Gather your fragments ---IS there ANY FOOD LEFT TO GATHER???

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[Music] [Music] hey guys hope you had a great day today it is Friday happy Friday to you I hope your day is going well for me it is good it's getting closer to 8 o'clock right now and I'm like I did get up early but I was editing yesterday's video so yes it was my extreme shop makeover so we worked all day like all day got up early worked all day over there and then when we got home it was like get showered and we went to church because we do church on Thursdays with everything going on we have church on Sundays and Thursdays but we do Thursdays to free up the space so that because everybody is limited and so that way can allow people because most people politician Sunday so we do Thursdays which was good so we did that so I didn't even like I came home and it's like I didn't even I feel like it was just run run run dinner like it just spend too much time with the kids and I was spend time with my kids so um we do that and then we driving home and it was just a busy - and Danny's like let's get pizza and so I'm like okay so girls had some friends over so we got pizza last night so we came home about if I can have pizza last night and it was so nice and so then we I was tired exhausted went right to bed and then I got up today and I was like I gotta edit this video so I'm like well let me go edit it so I did that and then in my head I'm thinking I've gotta make some food today's gather your fragment Friday but I'm like okay I know we have pizza and I know there's soup so I'm like I need to figure out how much more I need to make so I will be making food today I probably won't do a whole lot maybe I'll throw a little bit extra there today just because I'm not even sure what my days usually I'm like okay know what I'm gonna do weird it is down we were down to nothing which is not nothing don't ever say nothing you always have something we are down to the bottom which is great I have I have a plans here in the next little while so and we're just eating down we're using up what we have and so well get creative we'll come up with some stuff so you can do this another week or so that'd be awesome so it's just gonna be a good day what if we do I'm going to taking the kids to pool because they didn't go yesterday and it's they need to little boys were move and move and move in and run and I'm like go pool today it's they did another things yesterday which was great with Lauren but I was like oh they need to run so we're gonna be doing that for sure this afternoon and I know I've got to get stuff done I gotta clean up and I see the kids love to look at snakes in the car there's pizza and everything so we're just gonna do a Friday I don't know what we're gonna gather fragments cuz it's always getting fragments but I will throw some other stuff in there too so but something else I want to share today this not fast was just something exciting for me for those of you that don't know I do home school curriculum way back in the day when we my husband was working in the auto industry and we lived in Michigan and I was we're buying curriculums at the time we were buying things doing things well he had lost his job this is before like internet it was awesome this was a long time ago like 15 years ago 15 years ago that's it how long it's been it's been a while you know when everything crashed what a mini crash whatever the year that was well then I was like I needed to buy school curriculum and I couldn't I was like oh my goodness what am I gonna do well at that time there wasn't the internet wasn't big but I still like went on I believe it was the old dial-up which remember is a o L whatever it was the me I'm pretty sure we had the dial-up kind but um I went out and I found a bunch of free paveway ii really inexpensive printer so they gave us i was able to print off a lot of schooling for my kids i just went on a printed pages and pages and pages off a bunch of websites that i found well then i was like that works so well and i was like the next year i'm like i could have went and bought school creek and I'm like you know what I spend all my money and I'm like that was really good what we did last year so I went to go do it again well then I started looking online and it was like click here by you know click here you can get five download today or oh that's an expired you can only get so many a day or oh they don't have anything to pay and I was like frustrated so I said you know why would curriculum I would write it and I would just give it away well fast-forward years later I have written my own school curriculum and I do keep it away for free which is really cool so over the years I've homeschooled a lot of kids a lot of kids ten kids all ten kids are home-schooled going on its college all those good things all are good you know good smart kids what I do is the basics the basics now you fill in with all the extra because I feel like every kid learns at a different level but if you cover your basics so that they can pass a standardized test that the government makes you do then you're good to go and then if they want to excel more in a different area that's what we do so I've written um it's it's not like a it's not gonna be a notarized from a big company or whatever what's the word accredited