How I Make 200k a year w/ 6 Streams of Passive Income at 28 years old | Entrepreneur Money 2022

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all right so today i'm going to explain how i make my six figure income with no job [Music] hey you guys it's me jazz and welcome welcome back to my channel limitless level up where we elevate our lives through self-development personal finances and self-care so today i'm going to be going over basically my income so i did a video in 2020 i think was it 2020 no i did a video in 2021 wow that was literally just last year explaining how i made my money and back then i was making i can't remember the amount but i will put the number here so i was making this figure a year ago and a year later i am making at least 15 000 every single month and i'm going to explain how i was able to do that but the biggest thing that i want you guys to take away from the two figures is the fact that i actually narrowed down my income streams so i used to have eight or nine income streams and now i have six and i'm actually working on getting it even lower than that i have strongly adapted the mindset that you have to do less to get more and quality over quantity so i used to be really big on multiple streams of income and like a whole bunch of different ones but now i think that six or seven is good they say the average millionaire has like seven i think i do not have to be running around like a chicken with my head cut off i do not have to have a part-time job i do not have to have a side hustle in order to make a good living i just have to be passionate about what i am doing so i hope that this video inspires you guys to do the same so the other thing that i want you guys to take away from this is that 90 of my income is passive so i'm very very very very happy about that i have been working on building my passive income for years now and i'm finally at the place where i don't need to do anything actively if i don't want to and that is something that i'm very proud of being 28 years old so i have built up my passive income streams to where they pretty much pay all my bills and will continue to pay my bills and anything i make on top of that is really just extra so passive income basically means that you did the work one time you put it out there and it makes you money continuously over time you can build it if you keep putting out more active things but you can live off of your passive past projects ppp that's so that's a word right there you can live off your passive past projects if you put out enough past projects if that makes sense so that is the point that i have gotten at and i want to just kind of explain my six different sheets of income with you guys it has been narrowed down to six streams of income however it's still a lot of different places that i get money from i get a lot of money from different places but the categories have been narrowed down to six right and so there's no way that i would be able to keep track of all the money coming in all the money going out if i did not get organized and so i have a spreadsheet that i created and i use i've used other spreadsheets before but i decided to create one that was really designed for people with multiple sources of income and that have different spending categories i created a spreadsheet i'll go over the spreadsheet in my next video in detail but i just want you guys to know that i would not be able to keep track of the money coming in and the money going out as well as i do especially around tax time if i did not have my spreadsheet so i'm very very happy and grateful that i created that spreadsheet and that spreadsheet is available for you to download you can click the link in the description box below all right so now let's go over the six streams of income so i'm not going to be getting specific on how much money it brings me every single month because it fluctuates however the order that i'm going to go in is pretty much the same so the first thing that i'm going to list is going to be the thing that makes me the most amount of money every month on a consistent basis and the last thing on the list the sixth stream of income is going to be the thing that makes me the least amount of money every single month so it's going to go in order from what makes me the most to what makes it the least however the figures do change so every month i make at least fifteen thousand dollars but some months is sixteen some months is seventeen sometimes it's thirty sometimes it's 40 so it just depends on the month really now my first stream of income and this is the income stream that makes me the most amount of money as of now is teachable so teachable is a online platform where you can put out your course and people can buy your course and you can make money it is a great digital product to create passive income and really create wealth i don't know of any other digital product where you can have a high ticket price and like this and make a lot of money like this because people want to learn and school is not the only way to learn things now and if you have something that you can teach people if you know something that others don't know and people are willing to pay for it which trust me you'd be surprised at what people are willing to pay for because people and i said this for a while too like oh my gosh it seems like everything's online for free if you go digging keyword if you go digging and not only is there so much free stuff online but it's overwhelmingly misleading and confusing when you start really really digging and researching sometimes so people like to learn from experts in something people like to learn from people that have tried something learned from their mistakes and can teach those mistakes to others so that they don't make the same mistakes because when you are learning something on your own you are bound to do a lot of trial and error people will pay for convenience and people will pay to not have to have trial and error and so people are paying for courses okay courses is definitely the way to go i am a big advocate of courses because it pretty much changed my life and i plan on putting out more courses in the future right now i only have one course out and that one course is making me the bulk of my monthly income and nowadays i don't even really promote it it just sells itself so it's very very lucrative i'm sure you guys have seen youtube videos on e-courses and all that stuff everyone it seems like everyone has a course now but everyone has a course now for a reason because it sells it works and it could really be your ticket to wealth so yeah if you've ever thought about creating a course let this be your sign to go ahead and create that course okay and the course doesn't even have to be that much money okay my course was a hundred and eleven dollars when i released it now it's 222 dollars but i just increased the price three months ago so for the majority of my sales it was 111 it adds up okay it definitely adds up the second stream of income that generates me money every single month is google adsense which is youtube's payments so youtube is a great platform for anyone to hop on and join and start creating videos and you can get paid with google adsense on the ads that run on