How I make viral thumbnails with AI (NOT) Photoshop

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guys if you want a higher CTR rate for your videos if you want people clicking on your videos and getting more views you have to start with the thumbnail okay you got to make sure you have a great thumbnail so I'm just going to go ahead and put this prompt in now I'm using Microsoft Bing to create these images so all you have to do is do a Google search for Bing image Creator and you can get it too it's completely for free or you could download Microsoft Edge and you could just do it that way and go on to the co-pilot and use the co-pilot so I'm just going to put this prompt in and I'll put the prompt in the description below in this video I'm just going to pretty much recreate the thumbnail that I use for this video just to show you guys step by step how I normally do this and I create these thumbnails with AI now I like to use a person's face and I like to make it evoke some sort of emotion okay and that way our brain is going to stop and think we're going to look at that and figure out why is this person smiling why is this person mad or angry why is this person upset that's that's why so many thumbnails are set up that way you'll see a you'll see a big closeup picture of somebody on one hand of the image and the other side you'll see some text or you'll see maybe a screenshot of something okay because when you see somebody's face like this here you're automatically going to try and figure out what what's going on why is this person so happy you know that's our that's how our brain works okay so try and evoke some emotion with your thumbnails and you'll see that you're going to get a higher click-through rate all right so that's how you don't have to use your face you could use anybody's face okay that's why I use AI you don't have to use your face okay you could just generate these images with AI so once you get a picture that you like like this one's a pretty good one right here okay so I would just download this image right here all right so I'mma download that now I'm going to show you what I'm going to do next now as you can see this is just a square image and that's the image aspect ratio that we get from the Bing image Creator so we need need to make this like a widescreen image that way we can add our text and that way it could be perfect for a thumbnail we could add maybe something else over on the other side so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go over to this website it's called clip drop okay so when I head over here I'm just going to scroll down and I'm going to find this tool called uncrop and I'm going to click on here and I'm going to upload that picture that I just downloaded from Bing and all right guys I'm sorry about that my screen recorder just stopped working I'm not sure what happened but anyways I went to this tool right here and I clicked on uncrop and clip drop so I clicked on that and I just expanded my image you just upload your image and you choose the new aspect ratio that you want okay so you're going to make it a WID screen image and once you do that now you're going to come over to canva all right and we're going to click up here where it says create a design and you're just going to go down to YouTube thumbnail okay guys so once you've clicked on uh YouTube thumbnail just make sure make sure you click on here on upload file and bring in that image that we just got from the uncropped tool okay now as you can see we now have the image as a widescreen image don't worry if it's going to create some weird things this is the AI creating a wider image so a lot of times it adds in some weird stuff as you can see there's like some hands over here with fingernails and there's like a phone over here I'm going to show you how to take care of all that stuff right now the main important thing is that we now have a wider image that will fit for a YouTube thumbnail okay so now let me just show you how we could take care of this stuff on the edges let's just go click on edit photo right here at the top we're going to edit this photo and we're going to click on blur right here increase the size of your brush and then I like to bring the intensity down to around like seven or so we're just going to blur this stuff out right here I like to blur out everything except for the person's face because it's going to make the person's face stand out much more and we're just going to be hit by the uh emotion in their face and the more you click it the more it's going to blur it out now we're going to do it to the other side too get rid of that phone right there and that way her face is really going to pop out and when somebody's scrolling on YouTube and they're trying to choose a video of what they want to watch they're going to see our thumbnail and they're going to say whoa what's going on here the brain that's just how our brain works you guys we're just instantly going to be drawn to it cuz we're going to see somebody face right here showing a whole bunch of emotion and our brains work that way to where we're going to want to figure out why is this person so happy what is this person pointing at you know it's just an instant attention grabber okay so that's how you do it guys you just want to generate an image if you're not going to use your own face obviously a lot of people use their own face you know but if you got like a faceless Channel and you don't want to use your face no problem go over to Bing and just create an image you know you could use my prompt like I said I'm going to put it in the description deson below so now that we blurred all these sides and maybe this is a video about like uh YouTube or growing a YouTube channel so we could just come over to the elements section and we could find like a YouTube icon or whatever come over to the elements tab just like this one we'll resize it and we'll put it over here like she's pointing to it okay and maybe curve it a little bit now another trick that I like to use is like this little glow thing that we can put behind it back on the elements just type in glow this is another little trick that you can add something to it I use this a lot and we could change this to any color that we want so if we want it to maybe glow red all right just click up here on edit photo click on see all under the filters and I go down to here and I scroll over until I find the red one and now we can make this wider and put it right on top and then click on position and just move it to the back or not to the back sorry move it backwards so that it's just like making that YouTube logo glow okay that adds a little extra touch maybe move it up just a little bit off of her finger now you want to add in some text over here on the leftand side now we can just click on text like that but what I like to do is I like to go to I like to use this other site is called text Studio because it just makes it a lot easier canva has the text feature obviously you could use the text on canva but the thing is I like they don't have a lot of options that I want to look at so I like just come over to that website called text studio and when you find a text that you like like what would be good for something for our video right now maybe this one right here and I'm going to show you it doesn't matter about the color cuz we could change all of that and then we're going to download it with a uh transparent background and we'll add it to our YouTube thumbnail the first thing you're going to do is just click on the background tab you want to remove the background cuz we don't want any background we're going to add this text to our thumbnail okay so I'm going to click on on no background all right now I just have my text click on text you know I like to keep it to like a maybe like three words and make them really big so I think Zero Subs that would that would you know catch somebody's attention so right here under the Styles you this is where you could change the color of your text we can uh click on that black part of the gradient and move this up so that it fades to White okay so that looks a little bit better click on download PNG transparent so click on that one and that's how you're going to download it guys make sure you copy this attribution link you're just going to add it to your description of your video head back over to canva now that we downloaded that we're just going to upload it over here on canva so we can add that text now like I said that step is not it's not necessary because you obviously canva has text on here but for me I just I just like that website it's easy to make really cool text and like I said I don't think canva has the greatest options when it comes to text all right so just like that we can add that in now we have some text over here we have a image like a little Element image right here and then we have our subject right in the middle with a with a very happy face and excited face and then maybe we can add some over here behind these words so just click on position and backward just like that it's just a super simple way of grabbing somebody's attention guys all right so hopefully that helps you and start making a little bit better thumbnails and that way you're going to get some more views I hope that helps you guys make sure you subscribe to the channel I appreciate it I appreciate everybody that has subscribed and I'll have more AI tools and AI methods coming at you I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: AI Webb TV
Views: 2,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney alternative, text to image ai, ai video generator, ai video editing, ai video editor, fliki, fliki ai tutorial, fliki ai, invideo, invideo tutorial, invideo text to video, invideo ai, pictory, pictory ai, pictory ai review, pictory tutorial, bard, blue willow, blue willow ai, ai art, ai art generator, free photoshop alternatives, ai thumbnail maker, ai thumbnail generator, how to make thumbnail with ai free, high ctr thumbnail, glowing thumbnail canva, aiwebbtv
Id: ZG15Pssltqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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