm just going to simply drag it over to my desktop and then when i assign this particular picture on my stream deck it will appear square and it's only for me to know that i'm pressing the law and order sign it's not um like anyone else is really going to see it but it's really for me to identify what but what button i'm actually going to push and then i already have one of cardi b um with the coronavirus and so i could either use that or simply download another cardi b c a r cardi b so i just want to look for um a picture of cardi b something that's not too risque um so let's go ahead and use this one right here that one is kind of nice and we'll just drag her over as well and so now all of our pictures have been downloaded and now we're going to go back to the stream deck and add these pictures and put the final touches with adding sounds and images on our stream deck so let's go for it we're gonna pull it back up again configure stream deck okay everyone so now we're down to the final part uh just making sure that we assign an icon to the appropriate button on our stream deck so let's bring in configure stream deck once again top menu configure stream deck and looks good and so now we're going to just simply put our icon so that we'll know which image that we're going to push when it's time for us to push it so long order again it's very easy to just click click on the button and then it'll ask you if you just go over to the button icon the sound icon that you see and there's a small little arrow that's pointing down you just simply click on it and you want to set from file and so we're going to do a search and it's on my desktop because i did i just clicked and dragged from google and we're going to look for um this was law and order so we're looking for law and order and there it is boom let's put it right there and as you can see it fits nicely into that particular button and we're going to do the same thing with the spongebob button just click on the small arrow set from file and we're going to select spongebob this one might be it yes a few moments later and boom it appears on our physical stream deck and then the last one is cardi b so we'll just click the arrow set from file and we'll look for cardi b on our desktop boom there she is now cardi b already appears and so if i want to add ow so i can just put a hyphen oh oh oh uh oh www right not too sure not too sure how you spell ow so we'll just leave it at that hit open and now when i push all of the buttons the physical buttons on my stream deck i'll get each of the sounds so here's law and order hear a spongebob a few moments later and here is cardi b all right everyone it's just that simple uh basically in this video we just learned how to go to a particular website download some sounds that we can uh program into our stream deck and that way when we're on our lives we can use the sounds uh during our lives and uh during our zoom calls and things of that nature so hopefully you found uh some value in this particular video please do me a favor go ahead and leave a comment like or subscribe to my youtube channel and that way you'll be notified anytime i drop a brand new video and uh yeah the stream deck is the way to go even if you don't have a rogue road caster pro you'll definitely be able to use the buttons on your stream deck to play any particular sound that you want to play during your live thank you for watching and until next time mr riley from mr riley's world is out peace out be safe bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Mr. Riley’s World
Views: 10,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrRileysWorld, stream deck, stream deck mini, stream deck setup, stream deck mac, stream deck XL, stream deck XL setup, elgato stream deck mini, elgato stream deck XL, elgato stream deck, programming a stream deck, adding files onto the stream deck, adding sounds to stream deck, programming sounds on a stream deck, how to program a stream deck, mr rileys world, adding sounds to a stream deck XL
Id: ADwQu5E6114
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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