that's the word see I'm a teacher here I don't even know those things no but it will get you the basics and so it's completely free you can go I have the link below it's plain and not so plain comm you can go I have all the way up through ninth grade of English like grammar writing and math basic so you have extra stuff on there too but very basics you could go on there and print it all out for free now I had an old-school printer I could buy a box of box of paper case and to encourage this which was like three dollars a pieces when I had it was a prophetic know as a brother printer and I could print off all that box of paper on those two ink cartridges so it was cheap well so I did that and I was like oh that's the way to go but then I found people we just use the same printer it was awesome one thing we had to buy a new printer one day and I was like oh you know and they're like think cartoons are a lot more and I definitely cannot print up a box of paper to encourage of this and I was like that's bad so what I did is I took my curriculum because I found that people are printed on it was costing them more to print than anything so I've turned I put three of the classes of English and writing into a book form and then I sell that an Amazon for the minimum the Amazon makes me sell it for still cheaper it's $25 still cheaper than buying paper still cheaper than any Quicken for an entire year but it is offered on Amazon but if you can't afford that go get it and download for free off my site and that's how you'd bite either one get it for free I'd say I just wanted to give an option for those people that couldn't print off so all this to say is practical homeschooling gave me a tie for first place this year which is so exciting so it was pretty cool it's very exciting so I got them my home economics series I do a home economics series as well and wrote that a book a long time ago when national was little and because I wanted to learn some home making skills so I did that for her and so um you can get the book you can download the PDF or you can take the course for free on my website everything's free everything's free you can get it for free some way shape or form but if you want to support or you want to buy and have the book you can go buy the book so this was exciting so I just got this I placed I think I was like honorable mention one year then I was second place I think last year it's on my website have to change it and this year tied for first so that is super super exciting so merry pride from practical homeschooling sent this to me so which is really exciting and I also got Kathy Duffy reviewed me on her website - she does a lot of school curve women and went through and did my own phone she did a review on that too so I was super excited so very very thankful for that so my hope is always to like share just share it I can help some other mom out because I know I was helped out when I needed it so that's what I want to do is hop out as well and let God take care of the rest that's my that's that's my plan so super exciting so if you want any school if you need any school curriculum can't afford it go like the look below you go to my web blog site blog cycle in my blog put on my blog it's all free I don't have ads on my blog there's no he watched hats in these videos that blog has zero ads oh go over there you can go through everything nothing will pop up you don't have to send it for anything you didn't have decided to get the curriculum you can just go get it for free which is really cool so thankful for what never had ads on there that was just something so if you need school curriculum or anything to do school for your kids go over to my website it's completely free you don't have to sign up for anything you won't have to click through an ad you don't have to do anything I know there's ads on here but there's no ads over there um and you can go over there you get any kind of schooling it's very basic it's very basic and if you can put up with a few of my editing errors and then awesome it's not gonna be like I said it's not accredited and I did not pay someone to edit it so one day this time allows I will go back and go through it I'll pay somebody to go through and because when you write something and you go back and do it yourself and edit it I've gone through those books so many times over the years and I'm like oh I found a mistake I thought I mean there's not that many but there's one you're like that's wrong it's so beautiful a while I was saving them with my kids did him because they go through all the books and then I was like okay I need to fix that and so the other day Lauren did something mom this was wrong I'm like oh fix this if you can put up with a few minor mistakes then that's what you want it's free it's free so the book that just that's just what happened so but one day one day I'll get someone to do that so yes the Lord leads that's what I say so I'm super excited but it's so if you need some 7th stuff I have Home Economics for it's more based for your daughters but I do have a AG I want to I don't want to be it's like people are like oh you should have brought this for boys but I intend it when I said to high school girl am I intended it for my daughter that was who I wrote it for the first time and then Collin was never she it would been next in line