your videos youtube used to be the only social media platform that was paying creators to create now you have instagram paying their creators now you have tik tok paying the creators and now you can even apply for pinterest to pay you as a creator so other social media platforms are hopping on the bandwagon but that money is not even comparable to the og youtube's money okay and it will depend on your category so this video is kind of turning into like a little bit of like a tips and tricks video i didn't know i was gonna add this in there but i'm just talking so let me just talk to y'all the amount of money you make on google adsense is going to depend on the category of videos that you do i will let you guys know straight up if you make videos that has anything to do with money and personal finance that will make you the most amount of money the second category that makes you the most amount of money on youtube is health and fitness okay so it's really just going to depend on the category okay same amount of followers but the person that talks about stocks crypto or money is gonna actually make more money on their ads than the person that is doing beauty reviews and that's just the way it goes um it's not really youtube that's doing that it's advertisers so advertisers bid and they compete in some cases to be on your video so avatar's like i want to be on this video i want to be in this video and the companies that are willing to pay the most amount of money are usually companies have to do with how to make money so you'll see a lot of ads on money related videos of other people trying to sell you their course trying to get you to sign up with their brokerage you know anything that has to do with making money because it's just a psychology thing people are more likely to spend money on something that they believe is going to make them money so those ads are more in in return the creator that has talked about the money topic where the ad was playing on that video gets the benefits of that so that's just a little thing so i have noticed my income increase ever since i started talking about personal finance and honestly i didn't think that it was going to be video per video difference the way it is i thought that if i wanted to be in that personal finance category and have those ads run on my video and make more money that my whole channel would have to be branded as such because my channel for a long time was a hair channel and then i did astrology i've done a lot of things on my channel right and so i'm like i think if i want to get that type of reward for the personal finance ads then i need to like completely rebrand my channel but that's actually not the case it literally differs video to video so like this video here is about personal finance so this one will actually get me more money versus let's say another video i do is actually a just sit down chit chat get ready with me video this video will make me more money even if that video has five ten times the amount of views even if the chit chat get ready with me video has five ten times the amount of views five times the retention length this video will make me more just because of the topic just because the ads playing on it so that is something that i've noticed and of course i like that so i've definitely noticed a difference in my youtube adsense ever since i started talking about personal finance on my channel and luckily for me i love talking about personal finance so it's a win-win for me now the third stream of income is going to be trading so i do two different types of trading and it's really hard to kind of explain the amount of money that i make from it because it all depends on how much i take out for my own personal gain and a lot of times what i do is i will put money into my forex account i will build up money in my forex account and then i'll withdraw money and put it into stocks so i'm taking money from my forex account and putting into stocks i'm not spending the money that i trade with however i do consider it an income source because i could spend the money if i wanted to but i choose not to i choose to reinvest it um i do a little bit of day trading a little bit of swing trading um i do a little bit of scalping i do all different types of trading so it really just depends on the pair and the time and the news and all that stuff so i do dabble in a bunch of different types of training my course that i mentioned before is actually a forex course so you can learn all about how to trade forex currencies crypto indices gold medal all that stuff you can learn how to trade all that with my forex course and of course i will put that link down below as well so i just wanted to continue to grow in stocks and stocks are so so down right now stock market is really bad right now forex is doing good because you can make money both ways you can make money when it's buying or selling but stocks right now is terrible so i may have actually wanted to take some money out of the stocks but since it's so down i can't take money out because it'll be a loss so i gotta hold and just ride out this little recession that we're in but um that's the risk that you take when you are stock trading so that's what's going on with that and that is going to be considered my third stream of income number four my fourth stream of income is discord so discord is going to be my fourth stream of income if you don't know what discord is it is an app that is basically like a chat app and you can have a free discord you can have a paid discord i have a paid discourse this discord coincides directly with my forex students so after you finish my forex course you get invited to the discord where we can train together and you know have direct access to me and questions and answers and you know a little trading community so that is an additional fee it's an additional 11 a month and depending on the amount of people you have in your discord the amount can run up depending on how much you charge and how many you have in there you can kind of look at discord as like a patreon a lot of youtubers have patreon or you can look at it as like a paid facebook group but it's discord it's a totally different app and that serves as my fourth stream of income now my fifth stream of income is going to be affiliates now this is going to be one of those categories where yes this is the category the category is underneath the umbrella of affiliates however i am affiliated with a lot of different companies right so i am an affiliate with amazon i'm an affiliate with magic links i'm an affiliate with commission junction i'm an affiliate with pepperjam slash ascend i'm an affiliate with sheracelle i'm an affiliate with impact and i'm an affiliate with teachable i have payments coming in from all these different companies but they all go underneath affiliates now affiliate marketing you've probably heard of it's basically where you refer something and if somebody buys it through your link then you get a small percentage of the sale and there's like a cookie duration like some companies will track the user for 30 days some only seven days some as long as 90 days and as long as you're the last affiliate link that person has clicked on they can come back in that 30 day 90 day 7 day