How I organize my family and 3 Family favorite FALL desserts

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[Music] [Music] do [Music] hey guys hope you're having a great day today today is a wednesday is it wednesday i don't know what the day is it is wednesday yes it is wednesday even i don't even know what the day is no it is wednesday happy wednesday to you i hope that your morning is going well if it's not then hopefully by the end of the video and the rest of your day as the day goes on it will get better and better so i got up today and i've been just kind of sitting sitting at my desk there and just kind of some days like people are like oh you go go go go go and i do and i do do a lot but i do do a lot of resting and i do do a lot of you know quiet time not a lot but i do get some quiet time in there and so today was a quiet time morning i woke up it's quarter to eight right now i haven't done anything but put one load of laundry in so i just sat at my desk and i just sat for a little bit and i just had my cup of coffee and i had some quiet time with the lord upon my praise and worship music and just sat and just talked and just prayed and just had some moments and i was like okay i started thinking about my day a little bit today and what i needed to do how i was going to do it because i have a busier next couple days and i was like i'm gonna do a big freezer meal day and i'm like do i really do it on friday or do i just film it on saturday and make it be like friday and i was like i don't know so then i was like you know i'm just gonna sit for a few and i did and then i was like okay time to get up and do something and so i wrote down um i put in my planner what kind of i don't really plan out too much of what i'm going to do every day but i have ideas and so today i had some things written down because someone had asked me oh somebody had asked me they posted they said do you have any tidbits for planning do you have any um chore lists or any systems that work or what do you do to organize your life amy how do you do it and so i was just thinking about today and i'm like i'm like i don't really i don't follow a particular system i don't follow anything or how do i do i don't have like the miracle method of like this is how you do things to make life work no but today i'll share with you what i do little tips and tricks things that i do for myself to plan out my life i have for those that you don't know me stay at home mom of 10 kids um also run full-time business homeschool my kids plan everything pretty much get to do it and how do i do that that's what i'm shared with right now so that's what i'm sure from the beginning i realized yesterday's video after i came home and started editing it about home school and i was like wow that was like just one video all right for those that don't know i also have a dog that likes to bark so she's outside right now parking or probably the kitty cat so let's leave her for a few minutes so then you you guys yesterday's video i was like wow that could have just been one video without adding in all the extra stuff but you got a really long video yesterday maybe you will today with me talking to you i'll still share my day what i do you know breakfast lunch dinner life i don't know we'll find out in a little bit here but planning my day do you have to buy the right planner do you have to have the right list you have to buy the right book to plan out your day you have to follow the right system what do you do where do i even start amy you know what you start with you start with what bothers you the most that's what i did i didn't become a organized person i i look at i was kind of looking back trying to just remember what i did back in the day and i have as early as 2015 because that's when i started my i have my laptop here what are you looking at amy i'm looking at my laptop with my blog i started blogging way back 2015 so i kind of looked down there to kind of see just to remember things because you know this mom is older super gets and i was like hmm what did i do before that um i had a lot of clutter i i mean i was always somewhat organized but i still had like things that stressed me out trying to make things work my kids have lived through chore ways i followed different books i've done this i've done that but how it all started was this was before internet pre-internet i remember going to my library and just looking at books on homemaking and you know different cooking things and how to make my home home and the art of homemaking all these things i just searched homemaking in the old-fashioned card catalog oh yeah at the library that was a long time ago and just got every book i could get i remember getting hints from heloise remember that book just reading books on being a homemaker and how i want it to be i want to be a good one and so that's where the desire came out of did it start right away no i started implementing different things i'd really go oh let me do that little trick let me do that little trick and slowly slowly 25 years later got to where i am right now it takes time so don't be frustrated if you're watching my vlogs you're like oh i'm going to do that no don't it doesn't happen in a day i can't this has been a work in progress for many many years i would suggest if you don't know get yourself a pad of paper old-fashioned paper a pencil and just start writing out what stresses you out what frustrates you your grocery list making a grocery list stresses you out planning menus for the week stresses you out your kids and what it's expected of them stresses you out when you have your bible time kind of what frustrates you because you don't know what to do write that down your um menu plan what else kid schedule your cleaning schedule your home like what frustrates you your day your lack of how to plan your day what stretches you have write it down write it down on the list all right got your list done guess what you do now now you go through that list you go what all right what's most stressful to me what is the most stressful thing to you is it your bible time let's just use an example is it i don't know is it your bible time all right so you make a plan start with just that don't go don't worry about the groceries i mean you'll figure out do what you've already done for groceries start with this time and go all right how can i fix that what can i do can i do a bible reading plan sure the bible hub app is a free app free i'm not sponsored or anything just i know that it has a free app and you go in there and get bible plans and it'll tell you what to read every day genius i've done it before and it would literally give you a notification you've read your bible today or you didn't and then i would try to catch up and so it was encouraging because it had like a little self motivation let me let parmaxine in if that stretched you up get on one of those plans so you know what to read myself i'm reading with my viewers here on saturday so we're just reading through the bible what i do is we're reading straight through we don't have any plan we're just reading like i'll do like right now we're doing 15 chapters in the book of samuel so i have my little sticky note because