if he was he went right to work with Greg so he was never really home doing a whole lot at home and then it was like Lauren just use that and then as Evan came London like okay I need to do something for him so then I started doing that home life skills for guys class which has the same similar things that the girl one has but it's not it's just that in the girl when it deals with more girl issues and the guy wanted deals with more guy issues but it still has the same kind of principles you know cleaning and cooking all those good things so but nothing gender specific I guess I don't know I just know that girls have issues that guys don't have any guys that missions that girls don't have so that was how I wrote him so thank you practical homeschooling for putting me on the ballot and thank you to the people that voted and the viewers that you guys probably even know anything about that but for those of you that didn't thank you I didn't share I didn't announce I was just got it I was like that's pretty cool so pretty exciting in the Marian family so alright we're gonna get going I I got to pick up a little bit and just figure out what I'm gonna do probably wiped out my fridge er go through and see what I have so I know what I can feed the kids to I know there's pizza in there so I know they're gonna choose pizza and there's soup so I don't even know I hate to not make any food I'd gather your fragment Friday but we're gonna see we're gonna do so I love speaking with her [Music] [Music] okay I'm so sorry I was cleaning nothing I was like why can't I gather what can I make it I'm like Hello I have an oven working again my oven is working yes it is working it's what I was like I can bake things today hello I can bake things today so because I was like I really am out of breakfast foods I'm like what can I make don't have a lot of stuff in my pantry and I was like I can make homemade things hello I've just been doing mixes and stuff so what I'm gonna make up is all bran muffins I'm like I've got this really give an applesauce I've got a lot of applesauce and I'm like you know what I'm gonna do that and I pull out some other stuff here too so I think I'm like because I don't have pumpkins or what let me check oh wait a minute I've got pumpkin I'm gonna make chocolate chip pumpkin muffins and I'm mixing all brand muffins or bread I might do the what is this brand Pullman I just saw a recipe for brownies brand brownies can I do that okay I'm gonna try that sorry I might try the recipe in the back a bit bran muffins and chocolate chip something like this kids are gonna love me because we haven't had in a long time because I'm gonna use my oven okay so sorry you probably look at it just a gather your fragments blog I'm sorry I'm just talking for app let me go turn the oven on watch this it works Jerrica it's gonna heat up alright so I had to scroll down to my blog we would make it chuck to your pumpkin muffins forever in a day I took it on to the small family size because I only have one can so I'm gonna mix this all up in my eye so bowl let it make some what happens Oh kids I'll be like [Music] [Music] come Buffon's 350 in the oven I got a whole pan didn't you think I had that let's let me do the bran muffins next all right anybody else grow up with bran muffins my mom made them they were the best so I'm gonna mix these up I we had the brand cereal but these are the brand buds I like these better actually get a little bit crunch of texture just a little bit I don't soak them forever I like them a little bit texture so I'm gonna mix em here's with grandma's alcohol brain rest kept on the streams [Music] yeah be careful poor not your milk I mean got a little too much good mix up all right so my recipe calls for oil it's a half a cup of oil so I'm going to add applesauce to mine instead I do oil but I'm gonna use applesauce I'm thinking I might even chop up some dried apples I'm going to let me get those these are our apple chips there was Richard kids to new mom and chop some of these I'll put I have a little pieces but I'll use the applesauce instead of oil just just show you how things turn out when you bake with applesauce [Music] again I'm gathering a fragment I don't have very much regular sugar so I actually got another risk that one thing I'm baking so I thought coconut sugars I'll add that in here cuz that'll okay this this will be sweet of the Apple so gathering fragments [Music] with my white flour to make it healthier [Music] all right the next thing we mix up is some cinnamon quick bread I haven't made this in a long long time I think one of my first vlogs I'm a Brooklyn mixing this up maybe Jamie maybe it's broken I'm not sure now it written it calls for regular sugar I'm just use brown sugar because that's what I have it does make it darker Matt your white the lows but that'll be okay so mix this up and use buttermilk I have buttermilk so I'm just going to use powder milk with some vinegar so I'm gonna mix it up in the same bowl that I did the pumpkin muffin same bowl I to the brand that's coming it [Music] [Music] okay so this recipe is gonna offer three it'll make three loaves of it so these are that I think these are patties eight inch a nine inch now you see they're stainless steel pans if you're gonna bake by yourself some good stainless steel like I'm we always had the ones