how i lived for *FREE* for an entire week

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it's the year 2024 where grocery prices are at a record high and the1 challenge feels like an unrealistic time in the past I have done many budget Challenge videos on this channel with Incredible results and you guys have been asking me to do the1b challenge again now honestly is that even possible in the year of 2024 I decided I wanted to give this a try and take it a step further I'm going to use all the things I've learned over the years as well as try to find some new tips and tricks to do my hardest budget challenge today in this video I want to see if I could go a whole week feeding myself without spending any of my own money that's right people this week my budget is0 which means this this and this chocolate cake for dinner was all free this week I tried to feed myself using every tactic I can think of without spending any of my own money will I get through this week or will I be left freezing out in the cold questioning my life decisions let's find out the first and most important step is prep that rind love that depending on how well this goes this could literally make or break this week for me so I'm going to spend the next few hours scouring the internet to find the best deals freebies activities and honestly I was surprised with the results I found some really cool stuff there's so many cool things happen in London all the time so I thought I'd try some of them this week the first thing I did was collect freebies lots of companies give you freebies when you sign up to their app and you can also get a lot of freebies around your birthday it was not my birthday but it was Jay's who kindly let me use her coupons for this video thankfully most of them were QR codes that you can scan at the till so Jay didn't even need to be present for me to use them I collected so many amazing deals it is raining it's such a beautiful day in London to be collecting lots of free stuff I am making my way around London trying to collect as much freest step as possible look at my bag right now I've got Taco Bell got Greg's little the struggle is real guys let's go fling love British weather I do oh my God guys can we just appreciate this incredible plate full of goodies this isn't all the stuff I picked up today which is wild but this is some of the stuff I picked up today for free they look so good we've got quite a selection we have a cinnamon pretzel donut got a custard fill donut which is my favorite from Gregs and a Lotus biscot Donut for Crispy Cream I have a blueberry muffin got a Subway cookie and I've never tried this before this is from Gales I have this chocolate and almond Quant I'm thinking that would be a nice breakfast situation now I need this to stretch me throughout the whole week so I'm going to try my very best not to have it all in one go but trust me I could and now you're probably think why didn't I just pick it up throughout the week so it's fresh the main reason I didn't do that is because I just feel like that's not a good way to live my week is just to constantly be out getting free stuff cuz then day I still have to like live a normal life right and do work and stuff so I thought if I just pick it all up in one go that's time efficient and I was thinking maybe I feel good thanks for asking the way my heart just jumped out of my chest right now is someone listening to me I didn't even say Hey Siri oh my God technology scares me I didn't even say anything to Siri then but Siri just went off this one I might have straight away cuz it just looks incredible this is a custard dut from Greg's one of my favorites so good I still have other treats that I need to pick up throughout the week and those are the ones I have fresh so it be like an extra treat so I Googled it and turns out a lot of this stuff freezes really well which is great and I have I don't know why I have them but I have some freezer bags so I think I'm going to freeze the pretzel hly you can freeze pretzels for like up to 2 months that is insane the next thing I'm going to try and freeze is the pastry I really hope freezing this stuff doesn't affect the flavor because I really want to enjoy this pastry and if it tastes horrible after I Frozen it I'm going to be so sad so I'm going to wrap it in foil and we shall check in on this in a few days and the next thing I'm going to freeze is I can open it the blueberry muffin I have seen Tik Tok videos where people freeze their wedding cake and try a whole year later and they always say things like oh it tastes really good so I'm feeling a bit more confident about this one I feel like the muffin should be okay so these are my frozen experiments this week I'm going to now put them in the freezer and we shall check in on these in a few days I think they'll be fine to make extra money this week and to cover my travel cost I'm taking up dog walking meet Stitch who I will be walking all of this week I found a coupon for free dog food and since I'm dog walking this week I thought it could be a good thing to get for the dog and it's just arrived and it's a lot bigger than I thought oh my goodness this is such a big bag what I didn't pay a single penny for this oh my God it's got Stitch's name on it that is such a good find not only am I hoping to eat POI this week so we'll Stitch so this is Stitch's dindons so I'm just going to give some here yeah good girl I don't know if she likes it look Stitch okay I think it's working I