for a long time i forgot and then i was like wait a minute threw me up i put that in my bible so i know what to read in my bible i also put i highlight things that i want to read i also have my prayer list right here on sticky note i go through and write it down so i know what to pray so when i go to my prayer time all right i pray i have who i pray for what i pray for my ministries my church my nation i also have my pastor encourages to put an enemy list what pray for your enemies the bible says to put that list down on there different um scriptures that i think the lord just put in my heart i wrote them down so i put them in here and i can read them keep that in there then you have what you like all organized in your bible i have other prayer requests in the back things visions things that god has given me about my life wrote those down with the day things like that prayer requests with day things that i have personally all in my bible so when the day comes and i wake up and i go what do i even do lord i get my prayer list out and i pray and then there's some scripture and then i do my bible reading i have it written out because i already know what i'm going to do that stresses you out write it down little sticky notes that helps hugely all right grocery list stress you are how about planning your meals does that stress you out when you go to eat for the week do you just go ugh what are we gonna eat what are we gonna do it's fine just to have stuff in your pantry and just kind of do whatever having a plan helps hugely now i plan for the month do you have to plan for the month no you can plan for the week that's how you start out you start and you plan out a week's worth of groceries of meals and then make your grocery list according to that and then go shopping and have that every single day that's an easy way to do it then after you have a week you go to two then after and you just kind of repeat your meals and see if your family does if you i mean we have a variety on here but do the same do taco tuesday do spaghetti wednesday we like a little more variety that's all so i switch it up but if your family is okay with the same kind every day do the same kind every day make it easy for you then go to three we started going to four when gas back in 2008 was ridiculous it was like five dollars a gallon where i lived which was really expensive for us at that time going from two to five and so having a large family like okay shopping trips could not do it every single week so we did it once a month and then i knew that once a month i would have all the groceries i needed for the month if i couldn't get back out so we did it that way did i go sometimes i forget oh yeah there was plenty of times i forgot something guess what that next time i did not forget something i didn't get to go to the store every day i remember going and meeting friends at the park and then they would literally just go to the grocery store that day and pick up stuff and they're like oh i planned this but i forgot that so they just go to the store every single day and pick something up and i'm like oh my goodness but they had that luxury of doing that luxury i know it's a luxury i think it enables you to be that way if you're kind of i say force don't be forced in a terrible way forced in a good way to have to plan out for the month then you do because you learn hey i can't forget it does that make sense i think enabling if you have that it makes you be able to be that way but if you don't have that option you do like if i knew i didn't plan for the month well then we would not eat and we are also very strict on our budget and i only had like one paycheck was just groceries so i knew that okay this is what i got to work with if this is all i have i'm gonna have to plan a meal out people are like how do you stay within budget how do you do all these things well we've had to learn to stick within a budget i had to learn how to feed my family inexpensively i've been at the grocery store i've had to put food back because i didn't have enough money for it i've been there where what are we going to eat this week i have to eat on my pantry we've done all these things over and over and over and over and over and over over the years so we've learned to be frugal we've learned to stay within can we spend more oh yeah i know how to do that we go to the disney store and buy lots of snacks and treats and that and i'm okay with that but we've also learned just to cook out of like having basic staples in your home been there done that i've done both people watch now they're like oh you do a lot of process stuff well over the years we've done very simple stuff very simple very basic and that's okay and i don't mind having some process i don't mind having a mixture of all of that because it works my kids don't feel like they don't have something i feel like they're getting good stuff and i also feel like they're having snacks and treats just like every other kid in the world does we don't eat out a lot at all my husband and i'll have dinner dates and that but we don't take everybody out because you know that costs you know over a hundred dollars which is okay but not all the time we save that for special occasions and so most all of our meals are at home so i don't mind if they have treats at home because we're not running to a local store having snacks we're not going out every saturday getting donuts we're not out doing this every single day so variety do what and whatever works for you if you don't want to do any processed food great plan it from scratch i have done that done that done that and that is fine it's wherever you are in your place of life i did that i also learned also frugal ways of food i've learned okay i can't really buy that so how can i make that that was made out of homemade stuff i can't buy the granola because it's expensive but i can buy oatmeal and all this stuff and make it and then make it if you have the time make it i had a lot more time which sounds weird back then than i do now as far as extra time i know even though i had more kids and more time taking to them but i didn't do full-time work i didn't do volunteering in my church i didn't do running kids here and there because we were home all the time i had a lot more time in my day to experiment and do those things so you look at your life in your situation and what can i do i remember sitting and going okay it was fun for me to go all right we eat all these foods how can we make these healthier or doing ourselves and when we take one thing chicken boy i love my chicken boy you guys know i love my chicken boy five dollars a container great for me how can i make that myself well guess what we had a store that had all the ingredients very inexpensively i learned to make my own i made my own loved it it was healthier it was great for you but we moved away from that store now to buy all this stuff is a lot more expensive so i pay the five dollars and just have it all on one thing but you can still make it it's just going to cost you a lot more so for me i'm like pay more of that a little bit of salt what are you gonna do that's how it works same thing with food can you buy all your snacks sure can you make