about the store with the nonstick thing glass ones blah blah blah have head replace these forever these I've had for 15 years still really good so they're like I want to say that for five dollars pan but when you do lot of baking you have them so this I'm gonna use just one of those I picked these up one time at like a thrift store or whatever I like them maybe ones because we don't always put a big loaf up because everybody's not eating as much so I'm gonna do a few little ones and I think I've got some medium-sized ones here I don't know how much I'll actually make you basically put the batter on the bottom put a little bit of cinnamon sugar on it coat it again coat it again put more batter on it and then put more cinnamon sugar on top and then bake it at 350 until it's done so about 40 minutes so I'm going to get this all together the small ones first and see how much I have left over [Music] [Applause] I ain't gonna keep it if you wanna go let's go let's wrap it up I just [Music] you you gotta understand we get one chance one chance yeah [Music] okay I'm going to try this recipe for the brownies from the brand cuz I've got about one couple left and he's about a half a cup so up double this main table see if it works okay [Music] you understand [Music] someday we [Music] me [Music] okay spaceman the robek dip making food from home so what I'm gonna do is I have white cake mix I'm gathering fragments next week there's not gonna be a gather your fragment Friday but I'm gonna have something different but you're gonna have to wait till about midweek and I'll say what I'm gonna do but so I won't be baking or doing it cooking next week which is exciting so this stuff is gonna go on the freezer the stuff will les I don't think it's all for just the weekend cos we need that much I'm gonna make a pistachio cake it I grew up a mess my mom made this and what you do is you need um furnace which is awesome and I actually just opened the burners this weekend because I was wanting something bubbly which I'd never do and I had that and then you add a package of pistachio pudding it now the only difference is on the frosting part you basically bake the cake with that it's delicious and then you frost it with pistachio pudding in whipped topping or Cool Whip I don't have any of that because I used it up in my soup this week which was not very smart so I'll Google real quick if there's some alternative I can do maybe not you guys probably tell me something and I'll be like already done but I'm gonna mix this up right now my mixing bowl it's super yummy and what's bacon we'll top and have another dessert [Music] for my Michiganders burners is the only way to go Gregg tried to get me on the I don't know the other time and I was like he's like it tastes the same I'm like oh it does not burners is awesome [Music] you can use oil but I'm gonna use applesauce because I have it and if you see me just give them down it's thicker on the bottom and the water is kind of at the top so I just want the part of it [Music] [Music] because I'm the winner mommy and KitchenAid muffins purpose go me so I decided to just heat up some sausage links because that's what I have my sausage in a muffin good probably just as much sugar in that muffin answer was in pancake mix maybe we'll see all right this is mixed I'm gonna pour this in here [Music] [Music] okay I just had Rivia a barks I got out like a bear howl maybe we'd have a bear I hear that bark that one means bears in the area mama mate well she have a single scared away she's gonna make you to stay here she's like I want to go eat the bear I was in there cooking and I was like I need a Ruby I'm like I'm here in the howl so that deep real deep like how old like that that's like bear so bark like for deer and stuff of bear oh she shakes her ears and she knows all right she's keeping Mexican with Mama Lauren send me pictures there's another dog someone's trying to get rid of all the tiny it looks like at your key I'm like Lauren why are you doing this to me so I'm like I need to pray about that and see but Oh cutie just maxime need another dog I don't know I think Ruby would need another dog outside joint you'd have a dog in the house I don't know so cute so we'll see next thing come on come on get my house I see what her run away okay let's go and finish her poop all right I'm gonna go through my fridge or just see what I have the slow container so she's kind of see where I'm at it's crazy we have a lot of sour cream up we have definitely cut our consumption of sour cream down I have to have a key in the back so I'm thinking chicken heroes but I gotta sleep like a fetus somewhere [Music] [Music] okay I go through like parallel decks we didn't eat those up this week there's six that have personally enjoy bed paper does about four different kids and then I think let me see if I got some pasta mix it mac and cheese I've come up again because I'll leave that out let me go throw this double work [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I've got all these cute it ups the kids can just grab a sausage in a muffin that's good alright I'm gonna go over here and mix up um the angel food cake yes I'm going to do the angel food cake I'm going to actually do it what they can't I have one can of pineapple in my pantry but it's not crushed you should have crushed so I'm