think we're bonding guys this bag of food really came through for me she really likes the food I don't know if she's as Keen to go walking as she is with eating but come on now come on now H okay oh no I don't think she wants to go walking let's go yeah good girl she looks more but she is a leading demanding queen look at her girl it became apparent very quick the Stitch had a mind of her own it's going to be a long week oh no I have no control today's dinner is courtesy of Chopsticks now this one I think is one of the better deals one of the birthday freebies you can get is a whole box from Chopsticks you get to choose like the main base so noodles or rice or even both and one side I went for the noodles with katsu curry and you get like a whole portion of chicken so much protein for free which is insane look at all that and it doesn't stop there people this is the gift that just keeps on giving because when you sign up so this isn't a birthday thing this is just like anyone can do at any time they give you five mini spring rolls I love these I could eat a whole bag of these mini spring rolls for my dinner I'm going to put two in my meal today and I'm going to save the rest for another day I think I'm going to freeze these as well the mouse Stu I've frozen this week is insane I'm just going to microwave this up all of that is free insane it's hot that looks so good M oh really nice I'm also really hungry so anything's going to taste nice at this point that's really really nice I think this might be one of the better meals I have this week I've done a lot of free birthday videos in the past but I've never done this one cuz I didn't know this was a thing I feel like I've learned so many new freebies in this video it's such a good deal so good and you get free spring rolls continuing on with the theme of finding new freebies we have come to one of my favorite bakeries oen Stein or at least I think that's how you pronounce it ooh some free samples don't mind if I do and I also got a free free Danish Pastry today I'm going to spend my whole day eating out breakfast and dinner all free so the first one I found is all and Stein for your birthday you get a free dessert and if you sign up you get 400 points which you can choose what different things you want as a pastry or drink so I've got myself a hot chocolate and for breakfast I have a raspberry and almond pastry M oh this is really nice wow this is like one of the nicest patries I've had this is so nice it's so flaky and the raspberries like hand so it's not like too sweet this is a really nice spot to just have a drink and people watch after breakfast I went for a little stroll around London found some more samples at wited tea they had some interesting options for dinner I went to maragam udon this was such a good find if you download the app you can get free noodles up to the price of £55.95 I got a BK one and you can get Free Toppings here there's so many options and choice I basically pretty much added everything and it came out so tasty honestly I actually preferred this to the other options you can buy and I was so full by the end of it it was so cool to eat out so well at a restaurant without spending anything Today's Breakfast is the Frozen pretzel I brought it out of the freezer and I'm going to air fry it I don't think I need to air fry for too long great that's just beautiful that is breakfast is served let's see what the quality is like after you've frozen and air fried it m oh that is nice that literally tastes like Christmas in your mouth even though we're coming into spring now it's giving like posy Vibes honestly you can't even tell that was frozen the quality is so good I approve of freezing the pretzels I'm feeling a lot more positive about my other Frozen Goods now at this point I was starting to get worried about running out of free food options so it's time to start thinking about ways to make extra money without spending any money I've done a bit of spring cleaning I don't think I can survive this week on just free food alone so I was thinking if I want to stay within the rules of everything I could consume this week to be free then maybe a way around that is how can I make money without spending money and I thought a really good way of doing that is by selling stuff so basically I've gone through my entire flat and found random things that I could potentially sell I'm hoping someone out there wants this stuff so these are all the things that I am hoping to sell online so I'm thinking my best approach is Facebook Marketplace this is mostly my camping gear I have a lot of camping stuff I have a hand mixer I feel like this could go for I mean at least 5 quid so I lost the whis that came with this box so that knocked the price down to £5 at this point I was struggling and leaned into my best sales tactic desperation I was using any persuasive techniques I had basically begging people to buy my stuff and listen it worked I got responses guys I cannot tell you how exciting this was now I just have to get over the anxiety of actually having to meet up with strangers in the meantime I had to fulfill my dog walking duties come on come on now as you can see we were getting on great good girl no no come on now Stitch come on now let's go it's a work in progress yeah good girl guys this deal is crazy Asda currently offering free breakfast there's literally no catch you can get free Quaker Oats porridge and a hot drink for free it's open to everyone you don't need to buy