them yeah we used to make garbage bags snack mix i call it a bunch of crackery salty things and we'd buy it and it was we'd make huge garbage picks full and put them in buckets and have them that's always snack off all the time great thing to do fun things with kids had them at home could hide them keep better track on them moved here i'm busy running if i left that bucket in my pantry i'd be gone in a second because kids love garbage bag snack mix so we choose the discount store which is i can go there once a month or once every few months and get so many snacks for a way cheaper than i would paying for that snack mix everybody gets a variety of what they want and then i can be like more no just one nope just one of these one of these one of these that's what we do you do what works for you and your family don't look at channels and go ugh i need to do all the organic healthy whole foods or i am a failures am i no you're not if you can eat boxed macaroni and cheese then eat box macaroni and cheese because a quarter for dinner is a whole lot cheaper than two and three dollars for if you had to buy all the ingredients so don't have any guilt no you do what you can do i'm not promoting insane eat garbage foods all the time i'm saying you do what you have to do in your life there's many third world countries that their food is not all whole foods they get to eat they only get so many things guess what they're surviving they're doing fine and they're living because that's their only choice so don't let people don't let these little videos make you feel bad i'm like variety do whatever is good for you so that's how food was for my family so i have my menu i like this sometimes i do it on a menu sometimes i print it out on a piece of paper you've seen that before i list all my breakfast i've listed all my dinners and my lunches and we just pick and choose whatever we want that works for our time of day this month i'm gonna do something different because switching up the skin so i row every single meal in here usually like this week by the end of the week i'm gonna go okay we're not gonna do that real chicken i'll cross it off and throw it down at the bottom because we'll have like a leftover day or something different does that make sense do we follow it to a tea no not crazy like i might go oh fiber tacos i don't want to do that this week so then switch it with something else this just works this works for me it's a little sticky thing i have to get a new one because it doesn't hold up very well a piece of paper works fine back in the day i remember taking a ruler because i have the time and a blank piece of typing paper and made a menu hello i know get yourself up they have calendars still don't they personal business is giving away build on the calendar whatever you got to do super easy a way to make your food planning easier all right does shopping stress you out oh yes shopping can stress you out i get that it's overwhelming you get in the store and there's a lot especially if you deal with things i'd eat all those things the other day tuesday monday tuesday no last week i shared with you my grocery list i was thinking what did i do that was last week i share with you my groceries my main grocery list make something like that watch that last week's video and then you don't have to think about what you have to buy you already kind of want to look at your list and go from there that helps out hugely write on a piece of paper put in a nice typed up thing on your computer if you want to have forever put in a plastic sleeve it'll never get bad just another way it takes time that first time and then you can add to it i know i just added to my list yesterday jane and i went at chick-fil-a and i was like ah chick-fil-a sauce i gotta add that to my thing remember that good sauce from walmart i didn't have that on my my list when i put in my little i put a reminder on my phone when i got home i put it i just wrote in pencil on my main list and i won't forget it you'll make your list you'll forget things but then you'll be reminded and go oh yeah just penciling right in one day print it off again just ways to keep your life easier for food all right kids schedule does that stress you out kids i've learned like to know what's going on as much as they like their freedom they like to know what's expected of them that day um it's good to let them know how your expectations of something are supposed to be and then also the consequences if they don't meet those expectations and kids just kids do well with this is what you got to do get her done and then you're free they love that kids love that they do much they don't know what i meant to you it's good for them because they know what to do we've done many things over the years i was looking at my blog here on my blog here and different things that we used to use um stephen terry maxwell had this book and it taught chore packs and i was like char packs that's where i started doing i started doing some of it i've adapted it over the years well not now but back in the day to what worked for me and they were basically little badges like little plastic badges you can buy them at walmart they have a little club there's little plastic badges that little clip the kids can wear them you put cards in there for what they have to do that day that was awesome that was awesome awesome let me show you a little bit this is what i printed off for this is like their daily morning chores that i had they were little cards and i cut those and then i took their little i had these clipboards you can see and i clicked their chore pack on it for the day so they would come out and get their chore pack and start their day if you don't know what a chore package you can go to their site and check it out but it's basically every day they would have a daily chore and so it might say get dressed the next one would say brush your teeth the next one would say make your bed they did that every day then maybe mondays i would have them or another one be cleaning room so they'd have four little cards in there so then they put the one in front and i put numbers on them because they would lose them and i the first one said okay get dressed and then we get dressed and they take their cards put the other one behind it and that's when we say brush their teeth so they go brush their teeth they took that one put it behind it make your bed they make their bed put that one behind it clean your room put that one behind it then each day like monday i might have them empty their trash tuesday might be put dishes away whatever whatever chore i broke up for them to do that was good for them to do until those little packs got caught and that was fun for a while when i had ones that i could manage when there was a lot of them it was a little bit harder because sometimes they'd lose their packs they wouldn't keep their packs on it would be gone so but that was a good way to start doing the drawbacks then we went into the list and i just wrote out i made um simple lists for the kids and it was like eat breakfast and a little picture of eating um get dressed put a picture of somebody getting dressed pick up your laundry putting clothes in a basket washing up for