gonna put that in food processor and chop it up and then just mix it all together and put it in a 9 by 13 pan and baking me up into easy [Music] okay that was just a big can of mixing and chili beans I'm gonna heat that up I decide him to cook some okay I've got a lot of pasta for pad thai we never ate it there's so much so I think I'm gonna the rice noodles right soak the noodles I don't know how I'm gonna pry him in cold water so don't keep cooking and we can have it with this I'm gonna he make a little cheese sauce because farmers happen to be easy [Music] you having a hard time get your breads out don't force them out just kind of put them on their sides and let them sit well come up eventually alright so I think what's again been done what's the gather fragment Friday without making popcorn kids love it absolutely the popcorn I'm gonna make me too I just make one big container of it and then that which is four times for the kids coconut oil my popcorn c-czar i think their magic mushroom and then i use a little bit of pepper salt okay cut into the brownie it's a little dry but it's got the brand the kids wait it's chocolate don't like chocolate yep [Music] let's make a little cheese sauce with this not cheese and milk [Music] all right that little episode there with the bread sticking to them it's called impatience people wait for them to cool in the pans I can't stress that enough let them wait they will pop out super easy I was just like ugh I think I'm done pop them out always it pays to wait so it's okay if I was making this for gifts for people I would be concerned to let them cool complete I'm just trying to finish up and get down because I need to get on this kitchen so I can have day with my kids so the little piece in the bottom no big deal so this will be good these fries so so well you can take these and wrap them in plastic and you can wrap in foil if you want strengthen or plastic put in your freezer great gifts we've done this for Christmas many many times people they freeze well they thought well they're so so good so I will remember the quick squirrel bread from Pillsbury I grew up eating that and that's what it tastes just like so that's good I'm said the chocolate it's okay good chocolate up thank you not bad chocolate kids elite it was like nut brownies some I ran bread chocolate but we'll eat it and the appellants in the pumpkin I'm gonna do one more thing a popcorn over here the microwave and then the pistachio cake came out it's got a cool and then I can mix up my pudding and pour it on top I'm gonna heat up the chili beans or Hinata could be boiling water for pasta angel cakes in the oven the only other thing of making us of the chicken those chicken patties I usually do in the airfryer but I'm going to put the oven because oven just to keep in the refrigerator because chop them up and eat them a friend gave us a whole bunch of tortillas which is awesome she ordered some stuff from Walmart and then they ever like way too much and so she's like I should make all these can you and I'm like I yeah so I'll bake those now we chop those up like a sandwich and bellied it went to India so we're gonna keep going pop we're gonna be done it's a good day it's a great day our update Lawrence give that dog time like I was thinking the picture original picture showed a really tiny dog and so I was like well that looks really can I show you I can show you the first one she sent me was let me find her so this is what she sent me so I always think our chocolate man's I was like okay eeny Meeny dog and then as she showed me where pictures I'm like oh wait they shave it it's got hair like I can't do it here except elegies so she's like oh yeah she says I'm like oh so cute and she's almost he's bigger than Maxine I don't think makes him look like that no she would not she needs somebody smaller when she's a male cuz she is the diamond earring female in this household so could it do the can't do the dog and that's why all right that's always good so all right go put back on my song listen to another in the fire great song all right listen get back window [Music] [Music] [Music] so rice noodles all they bring up here all right so rice noodles are definitely like rice we have to rinse them right this is what I have I have a little bit bigger a little bit of course throw a little bit of 10 a pasta but I have a lot of these rice noodles so hopefully I get a full day at the pool wander the frame will make everybody tired they're like oh these taste delicious me to start it up it helps to like get awake here so I'm just gonna rinse these really good I'm gonna keep them in this pot but I'm gonna use cold water so that way they don't keep cooking okay to show your pasta against the fritters do the stick that's right see that's even a little hard to get over in six a few times and that was so clear so put my dis pressure I'm usually one to wash all my dishes all the time I mean you know as much as I can but I put my the popcorn things when I use coconut oil gets really oily so I put that on the top of this watch it takes that out really good and then the air fryer are air fired if you use two pieces like evidence of salt - Xfinity airfryer which is awesome Jason to it so there's a lot of and that's good that stops cooking it will keep your noodles nice work in the restaurant where does a