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[Music] more running around here we got Zach he's running the power washer Cooper is greasing this planter they're trying to get it all cleaned up so they can get it put away I got to do a refrigerator job you probably think I'm going to the fridge for some garbage food I'm really not Austin that you see on Cole's videos uh Austin is one of our neighbors he's graduating and they're going to use our fridge to put some meat and stuff in it high school is a big thing graduating is a big thing fridge isn't really too dirty but I just thought still a good excuse to clean it out better I got a few things in there we can throw out like that look at this thing looking spotless better not do too good job Mama cor star will say when are you going to do our refrigerator in the house looks like Zach is still cleaning up the sprayer or not the sprayer the planter it's always nice when you can get the planter all power washed up nice clean so when you put it away don't have stuff like croing on it the ones that you really got to watch are the ones that are putting a lot of fertilizer down with our Planters or some starter will actually be corrosive looks like Zach's having fun it's always nice on a beautiful day like today we can let the Sun get this machine dried up as quick we can Cooper greased it already I guess a little bit hard to see the beans that are coming up but they are coming my mother asked me this morning with all the rains we've been getting lately are some of the crops flooding where we are no nothing's been flooding the rains have been coming about perfect we get some rain then it quits for a day or two lets it soak in then we get some more we're in the area now that she is starting to get a little bit spongy it would really be nice to see maybe 10 days of some really nice weather what we don't want to happen if it's stays wet and stays wet Our Roots won't go down and then if it turns off dry later there Our Roots will be short and we don't want that we'd rather have it start to dry a little bit so Our Roots will follow down trying to keep that moisture need some good old Sun now and it sounds like that's coming and some not overheat but 76 to 84° would be really really nice with some good Sun if you can see all the little holes them are worm holes somebody was asking me the other night are worms good for the ground yes they are very very good they break up the ground when they're moving around they dig them holes down and then the nice thing is like now when you get some nice rain the rain will actually go down them little holes to get down deeper too and when they're down there eating them little worms and then they take their little put their little manure in the ground that is good also and you know it's kind of funny when you're little your dad would be walking around holding your hand take you out in the field and he would say hey like I'll show you how wet it is and he takes his finger and pushes down you know you to see that's really really wet right now these are things you learn when you're little you grow up and good time when you're small ask your dad questions and then as parents and grandparents now we got to take the time when our little ones are asking or the little grandkids Grandpa why why you know you're going to get a lot of wise you take the time to answer them little boogers cuz that's how their mind is I know like night time's little Eddie whenever I come in the house eat he wants to sit on my lap grab food off my plate but it's an honor to me that the little guy likes being with Grandpa and makes you feel pretty darn good something I always do and probably got a little better at it over the years you know but you're walking along out there on your farm and you see a little piece of piece of trash you know like that may not seem like that much why not pick it up throw it in the garbage get rid of it do a check up here on Zach looks like he's doing a really good job getting this 340 all washed up I'm going to bring the lawnmower over to Kohl's and I'll start moving them tanks out of that building and then I guess you guys are somebody's going to be picking up lunch this tractor looks like brand new yet even smells brand new inside but she's getting antifreeze in the motor and I think they've had some issues with with this tractor sounds like they've kind of been standing behind some of this so we're going to find out every little bit helps that tractor really hasn't done much hard work at all so but you guys know any brand anything that goes around and around starts up things can happen I don't know about you guys but for me it seems like every vehicle I get into to go do something it's like on empty fuel lights on seemed like I don't know does anybody else pay attention to the fuel gauge around here fuel light is on my gauge is almost on empty so now we're going to have to run and get some gas we got to take these Champion containers but we got a whole bunch of containers we got to get them outside so we can make some room for moving equipment around in here so we got a bunch of them to move this is what I'm doing is bringing these seed boxes from inside the Machine Shed here at cooh getting them outside so trying to get all the champion stuff out here so when they're able to come down with our semi they'll haul all these away so I'm just making trip after trip getting all this stuff out here it's got to be done well well well you're probably wondering why hey Daddy corn star why don't you leave them two stacked out here you could get more out here the reason I'm not doing that I've seen it happen too many times driving down the road wind came through and you'll see them leaning against the guy's machine shed or they' fallen over and we have a deposit on these I think they're like 