brushed teeth whatever i had them do and i put little pictures and i put little boxes that i made after and they would just check them off and that was good to do i find that works easier than having a tour pack because they lose it but chore packs are fun too am i just kids after a while when there's so many because there was like 10 and then there was a lot of six little ones disappeared to our backs i don't know where my chart pack is so i would get frustrated so the list was born these are our list now i give you guys this free as a download pdf blank download this is how we do it my kids are older remember i have an eight-year-old and nine-year-old 10 and 12. yes i remember my ages i had eight nine ten eleven like just a few weeks ago is that pretty cool eight nine ten eleven that's a close age people eight nine ten eleven twelve and third no thirteen and 14. it's busy so what we do now we print these off the kids these are i just do this for elementary down when they get to middle school they pretty much know their schedule jaden brooklyn pretty much know what they have to do they have to know they get up and get dressed brush their teeth take care of their chores you know i have specific ones for their they know what to do i don't have to give them a list too much i have like these kind of individual ones the younger ones as they're learning i write it all out for them know that you eat breakfast know that you take a vitamin know that you brush your teeth because kids don't remember oh i forgot my vitamin offering why give them a list to complete so they do this i print this out for the month there's four weeks on here and then they just mark them off as they go down i just created this in microsoft office and it was just a chart very simple but just a way for kids to know what's expected do my kids go to this always in the morning no i gotta remind them go to your list go to your list they know that once their list is completed they have school and reading once that's done then they're free that's how it works when they know it's expected boom it's done that takes the stress out of it you do that in the morning if you have stuff for the afternoon make them a list for the afternoon if you have evening chores for them make them a list all right after dinner there's your list that you have to complete and then you're free give them the freedom to choose to either have the freedom to take a break or not so it works that if they don't get their list done then guess what no free time that's how it works i always tell my kids all right if you don't finish up this get your school done well then park time you're going to be sitting next to me doing your school and that's not much fun when all the kids are playing so give them something to do so they know how to get it done and what's expected and if they don't do it well okay go back and do it just it's count the consequences if you don't go out of your home you don't have a lot to make a treat then make them miss out on that tree we would do shopping and i had to take all of them and so it was like if you are not good and you don't do all the rules they knew the rules before it wasn't then i like oh you were you touch things in store and you know that no before we walked in the store i went through all the rules that they had to do don't lean up against other people's cars don't rub your hands on people's cars don't pick up things in the store don't touch the candy in the checkout line stay with my car one hand in the cart don't ask me for anything to buy all the rules we went through yes mom when we left the store purposely bought a two dollar box of mini ice cream cones or cookies or whatever then when they got the car the ones that were good got the treat the ones that did not did not get and then i guess what the next time that one that did not was much better it's hard those first few times she's got to be tough i'm almost just a little bit so we do that and when they know what's expected her life is easier all right then for myself how do i plan out my days schedules and i set up a schedule um i did stephen terry maxwell had a managers of their home book and that's where i kind of share a lot of that in a video back in the day like doing this to help you to our organization well long time ago a couple months ago and it helps you realize everything that has to get done in your home and then you break it up on the days you want to do that another reason uh way i did it before then was based on prairie books ma had a day to do everything she had monday she did laundry tuesday she did everything she did different things in each day i don't have to do a whole day of irony because i don't earn or a whole day of this but i designated different days for different things we had monday was always laundry day because there was a lot of laundry so what that means is do i just do laundry no i had to do it daily chores as well but i also did most all of our laundry that day washed it folded it put it away tuesday was our i don't remember what tuesday was tuesday was a day that i did my office work and only on that day when i pay bills order library books plan out food for the month look up menus look up things on the internet because i didn't look all the other days that was my day to do all the stuff i would do office type work my wednesday i'm looking was my baking day every wednesday we baked we baked bread every week we did we had homemade bread all the time not anymore i've made homemade bread in a long time due to time but we would do that we'd bake a treat we'd make an extra meal for a neighbor and take that to them that was the day kids knew it was baking day today and they got up and they'd help when we bake all day we could do that thursday was my aaron day that means on that day we got everything out of the house that we did we'd go to the library to the stores wherever else we had to go on that day got all of that accomplished friday was our cleaning day and that was our deep cleaning day so now i do things i usually do my deeper cleaning on monday it's just whatever you want because that's the day i have it but friday was the day with all the extras done in the house and so that was my friday saturday was extra projects family day and sunday was rest that's how we broke up our days back then have a day to do different things a different big task in your home for the most part we had to have make your list of daily chores you have to do like what do you have to do every single day in your life i have a cleaning schedule this is how mine looks now it's super tiny um i've had much more you can go back to my blog you can see managing a large family series i have old one and i have updated version because things change and situation change and i grow and i change i learn i know what i have to do i used to have like a list for everybody what they had to do on here a master one we did a few years ago that's on there this is how we do it now simple because everybody's in and out of the household so i can't really accept the five ones because shane's working so it just depends i can't like say you have to do these chores because sometimes they're not here so i just basically write on monday