teenager they would have water with their noodles on me yep but I'm like oh they kept it from not cooking me and that sticking so you probably can do well to that this would be good for a so I'm just I cover this I've got my cheese sauce they even put the beans on top with achieve there's protein cheese the carbs people that's good but we have it upsets it and probably have a lot of pizza I don't know what would happen a proud new pizza for lunch and then I'm the chicken will be here too so that'll be a great weekend food not doing a whole lot because we still have this and I have soup so when you go out buy food you're like okay there's not there's still stuff in there so this is gonna work out so let me put this over here alright so I'm gonna mix it says 1 and 3/4 cup of milk so I put 3 cups of milk in here I'm gonna estimate let's estimate here we go this is roughly for one cup two cups three and then I'm going to add this packages I'm not gonna mix the milk first because I'm just going to use my immersion blender and then I'll use that that was one of this first things somebody bought me one of my viewers a long time ago we actually like I've never had one and they're like you need one we actually got two so one went to Lauren that was super super sweet oh it's not my package in there so this is good we're gonna have now this is better with the toilet like you can add or whipping cream because it makes it creamier but we don't have that so that's okay the pudding will be just as delicious we love to stash show putting so that's left if there's just so you make a really good one with an ice cream I just haven't made it so long so get back to it slowly mixes up with the blender [Music] [Music] alright stay together you're pretty much really quick you know I hope to have it up and but if you don't it just takes a little bit longer no big deal so I did more of a baking thing a lot of the stuff is gonna be put in the freezers what will happen to it so what we ended up with is I pulled these APIs up these need to gate so they can take these to the pool today this the brownie thing like I said it's a little different I don't know it's Mike a brownie muffin kids will definitely eat it this one I put in the frigerator right away to stay cold this is really good Duncan camp she's like my favorite I'm like I know angel food cake here's that sausage they kind of that for breakfast these muffins Hiram's put them in the fridge it exceed these the Apple ones a little bit harder like firmer slightly store well freeze well there's all them gonna freeze all that popcorn they won't lunch and eat that and then over here I have my noodles and there's my cheese sauce and then here's a big ol pot of beans and then the oven is chicken so that's cooking away listen an oven works it's heated so this is Mike and then because like we still have food like yes my fridge area is getting better this is Lauren shelf so it's missing I have this hummus still I'm gonna use this up today on rice cakes today for the kids um this comes some bread there's Jim Bowie this is the soup I made this week what is this this more chicken patties there's a few more in there salad some tortillas we are running low people don't work yet it's okay there's a whole thing of bacon you could just live on that bacon right there alone yes you could and then here there's pizza that would be lunch today there's Evans leftover so there's only thing in here's eggs and some almond milk back there and you know burners you know staples to live by people and then nothing here just a bag of ice is that fun family stuff over here bag of ice for a pelican a Friday that's kind of a weird let me dump that out chunk of ice so this is it why can't we are down which is so I love gathering fragments and I love using it so like I said this freezers demo let's go see this one I know the one downstairs I gotta clean up clean up everything okay I found this at the shop look at mama and should make coffee for their women it says ring bio Hebrew I know that was very cute me box of the doughnuts Ruby's snoozing outside so we're like it was like a look and there's still stuff like we still have freezer meals looking I stopped to chicken a spaghetti stuffed shells we got so this will definitely be next week we'll have some days look at freezer miles this is from it was from two three money because it was three months ago I didn't label it but it's three months it's been a long time so we still have all this there's the thing that she's there is chicken breast there I have a whole thing in chicken breast I haven't even had a possible haven't even had a pasty so again lots of weeks hey guys this is brand new sir yeah this still gets I save this one we can make some Pelican still got chocolate popsicles and there's applesauce we've been eating that up too and then there's some veggies in here so this is mostly there's a thing of bread see these are really good this still cheese it's not one of these mine bacon and the kids stuff so it's a couple fish so this is still great there like I said plenty plenty plenty you don't think you're a foodie oh you have plenty of food it you just have to kind of be creative and it's not gonna be like we have a little bit sale but we're not gonna have fresh veggies and carrots but you know what we'll live take a vitamin people yeah so news