anything and the best part is for every offer that's redeemed Quaker will donate a box of porridge to fish it you really can't go wrong with this one and it tasted so good Midway through the week and the challenge was really hitting me I was was grateful for all the food I was starting to feel really tired and lethargic and I think that was because of my diet I haven't really had much fruit and veg this week and it's mostly been all sugar and now was starting to have a KnockOn effect on my energy levels don't mind me just eating chocolate cake for dinner oh that's so nice that was really nice today's dinner is a birthday cake it's not even my birthday cue the Nick Jonas meme sometimes you just got to order a birthday cake for no reason I am eating a birthday cake and it's not even my birthday cuz I'm wild like that this one I was really surprised by it because if it's your birthday Lola's cupcakes literally gives you a 5 in birthday cake for free when I found out about this deal I was like this is insane the only stipulation is you have to sign up a month before your birthday isn't that crazy and you know what's even more crazy I didn't know about this until I started prepping for this video so last year for my birthday I literally bought a 5 in birday cake from Lola's cupcake and if I had known about this deal I literally could have got that cake for free which is while but because it's a whole B cake I decided to freeze some for later and save the rest for Jay this is the chocolate and almond pastry from gails and it looks so good another great sign up bonus is gails where you can get a free hot drink it is such a nice day today I'm on my hot girl walk and I just got myself a free drink from GS I went for the hot chocolate cuz I don't drink coffee and this is such a nice hot chocolate I think the hot chocolate from girls might be my favorite hot chocolate and I'm get my steps in look at me girl honestly the sun makes such a big difference in my mood is crazy and Stitch was really enjoying the hot girl walk too I can feel it's really starting to bond come on Stitch good dock let's go I found so many great free activities this week I didn't realize how much free stuff was available in London you can go free ice skating on your birthday and get a free meal I went to a movie night and a sip and pain look at this great spread of food and boy did I st up on the fruit and got to paint which is like one of my favorite activities whil meeting new lovely people it was an opportunity to have fun learn make friends and eat such a good find I loved the Sip and pain event it was so much fun and I'm really glad that I did go the main reason I went was for this video to show you guys what kind of options are out there and I had no idea what to expect but I am so glad I went because it was so much fun and it was like a kind of activity that I would naturally want to do but if you are interested in events like that I'll leave all the events that I went to in the description box I genuinely had such a lovely time I know for this video I was trying to show you like oh it's free food but like it was so much more than that it just shows even on a budget you can still have community and socialize and make friends and do cool fun activities this is just proof that you should just put yourself out there cuz you'll never know unless you do it I am back home and I got myself an entire burrito this is one of my favorite Birthday Deals I love bar burito thank you Jay for letting me use your birthday preview I'm so grateful also Jay said that I should us this disclaimer that she's completely happy with me using her birthday prees and actually she wouldn't have even used a lot of them so it would have gone to waste and also to say that I did do things for her birthday also another good thing about these birthday offers which I didn't know originally is that you don't have to get them on your actual birthday there's like different expiry dates for every offer sometimes they last for a week a month so that's why I'm able to do this challenge because I didn't actually have to do it on that one day so if you are looking at all these deals and thinking oh I might not have time to pick pick them up on my actual birthday it's okay because many of these deals last for like a whole month oh my God that's so good spicy one of the main reasons I make these kind of videos is to show you guys what's out there and what's possible but it also surprises me every single time this makes me so happy this is my go-to order we have tomato rice beans lots of chili got lettuce jalapeno spicy salsa just like all the good stuff and it's like so nourishing and like so th that's a generous freebie right there I mean just look at that I will say though one thing that I've noticed is how tired I am this week and I think a lot of it is because of the amount of sugar I've been having this week and I feel like that's had like a knock on effect so that's not great I need to do something about that over the week Stitch started to warm up to me and I was enjoying the walks even if it did mean picking up dog poo stting to question my life choices right now okay I think she's warming up to me guys look at us go we going let's go yeah I think she likes me now when I was searching for free stuff I came across this incredible place called nourish Hub where they provide free breakfast every second and fourth Friday anyone and everyone was welcome and the staff was so friendly it was a great place to