productivity: organize your phone to work for you, not against you ☎️ what’s on my iphone 2021

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Hello sweetest potatoes, with all of us collectively spending more and more time in front of illuminated screens of all shapes and sizes I wanted to share an updated what's on my iPhone as I recently upgraded to the 12 pro max as well as how I use my dear phone to work for me and not against me. While I was researching for this video my boyfriend sent me this brilliant article by coach Tony from Better Humans my biggest takeaway from this article is that you are the boss and your phone is your tool to be fair I many, many, many, many, many thoughts on this, but that'll be a video for another time growing up in an era of tech innovation, from clunky Nokia phones that had the best game ever to razor thin flip phones to sidekicks that had the solo flip screen and keyboard I think everything happens so quickly that I never truly question or thought about my relationship with my phone I was struggling to make sense of it for the longest time until I started thinking about it from the perspective of first principles Starting screen recording in 3..2..1.. bing Before we start flipping through all the screens and talking about all the apps I want to share two of the creme de le cremest of features I use to help me be the boss and my phone my tool since we already talked about do not disturb in my previous video I'll just go over it very quickly, its this moon icon in your control centre that stops any and all notifications texts, phone calls, anything from notifying you, unless you go into settings and change whether you want to allow calls from favorites, everyone, or no one you can also allow repeated calls, so if someone calls you twice it will be able to come through so the purpose of this and why I find it so helpful is that when you want to focus on whatever it is you are doing when you want to concentrate, when you want to do deep work without being distracted by your phone this is a great feature to use even though looking over to your phone to see the notification will only take 2 seconds studies have shown that it will actually take 23 minutes and 15 seconds to be exactly precise, I will leave the study down below, to be able to refocus back onto the task we were doing. So if we care about productivity, if we care about being present if we care about doing good work then we should be distraction free for as long as we can, so this is why I cherish the do not disturb mode next is turning off post notifications, I find this is one of the most impactful things to do, similar to do not disturb it works on the same principals of limiting distractions, limiting notifications that are trying to grab your attention the whole point is to be in control when you want to check your phone vs. your phone checking in on you and distracting you, making you feel like you are missing out on a bunch of stuff there are only two groups of apps that I will allow notifications for the first one is messaging so anything that is in this folder or or any of my text messages, I dont use texting as a leisure catching up with friends thing I really prefer doing that in person, pre 2020 now I prefer phone, zoom or facetime-ing I don't really text my friends for fun and thats the point I am trying to get, not a lot of people are trying to find me, so if they are looking for me or messaging me on one of these apps I want to be sure I will see it so that is why it is on The second group of apps is anything, Lyft Uber, Doordash type apps that I am expecting notifications Moving on to apps that I use as well as how I organize my phone If you guys remember from my previous videos, my first screen was for utilities, the second screen for productivity the third screen for social media and entertainment I find that if you have a home for all of your apps just like you have a home for all of your items in your apartment, you know where to go so that you can easily find it, so that it takes time away from you looking for it all that to say, be ruthless with what you allow on your home screen or any screen for that matter, now that its easy to search for apps by swiping down on your screen, you don't need every single app taking up precious real estate on your phone, its the same principal as decluttering your space to decluttering your mind, is that your home screen is a reflection of what is going on in here Starting with the weather app, I love how the weather app changes depending on what the weather is actually like outside, so when it is gray and dark outside, the little square will be nice and dark, when it is sunny outside it'll be this vibrant, beautiful, blue color another thing is that I removed my google calendar app from the bottom bar and turned it into a widget so I can easily access it I added a Notion card so I can easily access my "Team Potato Tasks" I love my team potato, you guys are the best Aside from that, I change my gmail to Superhuman, which is a paid app that is a lot more expensive compared to a free app, but I would say getting Superhuman has been one of the more life changing things in 2020, its helped me hit inbox zero on a weekly basis vs. before it would be like one thousand, two thousand, three thousand unread emails. So regardless if you're using Superhuman, gmail or any emailing app out there, get into the habit of unsubscribing from things you don't imagine your zone is a sacred space, you only want things to come in that you'd want to come in, its the same thing as turning off all notifications you want to unsubscribe or turn of all notifications to as many newsletters, as many brands, as many marketing promotions as you can, to only allow things that you really, really want For the most part, every app on this screen is very standard. You have safari and chrome I'm still trying to figure out how I am using both I mostly use chrome on desktop and I use safari on this phone and I love that safari has this function where you can show reader view, it basically strips everything away from the article except the text and some of the photos, and I love that you can change it to the standard white view, a more sepia view this is grey and this is black, again going back to not being distracted, this is a great way to not be distracted when you are surfing the web nested in here is all the travel, food related apps that I have and within notion this is actually a system I set up with my team that I have yet to talk about in any one of my previous Notion videos I will link