everything that needs to be done on monday the ones that i do i don't usually put on here because i know what i have to do i get up every morning and i make sure dishes are washed by the dishwasher i wipe everything down i kind of pick up and then when the kids get up they put that stuff away and they help when i vacuum the floors clean the bathrooms upstairs that's what i do they have a list of extra things to do so they do a lot of these extra things that have to be done as well as their other chores tuesday we don't have that much that we do wednesday we do a few extra ones we add thursday a few extra ones friday a few extra and then i also plan something each week each week instead of doing a huge once a year deep cleaning spring cleaning fall cleaning i kind of do it each month and break it up usually sometimes i don't sometimes i don't do this part for months and then i have a lot of cleanup to do however it works in your family so what i do is i focus on a different area each week so the first week of the month um my bedding gets washed and i also focus on cleaning my living room hallways boys bathroom and laundry room that means deep cleaning those areas that means dusting the fan blades that means wiping the walls that means cleaning up the couches that means cleaning out the areas i don't normally clean out um laundry room clean out the dust all that stuff that i don't ever always wipe off on a daily basis the second week jmb jd brooklyn make sure their beddings get clean and then the kitchen and dining room get a deep clean that means wiping the legs off the table cleaning under the benches that means cleaning out the stove or the oven cleaning in cupboards weeding through throwing out things that are broken or older we don't have any more that's what we do in that week the third week jensen stephen i do theirs and then my room my bathroom and the boys room get a good deep clean that's the dusting the wiping the organizing that kind of thing same thing with the girls we do that and then the fifth week which is only about four times a year i have garage and freezers because i just clean those out maybe every three to four months that helps me organize when i do it do it like right now this whole month i haven't done any of this because we just did it before the wedding i'll get back on i mean i'm clean watching the bedding but not always like i just did hours i'm like okay i need to clean the other kid's bedding too so this just reminds us to do it it just reminds me to do it do i have to do it no i don't have to do it do i have to do the clean out the robot vacuums on wednesday no if i forget guess what the next wednesday will do it that's why it's on here it doesn't mean i have to stick perfectly i have to be flexible enough to change because the life changes you have to leave for emergencies you can't always do something your power goes out somebody gets sick so you don't have to be flexible enough to change no matter what happens for your day get yourself i also do a planner do you have to have a planner no you don't have a plan i got this aldi for like four dollars the parent planner i realized i had one from tj maxx it was a lot shorter and i thought let me get a bigger one i realized i like the shorter ones so next year i'll get the shorter one for tj maxx for ten dollars versus the only one for four but this is good for planning out your day do you need this no get yourself a calendar a free calendar and write in your day what you need i do this because i have a lot going on and my days are full every single day i have lots of writing and lots of crossing off because that's how i remember what i have to do and plan ahead because i have a lot going on our business work kids ministry all of that so my planner is full do it on a a calendar whatever works just start writing things down so you don't forget to do them i also do automatic payments for my bills so i don't have to worry about that i know when they come out plenty of that i have sticky notes i use sticky notes a lot for a lot of things in life these are used i got one in my refrigerator right now when i think of something i write it down take it off every morning i look at my planner and what i have to do for the day and write down what i have to do on my sticky note and i usually bring that with me and stick it over here keep that kind of with me for the day so i know how or what i have to do for the day i cross it off and i go into the day i go like this and go all right list is completed get yourself a bigger list either one something that you need to write out on planning out your menu for the month i do the same thing this is my once a month planning thing i sat down to dinners breakfast lunch and snacks last month i've done the dinner cross it out i've done breakfast cross out now i'm going to lunch i'll be doing that here's the list because i need some things from my main freezer meals to remember for my lunch freezing meals here's my recipe for my pumpkin balls that you guys found for me a recipe for chocolate zucchini bread because i haven't made it all the time this i keep this list until i'm done with it and then this will get thrown away sometimes i take a picture of it to remind myself of the meals i made for that month and keep it on my phone we also keep phone reminders myself i keep screenshots you guys give me ideas and things to remember so i will take in my photos i have a ton of pictures screenshots these are all screenshots on my phone of things to remind myself of and so once in a while i don't have very many if you look it starts there that's all i keep i don't keep a lot of my phone but once a month i have right down to my planner go through your phone so i go through and i figure out what i'm gonna do with that screenshot if it's a recipe write it down if it's something write it down stick it somewhere else then on your phone so my phone stays very clean i take pictures of the kids we were at the store so i took pictures of them there's only a few of items that they wanted for christmas took a snapshot with them so when christmas time comes i can purchase that for them phone stays really clean because i don't keep a lot in here my mail is very small some people have a ton of mail i don't have a ton of mail in my thing just i keep it clean i have a folder this is save these so i click and save those if i need it if not i get rid of it plan it get rid of it if you don't need it that helps organize my life what else did it miss is that it it's like there's no perfect way to do anything there isn't there's lots of ideas just take different people's ideas and what works for you you might look at mine and go that does not work for me and that is quite all right but if there's something you can take from it take it and go do it for your life just to make i always say see what stresses you out what stresses you out the most like find out your biggest struggle in your home like if you look around i think it's not clean and i go okay just look and see is it is it cluttered did you need to declutter your home well then don't do it all in one day take a room and just declutter it take a drawer and just declutter it eventually you'll get done sometimes