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[Music] I'm going to be honest with you the sound is not going to be great because empty room no Furniture bedroom Chronicles okay I just got my weave put back in when I tell people that I've been moving in 2 years and 11 months after purchasing my house I am moving in exactly on the dot 2 years 11 months it's the same it's the pity eyes like a the train has wrecked so many times for you that the train eventually lost all the wheels they disassembled the track and they let the train conductor stop working they let him retire your train is no longer running and that means your train can no longer Get Wrecked but for me personally my train no longer getting into a train wreck means that I am like currently ly in and starting the process of moving into my house you can tell this is my bedroom I have gotten really far okay enough about me how are you all [Music] doing I would call the stage we're at right now the 95% done stage and honestly I hope I stay at the 95% done stage for the rest of my life because I love having all of these boys here you know if Mike does it it's going to be Perfecto my heart is going to break into two because they have to go they have to go work on other girls' houses they have to go work on other people's houses and I have to move in to my house but this moving experience is vastly different than any of my other plethora of moving experiences because all of my stuff is all already here this is where things start to mean business this is going to be quite the task if I've ever seen one I think I think the first thing that I want to attempt is bringing see this white thing that's a piece of a couch I want to bring the piece of the couch inside to measure how many pieces of the couch that I have and if the couch will even fit where I want it to go you know like we have to space things out a little how I'm going to get this couch in here that is a question for a very smart person we going to need full access oh perfect I have this little thing I'm just going to have to move some things around okay so far so good it only felt right to have my couch be the first ever piece of furniture in my house because this couch is my pride and joy okay this couch is a world traveler she's experienced she is well versed she is a gift from Ryland and Shane which is how you know it's probably the nicest thing that I'll ever own I cherish her like my first born don't worry is there a person there is this a this one looks heavier they get heavier okay oh it's not that bad the power and the beauty in being a girl is that I could move this entire couch inside confidently and successfully all all while wearing my plat for [Music] mugs it's significantly easier when men happen to be standing [Music] there [Music] one thing that I've learned from being a Serial mover is that you truly you can truly move anything you want to you just got to put your heart and your soul and your back into it and now that I have a few clothing pieces here I can break out a new outfit multiple times a day which is great what I I am looking for is the last piece to the bed frame and what is tricky is things can literally be anywhere most the time they're hiding in plain sight but we don't always know where plain sight is if I were a bed frame where would I be okay oh my God I got it come on everyone we got it all the pieces to one bed here what things weapons are unarmed we're walking oh my gosh Lucas has been hand sawing in the be beautiful door handles all day gorgeous gorgeous look at the beautiful door handles right I am getting this couch together today it's the last thing I do with my young [Music] life you see what I was going to do is do the a lot more organized but now I realized everything that I want from inside of my barn I'm going to take inside see where it should potentially could potentially would potentially go this is so exciting it's like Christmas it's like all of my things that I've ever purchased in my life I can now see with my own two eyes you know cuz sometimes I'm like what did I spend all my money on and now I'm like oh I have the things I have things I'm going to roll roll it in with half of the wrap still on it if Taylor doesn't drop her new album I'm going to jum this thing right here has made it to four different places that I've lived and I dare I say this is its final destination welcome to my bathroom I got this super cute rug at Costco and I thought it could warm this place up this bathroom up a little bit look how cute I don't know if it's supposed to be in a bathroom but I'm putting it in the bathroom o the more years that I add on to my life the more that I realize that Costco is the place to be my aunt let me be on her membership greatest gift anyone's ever given me my best friend growing up her name was Maddie Miller and her mom always had this bench like this fluffy bench like I don't know what like an ottoman she had an ottoman in her bathroom and ever since I was in the sixth grade I was like this [ __ ] knows what's up and ever since Mama Miller had an ottoman in her bathroom I've wanted an ottoman in my bathroom so you know you see what I'm talking about friend a getting ready here friend B getting ready here you're sitting right here like wow what what am I going to wear tonight we have a standing Ru for our competition team members already feel judgment about my need to vacuum everything that comes in here but one my things were literally literally raised in a barn two you would not believe the amount of dust that you get from just one run through one okay you need someone to vacuum your furniture you know who to call look at that technique look at that Precision dust bunnies no chance of making it to Easter not around here I love a vacuum I love it oh my gosh sorry I think I forgot about you but at least I left you to watch Dance bombs sorry [Music] you can't even imagine here we brought cookie over in a pet carrier that we borrowed from Grandma so she can come see the house that I've spent 3 years building