How to Change Your Life in Six Months

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holy moly am i excited for this video six months of hardcore love attention clarity and focus really can change the course of your entire life i did an instagram post the other day where literally i just shared a quote and i had so many responses to this this resonated with so many of you literally i've never had a post saved so many times before and i actually ended up having a conversation with a friend of mine rachel you know her channel rachel lee and we decided that we wanted to actually really take this challenge to the next level i think it's so easy to just say i'm gonna change my life in six months but when you don't put any systems or structure around it it ends up becoming just this lofty dream and so what rachel and i decided to do is not only hold each other accountable to change our lives over the next six months but to actually make this a community effort so i am going to be doing a series of videos here on my channel videos like this as well as vlogs where i document the journey of me really setting my life up over the next six months but additionally to that rachel and i will be doing a lot of stuff over on instagram lives and little challenges and we've got so many other surprises in store to really hold each other accountable but hold you accountable as well if you do want to join this six month challenge by the time you're seeing this video it is the start of july or if you're seeing it later don't worry it doesn't necessarily need to be six months it can be as many months as you like really the primary intention of this is to focus on yourself to be a little bit selfish for the next six months to focus on your goals to focus on your personal development to focus on your self-worth and then hopefully the intention behind that is that beyond these six months you've really set yourself up in a good position to become the very best version of yourself living the life that you desire if you would like to participate in this challenge or if you would like to just follow along with my journey make sure you are subscribed to this channel subscribe to rachel's channel as well as follow both of us on instagram for all of the live details let's jump straight in as many of you know i have had a huge life transition over the past six months and whilst mentally i am in a good space no huge life transition comes without its challenges i want to be totally open and vulnerable and although i will say that i really do feel happy with my decision of course all of the things that come with such a big life change really can you know affect you mentally and i to be fair wasn't making the best decisions for myself over the past six months as i was kind of transitioning into this new life and i've spoken about this in recent vlogs if you don't know what i'm talking about by the way i'm talking about my breakup i spoke about it in a few videos ago my seven year long relationship i did end it and i've kind of just been self-sabotaging a bit i'm not gonna lie and i got to the point that like dark night of the soul point if you will where you're just like screw it i'm taking no more i've got to do something about this so for me this desire to make this change has actually been birthed out of realizing that i haven't been prioritizing myself taking care of myself or focusing on my goals you do not have to be in a position of the dark night of the soul or a total breakdown to want to change your life you might feel like you're going along okay in life but there is a burning desire in you that you want something more one thing i've realized specifically through this whole transition is that so many women are settling for fine they have a life that they can describe as it's not that bad no more i want women to be living a life that is absolutely extraordinary and that is the intention behind this challenge particularly i want you to set yourself up so that you can have not just a fine life but an extraordinary life now the last little thing that i have to say is that this video is actually sponsored oh my gosh this is the first time that i've had a sponsored video in years and honestly i don't take sponsorships because i pretty much self-fund this channel but this particular business i love so much i honestly i don't think there's another business out there that i believe in more than i believe in this business or that i love more than i love this business because this video is actually being sponsored by my business so actually what i have done is i have decided that i'm going to be sponsoring my own videos i got the idea of leora alexandra and basically this video is going to be sponsored by my clarity and confidence bundle this is a bundle of two of my most successful courses clarity and community as well as the killer confidence course if you are someone who is really struggling to feel confident enough in themselves to take action on your goals this is going to be the bundle for you it's not only going to help you figure out your relationship to self so that you can feel more confident taking action but in clarity and community it also helps you to figure out what you want to do with your life figure out what you want to do with your online presence your business and then start reverse engineering the strategies you need to take to get there as well as teach you those first steps in building a community so i have a special discount for this bundle just for youtube subscribers i will leave all of the information linked down below definitely definitely jump in to that one okay i've definitely rambled enough let's jump in to the video all right so let's talk a little bit about why it should be a six month challenge and why you should actually want to change your life over the course of six months i personally believe that there is too much content out there that gives the false impression that change is easy so many people are promoting these overnight success stories whether it be with their health their business or their finances but particularly around personal development and what i've realized as a coach is that so many people are under the belief that their life is going to change overnight you're going to read enough books consume enough content that one day you're just going to magically wake up and either be an ultra productive or ultra focused or ultra healthy person this is just not the way that humans change humans actually need processes and periods of integration a way to recalibrate to their new habits and their new life something that i love is the analogy of climbing mount everest you know a lot of people are just desiring to jump right to the top of the mountain do you know that if you just magically were able to just jump right to the top of mount everest say for example that you would die when people climb mount everest they go up then they go down a bit to recalibrate and then they go up and down and up and down and up and down until they reach the top this is because you absolutely need time to make mistakes you absolutely need time to adjust to this new life that you're building and you definitely need time to recalibrate you are going to make mistakes there are days where stuff is just going to feel like it's not working you need time to be able to adjust to this new version of yourself you need time to be able to experiment with the strategies that you are using to better yourself you can't just sit down after a video like this and say yup this this this this and this is what i'm going to do i'm going to change my life and then tomorrow go off and be absolutely perfect at it it's not