people look and they go i do this all one day no you don't you have all year you have your whole life so if you can just go through and clean out like if you got to declutter your home i got a decluttering homemaking series on here start i have one week one week to clean up all your drawers in your kitchen one week that means every day for 10 minutes you clean that out guess what that week you're gonna have your your your drawers cleaned out then the next week clean out your covers cupboards and your cabinets the next week we did pantry fridge we went through all the things in my homemaking with amy series and then guess what in a month you'll have your whole kitchen decluttered it'll take you a month people are like i take you a month yes it took you a month but guess what in a year's time you'll have your whole house decluttered you have to go back and do more but at least you've done it once that's the key you just start with something and work i love the i have a i had a shirt used to say how do you eat an elephant how do you eat elephant i don't know if any of you eat elephant but i don't think that'd be very appeasing maybe it is how do you eat it if i had to eat it i would eat it one bite at a time the same thing in your home how do you get your home cleaned up how do you get free from the anxiety and worry about the things you had to organize one bite at a time stress you out with your kids create a cleaning schedule for them start it you'll have to change it you have to go back it won't work you'll have to figure out what you need to fix at it and just get this perfected that's it and then go on to planning your menu your menu stretch you out plan for one week all right then at the end of the week go okay i did that wrong i did that fix it for the next week and do it again and go okay i did that wrong let me fix it by the third week okay i got this i got a whole week's worth of food i love it then play two and then when you get two you find all the mistakes and fix it for the next one keep going and going till you've got a completed product that you are happy with same thing with scheduling your life and your schedule do the same thing figure out what you're going to do for your day plan out your day kids do well i realized in school and daycares they have a set schedule for everything they do it's good to be flexible but it's great to have your day planned out hour by hour i know that's crazy i just think that's nuts we tried scheduling every single half hour of our day it was a little stressful but then i realized if i just schedule part of it now this is kind of what we do in this day that works easier have your kids know that every morning from 9 to 9 30 is breakfast then that's it breakfast is done they have to do their chores in school from such and such a time this time is reading time this time is chore time if they know that it's what's expected don't worry about having every half hour on the hour but if you have a rough time okay breakfast is that this time lunch is at this time and dinner is at this time every day after those times we have to do time to clean up that's what's expected we do it every day it doesn't change set that we go to the park every day make a plan to go to the park every day for a few hours however and whatever you need in your life that's how you plan it all right i feel like i did a lot of talking there so hopefully that was good so we're gonna move on with our day it's wednesday i'm gonna put on my supplies back i'm gonna get my kids up i'm doing the laundry right now because monday i did all my laundry and forgot for somehow to bring up the girls lunch i went down there yesterday i was like whoa how come you guys have so much laundry i'm like oh i never brought the how'd you bring the basket up so my own fault i look i've been doing this for a long time and just forgot so andre's going um the house is pretty much picked up we're gonna do school today we're gonna do breakfast lunch and dinner breakfast our freezer meals lunch we still got leftovers and dinner i think is it's on my menu we're having salisbury meatballs instead of salisbury steak i think fallon from um the moss family she made salisbury stick i'm like oh that's really good so instead of making patties you can but i bought the meatballs because i love the taste of the meatballs and the meatballs were cheaper than it was to buy hamburger to make it so i'm gonna make salisbury meatballs either over probably not potatoes because the kids won't like that but noodles we'll have it over noodles that'll be an easy dinner again today so we're going to get out it's a little cooler today get outside i know fresh air is good for us jayden's got to work today what else do we have maxine was throwing her bacon bomb when she was barking i finally i usually throw in the house well finally i took her outside and threw it down her little thing back here and then she just left her bacon while she left it i'm like what are you doing so i just wrote it on my list that's all i have to do is get her makeup i have donuts written down i might make some donuts today we made them last week dip them in butter though to keep the moisture and i think i might do that so i might do that today i'm going to see how the day goes if you just come along with me i think that's awesome if you stick around this far then way to go so i have to ask if you would subscribe to my channel if you want if you don't want to that's okay too subscribe there's a subscribe button most of my viewers are not subscribers it used to be kind of split now it's like way off and so if you would subscribe click that subscribe you can also click the notifications to let you know when i post a video which is every single day except sunday so thank you thank you for your support thank you for watching i appreciate all of you guys appreciate all your comments positive and negative they helped me grow as a person and they also encouraged me so all right let's get going with our day i've talked i'm done talking let's go for the laundry i want to show you that but i'm gonna go flip a load of laundry all right slow moving morning for the marianne household which is okay where i got jaden up to work so i've just been slowly i haven't filmed anything because it's probably a longer video yesterday and one today a little bit with me talking i don't know because i didn't actually pay attention to the time but i have just washed dishes that were in my sink set them in here because autumn puts those away i've got laundry rolling i just quickly checked our bathroom sprayed a toilet to wipe it with a paper towel that was all i did i'm gonna get breakfast for the kids stephen wants a sausage sandwich and a breakfast yogurt cup for gents and someone get that so having these breakfast meals on hand it helps hugely cause all i gotta do is go to the fridge and grab it out heat it up maddie's gonna have one of these too they're gonna have just easy it makes my life easier than having to make eggs cook the eggs wash the pans it's a lot of work and they get a good breakfast better than because i would have for cereal and milk so out of ease these work right these are the wax paper sheets so here this is a child's