500 bucks a piece so I really don't want to break them up and that's my main reason is the wind if that wind catches them it's just like a Donal effect and this way it keeps them nice and low it's happened twice to us so just trying to be a little careful and like I said you pay deposit on them things and like to get them back and I know the uh seed guys would like to get them back too just got a few more there to get out and then we'll start moving Machinery out trying to make room to get the Planters back against the wall so everything will be tucked out of the way some of this stuff will be able to stay in here but a lot of that equipment on that side we're going to take it out our one uh semi-trailer is in there too in the back corner we're going to have to take everything out and then we want to put our planners back in that corner there like we had them last year if you remember that battery's dead battery's dead hello hey CP when you guys come over do you want to bring the uh battery charger to the uh Little John Deere's dead oh really well we took them wires off the other day so you know maybe that battery wasn't charging when the alternator locked up a little John Deere tractor the other day Zach was bringing it over here to Cole's Place it was a real real windy day but the alternator puked on it and it actually almost went up in fire so we ran to town got a new alternator changed it on the road but we didn't hook the wires up it kind of melded the wires a little bit so we want to redo them before we put her back together I guess we got one planter in figured it's kind of with it rainy outside well it ain't rainy out or we won't be doing this but with it rain in yesterday sounds like most places around here picked up over 2 in 2 and 1/4 in so now we got the little planter in here and as far as I know it's all ready to go for next spring for planting season just nice when you can kind of go through them put them away ready to go so this is a 6 row it's all folded up we got Cooper coming in with the 24 row that's been gone through looked over it should be ready for the season it's kind of something like a planner like this you run it for might be outside or out working for a couple weeks and then it gets put away for a year I guess Zach is on the phone with Cooper so they can hear each other that works really well there I think so looks like they're going to put this trailer inside the corn head back there trying to squeeze everything as tight as we can they're going to run some of that stuff in it's loud in here we're getting everything packed in here like sardines hey guys I was going to take a quick moment to talk to you here and I know you like where I'm at you always think when you get a phone call like a voice message or something they're honest people text message got to be an honest person I've been getting a bunch of text messages lately like hey this is a UPS you need to respond to us through a text message that uh this is you and everything give us your address little things like that we have a package here at UPS we've been trying to get a hold of you you got to be very careful I don't fall for that stuff and it kind of ticks me off when I get them today I got four of them and all our ups men around here they know us and uh so don't fall for it I've had things through the bank before a bogus thing like hey you need to call the bank you got an overdraft oh sure buddy you want me to text you back well why don't I and give you my account number there again everybody in our bank knows me the bankers know me they all know my cell phone number they would call me and say hey DC what in the world happened you overdrafted or something you know they would call me or you'd get a letter in the mail and then call who you know to talk to but today I was getting some calls from some different numbers uh hey it's Stephen at the Tax Group at 702 213 9936 calling about your past filings uh not sure if you may still have any past taxes due or if you took care of that already um give me a call back if you still need assistance and we can get you help help you get you enrolled into the Fresh Start program uh which would basically make any amounts owed large or small non-collectible so doesn't take very long you can finally get rid of this burden for many years previous and and we'll help you out there too so but I got that same message today four different numbers and they were like New York numbers now come on they want you to call back cuz it is easy to get an IRS bill or something like hey they're going to forgive it ah I've just seen some crazy things going on lately and so I want everybody to be very very very very careful so be careful guys I really want you to be careful I know like a lot of us you just think whoever we're talking to they're honest people and stuff there's a lot of people out there that would smile from ear to ear if you give in to them so want to give a big thank you to everybody that's taking time to watch Goofy me and I have a fun and like I said this is me every day I just I'm just a crazy person so talk to you guys later [Music]
Channel: Daddy Cornstar
Views: 77,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cole the cornstar, cornstar, farming, farmer, daddy cornstar, iowa, farm, american dream, semi, tractor, combine, harvest, american farmer, family farm, advice, family, dad jokes, combines, tractors, dirty jobs, john deere, planting, farming family, vlog, funny, happy, Cole the cornstar, Q&A, parenting advice, parenting, fatherly advice, American Dream, mechanic, electrician, worst jobs, dad videos, small business, Dad jokes, sprayer, planter, corn, beans, spring planting, small farm, mad, frusterated
Id: OPdvXjuFhLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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