build community as well as eat great food they had M&S bread interesting jams cereal and so much more good it's such a nice open face it feels really calm and lovely it's quite wholesome and they have like an interested selection of food I have picked up fruit toast I've got chocolate chia pudding so I'm interested to try that and I've also got toast with pandan and I made myself some questionable tea I really like it I'm going to try the chocolate chia [Music] seed can't really taste a chocolate that much I think there's a texture that Str me but Che seed is really good for you so I'm going to eat it but um it's got like a real jelly kind of texture good I like this we're back to my safe Zone just a really nice friendly Vibe and they have like plants there they have like a book section this is a really nice option if you want to have free breakfast you can I think the whole point of this is to meet people within the community and interact with people they even do community lunch so it's not just breakfast they do quite a few few things and you can volunteer and you can learn how to cook really great it's called nourish Hub really cool they had pandan spread I've never tried pandan spread before but it was all the rave last summer M that's so sweet but not too sweet bicy tastes a bit like kyos or like pineapple jam for dinner I was trying the crunchy taco which I've never had before I actually don't eat Taco Bell that much so this was nice I'm going to put in the air fryer I don't know if it's a crunchy taco anymore M that is nice I don't know what I was expecting but that's really nice you know I never get a Taco Bell I don't know why I feel like T isn't as popular in the UK as it is in America but it's not bad I like it back to the mixer turns out setting up a time and date to meet people was quite the struggle I agreed on a time and place to meet only for them to not turn up sad times but after a a couple of failed attempts it was finally happening I was so exhausted by this point that this felt like the biggest moment of my life look at that smile on my face you think I won the lottery cuz that's literally how I felt in the moment I've never sold anything on Facebook Marketplace before so was kind of nervous she was happy and more importantly I got my money a whole £5 baby all was good in the world little veg box here I come baby I haven't eaten so much processed food this week so I'm so excited to finally have some Choice over the food I put in my body I have come to Li super early the store hasn't even officially opened yet it's just open for browsing cuz I want to get the wony veg box and apparently in this store they bring it out like first in the morning so I'm like a keen Bean because I need that wonky veg box I am going to get myself oats I don't really enjoy oats if I'm honest with you but it's cheap this whole bag is like 90p and I have chocolate at home so I was thinking I can like melt the chocolate into this and then I also got some rice which could go well with some of the vegetables and here she is this is is my wonky veg box and there's a lot of good stuff in this one we've got an OB jeene which has seen better days we've got some plums peppers a lot of lettuce I'm not really sure what to do with the lettuce but I'll figure it out satsumas potatoes that's great onions apples and I've got some cherry tomatoes I am really happy with that I can do a lot with this so I don't think I realized that I had tomatoes in it because I also bought tin Tomatoes I think the plan is to make a big pot of vegetable curry I'm going to try and use as much of the vegetables as possible and then I can meal prep that I also bought rice and I'm happy to just to eat that on repeat the reason why I'm happy to do that on repeat is because I am so grateful for this fine found a coupon from Simply cook which gives you free spices you get to search through the website and pick the spices you want and now I'm going to see what they look like honestly when you're working on a budget spices is like the most important thing ever oh my god oh wow these are my spice kits that look so good and this was all completely free I'll leave a link in the description box if you guys want to try this out this isn't like sponsored or anything like that but it is a good find these are the ones I chose so they give you three different pots and you get like garlic paste and the spices so cute you get three different pots so I have all of this and I have all these spices to play around with and I've got a lot of rice and I'm thinking if I make like lots of curries I can freeze them I am so happy to smell like fresh fruit and veg this is what I've been missing this whole week getting that vitamins in baby first thing to do is make the rice before you all come for me in the comments yes I wash my rice and this rice is incredibly starchy is that the word for it I saw this hack on Tik Tok and I can finally ooh try it out basically a quick way of cutting all the cherry tomatoes in one go you go press down and then you can basically cut oh this is not going well guys hopefully if all goes well you should be able to cut all the cherry tomatoes in one go they made it look a lot easier in the Tik Tok oh wow half of them have been cut half of them haven't then I chopped up pepper oine I have no idea how to cut an oine I'm going a bit Rogue on this one onion and potatoes the rice is done guys oh my God I have made rice in this rice cooker for years and I have never seen rice