period and purchase and you'll still get a percentage of that sale so that's the nice thing about affiliate marketing is that it's super super passive and you get to talk about things that you actually enjoy and like it's not like a sponsorship these are things that i actually really like to use so it's really nice to be able to get just a little bit of kickback because at the end of the day you are marketing for the company you are being a marketer and if you have any sort of influence and if people trust you if people just like it and you are the link that is convenient to them then you get a percentage of that and that is great i'll get to my sixth stream in a second but you will notice spoiler alert the sixth stream is not sponsorships i actually make zero percent of my income from sponsorships i i did a video i think it was two or three years ago about how much i hate sponsorships and that sentiment still is true to this day i i really don't like sponsorships i did not become an entrepreneur to work for somebody else i became an entrepreneur to work for myself i did not become an entrepreneur to be taking orders and timelines and deadlines and scripts and contracts and you need to do this you need to do that like these sponsorships and my fellow influencers out there my fellow entrepreneurs my fellow social media people out there y'all know some of these sponsors they'd be bossy they'd be really really bossy and i don't like that so i you know what i could make a ton of money doing sponsorships i could um as you can see even though i am affiliated with so many different companies it's still the fifth on my list it's the fifth on my list if i did sponsorships i could make so much more money but i don't because peace over profits for me it's always been that peace over profits you can't buy my piece you just can't i've experimented in the past to see well does my piece have a price well that's a nice price let me see let's see if my piece has a price and every single time i realize it doesn't my piece doesn't have a price i really enjoy living my life of my terms on my timeline talking about what i want not having to center my video around anything that i don't want to center my video around add break and interrupt my stream of consciousness in my videos and my workflow to talk about another company i don't have to do any of that and that is very peaceful to me so um i show up here on youtube when i want to and i talk about what i want to and i do what i want to that's literally my life i do what i want that is my life and i don't plan on living it any other way so sponsorships does not align with that so that's that and last but not least the sixth stream of income well i guess you're saying last but least or last and least it is the least it makes me the least amount um and that's going to be instagram reels so i do get paid for instagram reels every month there is instagram bonus out where you can make money for the real views the real the real views the views that you get on your reels and i've noticed that over time if you continue to put out reels then they will increase your bonus however your first ones will get the most and then it'll kind of the most amount of money and then they'll kind of taper off after that and so i've experimented with this and the most i've ever made honestly you guys the most ever made on instagram rails is 250 in a month's time and that's when i had a bible video this video got over 400 000 views on instagram and it made me 250 so like i was saying before these creator funds that these other social media platforms are now introducing to us is great and i am grateful for the monetary appreciation however it does not compare to youtube's monetary appreciation like it just doesn't compare and i feel like um specifically with the month that i made 250 and i got that viral video i put out one real every single day that's not easy that's not easy especially when you're trying to be entertaining and follow a script and lip sync on time and edit and sometimes i would get outfits specifically for reels or i would drive to a location specifically for a real like you're doing a lot and it takes a lot of prep and you know to get the right reel so i was doing a lot in those 30 days trying to put out one reel a day and i feel like i kind of wasted my time i probably should have put more energy into youtube and that is just kind of what i've realized now is that like small rant at the end here if you're still here type down below still here basically what i'm saying is that i felt like maybe i was missing out on something by not being more active and on the instagram and you know seeing everybody on instagram and creating reels and all that and i've gone through my periods where i've done the real thing i've gone through my periods where i was consistent on instagram however i feel like it's a waste of my time to put that much energy into it if i don't necessarily want to because i could be putting that energy towards something that makes me more money aka any other thing on this list so that is what i've come to con the conclusion of i do not have to jump on the next best thing all right and i hope that that's a lesson to anyone out there that feels like ugh i feel like i'm missing out or i gotta get on tick-tock or i gotta go on instagram or i gotta do this you don't go go where your heart wants you to be and then go where the money is in that so for me my heart is in sharing what i know teaching that's what i'm passionate about and so because i've realized that's my passion that's what i like to do now i just have to decide what avenue i want to do that on and so then you decide okay what avenue makes me the most money to do my passion and the avenue that makes me the most money to do my passion is youtube so i am hey y'all how's it going i know i've been a little inconsistent over the last two years but i'm back and i am back because it makes sense it makes sense to be back i'm tired of chasing these other platforms which really feel like a rat race you know you're really like you're on a hamster reel and i'm going back to the basics which is youtube the og this is this is what makes the most sense for me this is also where i feel the most comfortable this is what i do best you know this is what brings me the most fruits of my labor yeah i hope that you guys got something out of this video whether it was inspiration or tips or anything leave me down some comments down below what did this list surprise you let me know what is your favorite social media platform for me it's youtube i i stay watching youtube videos i i stay on the youtube app more than i stay on the instagram app and i don't even have a tick tock so yeah i i definitely feel like youtube is home is where the hardest and for me youtube feels like home so this is where i'm going to be at i'm tired of chasing these other apps this one i'm going to be at this was my six streams of income video of 2022. i hope you guys enjoyed it if you did give it a thumbs up and i'll see you guys in my next video bye
Channel: Jazz Nicole
Views: 457,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vF_kabRUA2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2022
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