reality as much as you see people are online that talk about these fast results they are like unicorns it is very very uncommon for people to have such quick change in their life you know you've probably heard the quote or the the concept that habit formation takes like 60 or 90 or 120 days i don't know it changes every time i read about it to be honest but my personal belief is that regardless of what the actual time frame is it does take time now you have to go easy on yourself as well you will make mistakes if you decide to be healthier you probably will have junk food or miss a workout if you decide to get your financial position in check you probably will have moments of weakness where you spend on unnecessary things this is all a part of the process failure is a part of the process but i think where we go wrong is we say to ourselves this month i'm going to change my life and a month goes very quickly and so as we see the days disappearing we feel worse and worse and worse about ourselves to the point where we give up trying all together so give yourself an appropriate amount of time maybe it's longer than six months maybe it's 12 months the time duration doesn't actually matter all that matters is that you are giving yourself enough space to recalibrate and experiment along the way okay so now that we've got that out of the way in part two what i really want to talk about is how to actually go about changing your life and i've broken this down into two sections the first section is the mindset that you need to actually change your life and the second section is actually the action that you need to start taking to change your life when it comes to mindset the first thing is that you have to take radical responsibility nobody else is going to change your life for you another misconception that i think a lot of us have is that somebody is coming to save us or for a lot of women specifically they have the misconception that somebody is going to come and give us permission you do not need permission to change your life and you do not need to rely on anyone else to change your life you are in control of your destiny as corny as that does sound when you truly take responsibility for yourself and the changes that you want to make in your life it is one of the most liberating things ever this particular topic is something that i go to in way more detail in my killer confidence course taking radical responsibility and building inner authority so that you can take action but honestly just to mention here if you are going to partake in this challenge the first thing that you need to do is take 100 responsibility 100 of the time the second thing and this is a mindset shift that really helped me along my journey of changing my life is that it's not going to look like what you think it's going to look like we see so much stuff on social media whether it be on instagram tick tock youtube pinterest and these things absolutely can be a positive i get so inspired by my pinterest board honestly this is like the number one thing that i do to get inspired for how i want to change my life however what i've come to realize is that even though these vision board exercises and using social media to get inspired does really help me to motivate myself into action you've got to realize that they are just a snapshot your change is not going to look like you jumping from the life that you live now into your pinterest board it is going to be a process a journey some days are messy some days are ugly challenging it's not going to look like this perfect journey where you just magically like i said before one day wake up and everything is different it takes time you've got to be okay with it being messy challenging yourself going through the difficult times but the most important thing is just that you dedicate yourself not to giving up and that you give up the idea that it's going to look perfect because it never ever will and the third mindset thing that i do have to say is that none of this is going to work if your intention is weak if you don't have a solid reason for the goals that you set or the actions that you set for this challenge if you don't have a solid why behind the specific things that you decide to change over the course of the next six months i promise you at the first sign of weakness you will give up so many people are giving up on themselves their health goals their business goals their life goals simply just because they have no idea where they truly want these things if you don't have a really hardcore personally associated reason as to why you want to make the changes that you're going to decide to make it was so easy for you to procrastinate to self-sabotage every single time a challenge comes up for me the number one thing that i do is i revert back to my why i revert back to why do i want this thing to change or this thing to happen or for me to achieve this goal and as much as it doesn't take away the sting of the challenging time it at least recalibrates my focus so make sure that your intention behind the changes are really deeply personal and they absolutely set your soul on fire don't just try to get healthy because social media tells you that you should look a certain way don't just try to get rich because entrepreneurship is like the buzz thing at the moment and that's apparently what everyone's doing with their time do it for you you want to make money incredible why do you want to make money you want to get strong and healthy why do you want to get strong and healthy make sure you've got a solid personal i cannot say that with enough emphasis personal intention behind your change or else it would just be simply too difficult so now we're down to the action part this is like the juice of the video if you will so i have six steps to help you to set yourself up and to support you along this six month journey the first thing is of course you have to get clear on what it is you want what specific areas of life do you want to change what do you want the outcome to look like how do you want to feel ask yourself all of these questions if you really don't know if you're really really struggling then i definitely suggest to jump into the bundle specifically the clarity and community program because this is my course where i help people to figure out exactly what they want their life and business to look like maybe you're not an entrepreneur but it will still be helpful for you i go through many many many strategic exercises to help you figure out what it is that you want but regardless for the purpose of this video make sure you get really specifically clear i'll let you in on what i'm going to be focusing on over the next six months i am focusing on my health i really want to support myself as a muay thai fighter i would absolutely love to get myself to a position with my physique with my fitness and with my fighting that i could actually go on and do some amateur fights because that is a big goal of mine i also want to grow my net worth not just necessarily my business income but my personal net worth i have a figure in mind of a half a million dollars and again i know my business makes more than that but for me personally i would like to get my personal net worth to a half a million dollars in the next six months and then the other thing that i want to be focusing on as well is some goals that i have in my business but maybe i'll talk about that in a future video just get really specifically clear on what you want and why you want it the next thing is you have to reverse engineer a strategy you cannot simply just sit down and say i want this thing or i want that thing and not actually have clear