both of those down below just so you guys can get a feel of what this app is its is powerful and it is amazing So moving onto the second screen for productivity This is one of my favorite widgets being able to turn reminders that turns this little list, that shows up on your screen is so so so clutch, so for this I wanted something I could look at on a daily basis, to remind me of the 3 things that are most important to me and over time I'll go through and change depending on what season I am in depending on what I am working on Currently, the first thing is to read more the second thing is make time for what is essential the third thing is regularity, orderly and discipline this is something I read in turning pro you can very easily change it, you can easily edit it, you can easily add to it and then it updates it to 4 things you can also customize the color that you want it to be, I've found that purple just looks the best with the current background that I have, but it really is up to you Moving on, most of these apps are the same productivity wise, I just think this works the best heres all the messaging apps, YouTube studio Notion, Trello, the only reason I have Trello (its far inferior to Notion by the way) is for Beauty Within, we use it for some of our contracts so its there, onto Vibely for those potates that are already on the app I love you guys <3 Basically what this app is, we created an online community together where we can share our dreams, our goals our inspirations, our fears secrets, anything we want as well as do challenges together and help keep each other accountable for our goals what we set out to do in our "How to Un-Potato" challenge and if you have any ideas, please leave them down below and I'll also include a link for a feedback survey on Vibely, on my YouTube channel, on the "How to Un-Potato" challenge I would love it if you guys could give me your honest feedback on ways that I could improve make this experience, this channel and these videos more helpful to you guys. Next we Skillshare, Kindle and Audible I've considered these apps replacement habits or replacement triggers or replacement apps to something like Instagram These days when I have 5-10 minutes to kill instead of going on Instagram, and distracting myself and loosing myself I'll open Skillshare and watch 5-10 minutes of a video or read a book for 5-10 minutes on Kindle which more often than not, those 5-10 minutes that you think you're going to spend on something like Instagram where you think you're going to spend on anything turns out to be a lot longer, and if I am going to spend my time that way and loose myself in something I would rather loose myself in learning rather than on Instagram Now moving onto the very last page of social media and entertainment. Same as last time, the only two social media apps I use Instagram and YouTube. Almost everything is the same. I moved music used to be on the front page I moved it to the last page it's not even something that should be here I rarely use it and if I do I can just quickly open Spotify but to fill up the row, I just put it there To quickly go over the photo editing apps I replaced Unum I think thats what its called with Preview just because Preview has a free version The app that I use to edit snow ha, the app that I use to edit snow the most the app that I use to edit my photos the most Oh god, I really don't like how filtered that is I do not look like this Ok, quick photo edit, my favorite filters are slide 3 this has a grainy, warm effect A1, SM4 R3 I never really use, but I do kinda like how it's a blue, pinky tint So that is the photography app I use the most and that's basically it, the main reason why I don't have gaming apps or just other fun things I do really want to keep this as I am boss, you are tool and if I want to distract myself with things distract it with more meaningful things like calling a friend, or reading a book on Kindle going outside for a walk, instead of endlessly scrolling on Instagram and shopping online for the thousandth time and putting a bunch of things in my cart, but never checking out to be fair I believe there is a time and place for that and its totally okay to do that every once in awhile but the frequency in which you do things, and I think you know yourself best, and I know myself best the frequency that I do that -- I may have some problems but, to end on a brighter note what matters most is that it should be a conscious choice of me choosing to do that me choosing to loose myself on Instagram me choosing to do all this shopping, because time spent doing that is time I could've spent doing other things and if I'm doing it, I want to make sure that I am being conscious about it just like I've been trying to replace my habit of going on Instagram to going on Skillshare or reading books on Kindle instead and with that, thank you so much to Skillshare for sponsoring this video if you want to join me in spending your found time and down time more efficiently and more responsibly Skillshare is my favorite online community with thousands of inspiring classes from lifestyle productivity, entrepreneurship and art. The two classes I have been loving are: Find Your Style: Five Exercises to Unlock Your Creative Identity by Andy J. Pizza I love his quirkiness and how he reflects it in his designs and the lessons he creates There is also: Simple Productivity: How to Accomplish More With Less by none other than Greg McKewon himself the author of Essentialism for the past few months being as wild as it is no matter what 2021 brings, you can spend it creating something meaningful because time is what we make of it All that to say, if you'd like to take any of these classes with me, the first 1000 people to click on the link in the description will get a free trial of premium membership so you can explore your creativity and with that, thank you so much for joining as always I haven't sat down and filmed in awhile I started when the sun was out and now the sun is gone isn't this just the cutest thing Fel actually got this for me for my birthday its a little potato that could sit on a couch but it's just sitting on my shelf its quite bright okay hug hug grateful for you all
Channel: Rowena Tsai
Views: 772,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self care, self love, productivity, rowenatsai, wellness, how to get your life together, self care routine, pamper routine, sunday routine, productive potato
Id: q1f3gphuUmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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