breakfast sandwich they're gonna eat these are already a little thing they just eat these it's easy make your lives easier whatever stressful fix breakfast is stressful to me so all done all right i'm gonna go feed them i'm actually letting them eat in the room i know gasps i do crazy things once in a while i said you can have a chill wake up morning so they're kind of chilling in the room waking up slowly watch the movie i'm okay with that about breakfast we'll get school done and have our day i'm not worried about sometimes we don't have a fast moving day we're gonna have a chill relax they'll get all their work done they'll do their chores before they do other video games but they can at least wake up slowly i like to wake up slowly do you like pick up slow i do all right let me get that all right just go with the kids so i'm gonna do a little bit of baking today some fall desserts but what i did next is i took out freezer meals for the next couple days when they have the chicken satay the peanut chicken santa the thai one and flat red taco so i'm gonna put those in refrigerator get out the one that i put in there a few days ago for the salisbury meatballs so i'm going to start dinner heating it up just so it's put this is the salisbury steak meatballs i'm just going to put in a pan on my stove heat it up boil some noodles to put over pasta i'm not going to do that right now but just heat this up and then i'll start mixing up my um my i'm probably do pumpkin bars with crunchy toppings so i'll put this in like this add a little bit of water and then that's gonna be dinner tonight fill the bag up all right i'm gonna make pumpkin pie bars with crunchy chopping i remember eating this and my grandma mary would make this pretty similar to this all the time as a kid for thanksgiving i love it because pumpkin pie basically but i had like crunchy stuff on top and it was so so good so i'm going to make it my family recipe basically it's pumpkin mixture and then you put um cake mix on top with usually use pecans i don't have pecans or pecans i'm going to use almonds because that's what i have so i'm going to mix it up with the recipe on the screen all right somebody told me i'm gonna be disappointed with this i am disappointed with this i need my good can opener i'm gonna look on amazon i like there was one that they had at walmart made in america it worked awesome and the kids got it wet well now i use this one and it does not work as well so i'll be getting another caniber huh can opener can never find one that has worked forever at all but i'm gonna look on amazon today all right instead of i have to have melted butter instead of taking it out of here making it get it put it in here when it melts it'll come out just pull the paper i'm off here boiling some apple um cider because i'm gonna make some more donuts day two so let's mix this up [Music] [Music] [Music] all right that was so fast i put together in like two seconds it's in the oven it's baking next i'm gonna make is apple dapple cake we've been making this cake for ever and it is so good it's so good i'm gonna make it the way you normally do with toppings but you don't even have to put any topping on it it is that moist and good without it so i've got some apples to use up because of all of our apples that we have for our bushel so i'm gonna just cut some apples up first and then i'm gonna mix this off you can make it in a bunch pan which i might do if i have a bun pan i don't know if i have a bun pan but you i've done it for cupcakes and but if i don't have a bun pan i'll just do it in a 9x13 pan so i'm gonna mix that up next [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right you don't need one of those fancy schmancy contraptions to chop your apples up i did because i have one i used one and um it just makes it nice and nice and easy to do you can chop it up by hand you can put in the food processor and more puree it to shredded pieces whatever you feel i have apples in my face whatever you feel you have time for i just did that you can just chop it up so i have a lot here i only need three cups for this recipe i'll probably put in four the rest i'll put a bag for the freezer for something else so let's mix this all up put the recipe on the screen autumn just said mom is that the cake that i like and i said it is i usually make it at fall time so it's one of her favorites [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do all right so maddie spread through the pan you're so big and he says hi she's doing fun baking so she's spreading it out you bake that i put way more apples because it'll make it more moist you don't have to you can do less i use maple flavoring instead of vanilla just because i like the flavor of maple use vanilla if you don't have any flavor at all it'll be completely fine i guarantee it these it'll be so good this is just leftover apples i'm just gonna freeze these salad i'll write apples because i might think they're potatoes well not probably not there's red on them we can use this for another cake or whatever we want to use apple pie squares anything in the future so we'll put this in the oven all right we're going to make i'm going to stir i have to go pick up jaden but we're going to mix up you won't even know that i'm going to mix up the doughnut mixture and after the oven's done we'll start baking the donuts we're gonna follow it exactly and coat it in butter and the sugar even though some said not to to see how it lasts longer they were really good the day after the original recipe minus all the extra flour um but now we'll do the sugar and butter just coated in butter first and then see if that's even better so let's mix them up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we got our first batch of donuts in the oven and we just pinched off the bag now last time i didn't they said to film about halfway but they were really flat and i feel like they're really good so we filled them up a little bit more so hopefully that will help so now our cake is out and our pumpkin bars are up so this is how they look delicious you can just eat this this way it is plenty sugary and sweet but we're gonna have the frosting to make it extra because extra is good so we're gonna mix the frosting up [Music] do [Music] do do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] the status of how these tastes oh yes like lots of sugar lots of sugar but these taste more like the apple cider donuts you would get at the apple watch because they are deep fried and full of sugar so if you want a healthier version skip dipping them in the butter and just eat them that's fine too that's totally fine those are good we made it the other day but um as the day when i was like okay that actually tasted good i just need they just absorb all the sugar this actually they will stay like this this is really good we got a lot on there i don't think we get that many donuts so two whole pans which is really good so all right we'll clean up we're waiting for the next batch this frosting will kind of for the apple dapple kit will kind of thicken up a little bit this is what the um the pumpkin looks like this will let this cool top is a little bit crusty which is really nice let