gather but you have you know what you can do alright I'm going to what is this all wet alright so I am gonna start picking up just do my little pick up and then I'm gonna have the kids they've been kept annoying off that's usually what I do when I get my work done here filming for you guys and then they'll come up and help with the chores and then we're gonna get to the pool because it's be a beautiful day I mean it appears to be a beautiful day I just saw 90 sunshine so I'm gonna clean up and we'll get them in here [Music] I'm finding it is that other mother find it difficult you got to keep track your kids mask we have to wear them in certain areas of our town so I bought these I found these at Target thank goodness I'm always like they require to wear a mask but they don't offer you to buy one anywhere so I got one from the was the place the from the guy that did Lauren's alterations and then we just have a couple paper one is that Lauren bought a long time ago like years ago when sickness so that all the girls wouldn't get sick but they just don't last the paper ones so I'm like where can I get some of these at so target had some I think there were two four I think they're like $5 you get for two but I was like but now I marked on there their letter and initials so that I have them and so um but now I'm finding keep track of masks okay I keep some in my car like for me to run in and Greg to run in but I don't have like it's not like I have a surplus of an ask I'm so I'm like so I don't even have a surplus of mass so I just have to keep track so like last night I'm like Lauren and the kids I'm like worse kids mask and I gotta find him so it's like you can track uh like when they're a little like the binky so they're you know whatever blankets or whatever so in my purse they go all right well let's get cleaned up [Music] like it [Music] [Music] [Music] husband me today don't even have thank you [Music] [Music] and I did this by for spiders right there's like a big old spider web right here hmm what a great day look at that blue sky oh it's gonna be a beautiful hot day I can be on the ground is it spice that Ruby she's like I'm just happy eat my dog treats all right James water and everything for me all right so we're are going to get done here which we're done all the houses cleaned up the vacuums I just finished I'm doing laundry still but I'm not worried about staying home and doing that we'd go the pool and do the laundry later so I think now's the time get kids ready alright kids they can finally brush the teeth you know do the mom stuff and I didn't do all day behind shut the lights off save your power and then we're gonna get ready I pulled some footage up here so I know you have a long video because I never know if I have a long one or not and then I'm gonna go take them to the pool so I'm excited for that so I'm gonna change for them then we're gonna take a pizza all right this one we're taking to lunch we're taking Keith's all right wrapped up with paper some chips yeah leftovers pizza that's a well we got some apples and chips all right we're gonna go ahead we're getting all our stuff here [Music] all right so I've been saving my coffee remainders so that's what I put in here with some just regular funfetti creamer and I've got my 310 lemonade here for my water so we're gonna go ahead now [Music] all right we were swimming and we hit our afternoon rain times but it's not thundering it's not lighting so cute they're still swimming we're hoping it'll pass I mean ha long the Dozen Thunder would be okay but if it just rains they stay so we'll see kids are swimming they're loving it all right storming too much so we're forced all right storming we're gonna have to head home it didn't get blue sky but we swim for a while in the water there's a little sky we need but unfortunately it's still storming this way home it's raining raining raining our town is we're leaving I'm like it looks like the blue skies coming but we had to leave so rain makes grass grow and brain makes the flowers go so am I here look we sleep okay you didn't make it inside AC you just sleep it away she's like I'm happy on the ground right here hello bear and she cheese someone still has a mean kitty I have just zoom it's you are you the mean kitty somebody's fight with somebody I feel like it's patches I don't know where he is plug it there's the rain so what I'm gonna do now is I got throw another load two loads of laundry and so dinner is gonna be the easy dinner the noodles with their chili beans and some cheese night Gregor and go for a walk tonight so that is how my Friday we mean it's going to go so I hope you enjoyed today's video to gather your friends there together of everything else that we do today and we are gonna see you again tomorrow from one of the glutes and then back up Monday for another day in the life we got something good coming next week so yeah I'm excited okay be sure and be quiet so I'm gonna go alright have a fantastic butchy by fantastic rest of your day and I am gonna see you again alright [Music] you
Channel: amy maryon
Views: 42,972
Rating: 4.9231548 out of 5
Keywords: amy maryon, large family
Id: A4a5TuzdSkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 16sec (3376 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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