come out with this kind of consistency this feels like one big sludge but we got to work with what we got then I added in the potatoes onion and pot gave it a quick mix and it was looking great then I went in with the tomatoes oine and different spice pots I'm so excited to have different flavored meal options then for my very sty rice it literally wouldn't come off the spoon that smells incredible and just like that I had in enough food meal prep for the next few days the rice is so study I don't really know what this is because I just put a bunch of Veggie together with that Balan Balan I don't know how to pronounce that the spicy so this is very much an experiment it does smell really good wo those spices came through that is so good tastes like Thai food when you have these kind of spices I think it doesn't really matter what you put in it cuz the spice is going to dominate they taste so good this is what my body has been craving all week for breakfast I am making porridge or oatmeal I don't know what the difference is to be honest got some hot water here now this on its own has no flavor what to ever so I'm going to make up for it with toppings you can get a whole box of lint chocolate for free on your birthday do need to go specifically to the lint store for it but you can get a whole box of lint chocolate I also picked up some chocolate from hotel chakola and I have these plums from my wonky veg box so basically what I'm going to do is put all of that in my oatmeal and then that will make my oatmeal tastes more sweet chocolatey and fruity and we basically go from a really Bland tasteless oatmeal to hopefully a really delicious one without spending any extra money I really hope this works out well otherwise I'm wasting tting like such a good chocolate I'm going to cut these into like little shavings I'll probably use like a quarter of this and then sprinkle down top and then add in some fruit pieces here we have the oatmeal this is a consistency that I like it we have all this beautiful lint chocolate just going to pour that on top and then mix all in so it turns into like chocolatey oatmeal mix it all up so now it's going to tastes sweet going to add in some fruit and then I'm going to top it off with the chocolate shaving it doesn't look cute but it smells incredible we've gone from a very basic breakfast to a very indulgent one I am so curious to try this oh my God that raspberry chocolate is incredible holy smok that's so good I was really nervous about wasting really good chocolate but this is such a good way to use a chocolate to make a very plain breakfast from zero to like 100 overall I would say this week has been interesting and long I think it is better when there's like leftover oh my God there's this whole thing about leftover rice syndrome and it kind of freaks me out but like I've always eaten left over rice my whole life and I've been fine I'm EA it right now and I hope I'm fine the spices really came through for me this week the main reason I did this challenge was because I was curious to see how it would go in 2024 because so much has changed since I first started doing these videos I was really surprised by the results I think it went better than I was expecting I definitely learned a lot this time around this one was a big learning curve but I'm glad that I did it and I put myself out there and tried new things I think my favorite thing was the free activities I feel like we're very fortunate in London cuz there's so many cool free activities here and like it was just really fun I got to meet people and socialize and it was just nice to have that breather and have that fun whilst also being on a budget let me know your thoughts and what you would do differently I'm sure you would do a much better job than I did this week and if you have any tips please leave them in the comments section below because I know these kind of videos help people a lot I am very aware as much as I'm saying this is a challenge video and this video is for entertainment purposes and I am putting myself in like silly situations I also wanted to put things in this video that were super helpful for people like showing you that there are places you can go to for Community free food all the cool freebies you can get and how to use that to work in your meal plan because I know it's a strange time right now and a lot of people are struggling and I wanted to create light-hearted fun content for you guys but also do something that potentially could help people and be educational and every time I make these videos you guys come through with such great advice way better advice than I could ever give and it helps people a lot and I love seeing that sense of community in the comment section it makes me so happy that you guys are helping each other out I will try my best to remember to put all the links that I use in this video in the description box if you want to try them out face off sending you guys all my love as always I love you lots please know they matter and I shall see you guys next time thanks for watching bye think it's about time for me to go in like I di like I'm last week night with the here
Channel: ClickForTaz
Views: 233,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: viral, TikTok, food, meal, cooking, challenge, dinosaur, gravy, mash, british, taz, clickfortaz, lifestyle, vlog, free, budget, week
Id: zi8U5LD5Muo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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