action steps to getting there if you are here and you want to be here all you've got to do is take the steps to get there the best way to figure out what steps that you should take is to start thinking about reverse engineering you know you already know where you desire to be find people who are there and figure out what they did to get there that's the easiest thing that is how most creations come to life you know when people develop products quite often they are reverse engineered so get a good idea of where you want to be and then figure out how somebody else got there because that is going to give you a clear path for how you can get there yourself the next thing you've got to do is you have to work on your worth why most people don't change their life is simply because they don't feel like they deserve the things that they desire if you don't have this internal sense of self love this great relationship with yourself an internal sense of self-integrity and self-respect change will be even more difficult than it already is you have to work on building your relationship with yourself and this is something i'll be talking a lot more about over the course of this six months because that's something i'll be working on a lot myself as well but what do you need to do to feel confident to have more respect for yourself to love yourself more because when you love yourself more than you love anything else on this planet you will want to do what's in the best interest for you and that is going to support you in changing your life okay so the next thing which is super super practical is at the start of this six months you want to have a day where you set yourself up for success this is where you start booking things in you know if you are saying that you want to get healthier and you want to get stronger go find yourself a gym or a martial arts studio if you are saying that you want to start growing your business you know go start thinking about the actions that you need to take put them in your calendar make it tangible it's so easy to just sit there and get the vision and get the action steps and never actually take action get really crystal clear on your calendar set it up for success start putting in reoccurring events into your calendar invest in yourself in programs if you need to or gyms or whatever it may be depending on the life area that you want to change if you want to get your finances in order sit down and actually get your bank account in check have a savings folder have a play money folder have a bills folder bank account you know what i mean get yourself set up for success as much as you possibly can i'm saying take the whole entire day and just set yourself up for the next six months do everything that you need to do to support this growth journey the next thing that you're going to want to do is you're going to want to have a weekly check-in i mean you can do this weekly or you can do this monthly i prefer to do it weekly i do it every single sunday night where you actually go and you ask yourself like how did i do this week in accordance to the action steps that i have committed to taking over this six months and if i haven't done so well or even if i have done well how can i do better next week what do i have to change remember how in the beginning i said it's all about experimenting and recalibration and that it's not going to look like what you think it's going to look like it's not going to look perfect you are going to mess up i promise you just as much as i promise you that if you stick to it you'll make it happen messing up is a part of the process but in order to recalibrate correctly you need to have a process of checking in so whether that's every single week or like i said every single month for me i prefer weekly to actually check in if i haven't been doing that well that's fine but i've still got plenty of time i've still got plenty of time what can i do to make next week better what can i do to make tomorrow better it's all about just accepting whatever's happened happen it is what it is and then asking yourself how can i actually get better moving forward talking about moving forward the sixth point that i have is you've got to connect with the vision every single day it's too easy to just let the day slip away hands up in the comments if you feel like your life is slipping away because i felt like that for such a long time day after day would roll into week after week into month after month and it's like without the intention of who i actually wanted to be and how i wanted to live my life it just felt like there were a lot of days and they all kind of meshed into one especially after 2020 so in order to stay focused to be able to actually change your life have some type of practice to connect with your vision every single day for me it's as simple as going on pinterest i have a vibey life pinterest board which i will link down below and i pin things to this board every single day why because it helps me to connect with the changes that i desire to make for my life it helps me to connect with who i want to be and how i want it to look it doesn't exactly look like that but it inspires me it motivates me it gets me into action so maybe for you it's pinterest writing down your goals visualization that doesn't really work for me i don't have a great imagination i don't think so anyway maybe i do i don't know whatever pinterest works for me there's so many ways that you can visualize your goals get connected visually to your goals but do it every single day it can take you two minutes but make sure you do it every day this is something that is going to be ongoing if you would like to be a part of this challenge please make sure you are subscribed to this channel please make sure you go check out rachel but specifically where most of it is going to be happening is of course over on instagram if you want like the daily updates for how i'm personally going in this pursuit of changing my own life as well as all the community things that rachel and i are going to do please do come follow me over on instagram and of course we'll leave rachel's linked below as well i will leave the bundle linked below as well i'm so honored that i'm being sponsored by the aaron may henry company what a dream just what a dream that's when you know you made it you know when you get sponsored by your favorite company but honestly this bundle is going to change your life it's such a powerful one we've got hundreds and hundreds of students in these programs and they absolutely love them so if you just want that little bit of extra support figuring out what to do with your life getting the confidence to be able to take action and building your community specifically if you are wanting to do something online get into the bundle use the discount code that i've provided below all right this video is like the longest video i've ever made in my entire life i hope you enjoyed it i hope you're still here and if you are you are the real mvp you are the people who are dedicated and i love you for that i really do thank you so much for hanging out with me and i will see you in the next video bye [Music]
Channel: Erin May Henry
Views: 233,960
Rating: 4.8963766 out of 5
Keywords: change your life, how to change your life, change your life in six months, how to achieve your goals, how to be dedicated, how to change your life in 6 months, how to get focused, inspirational video, work on yourself for 6 months, motivational video, personal development, how to achieve your most ambitious goals, work on yourself
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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