just for her see the best thing about cookie is I want cookie everyone that gets cookie at their house then wants to keep cookie at their house oh and she's never been here oh oh oh she's off I told you she's going to destroy those stair rails oh oh she says I got to go hit my room cookie what's going on oh she's on the Run cookie yeah this is our room very nice very nice mhm mhm there's another room do you want to see oh yeah give yourself a tour she's going to see every room that's the laundry room that's the other room uhhuh it's a self-guided tour okay she's not interested in this [Music] [Laughter] room I think that the house is Cookie approved what do you think what do you think hey do you like it I only spent three years doing this just for you loves is it Grandma approved yesie in action no of course I'm not the type of person that lets my cat on the island is Mom approved oh oh gosh hold on can you do that again well look at Dad we can tell that it's Dad that's great on my co exhaustion still so it feels so great just to sit here yeah he had Co last week I totally improved he survived Co two times okay don't fall oh Cookie yeah cookie go backwards oh hey you I'll fight for you first couch sit how does it feel it feels good it's a love sack baby I just think that lady you bought it from wouldn't even believe it do you think she would be happy yeah it's beautiful how who wouldn't be I think she's [Music] satisfied yeah get it girl get it get that neck scratch oh yeah Saturday night I'm convinced I'm convinced that I can build this bed by myself I don't know exactly what my plan of action is I just know that I'd love to have a bed to sleep on until I figure it out so I think that I've watched enough building in the past few years of my life that I can figure out how to do I can figure out how to do all this stuff I would love to not scratch the floor is so so freaking snowy outside that we can consider this our snow day activity okay nice my dilemma is in my collection of life things in my barn I have a queen mattress and a king mattress I have my queen bed frame that I got for my apartment because my room in my apartment I only wanted to bring the queen bed but in my real room here I would like to use my king mattress you know but I don't have a bed frame for my king mattress but I really like this this bed frame do I want a place to sleep yes so we're just going to put it together and see how that goes cuz I was getting real in my head about all these things and then I was like you know what it doesn't have to be perfect anytime soon orever so I'm just going to start using what I have and then we'll see where we we'll see where we get with that I don't have any of the instructions but I have a screw four pieces a drill and a dream we are are skilled get my feet out of there we are skilled and we are capable and we can do this just have to think a little bit I might be overly confident but this is easy peasy it's 6:01 I bet we could have this [ __ ] done by 610 we are just girls and we can do anything okay gorgeous 609 okay that went way smoother than I thought here we go oh my gosh I don't want to get my makeup all over it Oh I thought that would be easy and it was kind it wasn't hard but it definitely wasn't easy baa there is bed okay on the count of three we are back in Action this might be the most action I've ever seen I'm going to start I got overly excited and overly ambitious today and I was like I just need to get a few little things what I'm telling myself the rules of moving one there are boundaries two There Are Rules okay we are not going to go crazy nothing can enter the door until there is a place for it to go I didn't have it in me to make the lady at the store wrap all these things so I just put them all freeballing I've made the executive decision that I officially like red and I officially like brown and I don't think I've ever decorated an apartment or anywhere that I've lived with red or brown I've always gone for like the neon pink should I base my entire home decor scheme off of one candle no but but look how nice it looks in here see for this little area right here oo ooh um in the store it looked way more red and in person it's looking way more orange oh we're doing good so far first thing I bought I already hate I can't believe how nice these are actual little slabs of marble and they were only $12.99 each and I thought perhaps perhaps a bathroom perhaps a bathroom or two need some of these this one's a little darker this one's a little lighter they're like real Stone okay World Market with a real Stone same thing these little containers I was thinking with the bathroom you know you could put some cotton balls in it you could put Q-tips in it I don't use Q-tips cuz my ears are way too small and they'll give me an ear infection to make my eardrum explode but you know I'll find something see I have one at my mom and dad's house a little thing next to their sink to put your rings in when you wash your hands I thought I could get a little ring thing this is going to make me sick too but I bought this one for Lucas because look I if I was getting all these Stone things I was like look at this dark manly one okay I went to Target did you know Colorado is part of one of the states now that charges you for bags yeah that just about pissed me off I am just desperate to get some life any okay and I thought that was pretty cute maybe maybe not M isn't it crazy that when you're in the store you're having so much fun and then you get home and take all these things out and you're like I actually hate everything that I bought soap soap for each bathroom so people can officially wash their hands I thought that would be a nice a nice little feature that I could offer the crowd I'm really the hostess with the mostess you guys like I have even a towel a towel that you could wipe your hands with I got a green one I got a white one I have to tell you that I was really not smart when I moved out of my apartment in LA because I gave pretty much everything like all of