My Monkey Bread Recipe...

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hey everybody today we're gonna make monkey bread and it's a desert bread that we're gonna do it's real reasonably priced to make and takes just a few ingredients but it is delicious and goes a long way so we'll get started and you'll need a bump in will be the best kind of pan to use and say this is mine and I've sprayed it with Pam now I'm gonna put you down this is one cup of just plain sugar and to that I'm gonna add a you know teaspoon if I can get it open there AB sentiment if you like less cinnamon useless or if you like more use more but there's my teaspoon of cinnamon and I'm just gonna stir that up you don't want to get a huge bite of cinnamon when you eat this so be sure and get it stirred up good and then we're gonna take a 4-pack of any brand of the biscuits you want and you can use the buttermilk kind if you want to but I've already cut up three packs of these and I'm gonna cut up the fourth pack where you can Squatch and I get mine pre-cut and all ready to go and preview your oven to 350 I don't believe I tell you that then just take your scissors is the easiest way to do it and you just cut each biscuit into 1/4 so I will get that done it only takes just a few minutes to get this put together there's a little piece of the paper from the wrapping on that and we'll get this tin up and these are good for cookouts church gatherings reunions if someone has passed and you're taking food to the family or just for your own use with your family so here we have all of the biscuits cut up so I'm going to bring this back over here we're going to use this is a 2.25 bag pecan chips and I'm going to put just a little bit in the bottom of the pan and then I'm gonna take my sugar mixture and I'm gonna take about 1/4 of these biscuits and put them in there and then get them good and coated with our sugar and cinnamon you don't have to be real careful with these just get them catered good and put them in the bottom of your pan or your your back pan or if you have a tube pen that work good too and don't worry about shaking off the sugar you don't have to do that stay then you put a few more of your key cards I'm using real butter and put some chips said the real butter or slices on your biscuits between the sugar and the butter it will make a really delicious what is the word I'm looking for kind of like a glaze but it's not really a glaze but anyway I can't think of what I'm trying to call it but anyway here is your first layer then go back and put in about 1/4 more of your biscuits stir it up and they're kind of stuck together right now where I cut them and put them in that pan but the more you stir they'll come apart and then we'll get the sugar on them so you get those you put the onion okay now we're gonna put some more butter and from one layer to the next this will run down throughout each other so you don't have to make sure that every area is to then put some more nuts okay we're gonna put our lap or not our last or next last and canta biscuits and stir that up I used to take this to a place I used to work when we would have employee cookouts and being arson things and people would ask me to make them one to take home for their family so this is really good and just put that in there and some more butter all together you'll probably use the stick of butter okay and some more nuts in the end we're just gonna put the last of our biscuits in here this will make a very sweet kind of thickened juice I'm really I know that there's a special word but as y'all know my memory is really bad sometimes so I can't think of the term I'm looking for but um okay so that's I'll start up and just spread it around now you're gonna have sugar and cinnamon let say what you want to do is spread that around you don't have to use it all but you want to use a pretty good amount of it so I have just a little bit left that I'm not gonna use now I'm gonna put just a little bit of extra better on this top section since I have that extra sugar there and I'm using more than seed but you can use less if you want to the butter and then we're just gonna put the last of the nuts you still have a lot of good looks in it okay so what we're going to do now is put it in the oven 350 degrees for about a half hour we'll check it and I'll take it out I won't be able to give you a piece because it's going to church dinner today but you can see what it looks like and it just breaks apart you don't even have to use enough and cut it you just pull off pieces but anyway I'll show you when it's finished hey everybody the monkey bar it's finished and I'm going to put it on the plate for you to see but I was going to show you this is a Rubbermaid cake carrier and because this has a lot of the syrup I believe it's the word I'm looking for in it and if you don't have a big enough plate like rounded and stuff so it can keep it in there it's going to drain off and make a mess so what I'm doing is taking this Rubbermaid cake carrier and I'm just using the this is the top and this is the bottom and see the bottom has this ledge so I'm going to use that clip my cake directly down on it and that way this ledge will keep all that in there so let me see here's the cake or the bread I know that Lots not too great now I'm going to put the camera down so you can see it when I put it on the plate and I picked the bottom or the plate down and then I get a hold of the the hand I cooked it in and turn it upside down and then there's a little bit of nuts and stuff in it that I will get into the into here but it didn't make quite as much surface I thought it would but still some will drain off them into the pen but that's monkey bread and you just you know break off the pieces that you want you can slice it but it's really really delicious it reminds you a lot of cinnamon roll without icing so I hope you get a chance to make it this is I'm a really good recipe I thank y'all for watching have a great day and I'll talk to you soon bye bye
Channel: Jan Creson
Views: 37,359
Rating: 4.9345913 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Editor
Id: q2AYqXhtKak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2016
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