it cool and cut it's delicious so i'm gonna clean up where this last batch is bacon we're gonna do some more dipping and butter and just sugar and yummy deliciousness [Music] do all right check out our desserts here look at this the apple dapple cake delish i can't wait to cut in and show you and the pumpkin pie bar is so good these donuts oh by far oh yeah winner winner chicken dinner but not chicken but like apple cider donut winner so so good definitely like you would buy at the apple orchard if you want the healthier version do like i did last week so good so we've got these these and these so all looking good this is my dinner my frozen meal this is our salisbury steak look at that this is really really good tastes delicious i'm not gonna thicken it i had to thicken it with corn syrup corn syrup cornstarch and water not going to it's perfect taste delish i'm gonna boil some water here for some noodles all right i'm gonna go clean up my mess now all right so we cut into the dessert now the up the pumpkin pie stuff it has to sit and like you know pumpkin pie eat it warm it's just okay but you want it to get cold so this is the pumpkin pie let's try it oh yeah it tastes like warm pumpkin pie warm pumpkin pie is not my favorite i like cold pumpkin pie so but that is good that flavor is going to be good so let's try the cake this is what it looks like here cut in there so here's a little piece right here oh wait this one was mine there's the cake all right the cake is good it tastes like apple maple cake good winner maddie's over here taste testing with me so the pumpkin pie stuff has to definitely sit put that in the refrigerator and then it's so so good but oh yeah so good all right delicious hi that's it maddie says this attempt pumpkin pie she doesn't love what's like coal um this maybe says pumpkin but it's just gotta get cold was it a zero three three well we gotta let it get cold let me let it get cold and then we'll do that my water's boring let me add my noodles in there all right so my baking is done for the day ah so done with baking today but we got some mail today we got some mail look at this is this not cute in here this is from and i don't know how to sir her name she is from israel on my blog on my um youtube channel she always it's the tally decal gimper is that he said tally d e k l d-e-k-e-l-g-h decides about t-a-l-i d-e-k-e-l-g-b-i-r she's from the holy land israel so she said something really sweet and nice that she loves watching the family and um very thank you for your time help and encouragement on youtube watching you and your family and i got you guys something special from israel and she loves us and to keep us safe and praying a blessing over us so that was super sweet so she said this is really cool first thing i saw was a mask i think a while ago i was having a hard time finding masks i know you can find them but she sent me an open package for everybody everybody needs these so we got those and then she said look at this then she said this look at this is made in the holy land that's pretty cool there but it's got a little water in the i think it's the soil from there that was pretty so fun she sent a couple shirts some ralph um lauren polo shirts for the boys and just cute little things i thought that was super sweet some purple ones because she said greg love purple and went and then she sent some holy um this stuff this is really good one of my other viewers sent us this too and this was really neat and it is um pure water from the jordan river earth from jerusalem olive oil from bethlehem frankincense and olive wood cross from the holy land so that was pretty cool so i saw there was one for amy and greg and one for lord and matthew that's pretty cool because the last one i have i have it on my desk you see in my videos i have it up on the shelf i did i just actually put in my drawer and this is the oil that i use for 19. when i prime my house i pray around things around my home so that's cool lord matthew will have one doesn't have an extra one here that we cannot share around so super cute so that was so sweet so thank you oops is that it oh there's more oh there's like earrings there's some earrings and i didn't even see it there was another bag close up oh a pin look at that that's a cute pin remember i was talking about the pins holding my thing together i can see that in there i just thought that was a bag a couple paper weights all that good stuff so lots of cute little things in here so thank you so much for sending that we are so appreciative of that all right i'm gonna do some i cleaned up jay put the dish away for me i'm done this kitchen almost boiled on my water i'm gonna go dump this out i'll show you what dinner's gonna look like all right so dinner i'm waiting for green beans in the microwave i just heated up some i made a mini bowl just to show you because i don't want to wait for dinner tonight i want to be finished today with my day a little bit earlier there's only three right now i'm gonna go sit and edit so i can finish we're gonna go park and they'll come on enough dinner and i'm gonna rest tonight do a little bit of sitting i wanna sit tonight i can sit right sitting is good i'm gonna do that tonight so that's what it looks like this is a mini bowl so this is a salisbury steak it's a meatball basically but it's so tender and delicious and tastes amazing now the sauce you see how it's not coating the noodles like it should thicker that's okay if you want it thicker add cornstarch and water make a little gravy i don't mind it this thin they'll barely coat them and then eat them and then i have some veggies here but this is so good taste like salisbury steak i don't know it tastes just like sales birthday is what it is so it's delicious so definitely make this as a keeper meal love it i didn't make meatballs but it's delicious but it makes just the noodles lighter but so good normally use curly noodles i didn't have any i had one package so this is dinner tonight all right stepping outside here look at evan's blowing some leaves the kids over there playing look at that sunshine it's a gorgeous day so what this oh sunshine so what this moment's going to do is she is going to go inside working this video probably take me about an hour maybe hour and a half and then i'm going to grab my kids i'm ready to go to the park we're go to the park get some fresh air cuz it's beautiful out come home and have some delicious dinner those donuts oh yeah one doughnut was plenty very very full of filling because it's so sugary so watch yourself less sugar if you want but so good that way i'm sure we'll see how greg likes it that way let you know tomorrow so all right i'm gonna go you guys have a fantastic rest of your day i'm gonna see you guys again tomorrow all right bye [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] um [Music] um [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: amy maryon
Views: 25,843
Rating: 4.9198542 out of 5
Keywords: amy maryon, large family, freezer meal momma, wnc, motivation, encouragement, christian, faith momma, mom of many, motivator
Id: C13k0I7sayU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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