these types of things bowls and dishes and measuring sticks and whatnot I just gave them all away on Facebook Marketplace and now 3 years later I have to buy all new things which is honestly fine but I got sucked into all these little stupid things look at these measuring cups with these little wood handles did I need these yes I did you know what I stand behind this one I stand behind this one oh I did not need it okay I was having way too good of a time these are little itty bitty Berry bowls they're like little mini strainers so you could wash your berries in the bowl I'm a big berry girl you think that I won't use these I'm going to I promise I'm going to oh my God and these go with the stupid measuring cups at least I'm being cohesive these little measuring sticks go with a little measuring cup you might think Morgan that was an outrageous thing to buy it was only $8.99 $8.99 tell me that wasn't worth $8.99 you can I also got the paper towel roll that matches but like I said I am just doing I'm thinking of other people I want people to be able to wash their hands and dry them and see I could use this right now I have a roll of paper towels stacked and ready to go boom that is a damn good looking roll of paper towels if I've ever seen one salt and pepper shaker I think that there's so much white going on right here that we need to warm some things up to defrost the color we got to break it up no oh shoot sorry my good loves you just fell off a cliff hope you don't have motion sickness problems back to the hall soap soap more soap everyone in the household's going to have clean little hands I was already out and about so towel for if and when I may need it another towel for if and when I may need it [Music] there is one last thing that I bought oh my God look at me I'm like Kelsey ballerini Min is the divorce just so you don't get your dirty little feet all over the place oh so cute okay I'm a single housewife of the suburbs no one and I mean no one can take away me being a single Housewife of the suburbs [Music] gorgeous we're going to liven this place up [Music] gorgeous what do I say I've said this every single year for the past 5 years that life always gets better in March every single year I see the light at the end of the train tunnel that I'm like oh thank God thank God I am an active participant in the comment section okay I know the two biggest the two biggest bones that people have to pick with me is that one I never finish anything which suck on this Popsicle Joe two people say that I move like every other day and to to that I say coming to defend myself if you're new or you just want a little refresher on why I've turned into a literal crazy mad woman over the past 2 and 1 half years I have really not moved that many times okay if we look at a map if we look at a timeline if we look at the diagram I very much have really only moved twice once I was out of my apartment into my parents house once I was out of my parents house into an apartment once I was out of my apartment back to my parents house and now it's out of my parents house too here the whole point of me getting this house 3 years ago I was like I dream of a life of in stability where I don't have to pay to park at Target in La did I know did I know no I did not but you know what the past is the past the present is the present we don't have to think about the past anymore because now we are living in the present going to the future why didn't y accept me I don't know that was profound that was Pro [ __ ] found that was about as profound as a live laugh love sign at HomeGoods but Live Your Dream Girl anyway I'm starting the process of moving in and I swear that this is the last time I'm moving ever again in my entire life so to all the hater MC skaters that hate that I move all the time this is my last one this is your last opportunity to hate on me for moving every single year because I'm never moving again like I said you're going to have to pull my cold dead 99y old body out of here I'm never moving here again so make yourselves at home everyone this is where we live now so in conclusion did I get very far in my first weekend of moving no no I did not at all this was probably the least Progressive moving video that you've ever watched however I never thought this would actually happen okay it was always just a theory in my head and a story that never felt like mine and I don't really know yet what life looks like here I know what destruction looks like here I know what chaos looks like here I know what patience looks like here I've just never actually lived a normal life here um what I do know I know that this is my first and only week that I will live here by myself I know that I'm going to miss my grandma terribly I'm about to sleep here for the first time and I'm going to miss my grandma terribly I know that I'm afraid for what happens once the chaos is over I'm taking things slow I'm embracing every moment of what feels like a dream that would never be mine and what feels like a Barbie house that is too perfect for my destruction I'm just soaking it all in okay anyway it's March and I hope that you remember message from me forever and always life always gets better in March and I love you so much okay I'll see you soon sooner than normal because maybe my life won't be so chaotic I don't know probably it will be I don't know
Channel: morgans vlogs
Views: 467,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morgan, Morgans vlogs, Morgan adams, Ryland adams, Morgan Adams vlogs, house reno, house renovation, demo, my house tour, vlogmas, shane, vlog, family competition, Ryland Shane morgan, vlogger, Morgan and trinity, weight loss transformation, fitness transformation, kitchen tour, kitchen makeover, kitchen transformation, house tour, new house tour, extreme transformation, diy house tour, new kitchen, MOVING, moving day, im moving, move with me, moving vlogs, morgan house, reno
Id: 3sy4swcnwnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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