How I Make Macaroni Salad ***Recipe***

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hey everybody I'm going to show you how I make my macaroni salad so I'm just gonna go ahead and put you down here where you can see this is just a pot of boiling or it's almost gotten to a bowl water I put some oil in it to help keep the macaroni from sticking to each other and a pizza and I'm going to give it a stir and to pasta I'm gonna add four eggs that's a lot of light I guess you can see that but I'm just dropping those in and I'll stir this a time or two while it's boiling but I'll just be very gentle when I stir in that way it won't hurt the eggs but while that's cooking I'm gonna let it cook for 12 minutes now I'm gonna bring it over here to my bowl with some then I'm gonna put all my stuff in I hope that's a good for you okay I'm gonna start out with mayonnaise just regular mayonnaise this is the food line brand and because I'm making a lot and you don't want dry macaroni salad I'm probably gonna put about 2 cups of mayonnaise in it so that looks like a good two cups right there I think I'm going to put just a little bit more because that is a lot of pasta that's probably two and a half to three cups it's basically three fourths of this jar and today I'm gonna add some celery salt I don't like I like just to touch your celery salt but I don't care for a big huge amount so if you can see that's just a tiny bit if you like more celery something that you just go right ahead and add what you like here's my salt and pepper and I'm going to do a nice big pinch of salt and a pretty good sized pinch of pepper some chopped up green pepper and some chopped up onion and I put about twice as much onion as I do green pepper and we'll add that here is my pickle relish this is sweet pickle relish I like it better than the dill pickle relish and I'm probably gonna add about a cup of it and I'm gonna go ahead and stir this up I'm taking this to a dinner we're having at church today for Labor Day once I had that I'll stir it up I'm gonna add a little mustard but I'm not gonna add a huge amount of mustard I just want a very light yellow tint to the mixture so that's what we have there and to me that's all you need so when the pasta gets finished and the eggs are cooked I'll peel those and add it to it and and I'll show you what else that I do so I'll see you back shortly okay y'all we're gonna finish out the macaroni salad and I've drained my pasta and peeled my eggs and be sure and run cold water over your pasta once it's cooked until it's cool because if you don't it's going to absorb all your dressing that you've made and then you're gonna have like a dry not very good pasta salad so our macaroni salad so be sure and cool your macaroni here it is Emma and Draenor with my Forex that I put in and for my ex I like to uh emptied the pot that I cooked them in and then I put cold water over him until it was about half full and then I peeled my eggs underneath that cold water and they peel beautifully so I'm gonna put you down here and first thing I'm gonna do is cut up my eggs and here's how they turned out and I just cook them you know the same amount of time that I cook my macaroni and this time it was about 12 or 13 minutes and some people like it fully cooked some al dente I like mine between al dente and fully cooked for macaroni salad not real mushy but not al dente so I'm about finished cutting up the eggs and how's the weather where you're at it's a beautiful day here today really good to get out and enjoyed the day so I'm glad we're having a meal at church I'm taking this in the other recipe I made was the monkey bread and that's what I'm going to take to church today for our little gathering now I'm going to put the pasta in and I'm gonna stir it up and that should have got a different thing to stir this up with it's kind of small I like to make this pretty much ahead of time so we don't have a chance to kind of the flavors will kind of get into the macaroni so I believe that's pretty good I'm gonna get a bowl and put some in it you see sorry so we're using Thomas the Train and there it is as with any recipe this light is just terrible as with any recipe you know make it your own pick what you like in it and you know that's how you'll enjoy it but there it is and I hope you have a great day be safe and I will see you soon bye bye
Channel: Jan Creson
Views: 66,420
Rating: 4.8944764 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Editor
Id: I7Pe5Mftkgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2016
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